[spcopula-commits] r124 - in pkg: R demo man

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Thu Feb 13 21:05:43 CET 2014

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2014-02-13 21:05:42 +0100 (Thu, 13 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 124

- redesign of spatial and spatio-temporal neighbourhoods (make them lighter: skiped several slots)

Modified: pkg/R/Classes.R
--- pkg/R/Classes.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/Classes.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@
          validity = validStCopula, contains = list("copula"))
-##  vine copulas  ##
+##  vine copulas, happens now in VineCopula  ##
 # validVineCopula = function(object) {
 #   dim <- object at dimension
@@ -235,77 +235,58 @@
 ## neighbourhood:
-sizeLim <- 25 #  a constant
-# setSizeLim <- function(x) {
-#   env <- parent.env(environment())
-#   unlockBinding("neighbourLim",env)
-#   assign("neighbourLim", x,envir=env)
-#   lockBinding("neighbourLim",env)
-# }
-# a class combining two matrices holding the data and the corresponding 
-# distances as well a slot for the coordinates refernce system and an attribute
-# if the data is already transformed to uniform on [0,1] distributed variables
-# data:		a list of data.frames holding the data per neighbour. each neighbour needs to have the same number of variables in the same order
-# sp: an optional slot providing the coordinates of locations
-# index: a matrix linking the data entries with the coordinates of the locations
 validNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
     return("Only a single variable name is supported.")
-  if (object at prediction & is.null(object at predLocs))
-    return("The prediction locations have to be provided for the prediction procedure.")
   # check for number of rows
   if (nrow(object at data) != nrow(object at distances)) 
     return("Data and distances have unequal number of rows.")
   if (nrow(object at data) != nrow(object at index)) 
     return("Data and index have unequal number of rows.")
   # check for columns
-  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at distances)+1)
+  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at distances) + 1 + length(object at coVar))
     return("Data and distances have non matching number of columns.")
-  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at index)) 
-    return("Data and index have unequal number of columns.")
+  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at index) + length(object at coVar)) 
+    return("Data and index have non matching number of columns.")
          representation = representation(data = "data.frame", 
-                                         dataLocs="Spatial",
-                                         predLocs="optionalLocs",
-                                         prediction="logical",
-                                         var="character"),         
-         validity = validNeighbourhood, contains = list("Spatial"))
+                                         var="character",
+                                         coVar="character",
+                                         prediction="logical"),         
+         validity = validNeighbourhood)
 ## ST neighbourhood
 validStNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
-  sizeN <- nrow(object at data)
-  if (object at prediction & is.null(object at dataLocs))
-    return("The spatio-temporal locations of the data have to be provided for the estimation procedure.")
   dimDists <- dim(object at distances)
+  dimInd <- dim(object at index)
+  stopifnot(length(dimDists)==3)
+  stopifnot(length(dimInd)==3)
+  stopifnot(dimDists[3] == dimInd[3])
   if (nrow(object at data) != dimDists[1]) 
     return("Data and distances have unequal number of rows.")
-  dimInd <- dim(object at index)
-  if (nrow(object at data) != dimInd[1]) 
+    if (nrow(object at data) != dimInd[1]) 
     return("Data and index have unequal number of rows.")
-  if (dimDists[2] != dimInd[2]) 
-    return("Data and index have unequal number of columns.")
+  if (ncol(object at data) + object at prediction != dimInd[2] + length(object at coVar)) 
+    return("Data and index have non matching number of columns.")
