[spcopula-commits] r99 - / pkg pkg/R pkg/demo pkg/man www

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Wed Jul 10 09:07:34 CEST 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-07-10 09:07:34 +0200 (Wed, 10 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 99

- changed neighbourhood structure
- new, additional demo
- updated spatio-temporal structures (more to come)
- more on multi-level spatial/spatio-temporal copulas (still more to come)

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -50,6 +50,4 @@
 exportClasses(BB8Copula, surBB8Copula, r90BB8Copula, r270BB8Copula)
 exportClasses(joeBiCopula, surJoeBiCopula, r90JoeBiCopula, r270JoeBiCopula)
 exportClasses(surClaytonCopula, r90ClaytonCopula, r270ClaytonCopula)
-exportClasses(surGumbelCopula, r90GumbelCopula, r270GumbelCopula)
-# useDynLib("spcopula")
\ No newline at end of file
+exportClasses(surGumbelCopula, r90GumbelCopula, r270GumbelCopula)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/Classes.R
--- pkg/R/Classes.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/Classes.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -240,34 +240,34 @@
 # sp: an optional slot providing the coordinates of locations
 # index: a matrix linking the data entries with the coordinates of the locations
 validNeighbourhood <- function(object) {
-  sizeN <- ncol(object at distances)+1
-  nVars <- length(object at var)
-  if (object at prediction & is.null(object at dataLocs))
-    return("The locations of the data have to provided for the estimation procedure.")
+  if(length(var)>1)
+    return("Only a single variable name is supported.")
+  if (object at prediction & is.null(object at predLocs))
+    return("The prediction locations have to be provided for the prediction procedure.")
+  # check for number of rows
   if (nrow(object at data) != nrow(object at distances)) 
     return("Data and distances have unequal number of rows.")
-  if (ncol(object at data) %% (sizeN-object at prediction) != 0) 
-    return("Data and distances have non matching number of columns.")
   if (nrow(object at data) != nrow(object at index)) 
     return("Data and index have unequal number of rows.")
-  if (ncol(object at distances) != ncol(object at index)) 
+  # check for columns
+  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at distances)+1)
+    return("Data and distances have non matching number of columns.")
+  if (ncol(object at data) != ncol(object at index)) 
     return("Data and index have unequal number of columns.")
-  if (ncol(object at data) != (sizeN-object at prediction) * nVars) 
-    return(paste("Number of columns in data does not equal the product of the neighbourhood's size (",sizeN,") with number of variables (",nVars,").",sep=""))
          representation = representation(data = "data.frame", 
-                                         locations="Spatial",
-                                         dataLocs="optionalDataLocs",
-                                         var="character", 
-                                         prediction="logical"),
+                                         dataLocs="Spatial",
+                                         predLocs="optionalLocs",
+                                         prediction="logical",
+                                         var="character"),         
          validity = validNeighbourhood, contains = list("Spatial"))
 ## ST neighbourhood

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
       } else {
         if(class(lowerCop) != "indepCopula") {
           lowerParam <- calibPar(lowerCop, h)
-          lowerCop at parameters <- lowerParam
+          lowerCop at parameters[length(lowerParam)] <- lowerParam
         return(fun(pairs, lowerCop, ...))
