[spcopula-commits] r127 - in pkg: . R data demo man

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Wed Feb 19 20:33:05 CET 2014

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2014-02-19 20:32:57 +0100 (Wed, 19 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 127

- redesign of spatial and spatio-temporal bins (i.e. dropping the lagData entry)
- renaming of arguments from t.lags to tlags and slots t.res to tres

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 # fitting
-export(fitCorFun, loglikByCopulasLags, fitSpCopula, composeSpCopula)
+export(fitCorFun, loglikByCopulasLags, loglikByCopulasStLags, fitSpCopula, composeSpCopula)
 export(tailDepFun, lowerTailDepFun, upperTailDepFun)
 export(empTailDepFun, lowerEmpTailDepFun, upperEmpTailDepFun)

Modified: pkg/R/Classes.R
--- pkg/R/Classes.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/R/Classes.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@
 validStCopula <- function(object) {
-  if(length(object at t.lags) != length(object at spCopList)) return("The length of the temporal distance vector must equal the number of spatial copulas.")
+  if(length(object at tlags) != length(object at spCopList)) return("The length of the temporal distance vector must equal the number of spatial copulas.")
   return(TRUE) # validity of any spCopula in spCopList is tested by the constructor, I believe
 setClass("stCopula", representation = representation("copula", 
-                                                     t.lags="numeric",
-                                                     t.res="character"),
+                                                     tlags="numeric",
+                                                     tres="character"),
          validity = validStCopula, contains = list("copula"))