+  if (dimDists[2]+1 != dimInd[2]) 
+    return("Data and index have non matching number of columns.")
          representation = representation(data = "data.frame", 
-                                         locations="ST",
-                                         dataLocs="optionalST",
+                                         coVar="character",
-         validity = validStNeighbourhood, contains = list("ST"))
\ No newline at end of file
+         validity = validStNeighbourhood)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -657,15 +657,16 @@
   cond <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(varSplit[length(varSplit)]))
   if(is.na(cond)) {
     var <- paste(neigh at var,"|0",sep="")
+    coVar <- paste(neigh at coVar,"|0",sep="")
     colnames(u1) <- paste(paste("N", rep(1:(ncol(u1)), each=length(var)), sep=""),
   } else {
     var <- paste(neigh at var,cond+1,sep="")
+    coVar <- neigh at coVar
     colnames(u1) <- paste(paste("N", rep(cond:(ncol(u1)+cond-1)+2,
                                          each=length(var)), sep=""),
   return(neighbourhood(data=u1, distances=h1, index=neigh at index[,-1],
-                       dataLocs=neigh at dataLocs, predLocs=neigh at predLocs,
-                       prediction=neigh at prediction, var=var))
+                       var=var, coVar=coVar, prediction=neigh at prediction))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -86,13 +86,18 @@
               dspVine(as.matrix(u), copula at spCop, NULL, log=log, ...)
-# fiiting the spatial vine for a given list of spatial copulas
-fitSpVine <- function(copula, data, method, estimate.variance=F) {
-  stopifnot(class(data)=="neighbourhood")
-  stopifnot(copula at dimension == ncol(data at data))
+# fitting the spatial vine for a given list of spatial copulas
+fitSpVine <- function(copula, data, method, estimate.variance=FALSE) {
+  stopifnot(is.list(data))
+  stopifnot(length(data)==2)
+  neigh <- data[[1]]
+  dataLocs <- data[[2]]
-  u0 <- as.matrix(data at data) # previous level's (contitional) data
-  h0 <- data at distances # previous level's distances
+  stopifnot(class(neigh)=="neighbourhood")
+  stopifnot(copula at dimension == ncol(neigh at data))
+  u0 <- as.matrix(neigh at data) # previous level's (contitional) data
+  h0 <- neigh at distances # previous level's distances
   l0 <- rep(0,nrow(u0)) # spatial density
   for(spTree in 1:length(copula at spCop)) {
     cat("[Dropping ", spTree, ". spatial tree.]\n",sep="")
@@ -101,9 +106,9 @@
     for(i in 1:ncol(h0)) { # i <- 1
       l0 <- l0 + dCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at spCop[[spTree]], h=h0[,i], log=T)
       u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at spCop[[spTree]], h=h0[,i]))
-      if (i < ncol(h0)) {
-        h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(data at index[,c(spTree+1,spTree+i+1)],1, 
-                             function(x) spDists(data at dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
+      if (i < ncol(h0) & spTree < length(copula at spCop)) {
+        h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(neigh at index[,c(spTree+1,spTree+i+1)],1, 
+                             function(x) spDists(dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
     u0 <- u1
@@ -135,13 +140,13 @@
              method = sapply(method,paste,collapse=", "), 
              loglik = sum(l0)+loglik,
              fitting.stats=list(convergence = as.integer(NA)),
-             nsample = nrow(data at data), copula=spVineCop))
+             nsample = nrow(neigh at data), copula=spVineCop))
+setMethod("fitCopula", signature=signature("spVineCopula"), fitSpVine)
 # deriving all spatial tree distances
-calcSpTreeDists <- function(neigh, n.trees) {
