From solmaz.ahmadi at Thu Sep 18 16:00:24 2014 From: solmaz.ahmadi at (solmaz.ahmadi) Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:30:24 +0430 Subject: [Spdep-devel] Problem in creating neighbors, area and perimeter in spatial econometrics using R Message-ID: <> Hi. I'm working on a `spatial cross section model` with `R-programming-language `. I'm running these codes which refers to `anselin data` (spatial_columbus) in `spdep` package. I found them from these links: MAIN PAGE : DATASET : library(spdep)# Loading required package: sp &Loading required package: Matrix data(Columbus) mydata<-columbus attach(mydata) y<-cbind(CRIME) x<-cbind(INC,HOVAL) xy<-cbind(mydata$X, mydata$Y) neighbors< coords<-coords summary(neighbors) When I used these codes for data (columbus) in `spdep` package, everything is fine, but when I want apply them to my data (human capital index) I'm not able to define `neighborhood` for my data . My problem is in this line `( neighbor<`.it's the neighbors list from an original `GAL-format file` and it's a pre-defined file . I don't know any codes for creating neighbors to my data and I think my data framework is different from spatial Columbus data framework (There is `AREA`, `PERIMETER`,`ID` and `POLYID` columns that I don't have these columns in my data framework). The help link for `` is here (you can open this link in R environment after above codes) MY QUESTIONS ARE: 1. How can I use `ArcGIS` to create `AREA` and `PERIMETER` to my data file? I have some counties as samples. Are any easier solution for finding these values or I should only use `ArcGIS` for this purpose? 2. Which code pack can I use to creating neighbors based on contiguity and distance in `R`? My dependent variable is `HCI `and `Y` is latitude, `X` is longitude and other variables are independent variables. My data set framework : Pre-defined framwwork : Thank you so much for your kind helps. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: