[spcopula-commits] r122 - in pkg: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 12 15:54:12 CET 2014

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2014-02-12 15:54:12 +0100 (Wed, 12 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 122

- first rudimental spatio-temporal covariate vine copula support

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: copula driven spatial analysis
 Version: 0.2-0
-Date: 2014-02-07
+Date: 2014-02-12
 Authors at R: c(person("Benedikt", "Graeler", role = c("aut", "cre"),
                     email = "ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de"),
              person("Marius", "Appel",role = "ctb"))
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+  stCoVarVineCopula.R

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 export(spCopula, stCopula)
 export(spVineCopula, stVineCopula)
 export(neighbourhood, stNeighbourhood)
 export(empiricalCopula, genEmpCop)
@@ -18,6 +19,7 @@
 export(spGaussCopPredict, spGaussLogLik)
 # tweaks
@@ -26,7 +28,8 @@
 # spatial
 export(getNeighbours, getStNeighbours)
-export(calcSpTreeDists, dropSpTree)
+export(calcSpTreeDists, dropSpTree, dropStTree)
 # fitting
 export(fitCorFun, loglikByCopulasLags, fitSpCopula, composeSpCopula)
@@ -40,4 +43,5 @@
 ## classes
 exportClasses(asCopula, cqsCopula, tawn3pCopula, neighbourhood, stNeighbourhood, empiricalCopula)
-exportClasses(spCopula, stCopula, spVineCopula, stVineCopula)
\ No newline at end of file
+exportClasses(spCopula, stCopula, spVineCopula, stVineCopula)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -627,9 +627,9 @@
 # bounds -> the bounds of the correlation function (typically c(0,1))
 # method -> the measure of association, either "kendall" or "spearman"
 fitSpCopula <- function(bins, cutoff=NA, 
-                        families=c(normalCopula(0), 
-                                   tCopula(0,dispstr="un"), claytonCopula(0), 
-                                   frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), ...) {
+                        families=c(normalCopula(), tCopula(),
+                                   claytonCopula(), frankCopula(),
+                                   gumbelCopula()), ...) {
   calcCor <- fitCorFun(bins, cutoff=cutoff, ...)
   loglik <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, families, calcCor)

Modified: pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -116,6 +116,43 @@
                          stInd, prediction, var))
+## reduction of a larger neigbopurhood based on correlation strengths
+reduceNeighbours <- function(stNeigh, stDepFun, n) {
+  stopifnot(n>0)
+  # transform distances into correlations to detect the strongest correlated ones
+  dimStNeigh <- dim(stNeigh at distances)
+  corMat <- matrix(NA, dimStNeigh[1], dimStNeigh[2])
+  for (i in 1:dimStNeigh[2]) {
+    boolNA <- is.na(stNeigh at data[[1]]) | is.na(stNeigh at data[[1+i]])
+    stNeigh at distances[boolNA,i,] <- c(NA,NA)
+    tLag <- -1*stNeigh at distances[!boolNA,i,2][1]+1
+    corMat[!boolNA,i] <- stDepFun(stNeigh at distances[!boolNA,i,1], tLag)
+  }
+  highCorMat <- t(apply(corMat, 1, function(x) order(x, na.last=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)[1:n]))
+  stNeighDataRed <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(highCorMat), ncol=n+1)
+  stNeighDistRed <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(highCorMat), n, 2))
+  stNeighIndeRed <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(highCorMat), n, 2))
+  for (i in 1:nrow(highCorMat)) {
+    stNeighDataRed[i,] <- as.numeric(stNeigh at data[i,c(1,highCorMat[i,]+1)])
+    stNeighDistRed[i,,] <- stNeigh at distances[i,highCorMat[i,],]
+    stNeighIndeRed[i,,] <- stNeigh at index[i,highCorMat[i,],]
+  }
+  stNeighDataRed <- stNeighDataRed[!is.na(stNeigh at data[[1]]),]