+calcSpTreeDists <- function(neigh, dataLocs, n.trees) {
   condDists <- list(n.trees)
   condDists[[1]] <- neigh at distances
@@ -150,7 +155,7 @@
     h1 <- NULL
     for(i in 1:(ncol(neigh at distances)-spTree)) {
       h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(neigh at index[,c(spTree+1,spTree+i+1),drop=F],1, 
-                           function(x) spDists(neigh at dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
+                           function(x) spDists(dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
       dimnames(h1) <- NULL
     condDists[[spTree+1]] <- h1
@@ -185,11 +190,13 @@
 # interpolation
-spCopPredict.expectation <- function(predNeigh, spVine, margin, ..., stop.on.error=F) {
+spCopPredict.expectation <- function(data, spVine, margin, ..., stop.on.error=F) {
-  dists <- calcSpTreeDists(predNeigh,length(spVine at spCop))
+  predNeigh <- data[[1]]
+  dists <- calcSpTreeDists(predNeigh, data[[2]], length(spVine at spCop))
   predMean <- NULL
   pb <- txtProgressBar(0,nrow(predNeigh at data), 0, width=getOption("width")-10, style=3)
@@ -210,21 +217,24 @@
-  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at predLocs)) {
+  predLocs <- data[[3]]
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predLocs)) {
     res <- predNeigh at predLocs
     res at data[["expect"]] <- predMean
   } else {
     predMean <- data.frame(predMean)
     colnames(predMean) <- "expect"
-    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at predLocs, predMean, match.ID=FALSE))
+    return(addAttrToGeom(predLocs, predMean, match.ID=FALSE))
-spCopPredict.quantile <- function(predNeigh, spVine, margin, p=0.5) {
+spCopPredict.quantile <- function(data, spVine, margin, p=0.5) {
-  dists <- calcSpTreeDists(predNeigh,length(spVine at spCop))
+  predNeigh <- data[[1]]
+  dists <- calcSpTreeDists(predNeigh, data[[2]], length(spVine at spCop))
   predQuantile <- NULL
   pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(predNeigh at data), 0, width=getOption("width")-10, style=3)
   for(i in 1:nrow(predNeigh at data)) { # i <-1
@@ -241,31 +251,29 @@
     b <- density[lower]
     xRes <- -b/m+sign(m)*sqrt(b^2/m^2+2*(p-int[lower])/m)
-#     pPred <- optimise(function(x) abs(integrate(condSecVine, 0, x, 
-#                                                 subdivisions=10000L, 
-#                                                 abs.tol=1e-6)$value-p), c(0,1))
-#     if(pPred$objective > 1e-4)
-#       warning("Numerical evaluation in predQuantile achieved an objective of only ",
-#               pPred$objective, " where 0 has been sought for location ",i,".")
     predQuantile <- c(predQuantile, margin$q(xVals[lower]+xRes))
-  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at predLocs)) {
-    res <- predNeigh at predLocs
+  predLocs <- data[[3]]
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predLocs)) {
+    res <- predLocs
     res at data[[paste("quantile.",p,sep="")]] <- predQuantile
   } else {
     predQuantile <- data.frame(predQuantile)
     colnames(predQuantile) <- paste("quantile.",p,sep="")
-    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at predLocs, predQuantile, match.ID=FALSE))
+    return(addAttrToGeom(predLocs, predQuantile, match.ID=FALSE))
-spCopPredict <- function(predNeigh, spVine, margin, method="quantile", p=0.5, ...) {
+spCopPredict <- function(data, spVine, margin, method="quantile", p=0.5, ...) {
+  stopifnot(is.list(data))
+  stopifnot(length(data)==3)
-         quantile=spCopPredict.quantile(predNeigh, spVine, margin, p),
-         expectation=spCopPredict.expectation(predNeigh, spVine, margin, ...))
+         quantile=spCopPredict.quantile(data, spVine, margin, p),
+         expectation=spCopPredict.expectation(data, spVine, margin, ...))
