From noreply at Thu Oct 15 11:22:37 2015 From: noreply at (noreply at Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 11:22:37 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [spcopula-commits] r151 - in pkg: . vignettes vignettes/figures Message-ID: <> Author: ben_graeler Date: 2015-10-15 11:22:36 +0200 (Thu, 15 Oct 2015) New Revision: 151 Added: pkg/vignettes/ pkg/vignettes/bib_spcopula.bib pkg/vignettes/figures/ pkg/vignettes/figures/BoxPlots.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/FI00351_ts.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/PM10_EMEP_correlation.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/can_Vine.png pkg/vignettes/figures/condPredCDF.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/copula_densities.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/correlogram.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/hist_PM10.pdf pkg/vignettes/figures/st-vine.png pkg/vignettes/spcopula.Rnw Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION Log: - added vignette Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION =================================================================== --- pkg/DESCRIPTION 2015-08-18 12:48:14 UTC (rev 150) +++ pkg/DESCRIPTION 2015-10-15 09:22:36 UTC (rev 151) @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Type: Package Title: Copula Driven Spatio-Temporal Analysis Version: 0.2-1 -Date: 2015-08-18 +Date: 2015-10-15 Authors at R: c(person("Benedikt", "Graeler", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "ben.graeler at"), person("Marius", "Appel",role = "ctb")) Added: pkg/vignettes/bib_spcopula.bib =================================================================== --- pkg/vignettes/bib_spcopula.bib (rev 0) +++ pkg/vignettes/bib_spcopula.bib 2015-10-15 09:22:36 UTC (rev 151) @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +% This file was created with JabRef 2.10. +% Encoding: Cp1252 + + + at Manual{RCoreTeam2013, + Title = {\proglang{R}: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing}, + + Address = {Vienna, Austria}, + Author = {{\proglang{R} Core Team}}, + Organization = {\proglang{R} Foundation for Statistical Computing}, + Year = {2013}, + + Url = {} +} + + at Article{Aas2009, + Title = {Pair-Copula Constructions of Multiple Dependence}, + Author = {Kjersti Aas and Claudia Czado and Arnoldo Frigessi and Henrik Bakken}, + Journal = {Insurance: Mathematics and Economics}, + Year = {2009}, + Pages = {182--198}, + Volume = {44}, + + Doi = {10.1016/j.insmatheco.2007.02.001} +} + + at Article{Bardossy2011, + Title = {Interpolation of Groundwater Quality Parameters with Some Values Below the Detection Limit}, + Author = {B{\'a}rdossy, A.}, + Journal = {Hydrology and Earth System Sciences}, + Year = {2011}, + Number = {9}, + Pages = {2763--2775}, + Volume = {15}, + + Doi = {10.5194/hess-15-2763-2011} +} + + at Article{Bardossy2006, + Title = {Copula-Based Geostatistical Models for Groundwater Quality Parameters}, + Author = {Andr{\'a}s B{\'a}rdossy}, + Journal = {Water Resources Research}, + Year = {2006}, + Number = {11}, + Pages = {W11416}, + Volume = {42}, + + Doi = {10.1029/2005WR004754} +} + + at Article{Bardossy2008, + Title = {Geostatistical Interpolation Using Copulas}, + Author = {Andr{\'a}s B{\'a}rdossy and Jing Li}, + Journal = {Water Resources Research}, + Year = {2008}, + Number = {7}, + Pages = {W07412}, + Volume = {44}, + + Doi = {10.1029/2007WR006115}, + Issue = {W07412} +} + + at Article{Bardossy2009, + Title = {Copula Based Multisite Model for Daily Precipitation Simulation}, + Author = {B{\'a}rdossy, A. and Pegram, G. G. S.