+  stNeighDistRed <- stNeighDistRed[!is.na(stNeigh at data[[1]]),,]
+  stNeighIndeRed <- stNeighIndeRed[!is.na(stNeigh at data[[1]]),,]
+  return(stNeighbourhood(stNeighDataRed,stNeighDistRed, stNeigh at dataLocs, 
+                         ST=stNeigh at dataLocs, stNeighIndeRed, prediction=F, 
+                         var=stNeigh at var))
+## to be redone
 calcStNeighBins <- function(data, var="uniPM10", nbins=9, t.lags=-(0:2),
                             boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, cor.method="fasttau") {
 #   dists <- data at distances[,,1]

Added: pkg/R/stCoVarVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stCoVarVineCopula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/stCoVarVineCopula.R	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+## the spatial vine copula with covariate ##
+validStCoVarVineCopula <- function(object) {
+  return(is.function(object at coVarCop) & validStCopula(object at stCop) & validObject(object at topCop))
+setClass("stCoVarVineCopula", representation("copula", coVarCop="function", stCop="stCopula", topCop="copula"),
+         validity = validStCoVarVineCopula, contains=list("copula"))
+## constructor ##
+stCoVarVineCopula <- function(coVarCop, stCop, topCop) {
+  stopifnot(is(stCop,"stCopula"))
+  new("stCoVarVineCopula", dimension = as.integer(topCop at dimension+1),
+      parameters=numeric(), param.names = character(), param.lowbnd = numeric(), 
+      param.upbnd = numeric(), 
+      fullname = paste("Spatio-temporal covariate vine copula family with 1 spatio-temporal tree."),
+      coVarCop=coVarCop, stCop=stCop, topCop=topCop)
+## show ##
+showStCoVarVineCopula <- function(object) {
+  dim <- object at dimension
+  cat(object at fullname, "\n")
+  cat("Dimension: ", dim, "\n")
+setMethod("show", signature("stCoVarVineCopula"), showStCoVarVineCopula)
+## density ##
+dstCoVarVine <- function(u, coVarCop, stCop, topCop, log, h, stInd) {
+  stopifnot(nrow(u)==nrow(stInd))
+  stopifnot(ncol(u)==2)
+  stopifnot(dim(h)==3)
+  l0 <- rep(0,nrow(u)) # level 0 spatio-temporal density
+  dimDists <- dim(h)
+  nrU <- nrow(u)
+  u1 <- matrix(NA, nrU, ncol(u)-1)
+  for(i in 2:dimDists[2]) { # i <- 1
+    l0 <- l0 + dCopula(u[,c(1,i+1)], stCop, h=matrix(h[,i,], ncol=2), log=T)
+    u1[,i] <- dduCopula(u[,c(1,i+1)], stCop, h=matrix(h[,i,], ncol=2))
+  }
+  uCoVar <- numeric(nrU)
+  for (i in 1:nrU) {
+    uCoVar[i] <- dduCopula(u[i,1:2], coVarCop(stInd[i,]))
+  }
+  if(!is.null(topCop))
+    l1 <- dCopula(cbind(uCoVar, u1), topCop, log=T)
+  else 
+    l1 <- 0
+  if(log)
+    return(l0+l1)
+  else(exp(l0+l1))
+setMethod("dCopula", signature=signature("matrix","stCoVarVineCopula"),
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) {
+            if("topCop" %in% slotNames(copula))
+              dstCoVarVine(u, copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, copula at topCop, log=log, ...)
+            else
+              dstCoVarVine(u, copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, NULL, log=log, ...)
+          })
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) {
+            if("topCop" %in% slotNames(copula))
+              dstCoVarVine(matrix(u,ncol=copula at dimension), copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, copula at topCop, log=log, ...)
+            else
+              dstCoVarVine(matrix(u,ncol=copula at dimension), copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, NULL, log=log, ...)
+          })
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) {
+            if("topCop" %in% slotNames(copula))
+              dstCoVarVine(as.matrix(u), copula at stCop, copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, copula at topCop, log=log, ...)
+            else
+              dstCoVarVine(as.matrix(u), copula at coVarCop, copula at stCop, NULL, log=log, ...)