 # draw from a spatial vine

Modified: pkg/R/spatialGaussianCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spatialGaussianCopula.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/spatialGaussianCopula.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ## spatial Gaussian Copula
 # "density" evaluation
-spGaussLogLik <- function(corFun, neigh, log=T) {
+spGaussLogLik <- function(corFun, neigh, dataLocs, log=T) {
   neighDim <- ncol(neigh at data)
-  allDataDists <- spDists(neigh at dataLocs)
+  allDataDists <- spDists(dataLocs)
   pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(neigh at data), 0, width = getOption("width") - 10, style = 3)
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
 # interpolation based on a valid corelogram function
-spGaussCopPredict <- function(corFun, predNeigh, margin, p=0.5, ..., n=1000) {
+spGaussCopPredict <- function(corFun, predNeigh, dataLocs, predLocs, margin, p=0.5, ..., n=1000) {
   stopifnot(is(margin$q, "function"))
   neighDim <- ncol(predNeigh at data)
-  allDataDists <- spDists(predNeigh at dataLocs)
+  allDataDists <- spDists(dataLocs)
   pb <- txtProgressBar(0, nrow(predNeigh at data), 0, width = getOption("width") - 10, style = 3)
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@
-  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at predLocs)) {
-    res <- predNeigh at predLocs
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predLocs)) {
+    res <- predLocs
     res at data[[paste("quantile.", p, sep = "")]] <- predQuantile
   else {
     predQuantile <- data.frame(predQuantile)
     colnames(predQuantile) <- paste("quantile.", p, sep = "")
-    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at predLocs, predQuantile, 
+    return(addAttrToGeom(predLocs, predQuantile, 
                          match.ID = FALSE))

Modified: pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -7,110 +7,59 @@
 ## spatial neighbourhood constructor
-neighbourhood <- function(data, distances, index, dataLocs, predLocs=NULL, 
-                          prediction, var) {
+neighbourhood <- function(data, distances, index, var, coVar=character(), prediction=FALSE) {
   sizeN <- ncol(distances)+1
   data <- as.data.frame(data)
   if (anyDuplicated(rownames(data))>0)
     rownames <- 1:length(rownames)
   new("neighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, index=index,
-      dataLocs=dataLocs, predLocs=predLocs, prediction=prediction, var=var,
-      bbox=dataLocs at bbox, proj4string=dataLocs at proj4string)
+      var=var, coVar=coVar, prediction=prediction)
 ## show
 showNeighbourhood <- function(object){
   cat("A set of neighbourhoods consisting of", ncol(object at distances)+1, "locations each \n")
-  cat("with",nrow(object at data),"rows of observations for:\n")
-  cat(object at var,"\n")
+  if (length(object at var)>0) {
+    cat("with", nrow(object at data), "rows of observations for:\n")
+    cat(object at var, "\n")
+  } else {
+    cat("without data \n")
+  }
+  if(length(object at coVar)>0)
+    cat("with covariate", object at coVar, "\n")
+setMethod(show, signature("neighbourhood"), showNeighbourhood)
 ## names (from sp)
-setMethod(names, signature("neighbourhood"), function(x) x at var)
+setMethod(names, signature("neighbourhood"), function(x) c(x at var,x at coVar))
-## spplot ##
-spplotNeighbourhood <- function(obj, zcol=names(obj), ..., column=0) {
-  stopifnot(all(column<ncol(obj at data)))
-  pattern <- paste(paste("N", column, ".", sep=""), zcol, sep="")
-  spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=obj at dataLocs, 
-                                 data=obj at data[,pattern,drop=FALSE], 
-                                 proj4string=obj at proj4string, bbox=obj at bbox)
-  spplot(spdf, ...)
-setMethod(spplot, signature("neighbourhood"), spplotNeighbourhood)
 selectFromNeighbourhood <- function(x, i) {
-  newSp <- x at dataLocs[i,]
   new("neighbourhood", data=x at data[i,,drop=F], 
-      distances=x at distances[i,,drop=F], 
-      dataLocs=newSp, predLocs=x at predLocs, bbox=newSp at bbox, 
-      proj4string=x at proj4string, index=x at index[i,,drop=F], var=x at var, 
-      prediction=x at prediction)
+      distances=x at distances[i,,drop=F], index=x at index[i,,drop=F], 
+      var=x at var, coVar=x at coVar, prediction=x at prediction)
-setMethod("[[", signature("neighbourhood","numeric","missing"), selectFromNeighbourhood) 
+setMethod("[", signature("neighbourhood","numeric"), selectFromNeighbourhood) 
 ## calculate neighbourhood from SpatialPointsDataFrame
-# returns an neighbourhood object
-# getNeighbours <- function(dataLocs, predLocs, var=names(dataLocs)[1], size=5, 
-#                           prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
-#   stopifnot((!prediction && missing(predLocs)) || (prediction && !missing(predLocs)))
-#   stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
-#   if(missing(predLocs) && !prediction)
-#     predLocs=dataLocs
-#   stopifnot(is(predLocs,"Spatial"))
-#   if(any(is.na(match(var,names(dataLocs)))))
-#     stop("At least one of the variables is unkown or is not part of the data.")
