[spcopula-commits] r107 - pkg/man

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Mon Sep 9 08:49:39 CEST 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-09-09 08:49:39 +0200 (Mon, 09 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 107

- corrected line width in several man pages (\usage <= 90, \examples <= 100)

Modified: pkg/man/calcBins.Rd
--- pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 The (spatio-temporal) space is subdivided into pairs of observations that belong to certain spatial/spatio-temporal distance classes. For each distance class, the mean separating distance of all pairs involved is calculated alongside a correlation measure. The spatial/spatio-temporal correlogram is plotted by default.
-calcBins(data, var, nbins = 15, boundaries = NA, cutoff = NA, cor.method="kendall", plot=TRUE, ...)
+calcBins(data, var, nbins = 15, boundaries = NA, cutoff = NA, cor.method="kendall",
+         plot=TRUE, ...)

Modified: pkg/man/composeSpCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/composeSpCopula.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/composeSpCopula.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-composeSpCopula(c(1,1,2,3),families=list(frankCopula(.4), gumbelCopula(1.6),gumbelCopula(1.4)),             
+composeSpCopula(c(1,1,2,3),families=list(frankCopula(.4), gumbelCopula(1.6),gumbelCopula(1.4)),

Modified: pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd
--- pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 Plots a kernel smoothed scatter plot of the provided rank-transformed sample. The work is done by the function \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}.
-dependencePlot(var = NULL, smpl, bandwidth = 0.075,  main="Stength of dependece", transformation = function(x) x, ...)
+dependencePlot(var = NULL, smpl, bandwidth = 0.075,  main="Stength of dependece",
+               transformation = function(x) x, ...)
 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.

Modified: pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd
--- pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/fitCorFun.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 Polynomials of different degrees can be fitted to the correlogram calculated using \code{\link{calcBins}}. This function will be used to adjust the copula parameter in the spatial/spatio-temporal copula.
-fitCorFun(bins, degree = 3, cutoff = NA, bounds = c(0, 1), cor.method = NULL, weighted = FALSE)
+fitCorFun(bins, degree = 3, cutoff = NA, bounds = c(0, 1), cor.method = NULL,
+          weighted = FALSE)

Modified: pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/fitSpCopula.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 A bivariate spatial copula is composed out of a set of bivariate copulas. These are combined using a convex linear combination with weights based on distances where for copulas with a 1-1 correspondence of Kendall's tau or Spearman's rho a dependence function providing measures of association based on distances might be used. This function estimates a spatial dependence function, evaluates the log-likelihood per family and lag class, selects the best fits and composes a spatial bivariate copula.
-fitSpCopula(bins, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0, dispstr = "un"), claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), ...)
+fitSpCopula(bins, cutoff = NA, families = c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0, dispstr = "un"),
+            claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), ...)

Modified: pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd
--- pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 This function calculates a local neighbourhood to be used for fitting of spatial/spatio-temporal vine copulas and for prediction using spatial/spatio-temporal vine copulas.
-getNeighbours(dataLocs, predLocs, var = names(dataLocs)[1], size = 5, prediction=FALSE, min.dist = 0.01)
+getNeighbours(dataLocs, predLocs, var = names(dataLocs)[1], size = 5, prediction=FALSE,
+              min.dist = 0.01)

Modified: pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd
--- pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/getStNeighbours.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 This function calculates local spatio-temporal neighbourhoods to be used for fitting of spatio-temporal vine copulas and for prediction using spatio-temporal vine copulas.
-getStNeighbours(stData, ST, var = names(stData at data)[1], spSize = 4, t.lags=-(0:2), timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist = 0.01)
+getStNeighbours(stData, ST, var = names(stData at data)[1], spSize = 4, t.lags=-(0:2),
+                timeSteps=NA, prediction=FALSE, min.dist = 0.01)

Modified: pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd
--- pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/loglikByCopulasLags.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 This function calculates the log-likelihood for a set of provided copula families per lag class. The copulas' parameters are either fitted by a provided distance dependent function, or through the function \code{\link{fitCopula}} per lag and copula family. 
-loglikByCopulasLags(bins, families = c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0, dispstr = "un"), claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), calcCor)
+loglikByCopulasLags(bins, families = c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0, dispstr = "un"),
+                    claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), gumbelCopula(1)), calcCor)

Modified: pkg/man/spCopPredict.Rd
--- pkg/man/spCopPredict.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/spCopPredict.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@
 meuse$rtZinc <- rank(meuse$zinc)/(length(meuse)+1)
-predMeuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse[1:4,], meuse.grid[c(9:12,15:19,24:28,34:38),],"rtZinc",5L,TRUE,-1)
+predMeuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse[1:4,], meuse.grid[c(9:12,15:19,24:28,34:38),],
+                                "rtZinc", 5L, TRUE, -1)
 qMar <- function(x) {

Modified: pkg/man/stCopPredict.Rd
--- pkg/man/stCopPredict.Rd	2013-09-09 06:31:19 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/man/stCopPredict.Rd	2013-09-09 06:49:39 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@
 meuse$rtZinc <- rank(meuse$zinc)/(length(meuse)+1)
-predMeuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse[1:4,], meuse.grid[c(9:12,15:19,24:28,34:38),],"rtZinc",5L,TRUE,-1)
+predMeuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse[1:4,], meuse.grid[c(9:12,15:19,24:28,34:38),],
+                                "rtZinc", 5L, TRUE, -1)
 qMar <- function(x) {

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