+          })
+# # fitting the spatial vine for a given list of spatial copulas
+# fitStVine <- function(copula, data, method, estimate.variance=F) {
+#   stopifnot(class(data)=="stNeighbourhood")
+#   stopifnot(copula at dimension == ncol(data at data))
+#   u0 <- as.matrix(data at data) # previous level's (conditional) data
+#   h0 <- data at distances # previous level's distances
+#   l0 <- rep(0,nrow(u0)) # spatial density
+#   u1 <- NULL # current level of conditional data
+#   cat("[Margin ")
+#   for(i in 1:dim(h0)[2]) { # i <- 1
+#     l0 <- l0 + dCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at stCop, h=h0[,i,], log=T)
+#     cat(i,", ", sep="")
+#     u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at stCop, h=h0[,i,]))
+#   }
+#   u0 <- u1
+#   cat("]\n")
+#   cat("[Estimating a",ncol(u0),"dimensional copula at the top.]\n")
+#   vineCopFit <- fitCopula(copula at topCop, u0, method, estimate.variance) 
+#   stVineCop <- stVineCopula(copula at stCop, vineCopFit at copula)
+#   loglik <- vineCopFit at loglik
+#   return(new("fitCopula", estimate = stVineCop at parameters, var.est = matrix(NA), 
+#              method = method, 
+#              loglik = sum(l0)+loglik,
+#              fitting.stats=list(convergence = as.integer(NA)),
+#              nsample = nrow(data at data), copula=stVineCop))
+# }
+# setMethod("fitCopula",signature=signature("stVineCopula"),fitStVine)
+# conditional spatio-temporal covariate vine
+condStCoVarVine <- function (condVar, dists, stCVVC, stInd, n = 1000) {
+  stopifnot(is.array(dists))
+  coVarCop <- stCVVC at coVarCop(stInd)
+  stBiCop <- stCVVC at stCop
+  topCop <- stCVVC at topCop
+  # add some points in the tails
+  rat <- 50:1%x%c(1e-6,1e-5,1e-4,1e-3)
+  xVals <- unique(sort(c(rat, 1 - rat, 1:(n - 1)/n)))
+  nx <- length(xVals)
+  nbs <- dim(dists)[2]
+  repCondVar <- matrix(condVar, ncol = length(condVar), nrow = nx, byrow = T)
+  dCoVar <- dCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar[,1]), coVarCop)
+  condCoVar <- dduCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar[,1]), coVarCop)
+  u0 <- cbind(xVals,repCondVar[,-1]) # previous level's (conditional) data
+  condData <- matrix(NA, nx, nbs) # current level of conditional data
+  dStBiC <- 1 # current likelihood
+  for(i in 1:nbs) { # i <- 1
+    condData[,i] <- dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], stBiCop, h=matrix(dists[,i,],1))
+    dStBiC <- dStBiC*dCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], stBiCop, h=matrix(dists[,i,],1))
+  }
+  dTopVi <- dCopula(cbind(condCoVar,condData), topCop)
+  density <- dCoVar*dStBiC*dTopVi
+  # the 1-e6 corners linearily to [0,1], but ensure non-negative
+  density <- c(max(0,2*density[1]-density[2]),
+               density, max(0,2*density[nx]-density[nx-1]))
+  linAppr <- approxfun(c(0, xVals, 1), density)
+  # sum up the denstiy to rescale
+  int <- sum(diff(c(0,xVals,1))*(0.5*diff(density)+density[-(nx+2)]))
+  condVineFun <- function(u) linAppr(u)/int
+  attr(condVineFun,"xVals") <- c(0,xVals,1)
+  return(condVineFun)
+## interpolation ##
+# stCopPredict.expectation <- function(predNeigh, stVine, margin, ..., stop.on.error=F) {
+#   stopifnot(is.function(margin$q))
+#   dists <- predNeigh at distances
+#   predMean <- NULL
+#   for(i in 1:nrow(predNeigh at data)) { # i <-1
+#     cat("[Predicting location ",i,".]\n", sep="")
+#     condSecVine <- condStVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,]), dists[i,], stVine)
+#     condExp <-  function(x) {
+#       margin$q(x)*condSecVine(x)
+#     }
+#     ePred <- integrate(condExp,0,1,subdivisions=10000L,stop.on.error=stop.on.error, ...)
+#     if(ePred$abs.error > 0.01)
+#             warning("Numerical integration in predExpectation performed at a level of absolute error of only ",
+#                     ePred$abs.error, " for location ",i,".")