-#   nLocs <- length(predLocs)
-#   size <- min(size, length(dataLocs)+prediction)
-#   allLocs <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size)
-#   allDists <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size-1)
-#   allData <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size)
-#   for (i in 1:nLocs) {
-#     tempDists <- spDists(dataLocs, predLocs[i, ])
-#     tempDists[tempDists < min.dist] <- Inf
-#     spLocs <- order(tempDists)[1:(size - 1)]
-#     allLocs[i,] <- c(i, spLocs)
-#     allDists[i,] <- tempDists[spLocs]
-#     allData[i,(prediction+1):size] <- dataLocs[c(i[!prediction],spLocs),
-#                                                var, drop = F]@data[[1]]
-#   }
-#   if (!prediction)
-#     predLocs <- NULL
-#   colnames(allData) <- paste(paste("N", rep(0:(size-1), 
-#                                             each=length(var)), sep=""),
-#                              rep(var,size),sep=".")
-#   return(neighbourhood(allData, allDists, allLocs, dataLocs,
-#                        predLocs, prediction, var))
-# }
-getNeighbours <- function (dataLocs, predLocs, var = names(dataLocs)[1], size = 5, 
-									   prediction = FALSE, min.dist = 0.01) 
-  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(predLocs)) || (prediction && 
-                                                     !missing(predLocs)))
+getNeighbours <- function (dataLocs, predLocs, size = 5, 
+                           var = names(dataLocs)[1], coVar=character(),
+                           prediction = FALSE, min.dist = 0.01) {
+  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(predLocs)) || (prediction && !missing(predLocs)))
   stopifnot(min.dist > 0 || prediction)
   if (missing(predLocs) && !prediction) 
     predLocs = dataLocs
   stopifnot(is(predLocs, "Spatial"))
-  if (any(is.na(match(var, names(dataLocs))))) 
-    stop("At least one of the variables is unkown or is not part of the data.")
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(dataLocs)) {
+    if (any(is.na(match(var, names(dataLocs))))) 
+      stop("The variables is not part of the data.")
+  }
   nLocs <- length(predLocs)
   size <- min(size, length(dataLocs) + prediction)
@@ -128,18 +77,25 @@
-  if (!prediction) allData <- matrix(dataLocs[result$allLocs, var, drop = F]@data[[1]], nLocs, size)
-  else allData <- matrix(c(rep(NA,nLocs),dataLocs[result$allLocs[(nLocs+1):(nLocs*size)], var, drop = F]@data[[1]]), nLocs, size)
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(dataLocs)) {
+    if (!prediction) {
+      allData <- matrix(dataLocs[result$allLocs, var, drop = F]@data[[1]],
+                        nLocs, size)
+    } else {
+      allData <- matrix(c(rep(NA,nLocs),
+                          dataLocs[result$allLocs[(nLocs+1):(nLocs*size)], var, drop = F]@data[[1]]),
+                        nLocs, size)
+    }
+    colnames(allData) <- paste(paste("N", rep(0:(size - 1), each = length(var)), sep = ""),
+                               rep(var, size), sep = ".")
+  } else {
+    allData <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nLocs, size + length(coVar)))
+    var <- character()
+  }
-  if (!prediction) 
-    predLocs <- NULL
-  colnames(allData) <- paste(paste("N", rep(0:(size - 1), each = length(var)), 
-                                   sep = ""), rep(var, size), sep = ".")
-  return(neighbourhood(allData, matrix(result$allDists,nLocs, size - 1), matrix(result$allLocs, nLocs, size), dataLocs, 
-                        predLocs, prediction, var))
+  return(neighbourhood(data=allData, distances=matrix(result$allDists, nLocs, size - 1), 
+                       index=matrix(result$allLocs, nLocs, size), var=var, coVar=coVar,
+                       prediction=prediction))
@@ -272,84 +228,4 @@
-setMethod(calcBins, signature="neighbourhood", calcNeighBins)
-# instances: number  -> number of randomly choosen temporal intances
-#            NA      -> all observations
-#            other   -> temporal indexing as in spacetime/xts, the parameter t.lags is set to 0 in this case.