}, + Journal = {Hydrology and Earth System Sciences}, + Year = {2009}, + Number = {12}, + Pages = {2299--2314}, + Volume = {13}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Doi = {10.5194/hess-13-2299-2009} +} + + at Article{Bedford2002, + Title = {Vines -- a New Graphical Model for Dependent Random Variables}, + Author = {Tim Bedford and Roger M. Cooke}, + Journal = {The Annals of Statistics}, + Year = {2002}, + Number = {4}, + Pages = {1031--1068}, + Volume = {30}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Doi = {10.1214/aos/1031689016}, + Issue = {4} +} + + at Book{Cressie2011, + Title = {Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data}, + Author = {Cressie, Noel and Wikle, Christopher K}, + Publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, + Year = {2011} +} + + at Article{Czado2012, + Title = {Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mixed C-Vines with Application to Exchange Rates}, + Author = {C Czado and U Schepsmeier and A Min}, + Journal = {Statistical Modelling}, + Year = {2012}, + Number = {3}, + Pages = {229--255}, + Volume = {12}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Doi = {10.1177/1471082X1101200302} +} + + at Article{Dissmann2013, + Title = {Selecting and Estimating Regular Vine Copulae and Application to Financial Returns}, + Author = {J F Dissmann and E C Brechmann and C Czado and D Kurowicka}, + Journal = {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis}, + Year = {2013}, + Number = {1}, + Pages = {52 -- 69}, + Volume = {59}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Doi = {10.1016/j.csda.2012.08.010} +} + + at Book{EMEP2005, + Title = {Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe Status Report 4/2007.}, + Author = {EMEP}, + Publisher = {Norwegian Institute for Air Research (EMEP Report 4/2007)}, + Year = {2007}, + + Address = {Kjeller}, + + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2014.02.03}, + Url = {} +} + + at PhdThesis{Gomez-Hernandez1991, + Title = {A Stochastic Approach to the Simulation of Block Conductivity Fields Conditioned upon Data Measured at a Smaller Scale}, + Author = {G{\'o}mez-Hern{\'a}ndez, J.}, + School = {Stanford University}, + Year = {1991}, + + Address = {Stanford, CA}, + + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.05.27} +} + + at Article{Graler2014, + Title = {Modelling Skewed Spatial Random Fields Through the Spatial Vine Copula}, + Author = {Benedikt Gr{\"a}ler}, + Journal = {Spatial Statistics}, + Year = {2014}, + Note = {available online, in pess}, + + Doi = {10.1016/j.spasta.2014.01.001}, + ISSN = {2211-6753} +} + + at TechReport{Graler2012, + Title = {Spatio-Temporal Analysis and Interpolation of {PM10} Measurements in {Europe}}, + Author = {Benedikt Gr{\"a}ler and Lydia E. Gerharz and Edzer J. Pebesma}, + Institution = {ETC/ACM}, + Year = {2012}, + + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.04.17}, + Url = {} +} + + at InCollection{Graler2012a, + Title = {Modelling Dependence in Space and Time with Vine Copulas}, + Author = {Benedikt Gr\"aler and Edzer J. Pebesma}, + Booktitle = {Expanded Abstract Collection from Ninth International Geostatistics Congress, Oslo, Norway June 11 -- 15, 2012}, + Publisher = {International Geostatistics Congress}, + Year = {2012}, + + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.05.07}, + Url = {} +} + + at Book{Joe1997, + Title = {Multivariate Models and Dependence Concepts}, + Author = {H Joe}, + Publisher = {Chapman and Hall}, + Year = {1997}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.04.17} +} + + at Article{Kazianka2011, + Title = {{Bayes}ian Spatial Modeling and Interpolation Using Copulas}, + Author = {Hannes Kazianka and J?rgen Pilz}, + Journal = {Computers \& Geosciences }, + Year = {2011}, + Number = {3}, + Pages = {310--319}, + Volume = {37}, + + Doi = {10.1016/j.cageo.2010.06.005}, + ISSN = {0098-3004}, + Keywords = {Copula} +} + + at Article{Kazianka2010, + Title = {Copula-Based Geostatistical Modeling of Continuous and Discrete Data Including Covariates}, + Author = {Hannes Kazianka and J{\"u}rgen Pilz}, + Journal = {Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment}, + Year = {2010}, + Number = {5}, + Pages = {661--673}, + Volume = {24}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Doi = {10.1007/s00477-009-0353-8}, + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.04.17} +} + + at Article{Kojadinovic2010a, + Title = {Modeling Multivariate Distributions with Continuous Margins Using the {copula} {R} Package}, + Author = {Ivan Kojadinovic and Jun