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
-fitCorFun <- function(bins, degree=3, cutoff=NA, bounds=c(0,1), 
+fitCorFun <- function(bins, degree=3, cutoff=NA, tlags, bounds=c(0,1), 
                       cor.method=NULL, weighted=FALSE){
   if(is.null(cor.method)) {
@@ -460,9 +460,10 @@
       stop("The cor.method attribute of the bins argument and the argument cor.method do not match.")
-  if(is.null(nrow(bins$lagCor)))
+  if(is.null(nrow(bins$lagCor))) # the spatial case
     return(fitCorFunSng(bins, degree, cutoff, bounds, cor.method, weighted))
+  # the spatio-temporal case
   degree <- rep(degree,length.out=nrow(bins$lagCor))
   calcKTau <- list()
   for(j in 1:nrow(bins$lagCor)) {
@@ -471,14 +472,21 @@
                                                       degree[j], cutoff, bounds, 
                                                       cor.method, weighted)
-  return(calcKTau)
+  corFun <- function(h, time, tlags=sort(tlags,decreasing=TRUE)) {
+    t <- which(tlags==time)
+    calcKTau[[time]](h)
+  }
+  attr(corFun, "tlags") <- sort(tlags, decreasing=TRUE)
+  return(corFun)
 # towards b)
 ## loglikelihoods for a dynamic spatial copula
-loglikByCopulasLags.dyn <- function(bins, families, calcCor) {
+loglikByCopulasLags.dyn <- function(bins, lagData, families, calcCor) {
   moa <- switch(calcCor(NULL),
                 kendall=function(copula, h) iTau(copula, calcCor(h)),
                 spearman=function(copula, h) iRho(copula, calcCor(h)),
@@ -496,18 +504,18 @@
       if(class(cop)!="indepCopula") {
         if(class(cop) == "asCopula") {
           cop <- switch(calcCor(NULL),
-                        kendall=fitASC2.itau(cop, bins$lagData[[i]], 
+                        kendall=fitASC2.itau(cop, lagData[[i]], 
-                        spearman=fitASC2.irho(cop, bins$lagData[[i]],
+                        spearman=fitASC2.irho(cop, lagData[[i]],
                         stop(paste(calcCor(NULL), "is not yet supported.")))
           param <- cop at parameters
         } else {
           if(class(cop) == "cqsCopula") {
             cop <- switch(calcCor(NULL),
-                          kendall=fitCQSec.itau(cop, bins$lagData[[i]], 
+                          kendall=fitCQSec.itau(cop, lagData[[i]], 
-                          spearman=fitCQSec.irho(cop, bins$lagData[[i]],
+                          spearman=fitCQSec.irho(cop, lagData[[i]],
                           stop(paste(calcCor(NULL), "is not yet supported.")))
             param <- cop at parameters
@@ -522,7 +530,7 @@
         tmploglik <- c(tmploglik, NA)
-        tmploglik <- c(tmploglik, sum(dCopula(bins$lagData[[i]], cop, log=T)))
+        tmploglik <- c(tmploglik, sum(dCopula(lagData[[i]], cop, log=T)))
       tmpCop <- append(tmpCop, cop)
       setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
@@ -537,12 +545,12 @@
 ## loglikelihoods for a static spatial copula
-loglikByCopulasLags.static <- function(bins, families) {
+loglikByCopulasLags.static <- function(lagData, families) {
   fits <-lapply(families, 
                 function(cop) {
                   cat(cop at fullname,"\n")
-                  lapply(bins$lagData,
+                  lapply(lagData,
                          function(x) {
                            tryCatch(fitCopula(cop, x, estimate.variance = FALSE),
                                     error=function(e) return(NA))
@@ -571,28 +579,36 @@
   return(list(loglik=loglik, copulas=copulas))
-# bins     -> typically output from calcBins
-# calcTau  -> a function on distance providing Kendall's tau estimates, 
-# families -> a vector of dummy copula objects of each family to be considered
-#             DEFAULT: c(normal, t_df=4, clayton, frank, gumbel
-loglikByCopulasLags <- function(bins, families=c(normalCopula(0), 
-                                                 tCopula(0,dispstr="un"),
-                                                 claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
-                                                 gumbelCopula(1)),
-                                calcCor) {
-  bins$lagData <- lapply(bins$lagData, 
-                         function(pairs) { 
-                           bool <- !is.na(pairs[,1]) & !is.na(pairs[,2])
-                           pairs[bool,]
-                         })
+loglikByCopulasLags <- function(bins, data, families=c(normalCopula(), 
+                                                       tCopula(),
+                                                       claytonCopula(), frankCopula(), 
+                                                       gumbelCopula()),
+                                calcCor, lagSub=1:length(bins$meanDists)) {
+  var <- attr(bins, "variable")
+  lagData <- lapply(bins$lags[lagSub], 
+                    function(x) {
+                      as.matrix((cbind(data[x[,1], var]@data, 
+                                       data[x[,2], var]@data)))
+                    })
+  lagData <- lapply(lagData, 
+                    function(pairs) {
+                      bool <- !is.na(pairs[,1]) & !is.na(pairs[,2])
+                      pairs[bool,]
+                    })
-    return(loglikByCopulasLags.static(bins, families))
+    return(loglikByCopulasLags.static(lagData, families))
-    return(loglikByCopulasLags.dyn(bins, families, calcCor))
+    return(loglikByCopulasLags.dyn(lapply(bins, function(x) x[lagSub]),
+                                          lagData, families, calcCor))
 # towards d)
 composeSpCopula <- function(bestFit, families, bins, calcCor, range=max(bins$meanDists)) {
   nFits <- length(bestFit)
@@ -626,12 +642,12 @@
 # degree -> the degree of the polynominal
 # bounds -> the bounds of the correlation function (typically c(0,1))
 # method -> the measure of association, either "kendall" or "spearman"
-fitSpCopula <- function(bins, cutoff=NA, 
+fitSpCopula <- function(bins, data, cutoff=NA, 
                         families=c(normalCopula(), tCopula(),
                                    claytonCopula(), frankCopula(),
                                    gumbelCopula()), ...) {
   calcCor <- fitCorFun(bins, cutoff=cutoff, ...)
-  loglik <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, families, calcCor)
+  loglik <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, data, families, calcCor)
   bestFit <- apply(apply(loglik$loglik, 1, rank),2, 
                    function(x) which(x==length(families)))