-# t.lags:    numeric -> temporal shifts between obs
-calcStBins <- function(data, var, nbins=15, boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, 
-                       instances=NA, t.lags=-(0:2), ...,
-                       cor.method="fasttau", plot=FALSE) {
-  if(is.na(cutoff)) 
-    cutoff <- spDists(coordinates(t(data at sp@bbox)))[1,2]/3
-  if(is.na(boundaries)) 
-    boundaries <- ((1:nbins) * cutoff / nbins)
-  if(is.na(instances)) 
-    instances=length(data at time)
-  spIndices <- calcSpLagInd(data at sp, boundaries)
-  mDists <- sapply(spIndices,function(x) mean(x[,3]))
-  lengthTime <- length(data at time)
-  if (!is.numeric(instances) | !length(instances)==1) {
-    tempIndices <- cbind(instances, instances)
-  } 
-  else {
-    tempIndices <- NULL
-    for (t.lag in rev(t.lags)) {
-#       smplInd <- max(1,1-min(t.lags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(t.lags))
-      smplInd <- sample(x=max(1,1-min(t.lags)):min(lengthTime,lengthTime-min(t.lags)),
-                        size=min(instances,lengthTime-max(abs(t.lags))))
-      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd+t.lag, tempIndices)
-      tempIndices <- cbind(smplInd, tempIndices)
-    }
-  }
-  retrieveData <- function(spIndex, tempIndices) {
-    binnedData <- NULL
-    for (i in 1:(ncol(tempIndices)/2)) {
-      binnedData <- cbind(binnedData, 
-                          as.matrix((cbind(data[spIndex[,1], tempIndices[,2*i-1], var]@data, 
-                                           data[spIndex[,2], tempIndices[,2*i], var]@data))))
-    }
-    return(binnedData)
-  }
-  lagData <- lapply(spIndices, retrieveData, tempIndices=tempIndices)
-  calcStats <- function(binnedData) {
-    cors <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
-      cors <- c(cors, cor(binnedData[,2*i-1], binnedData[,2*i], method=cor.method, use="pairwise.complete.obs"))
-    }
-    return(cors)
-  }
-  calcTau <- function(binnedData) {
-    cors <- NULL
-    for(i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
-      tmpData <- binnedData[,2*i+c(-1,0)]
-      tmpData <- tmpData[!apply(tmpData, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))),]
-      cors <- c(cors, TauMatrix(tmpData)[1,2])
-    }
-    return(cors)
-  }
-  calcCor <- switch(cor.method, fasttau=calcTau, calcStats)
-  lagCor <- sapply(lagData, calcCor)
-  if(plot) { 
-    plot(mDists, as.matrix(lagCor)[1,], xlab="distance",ylab=paste("correlation [",cor.method,"]",sep=""), 
-         ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(lagCor)),max(lagCor)), xlim=c(0,max(mDists)))
-    abline(h=c(-min(lagCor),0,min(lagCor)),col="grey")
-  }
-  res <- list(meanDists = mDists, lagCor=lagCor, lagData=lagData, lags=list(sp=spIndices, time=tempIndices))
-  attr(res,"cor.method") <- cor.method
-  return(res)
-setMethod(calcBins, signature(data="STFDF"), calcStBins)
+setMethod(calcBins, signature="neighbourhood", calcNeighBins)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-13 09:38:55 UTC (rev 123)
+++ pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-13 20:05:42 UTC (rev 124)
@@ -7,52 +7,79 @@
 ## spatio-temporal neighbourhood constructor
-stNeighbourhood <- function(data, distances, STxDF, ST=NULL,index, 
-                          prediction, var) {
+stNeighbourhood <- function(data, distances, index, var, coVar=character(), prediction=FALSE) {
   data <- as.data.frame(data)
   sizeN <- nrow(data)
   dimDists <- dim(distances)
+  dimInd <- dim(index)
-  stopifnot(dimDists[1]==sizeN)
-  stopifnot(dimDists[2]==ncol(data)-(!prediction))
-  stopifnot(dimDists[3]==2)
-  colnames(data) <- paste(paste("N", (0+prediction):dimDists[2], sep=""),var,sep=".")