+#     predMean <- c(predMean, ePred$value)
+#   }
+#   if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at locations)) {
+#     res <- predNeigh at locations
+#     res at data[["expect"]] <- predMean
+#     return(res)
+#   } else {
+#     predMean <- data.frame(predMean)
+#     colnames(predMean) <- "expect"
+#     return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at locations, predMean, match.ID=FALSE))
+#   }
+# }
+# stCopPredict.quantile <- function(predNeigh, stVine, margin, p=0.5) {
+#   stopifnot(is.function(margin$q))
+#   dists <- predNeigh at distances
+#   predQuantile <- NULL
+#   for(i in 1:nrow(predNeigh at data)) { # i <-1
+#     cat("[Predicting location ",i,".]\n", sep="")
+#     condSecVine <- condStVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,]), dists[i,,,drop=F], stVine)
+#     xVals <- attr(condSecVine,"xVals")
+#     density <- condSecVine(xVals)
+#     nx <- length(xVals)
+#     int <- cumsum(c(0,diff(xVals)*(0.5*diff(density)+density[-nx])))
+#     lower <- max(which(int <= p))
+#     m <- (density[lower+1]-density[lower])/(xVals[lower+1]-xVals[lower])
+#     b <- density[lower]
+#     xRes <- -b/m+sign(m)*sqrt(b^2/m^2+2*(p-int[lower])/m)
+#     predQuantile <- c(predQuantile, margin$q(xVals[lower]+xRes))
+#   }
+#   if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at locations)) {
+#     res <- predNeigh at locations
+#     res at data[[paste("quantile.",p,sep="")]] <- predQuantile
+#     return(res)
+#   } else {
+#     predQuantile <- data.frame(predQuantile)
+#     colnames(predQuantile) <- paste("quantile.",p,sep="")
+#     return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at locations, predQuantile, match.ID=FALSE))
+#   }
+# }
+# stCopPredict <- function(predNeigh, stVine, margin, method="quantile", p=0.5, ...) {
+#   switch(method,
+#          quantile=stCopPredict.quantile(predNeigh, stVine, margin, p),
+#          expectation=stCopPredict.expectation(predNeigh, stVine, margin, ...))
+# }
+# dropStTree <- function(neigh, stCop) {
+#     stopifnot(class(neigh)=="stNeighbourhood")
+#     u0 <- as.matrix(neigh at data) # previous level's (conditional) data
+#     h0 <- neigh at distances # previous level's distances
+#     u1 <- NULL # current level of conditional data
+#     h1s <- NULL # upcoming distances
+#     h1t <- NULL # upcoming distances
+#     cat("[Margin ")
+#     for(i in 1:dim(h0)[2]) { # i <- 1
+#       cat(i,", ")
+#       u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], stCop, h=h0[,i,]))
+#       if (i < ncol(neigh at distances)) {
+#         h1s <- cbind(h1s, apply(neigh at index[, c(1, i + 1),1], 1, 
+#                                 function(x) spDists(neigh at locations@sp[x, ])[1, 2]))
+#         h1t <- cbind(h1t, apply(neigh at index[, c(1, i + 1),2], 1, 
+#                                 function(x) diff(x)))
+#       }
+#     }
+#     h1 <- array(dim=c(dim(h1s),2))
+#     h1[,,1] <- h1s
+#     h1[,,2] <- h1t
+#     varSplit <- strsplit(neigh at var, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+#     cond <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(varSplit[length(varSplit)]))
+#     if (is.na(cond)) 
+#       cond <- paste(neigh at var, "|0", sep = "")
+#     else cond <- paste(neigh at var, cond + 1, sep = "")
+#     return(stNeighbourhood(data=u1, distances=h1, STxDF=neigh at locations, 
+#                            ST=neigh at dataLocs, index=neigh at index[, -1,], 
+#                            prediction=neigh at prediction, var=cond))
+# }
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd
--- pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/condStCoVarVine.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+conditional distribution function of spatio-temporal covariate vine copula
+Returns a conditional distribution function of spatio-temporal covariate vine copula
+condStCoVarVine(condVar, dists, stCVVC, stInd, n = 1000)
+  \item{condVar}{
+the conditioning variables
+  \item{dists}{
+spatio-temporal distances to the conditioning variables
+  \item{stCVVC}{
+the spatio-temporal covariate vine copula of the model
+  \item{stInd}{
+spatio-temporal index pair to be used with covariate copula (which is in first place a function taking a pair of indices and returns a copula object)
+  \item{n}{
+number of approximation points
+a univariate distribution function over [0,1]
+Benedikt Graeler
+The distribution is linearly approximated at a limited number (\code{n}) of points.