Modified: pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -168,8 +168,10 @@
-  res <- list(np=np, meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lagData=lagData, lags=lags)
+#   res <- list(np=np, meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lagData=lagData, lags=lags)
+  res <- list(np=np, meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lags=lags)
   attr(res,"cor.method") <- cor.method
+  attr(res,"variable") <- var
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@
 # calc bins from a (conditional) neighbourhood
-calcNeighBins <- function(data, var=names(data), nbins=9, boundaries=NA, 
+calcNeighBins <- function(data, var=data at var, nbins=9, boundaries=NA, 
                           cutoff=NA, cor.method="kendall", plot=TRUE) {
   dists <- data at distances
@@ -199,7 +201,6 @@
   np <- numeric(nbins)
   moa <- numeric(nbins)
   meanDists <- numeric(nbins)
-  lagData <- NULL
   data <- as.matrix(data at data)
@@ -211,7 +212,7 @@
       pairs <- rbind(pairs, data[bools[,col],c(1,1+col)])
-    lagData <- append(lagData, list(pairs))
+#    lagData <- append(lagData, list(pairs))
     moa[i] <- corFun(pairs)
     meanDists[i] <- mean(dists[bools])
     np[i] <- sum(bools)
@@ -223,8 +224,11 @@
-  res <- list(np=np, meanDists = meanDists, lagCor=moa, lagData=lagData)
+#   res <- list(np=np, meanDists = meanDists, lagCor=moa, lagData=lagData)
+  res <- list(np=np, meanDists = meanDists, lagCor=moa)
   attr(res,"cor.method") <- switch(cor.method, fasttau="kendall", cor.method)
+  attr(res,"variable") <- var

Modified: pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@
 # returns an neighbourhood object
-getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, spSize=4, t.lags=-(0:2),
+getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, spSize=4, tlags=-(0:2),
                             var=names(stData at data)[1], coVar=character(),
                             timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
   stopifnot((!prediction && missing(ST)) || (prediction && !missing(ST)))
   stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
-  timeSpan <- min(t.lags)
+  timeSpan <- min(tlags)
   if(missing(ST) && !prediction)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
     timeSteps <- length(stData at time)+timeSpan
-  nStNeighs <- (spSize-1)*length(t.lags)
+  nStNeighs <- (spSize-1)*length(tlags)
   stNeighData <- matrix(NA, nLocs, nStNeighs + 1 + length(coVar))
   stDists <- array(NA,c(nLocs, nStNeighs, 2))
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
     tmpInd <- matrix(rep(timeInst, spSize), ncol=spSize)
-    for (j in 2:length(t.lags)) {
-      t <- t.lags[j]
+    for (j in 2:length(tlags)) {
+      t <- tlags[j]
       stNeighData[spInd, (j-1)*(spSize-1)+2:(spSize)] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,][-1],
                                                                        timeInst+t, var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
                                                                 ncol=spSize-1, byrow=T)
@@ -135,15 +135,15 @@
     # store spatial distances
-    stDists[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,], timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
+    stDists[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,], timeSteps*length(tlags)),
                                 byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)
     # store temporal distances
-    stDists[spInd,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(t.lags,each=spSize-1), timeSteps),
+    stDists[spInd,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(tlags,each=spSize-1), timeSteps),
                                 byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)  
     # store space indices
-    stInd[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(c(nghbrs at index[i, ], rep(nghbrs at index[i, -1], length(t.lags)-1)),
+    stInd[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(c(nghbrs at index[i, ], rep(nghbrs at index[i, -1], length(tlags)-1)),
                                   timeSteps), ncol = nStNeighs + 1, byrow = T)
     # store time indices
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 ## to be redone
-# calcStNeighBins <- function(data, var="uniPM10", nbins=9, t.lags=-(0:2),
+# calcStNeighBins <- function(data, var="uniPM10", nbins=9, tlags=-(0:2),
 #                             boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, cor.method="fasttau") {
 #   dists <- data at distances[,,1]
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@
 #   }
 #   lagData <- NULL
-#   for(t.lag in t.lags) { # t.lag <- 0
-#     tBool <- data at distances[,,2]==t.lag
+#   for(tlag in tlags) { # tlag <- 0
+#     tBool <- data at distances[,,2]==tlag
 #     tmpLagData <- NULL
 #     for(i in 1:nbins) { # i <- 1
 #       sBool <- (dists <= boundaries[i + 1] & dists > boundaries[i])
@@ -341,10 +341,10 @@
 # instances: number  -> number of randomly choosen temporal intances
 #            NA      -> all observations
-#            other   -> temporal indexing as in spacetime/xts, the parameter t.lags is set to 0 in this case.
-# t.lags:    numeric -> temporal shifts between obs
+#            other   -> temporal indexing as in spacetime/xts, the parameter tlags is set to 0 in this case.
+# tlags:    numeric -> temporal shifts between obs
 calcStBins <- function(data, var, nbins=15, boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, 
-                       instances=NA, t.lags=-(0:2), ...,
+                       instances=NA, tlags=-(0:2), ...,
                        cor.method="fasttau", plot=FALSE) {
     cutoff <- spDists(coordinates(t(data at sp@bbox)))[1,2]/3
@@ -363,11 +363,14 @@
   else {
     tempIndices <- NULL
-    for (t.lag in rev(t.lags)) {
-      #       smplInd <- max(1,1-min(t.lags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(t.lags))
-      smplInd <- sample(x=max(1,1-min(t.lags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(t.lags)),
-                        size=min(instances,lengthTime-max(abs(t.lags))))
-      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd+t.lag, tempIndices)
+    for (tlag in rev(tlags)) {
+      if(is.na(instances))
+        smplInd <- max(1,1-min(tlags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(tlags))
+      else
+        smplInd <- sort(sample(x=max(1,1-min(tlags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(tlags)),
+                               size=min(instances,lengthTime-max(abs(tlags)))))
+      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd+tlag, tempIndices)
       tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd, tempIndices)
@@ -412,8 +415,10 @@
-  res <- list(meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lagData=lagData, lags=list(sp=spIndices, time=tempIndices))
+  # res <- list(meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lagData=lagData, lags=list(sp=spIndices, time=tempIndices))
+  res <- list(meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lags=list(sp=spIndices, time=tempIndices))
   attr(res,"cor.method") <- cor.method
+  attr(res, "variable") <- var