@@ -608,23 +608,31 @@
 ## dropping a spatial tree, returning a conditional neighbourhood
 dropSpTree <- function(neigh, spCop) {
-  u1 <- NULL
-  h1 <- NULL
+  u1 <- matrix(NA,nrow(neigh at data),ncol(neigh at data)-1)
+  h1 <- matrix(NA,nrow(neigh at distances),ncol(neigh at distances)-1)
   for(i in 1:ncol(neigh at distances)) {
-    u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(as.matrix(neigh at data[,c(1,1+i)]), spCop,
-                              neigh at distances[,i]))
+    u1[,i] <- dduCopula(as.matrix(neigh at data[,c(1,1+i)]), spCop, 
+                     neigh at distances[,i])
     if (i < ncol(neigh at distances)) {
-      h1 <- cbind(h1, apply(neigh at index[,c(1,i+1)],1, 
-                            function(x) spDists(neigh at locations[x,])[1,2]))
+      h1[,i] <- apply(neigh at index[,c(2,2+i)],1, 
+                   function(x) spDists(neigh at dataLocs[x,])[1,2])
   varSplit <- strsplit(neigh at var,"|",fixed=TRUE)[[1]]
   cond <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(varSplit[length(varSplit)]))
-  if(is.na(cond))
-    cond <- paste(neigh at var,"|0",sep="")
-  else
-    cond <- paste(neigh at var,cond+1,sep="")
-  return(neighbourhood(u1, h1, neigh at locations, neigh at dataLocs, neigh at index[,-1], neigh at prediction,
-                       cond))
+  if(is.na(cond)) {
+    var <- paste(neigh at var,"|0",sep="")
+    colnames(u1) <- paste(paste("N", rep(1:(ncol(u1)), each=length(var)), sep=""),
+                          rep(var,ncol(u1)),sep=".")
+  } else {
+    var <- paste(neigh at var,cond+1,sep="")
+    colnames(u1) <- paste(paste("N", rep(cond:(ncol(u1)+cond-1)+2,
+                                         each=length(var)), sep=""),
+                          rep(var,ncol(u1)),sep=".")
+  }
+  return(neighbourhood(data=u1, distances=h1, index=neigh at index[,-1],
+                       dataLocs=neigh at dataLocs, predLocs=neigh at predLocs,
+                       prediction=neigh at prediction, var=var))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/spVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
       u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at spCop[[spTree]], h=h0[,i]))
       if (i < ncol(h0)) {
         h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(data at index[,c(spTree,spTree+i)],1, 
-                             function(x) spDists(data at locations[x,])[1,2]))
+                             function(x) spDists(data at dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
     u0 <- u1
@@ -142,11 +142,6 @@
 # deriving all spatial tree distances
 calcSpTreeDists <- function(neigh, n.trees) {
-  if(!neigh at prediction)
-    data <- neigh at locations
-  else
-    data <- neigh at dataLocs
   condDists <- list(n.trees)
   condDists[[1]] <- neigh at distances
@@ -154,8 +149,8 @@
   for (spTree in 1:(n.trees-1)) {
     h1 <- NULL
     for(i in 1:(ncol(neigh at distances)-spTree)) {
-      h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(neigh at index[,c(spTree,i+spTree),drop=F],1, 
-                           function(x) spDists(data[x,])[1,2]))
+      h1 <- cbind(h1,apply(neigh at index[,c(spTree+1,spTree+i+1),drop=F],1, 
+                           function(x) spDists(neigh at dataLocs[x,])[1,2]))
       dimnames(h1) <- NULL
     condDists[[spTree+1]] <- h1
@@ -201,7 +196,7 @@
   predMean <- NULL
   for(i in 1:nrow(predNeigh at data)) { # i <-1
     cat("[Predicting location ",i,".]\n", sep="")
-    condSecVine <- condSpVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,]), 
+    condSecVine <- condSpVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,-1]), 
                               lapply(dists,function(x) x[i,]), spVine)
     condExp <-  function(x) {
@@ -214,14 +209,14 @@
                     ePred$abs.error, " for location ",i,".")