+\code{\link{condStVine}}, \code{\link{condSpVine}}
+spCopT0 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(8), claytonCopula(4), 
+                                    claytonCopula(2), claytonCopula(1),
+                                    claytonCopula(0.5), indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400,500,600),
+                    unit="km")
+spCopT1 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(4), claytonCopula(2), 
+                                    claytonCopula(1), claytonCopula(0.5),
+                                    indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400,500),
+                    unit="km")
+spCopT2 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(2), claytonCopula(1), 
+                                    claytonCopula(0.5), indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400),
+                    unit="km")
+stCop <- stCopula(components=list(spCopT0, spCopT1, spCopT2),
+                  t.lags=-(0:2))
+# only a constant copula ius used for the covariate
+stCVVC <- stCoVarVineCopula(function(x) gumbelCopula(2), stCop, vineCopula(9L))
+dists <- array(c(150, 250, 150, 250,0,0,-1,-1),dim=c(1,4,2))
+condVar <- c(0.15, 0.29, 0.55, 0.05, 0.41)
+condDensity <- condStCoVarVine(condVar, dists, stCVVC, c(1,1))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/dropSpTree.Rd
--- pkg/man/dropSpTree.Rd	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/man/dropSpTree.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-A conditioned \code{\linkS4class{neighbourhood}} of dimesnion 1 less.
+A conditioned \code{\linkS4class{neighbourhood}} of dimension 1 less.

Added: pkg/man/dropStTree.Rd
--- pkg/man/dropStTree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/dropStTree.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Drops a spatio-temporal tree
+A spatio-temporal tree is dropped in order to fit the following copula.
+\usage{dropStTree(neigh, stCop)}
+  \item{neigh}{
+the current spatio-temporal \code{\linkS4class{stNeighbourhood}}
+  \item{stCop}{
+the current spatio-temporal copula performing the conditioning
+A conditioned spatio-temporal \code{\linkS4class{stNeighbourhood}} of dimension 1 less.
+Benedikt Graeler
+\keyword{ spatio-temporal }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 A bivariate spatial copula is composed out of a set of bivariate copulas. These are combined using a convex linear combination with weights based on distances where for copulas with a 1-1 correspondence of Kendall's tau or Spearman's rho a dependence function providing measures of association based on distances might be used. This function estimates a spatial dependence function, evaluates the log-likelihood per family and lag class, selects the best fits and composes a spatial bivariate copula.
-fitSpCopula(bins, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0, dispstr = "un"),
-            claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), ...)
+fitSpCopula(bins, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(), tCopula(),
+            claytonCopula(), frankCopula(), gumbelCopula()), ...)
@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@
-fitSpCopula(bins=bins,cutoff=600,families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0,dispstr = "un"),
-                                            claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
-                                            gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5)))
+fitSpCopula(bins, 600)
 \keyword{ spatial }
 \keyword{ multivariate }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Modified: pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd
--- pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 The spatial size of the neighbourhood including the location of interest (for fitting as well for prediction).
 \item{t.lags}{The temporal lags to be used in the spatio-temporal neighbourhood.}
-\item{timeSteps}{The number of tiem instances that should randomly be selected from \code{stData}. The defualt, \code{NA}, selects all locations.}
+\item{timeSteps}{The number of time instances that should randomly be selected from \code{stData}. The default, \code{NA}, selects all locations.}
   \item{prediction}{whether the neighbourhood should be used for prediction (TRUE) or spatial/Spatio-temporal vine copula fitting.}
 the minimal distance for a location to be included. Must be larger than 0 for fitting purposes and might be 0 for prediction.

Added: pkg/man/reduceNeighbours.Rd
--- pkg/man/reduceNeighbours.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/reduceNeighbours.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Selecting the strongest correlated neighbours
+A function selecting the strongest correlated neighbours from a larger set of neighbours
+reduceNeighbours(stNeigh, stDepFun, n)
+  \item{stNeigh}{
+the proxy neighbourhood to be investigated
+  \item{stDepFun}{
+a spatio-temporal dependence function that return correlation estimates based on a spatial and temporal distance
+  \item{n}{
+the number of neighbours to be selected.