Modified: pkg/R/stCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stCopula.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/R/stCopula.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -5,23 +5,23 @@
 ## constructor ##
-stCopula <- function(components, t.lags, distances=NA, stDepFun, unit="m", t.res="day") {
+stCopula <- function(components, tlags, distances=NA, stDepFun, unit="m", tres="day") {
   if(all(sapply(components, function(x) class(x)=="spCopula"))) {
     if(length(unique(sapply(components, function(x) x at unit))) >1 )
       stop("All spatial copulas need to have the same distance unit.")
-    stopifnot(length(t.lags) == length(components))
+    stopifnot(length(tlags) == length(components))
     spCopList <- components
   } else {
     spCopList <- list()
     if(!missing(stDepFun)) {
       getSpCop <- function(comp,dist,time) spCopula(comp, dist,
-                                                    spDepFun=function(h) stDepFun(h,time), unit)
-      for(i in 1:length(t.lags)){
+                                                    spDepFun=function(h) stDepFun(h, time, 1:length(tlags)), unit)
+      for(i in 1:length(tlags)){
         spCopList <- append(spCopList, getSpCop(components[[i]], distances[[i]], i))
     } else {
-      for(i in 1:length(t.lags)){
+      for(i in 1:length(tlags)){
         spCopList <- append(spCopList, spCopula(components[[i]], distances[[i]], unit=unit))
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   new("stCopula", dimension=as.integer(2), parameters=param, param.names=param.names,
       param.lowbnd=param.low, param.upbnd=param.up,
       fullname="Spatio-Temporal Copula: distance and time dependent convex combination of bivariate copulas",
-      spCopList=spCopList, t.lags=t.lags, t.res=t.res)
+      spCopList=spCopList, tlags=tlags, tres=tres)
 ## show method ##
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
   for (i in 1:length(object at spCopList)) {
     cmpCop <- object at spCopList[[i]]
-    cat("  ", cmpCop at fullname, "at", object at t.lags[i], 
-      paste("[",object at t.res,"]",sep=""), "\n")
+    cat("  ", cmpCop at fullname, "at", object at tlags[i], 
+      paste("[",object at tres,"]",sep=""), "\n")
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@
   n <- nrow(u)
   tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at tlags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
   if (length(tDist)==1) {
-    res <- pSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
+    res <- pSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at tlags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
     res <- numeric(n)
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
-      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at tlags)]]
       res[tmpInd] <- pSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -95,16 +95,16 @@
   n <- nrow(u)
   tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at tlags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
   if (length(tDist)==1) {
-    res <- dSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], log, h[,1])
+    res <- dSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at tlags)]], log, h[,1])
   } else {
     res <- numeric(n)
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
-      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at tlags)]]
       res[tmpInd] <- dSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, log, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -128,16 +128,16 @@
   n <- nrow(u)
   tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at tlags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
   if (length(tDist)==1) {
-    res <- dduSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
+    res <- dduSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist, copula at tlags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
     res <- numeric(n)
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
-      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at tlags)]]
       res[tmpInd] <- dduSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -159,16 +159,16 @@
   n <- nrow(u)
   tDist <- unique(h[,2])
-  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at t.lags)))) 
+  if(any(is.na(match(tDist,copula at tlags)))) 
     stop("Prediction time(s) do(es) not math the modelled time slices.")
   if (length(tDist)==1) {
-    res <- ddvSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist,copula at t.lags)]], h[,1])
+    res <- ddvSpCopula(u, copula at spCopList[[match(tDist,copula at tlags)]], h[,1])
   } else {
     res <- numeric(n)
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
-      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
+      tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at tlags)]]
       res[tmpInd] <- ddvSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -179,7 +179,53 @@
           function(u, copula, ...) ddvStCopula(matrix(u,ncol=2), copula, ...))
 setMethod("ddvCopula", signature("matrix","stCopula"), ddvStCopula)
-# dropping a sptio-temporal tree
+# log-likelihood by copula for all spatio-temporal lags
+loglikByCopulasStLags <- function(stBins, data, families = c(normalCopula(),
+                                                             tCopula(),
+                                                             claytonCopula(),
+                                                             frankCopula(),
+                                                             gumbelCopula()),
+                                  calcCor, lagSub=1:length(stBins$meanDists)) {
+  nTimeLags <- dim(stBins$lagCor)[1]
+  var <- attr(stBins, "variable")
+  retrieveData <- function(spIndex, tempIndices) {
+    binnedData <- NULL
+    for (i in 1:(ncol(tempIndices)/2)) {
+      binnedData <- cbind(binnedData, 
+                          as.matrix((cbind(data[spIndex[,1], tempIndices[,2*i-1], var]@data, 
+                                           data[spIndex[,2], tempIndices[,2*i], var]@data))))
+    }
+    return(binnedData)
+  }
+  lagData <- lapply(stBins$lags[[1]][lagSub], retrieveData, tempIndices=stBins$lags[[2]])
+  tmpBins <- list(meanDists=stBins$meanDists[lagSub])
+  attr(tmpBins, "variable") <- var
+  loglikTau <- list()
+  for(j in 1:nTimeLags) {
+    tmpLagData <- lapply(lagData, function(x) x[,c(2*j-1,2*j)])
+    tmpLagData <- lapply(tmpLagData, function(pairs) {
+      bool <- !is.na(pairs[,1]) & !is.na(pairs[,2])
+      pairs[bool,]
+    })
+    if(missing(calcCor))
+      res <- loglikByCopulasLags.static(tmpLagData, families)
+    else
+      res <- loglikByCopulasLags.dyn(tmpBins, tmpLagData, families, 
+                                     function(h) calcCor(h, j, 1:nTimeLags))
+    loglikTau[[paste("loglik",j,sep="")]] <- res
+  }
+  return(loglikTau)
+# dropping a spatio-temporal tree
 dropStTree <- function (stNeigh, dataLocs, stCop) {
   stopifnot(class(stNeigh) == "stNeighbourhood")