+  stopifnot(length(dimDists) == 3)
+  stopifnot(length(dimInd) == 3)
+  stopifnot(dimDists[1] == sizeN)
+  stopifnot(dimInd[1] == dimDists[1])
+  stopifnot(((dimDists[2] + !prediction) + length(coVar)) == ncol(data))
+  stopifnot(dimInd[2] == dimDists[2]+1)
+  stopifnot(dimDists[3] == 2)
+  stopifnot(dimInd[3] == dimDists[3])
+  colnames(data) <- paste(paste("N", (0+prediction):dimDists[2], sep=""), var, sep=".")
+  if(length(coVar)>0)
+    colnames(data)[dimDists[2] + 1:length(coVar)] <- paste("N0", coVar)
   if (anyDuplicated(rownames(data))>0)
     rownames <- 1:length(rownames)
-  new("stNeighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, locations=ST, 
-      dataLocs=STxDF, index=index, prediction=prediction, var=var,
-      sp=as(STxDF at sp, "Spatial"), time=STxDF at time[1], 
-      endTime=STxDF at endTime[length(STxDF at endTime)])
+  new("stNeighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, index=index,
+      var=var, coVar=coVar, prediction=prediction)
 ## show
-showStNeighbourhood <- function(object){
+showStNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
   cat("A set of spatio-temporal neighbourhoods consisting of", dim(object at distances)[2]+1, "locations each \n")
   cat("with",nrow(object at data),"rows of observations for:\n")
   cat(object at var,"\n")
+  if(length(object at coVar > 0))
+    cat("with covariate", object at coVar, "\n")
+setMethod(show, signature("stNeighbourhood"), showStNeighbourhood)
+# select
+selectFromStNeighbourhood <- function(x, i) {
+  new("stNeighbourhood", data=x at data[i,,drop=F], 
+      distances=x at distances[i,,,drop=F], index=x at index[i,,,drop=F], 
+      var=x at var, coVar=x at coVar, prediction=x at prediction)
+setMethod("[", signature("stNeighbourhood","numeric"), selectFromStNeighbourhood) 
 ## calculate neighbourhood from ST
 # returns an neighbourhood object
-getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, var=names(stData at data)[1], spSize=4, 
-                            t.lags=-(0:2), timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
+getStNeighbours <- function(stData, ST, spSize=4, t.lags=-(0:2),
+                            var=names(stData at data)[1], coVar=character(),
+                            timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
   stopifnot((!prediction && missing(ST)) || (prediction && !missing(ST)))
   stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
   timeSpan <- min(t.lags)
   if(missing(ST) && !prediction)
-    ST=stData
+    ST=geometry(stData)
   if(any(is.na(match(var,names(stData at data)))))
-    stop("At least one of the variables is unkown or is not part of the data.")
+    stop("The variables is not part of stData.")
+  if(length(coVar)>0)
+    if(any(is.na(match(coVar,names(stData at data)))))
+      stop("The covariate is not part of stData.")