     predMean <- c(predMean, ePred$value)
-  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at locations)) {
-    res <- predNeigh at locations
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at predLocs)) {
+    res <- predNeigh at predLocs
     res at data[["expect"]] <- predMean
   } else {
     predMean <- data.frame(predMean)
     colnames(predMean) <- "expect"
-    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at locations, predMean, match.ID=FALSE))
+    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at predLocs, predMean, match.ID=FALSE))
@@ -232,7 +227,7 @@
   predQuantile <- NULL
   for(i in 1:nrow(predNeigh at data)) { # i <-1
     cat("[Predicting location ",i,".]\n", sep="")
-    condSecVine <- condSpVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,]), 
+    condSecVine <- condSpVine(as.numeric(predNeigh at data[i,-1]), 
                               lapply(dists,function(x) x[i,]), spVine)
     xVals <- attr(condSecVine,"xVals")
@@ -253,14 +248,14 @@
     predQuantile <- c(predQuantile, margin$q(xVals[lower]+xRes))
-  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at locations)) {
-    res <- predNeigh at locations
+  if ("data" %in% slotNames(predNeigh at predLocs)) {
+    res <- predNeigh at predLocs
     res at data[[paste("quantile.",p,sep="")]] <- predQuantile
   } else {
     predQuantile <- data.frame(predQuantile)
     colnames(predQuantile) <- paste("quantile.",p,sep="")
-    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at locations, predQuantile, match.ID=FALSE))
+    return(addAttrToGeom(predNeigh at predLocs, predQuantile, match.ID=FALSE))

Modified: pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/spatialPreparation.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -7,18 +7,15 @@
 ## spatial neighbourhood constructor
-neighbourhood <- function(data, distances, sp, dataLocs=NULL, index, 
+neighbourhood <- function(data, distances, index, dataLocs, predLocs=NULL, 
                           prediction, var) {
   sizeN <- ncol(distances)+1
   data <- as.data.frame(data)
-  colnames(data) <- paste(paste("N", rep((0+as.numeric(prediction)):(sizeN-1), 
-                                         each=length(var)), sep=""),
-                          rep(var,(sizeN-prediction)),sep=".")
   if (anyDuplicated(rownames(data))>0)
     rownames <- 1:length(rownames)
-  new("neighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, locations=sp, 
-      dataLocs=dataLocs, bbox=sp at bbox, proj4string=sp at proj4string, index=index,
-      var=var, prediction=prediction)
+  new("neighbourhood", data=data, distances=distances, index=index,
+      dataLocs=dataLocs, predLocs=predLocs, prediction=prediction, var=var,
+      bbox=dataLocs at bbox, proj4string=dataLocs at proj4string)
 ## show
@@ -31,13 +28,13 @@
 ## names (from sp)
-setMethod(names, signature("neighbourhood"), namesNeighbourhood <- function(x) x at var)
+setMethod(names, signature("neighbourhood"), function(x) x at var)
 ## spplot ##
 spplotNeighbourhood <- function(obj, zcol=names(obj), ..., column=0) {
   stopifnot(all(column<ncol(obj at data)))
   pattern <- paste(paste("N", column, ".", sep=""), zcol, sep="")
-  spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=obj at locations, 
+  spdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords=obj at dataLocs, 
                                  data=obj at data[,pattern,drop=FALSE], 
                                  proj4string=obj at proj4string, bbox=obj at bbox)
   spplot(spdf, ...)
@@ -49,7 +46,7 @@
   newSp <- x at locations[i,]
   new("neighbourhood", data=x at data[i,,drop=F], 
       distances=x at distances[i,,drop=F], 
-      locations=newSp, dataLocs=x at dataLocs, bbox=newSp at bbox, 
+      dataLocs=newSp, predLocs=x at predLocs, bbox=newSp at bbox, 
       proj4string=x at proj4string, index=x at index[i,,drop=F], var=x at var, 
       prediction=x at prediction)
@@ -61,45 +58,44 @@
 # returns an neighbourhood object
-getNeighbours <- function(spData, locations, var=names(spData)[1], size=5, 
+getNeighbours <- function(dataLocs, predLocs, var=names(dataLocs)[1], size=5, 
                           prediction=FALSE, min.dist=0.01) {
-  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(locations)) || (prediction && !missing(locations)))
+  stopifnot((!prediction && missing(predLocs)) || (prediction && !missing(predLocs)))
   stopifnot(min.dist>0 || prediction)
-  if(missing(locations) && !prediction)
-    locations=spData
+  if(missing(predLocs) && !prediction)
+    predLocs=dataLocs
-  stopifnot(is(locations,"Spatial"))
+  stopifnot(is(predLocs,"Spatial"))
-  nLocs <- length(locations)
-  if(any(is.na(match(var,names(spData)))))
+  if(any(is.na(match(var,names(dataLocs)))))
     stop("At least one of the variables is unkown or is not part of the data.")