Modified: pkg/data/spCopDemo.RData
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/demo/spCopula.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 meuse$marZinc <- pMar(meuse$zinc)
 ## lag classes ##
-bins <- calcBins(meuse,var="marZinc",nbins=10,cutoff=800)
+bins <- calcBins(meuse, var="marZinc", nbins=10, cutoff=800)
 ## calculate parameters for Kendall's tau function ##
 # either linear
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 curve(calcKTauPol,0, 1000, col="purple",add=TRUE)
 ## find best fitting copula per lag class
-loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, calcKTauPol,
+loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, meuse, calcKTauPol,
                                  families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
                                             claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
                                             gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
@@ -57,11 +57,16 @@
                   spDepFun=calcKTauPol, unit="m")
 ## compare spatial copula loglik by lag:
+lagData <- lapply(bins$lags, function(x) {
+                               as.matrix((cbind(meuse[x[,1], "marZinc"]@data,
+                                                meuse[x[,2], "marZinc"]@data)))
+                             })
 spLoglik <- NULL
 for(i in 1:length(bins$lags)) { # i <- 7
   spLoglik <- c(spLoglik,
-                sum((dCopula(u=bins$lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
+                sum((dCopula(u=lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@
 legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula",
                "number of pairs"), 
        pch=c(1,16,5,50), col=c("black", "green", "red"))
+text(x=(1:10+0.5), y=spLoglik, lapply(lagData,length))
 # spatial vine