+\value{A spatio-temporal neighbourhood \code{\linkS4class{stNeighbourhood}} with fewer neighbours.}
+Benedikt Graeler
+sp <- SpatialPoints(matrix(c(181000,181100,333500,333600),2))
+time <- Sys.time()+60*60*24*c(0,1,2,3,4)
+data <- data.frame(var1=runif(10))
+stData <- STFDF(sp, time, data)
+stNeigh <- getStNeighbours(stData, spSize=2, t.lags=-(0:2))
+reduceNeighbours(stNeigh, function(h,delta) return(1/h/delta), 2)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula-class.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula-class.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\title{Class \code{"stCoVarVineCopula"}}
+A S4-class  representing a spatio-temporal covariate vine copula
+\section{Objects from the Class}{
+Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("stCoVarVineCopula", ...)} or by calls to the constructor \code{\link{stCoVarVineCopula}}.
+  \describe{
+    \item{\code{coVarCop}:}{Object of class \code{"function"} returning a bivariate copula object for absolute pairs of spatio-temporal indices.}
+    \item{\code{stCop}:}{Object of class \code{"stCopula"} modelling the spatio-temporal dependence on the first tree.}
+    \item{\code{topCop}:}{Object of class \code{"copula"} joining the spatio-temporal tree with its additional covariate copula to a full vine copula.}
+    \item{\code{dimension}:}{Object of class \code{"integer"} denoting the dimension of the overall copula. }
+    \item{\code{parameters}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}, not used.}
+    \item{\code{param.names}:}{Object of class \code{"character"}, not used.}
+    \item{\code{param.lowbnd}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}, not used.}
+    \item{\code{param.upbnd}:}{Object of class \code{"numeric"}, not used.}
+    \item{\code{fullname}:}{Object of class \code{"character"} providing a textual short description of this class.}
+  }
+Class \code{"\linkS4class{copula}"}, directly.
+Class \code{"\linkS4class{Copula}"}, by class "copula", distance 2.
+No methods defined with class "stCoVarVineCopula" in the signature.
+Benedikt Graeler

Added: pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/stCoVarVineCopula.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Constructor for \code{\linkS4class{stCoVarVineCopula}}
+This function provides a more comfortable way of defining a \code{\linkS4class{stCoVarVineCopula}}.
+stCoVarVineCopula(coVarCop, stCop, topCop)
+  \item{coVarCop}{
+A function returning a returning a bivariate copula object for absolute pairs of spatio-temporal indices
+  \item{stCop}{
+Object of class \code{"stCopula"} modelling the spatio-temporal dependence on the first tree
+  \item{topCop}{
+Object of class \code{"copula"} joining the spatio-temporal tree with its additional covariate copula to a full vine copula.
+For a spatio-temporal random field Z with covariate Y a c-vine is assumed with data sorted as (z_0, y_0, z_1, .., z_n).
+\value{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{stCoVarVineCopula}}.}
+Benedikt Graeler
+\code{\link{stVineCopula}}, \code{\linkS4class{stCoVarVineCopula}}
+# a spatio-temporal C-vine copula (with independent copulas in the upper vine)
+spCopT0 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(8), claytonCopula(4), 
+                                    claytonCopula(2), claytonCopula(1),
+                                    claytonCopula(0.5), indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400,500,600),
+                    unit="km")
+spCopT1 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(4), claytonCopula(2), 
+                                    claytonCopula(1), claytonCopula(0.5),
+                                    indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400,500),
+                    unit="km")
+spCopT2 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(2), claytonCopula(1), 
+                                    claytonCopula(0.5), indepCopula()),
+                    distances=c(100,200,300,400),
+                    unit="km")
+stCop <- stCopula(components=list(spCopT0, spCopT1, spCopT2),
+                  t.lags=-(0:2))
+# only a constant copula ius used for the covariate
+stCoVarVineCopula(function(x) gumbelCopula(2), stCop, vineCopula(9L))
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Modified: pkg/man/stVineCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/stVineCopula.Rd	2014-02-07 15:21:34 UTC (rev 121)
+++ pkg/man/stVineCopula.Rd	2014-02-12 14:54:12 UTC (rev 122)
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 # a spatio-temporal C-vine copula (with independent copulas in the upper vine)
 spCopT0 <- spCopula(components=list(claytonCopula(8), claytonCopula(4), 
                                     claytonCopula(2), claytonCopula(1),
                                     claytonCopula(0.5), indepCopula()),
@@ -40,7 +39,6 @@
 stCop <- stCopula(components=list(spCopT0, spCopT1, spCopT2),
 stVineCopula(stCop, vineCopula(9L))
 \keyword{ mulitvariate }

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