Yan}, + Journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, + Year = {2010}, + Number = {9}, + Pages = {1--20}, + Volume = {34}, + + Url = {} +} + + at Book{Nelsen2006, + Title = {An Introduction to Copulas}, + Author = {Roger B. Nelsen}, + Publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, + Year = {2006}, + + Address = {New York}, + Edition = {Second}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.04.17} +} + + at Article{Pebesma2012, + Title = {\pkg{spacetime}: Spatio-Temporal Data in \proglang{R}}, + Author = {Edzer Pebesma}, + Journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, + Year = {2012}, + Number = {7}, + Pages = {1--30}, + Volume = {51}, + + Url = {} +} + + at Article{Pebesma2005, + Title = {Classes and Methods for Spatial Data in \proglang{R}}, + Author = {Edzer J. Pebesma and Roger S. Bivand}, + Journal = {\proglang{R} News}, + Year = {2005}, + + Month = {November}, + Number = {2}, + Pages = {9--13}, + Volume = {5}, + + Url = {} +} + + at Manual{Schepsmeier2013, + Title = {\pkg{VineCopula}: Statistical Inference of Vine Copulas}, + Author = {Ulf Schepsmeier and Jakob Stoeber and Eike Christian Brechmann}, + Note = {\proglang{R}~package version 1.1-2}, + Year = {2013} +} + + at Article{Sklar1959, + Title = {Fonctions de r\'epartition \'a n dimensions et leurs marges}, + Author = {A. Sklar}, + Journal = {Publ. Inst. Statist. Univ. Paris}, + Year = {1959}, + Pages = {229 -- 231}, + Volume = {8}, + + __markedentry = {[b_grae02:]}, + Owner = {b_grae02}, + Timestamp = {2013.04.17} +} + + at Article{Stephenson2002, + Title = {evd: Extreme Value Distributions}, + Author = {A. G. Stephenson}, + Journal = {\proglang{R} News}, + Year = {2002}, + + Month = {June}, + Number = {2}, + Pages = {31--32}, + Volume = {2}, + + Url = {} +} + + at Article{Yan2007, + Title = {Enjoy the Joy of Copulas: With a Package \pkg{copula}}, + Author = {Jun Yan}, + Journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, + Year = {2007}, + + Month = {10}, + Number = {4}, + Pages = {1--21}, + Volume = {21}, + + Accepted = {2007-09-11}, + Bibdate = {2007-09-11}, + Coden = {JSSOBK}, + Day = {8}, + ISSN = {1548-7660}, + Submitted = {2006-12-02}, + Url = {} +} + Added: pkg/vignettes/figures/BoxPlots.pdf =================================================================== --- pkg/vignettes/figures/BoxPlots.pdf (rev 0) +++ pkg/vignettes/figures/BoxPlots.pdf 2015-10-15 09:22:36 UTC (rev 151) @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +%PDF-1.4 +%????????\r +1 0 obj +<< +/CreationDate (D:20140401090048) +/ModDate (D:20140401090048) +/Title (R Graphics Output) +/Producer (R 3.0.3) +/Creator (R) +>> +endobj +2 0 obj +<< /Type /Catalog /Pages 3 0 R >> +endobj +7 0 obj +<< /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 8 0 R /Resources 4 0 R >> +endobj +8 0 obj +<< +/Length 3256 /Filter /FlateDecode +>> +stream +x??\K?????????m???Z~?l??"::8Jb????A?~?I??Z?????Ru?c?Y?????w?_~]?8??????:?????P??6???{y??v?????|??xyr??-??/_?p +k???N??,n???-?? ????????????????5m"?[0?J??2? q.r?~??R?? 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in pkg/vignettes: . figures Message-ID: <> Author: ben_graeler Date: 2015-10-15 15:14:57 +0200 (Thu, 15 Oct 2015) New Revision: 153 Modified: pkg/vignettes/figures/copula_densities.pdf pkg/vignettes/spcopula.Rnw Log: - remove dublicate bibstyle Modified: pkg/vignettes/figures/copula_densities.pdf =================================================================== (Binary files differ) Modified: pkg/vignettes/spcopula.Rnw =================================================================== --- pkg/vignettes/spcopula.Rnw 2015-10-15 12:15:45 UTC (rev 152) +++ pkg/vignettes/spcopula.Rnw 2015-10-15 13:14:57 UTC (rev 153) @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ \usepackage{amssymb} %% \usepackage{amsthm} \usepackage{amsmath} -\usepackage{natbib} %% extra packages \usepackage{array} @@ -453,7 +452,6 @@ \section*{Acknowledgements} This research has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under project number PE 1632/4-1. -\bibliographystyle{natbib} \bibliography{bib_spcopula} \end{document} \ No newline at end of file