Modified: pkg/man/calcBins.Rd
--- pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 \item{\dots}{Additional arguments for the spatio-temporal case:
     \item{instances}{To reduce the data size or circumvent unwanted autocorrelation effects, one might provide a number of randomly selected time instances from the spatio-temporal \code{data.frame}. If this parameter is set to \code{NA}, the complete time series will be used, if different from a single number, \code{instances} will be passed on as to index time.}
-    \item{t.lags}{a vector indicating the time lags to be investigated}
+    \item{tlags}{a vector indicating the time lags to be investigated}

Modified: pkg/man/condCovariate.Rd
--- pkg/man/condCovariate.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/condCovariate.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 stNeigh <- getStNeighbours(stData=stData, ST=stQuerry, 
-                           spSize=3, t.lags=-(0:1),
+                           spSize=3, tlags=-(0:1),
                            var="var", coVar="coVar", prediction=TRUE)
 condCovariate(stNeigh, function(x) gumbelCopula(7))

Modified: pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd
--- pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 stCop <- stCopula(components=list(spCopT0, spCopT1, spCopT2),
-                  t.lags=-(0:2))
+                  tlags=-(0:2))
 # only a constant copula ius used for the covariate
 stCVVC <- stCoVarVineCopula(function(x) gumbelCopula(7), stCop, vineCopula(5L))

Modified: pkg/man/condStVine.Rd
--- pkg/man/condStVine.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/condStVine.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 stCop <- stCopula(components=list(spCopT0, spCopT1),
-                  t.lags=-(0:1))
+                  tlags=-(0:1))
 stVineCop <- stVineCopula(stCop, vineCopula(4L))