   if(!prediction) {
     if(is.na(timeSteps)) {
@@ -62,58 +89,73 @@
       reSample <- function() sort(sample((1-timeSpan):length(stData at time), timeSteps))
     nLocs <- length(ST at sp)*timeSteps
-    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(stData[,1], var=var, size=spSize, min.dist=min.dist)
+    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=geometry(stData at sp), var=character(), size=spSize,
+                            min.dist=min.dist)
   } else {
     nLocs <- length(ST)
-    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(stData[,1], ST at sp, var, spSize, prediction, min.dist)
+    nghbrs <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=geometry(stData at sp), predLocs=geometry(ST at sp),
+                            size=spSize, var=character(), prediction=prediction, 
+                            min.dist=min.dist)
     timeNghbrs <- sapply(index(ST at time), function(x) which(x == index(stData at time)))
     reSample <- function() timeNghbrs
     timeSteps <- length(stData at time)+timeSpan
-  stNeighData <- matrix(NA, nLocs, (spSize-1)*length(t.lags)+1)
-  stDists <- array(NA,c(nLocs,(spSize-1)*length(t.lags),2))
-  stInd <- array(NA,c(nLocs,(spSize-1)*length(t.lags),2))
+  nStNeighs <- (spSize-1)*length(t.lags)
+  stNeighData <- matrix(NA, nLocs, nStNeighs + 1 + length(coVar))
+  stDists <- array(NA,c(nLocs, nStNeighs, 2))
+  stInd <- array(NA,c(nLocs, nStNeighs + 1, 2))
   nTimeInst <- length(reSample())
-  for(i in 1:nrow(nghbrs at index)){ # i <- 1
+  for (i in 1:nrow(nghbrs at index)) {
     timeInst <- reSample() # draw random time steps for each neighbourhood
-    stNeighData[(i-1)*timeSteps+(1:timeSteps),
-                1:spSize] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,], timeInst,
-                                           var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
-                                    ncol=spSize, byrow=T) # retrieve the top level data
-    tmpInd <- matrix(rep(timeInst, spSize-1), ncol=spSize-1)
-    for(j in 2:length(t.lags)) {
+    spInd <- (i-1)*timeSteps+(1:timeSteps)
+    stNeighData[spInd, 1:spSize] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,], timeInst,
+                                                  var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
+                                           ncol=spSize, byrow=T)
+    # add covariate(s) to the last column(s)
+    if (length(coVar) > 0) {
+      coVarCols <- nStNeighs + 1 + (1:length(coVar))
+      stNeighData[spInd, coVarCols] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,1], timeInst,
+                                                     coVar, drop=F]@data[[1]],
+                                              ncol=length(coVar), byrow=T)
+    }
+    tmpInd <- matrix(rep(timeInst, spSize), ncol=spSize)
+    for (j in 2:length(t.lags)) {
       t <- t.lags[j]
-      stNeighData[(i-1)*timeSteps+(1:timeSteps),
-                  (j-1)*(spSize-1)+2:(spSize)] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,][-1],
-                                                                timeInst+t,
-                                                                var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
-                                                         ncol=spSize-1, byrow=T)
-      tmpInd <- cbind(tmpInd, matrix(rep(timeInst+t,spSize-1),ncol=spSize-1))
+      stNeighData[spInd, (j-1)*(spSize-1)+2:(spSize)] <- matrix(stData[nghbrs at index[i,][-1],
+                                                                       timeInst+t, var, drop=F]@data[[1]],
+                                                                ncol=spSize-1, byrow=T)
+      tmpInd <- cbind(tmpInd, matrix(rep(timeInst+t,spSize-1), ncol=spSize-1))
-    stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,],
-                                                          timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
-                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))   # store sp distances
-    stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(t.lags,each=spSize-1),
-                                                          timeSteps),
-                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))  # store tmp distances
-    stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at index[i,][-1],
-                                                    timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
-                                                    byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))
-    stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- tmpInd
+    # store spatial distances
+    stDists[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,], timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
+                                byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)
+    # store temporal distances
+    stDists[spInd,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(t.lags,each=spSize-1), timeSteps),
+                                byrow=T, ncol=nStNeighs)  
+    # store space indices
+    stInd[spInd,,1] <- matrix(rep(c(nghbrs at index[i, ], rep(nghbrs at index[i, -1], length(t.lags)-1)),
+                                  timeSteps), ncol = nStNeighs + 1, byrow = T)
+    # store time indices
+    stInd[spInd,,2] <- tmpInd
   if (prediction) {
-    dataLocs <- stData
     stNeighData <- stNeighData[,-1]
   } else {
     dataLocs <- NULL

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/spcopula -r 124

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