Modified: pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd
--- pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -5,44 +5,30 @@
 Automated fitting of a correlation function to the correlogram
-Polynomials of different degrees can be fitted to the correlogram calculated using \code{\link{calcBins}}. This function will be used to adjust the copula parameter in the spatial/spatio-temporal copula.
+Polynomials of different degrees can be fitted to the spatial/spatio-temporal correlogram calculated using \code{\link{calcBins}}. This function will be used to adjust the copula parameter in the spatial/spatio-temporal copula.
-fitCorFun(bins, degree = 3, cutoff = NA, bounds = c(0, 1), cor.method = NULL,
-          weighted = FALSE)
+fitCorFun(bins, degree = 3, cutoff = NA, tlags, bounds = c(0, 1), 
+          cor.method = NULL, weighted = FALSE)
-  \item{bins}{
-Typically the output of \code{\link{calcBins}}. Any \code{data.frame} with a columns \code{lagCor} and \code{meanDists} in the first two columns will do.
+  \item{bins}{Typically the output of \code{\link{calcBins}}. Any \code{data.frame} with a columns \code{lagCor} and \code{meanDists} in the first two columns will do.}
+  \item{degree}{The degree of polynomial to be fitted - recycled if needed.}
+  \item{cutoff}{Maximal distance to which lags should be included in the polynomial fit.}
+  \item{tlags}{The temporal lags used for the genration of \code{bins}.}
+  \item{bounds}{Bounds of the correlation values. The default is set [0,1] not allowing any negative relationship but perfect positive dependence.}
+  \item{cor.method}{The output of \code{\link{calcBins}} has an attribute \code{cor.method}, in case this is not present the parameter \code{cor.method} will be used. In case the parameter \code{cor.method} is not \code{NULL} and the attribute \code{cor.method} is present, they will be compared.}
+  \item{weighted}{shall the residuals be weighted by the number of points in the lag class?}
-  \item{degree}{
-The degree of polynomial to be fitted.
-  \item{cutoff}{
-Maximal distance to which lags should be included in the polynomial fit.
-  \item{bounds}{
-Bounds of the correlation values. The default is set [0,1] not allowing any negative relationship but perfect positive dependence.
-  \item{cor.method}{
-The output of \code{\link{calcBins}} has an attribute \code{cor.method}, in case this is not present the parameter \code{cor.method} will be used. In case the parameter \code{cor.method} is not \code{NULL} and the attribute \code{cor.method} is present, they will be compared.
-  \item{weighted}{
-  shall the residulas be weighted by the number of points in the lag class?
-  }
-Returns a function that provides correlation estimate for every separating distance.
-Benedikt Graeler
-See also \code{\link{calcBins}} and \code{\link{spCopula}}.
+\value{Returns a one/two-place function that provides correlation estimates for every separating spatial/spatio-temporal distance.}
+\author{Benedikt Graeler}
+\seealso{See also \code{\link{calcBins}} and \code{\link{spCopula}}.}
-# a simplified bins object (from demo(spcopula_estimation))
+# a simplified bins object (from demo(spcopula))
 bins <- list(meanDists=c(64, 128, 203, 281, 361, 442, 522, 602, 681, 760), 
              lagCor=c(0.57,  0.49, 0.32, 0.29, 0.15, 0.14, 0.10, -0.00, 0.03, -0.01))
 attr(bins,"cor.method") <- "kendall"

Modified: pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2014-02-17 15:46:15 UTC (rev 126)
+++ pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2014-02-19 19:32:57 UTC (rev 127)
@@ -4,31 +4,26 @@
 Spatial Copula Fitting
 A bivariate spatial copula is composed out of a set of bivariate copulas. These are combined using a convex linear combination with weights based on distances where for copulas with a 1-1 correspondence of Kendall's tau or Spearman's rho a dependence function providing measures of association based on distances might be used. This function estimates a spatial dependence function, evaluates the log-likelihood per family and lag class, selects the best fits and composes a spatial bivariate copula.
-fitSpCopula(bins, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(), tCopula(),
+fitSpCopula(bins, data, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(), tCopula(),
             claytonCopula(), frankCopula(), gumbelCopula()), ...)
-  \item{bins}{
-the bins to be used, typically output from \code{\link{calcBins}}.
+  \item{bins}{the bins to be used, typically output from \code{\link{calcBins}}.}
+  \item{data}{the spatial dataset that ahs been used to generate \code{bins}.}
+  \item{cutoff}{The maximal distance to be used in the fit.}
+  \item{families}{The set of families to be investigated.}
+  \item{\dots}{Passed on to the function \code{\link{fitCorFun}}.}
-  \item{cutoff}{
-The maximal distance to be used in the fit.
-  \item{families}{
-The set of families to be investigated.
-  \item{\dots}{
-Passed on to the function \code{\link{fitCorFun}}.
 A \code{\linkS4class{spCopula}} object.
 Graeler, B. & E. Pebesma (2011): The pair-copula construction for spatial data: a new approach to model spatial dependency. 
 Poster at: Spatial Statistics 2011 - Mapping global change. Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-25 March 2011. 
@@ -42,9 +37,20 @@
 Take a look at \code{\link{fitCorFun}}, \code{\link{loglikByCopulasLags}}, \code{\link{composeSpCopula}} and \code{\linkS4class{spCopula}} to gain more control over the fitting procedure.

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/spcopula -r 127

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