-  size <- min(size,length(spData)+prediction)
-  allDists <- NULL
-  allLocs <- NULL
-  allData <- NULL
+  nLocs <- length(predLocs)
+  size <- min(size, length(dataLocs)+prediction)
-  for(i in 1:length(locations)) { # i <- 1
-    tempDists <- spDists(spData,locations[i,])
+  allLocs <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size)
+  allDists <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size-1)
+  allData <- matrix(NA,nLocs,size)
+  for (i in 1:nLocs) {
+    tempDists <- spDists(dataLocs, predLocs[i, ])
     tempDists[tempDists < min.dist] <- Inf
-    spLocs <- order(tempDists)[1:(size-1)]
-    allLocs <- rbind(allLocs, spLocs)
-    allDists <- rbind(allDists, tempDists[spLocs])
+    spLocs <- order(tempDists)[1:(size - 1)]
-    if(!prediction)
-      spLocs <- c(i,spLocs)
-    allData <- rbind(allData, as.vector(spData[spLocs, var, drop=F]@data[[1]]))
+    allLocs[i,] <- c(i, spLocs)
+    allDists[i,] <- tempDists[spLocs]
+    allData[i,(prediction+1):size] <- dataLocs[c(i[!prediction],spLocs),
+                                               var, drop = F]@data[[1]]
-  if (prediction)
-    dataLocs <- spData
-  else 
-    dataLocs <- NULL
-  return(neighbourhood(allData, allDists, locations, dataLocs,
-                       allLocs, prediction, var))
+  if (!prediction)
+    predLocs <- NULL
+  colnames(allData) <- paste(paste("N", rep(0:(size-1), 
+                                            each=length(var)), sep=""),
+                             rep(var,size),sep=".")
+  return(neighbourhood(allData, allDists, allLocs, dataLocs,
+                       predLocs, prediction, var))
@@ -148,6 +144,8 @@
   if(any(is.na(boundaries))) {
     boundaries <- ((1:nbins) * cutoff/nbins)
+  nbins <- length(boundaries)-1
   lags <- calcSpLagInd(data, boundaries)
@@ -196,14 +194,16 @@
     boundaries <- unique(c(0,boundaries))
-  np <- numeric(0)
-  moa <- numeric(0)
+  nbins <- length(boundaries)-1
+  np <- numeric(nbins)
+  moa <- numeric(nbins)
+  meanDists <- numeric(nbins)
   lagData <- NULL
-  meanDists <- numeric(0)
   data <- as.matrix(data at data)
-  for ( i in 1:nbins) {
+  for (i in 1:nbins) {
     bools <- (dists <= boundaries[i+1] & dists > boundaries[i])
     pairs <- NULL
@@ -212,14 +212,14 @@
     lagData <- append(lagData, list(pairs))
-    moa <- c(moa, corFun(pairs))
-    meanDists <- c(meanDists, mean(dists[bools]))
-    np <- c(np, sum(bools))
+    moa[i] <- corFun(pairs)
+    meanDists[i] <- mean(dists[bools])
+    np[i] <- sum(bools)
   if(plot) { 
     plot(meanDists, moa, xlab="distance", ylab=paste("correlation [",cor.method,"]",sep=""), 
-         ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(moa)),max(moa)), xlim=c(0,max(meanDists)))
+         ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(moa, na.rm=T)),max(moa, na.rm=T)), xlim=c(0,max(meanDists,na.rm=T)))

Modified: pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R
--- pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/spatio-temporalPreparation.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-## calculate neighbourhood from SpatialPointsDataFrame
+## calculate neighbourhood from ST
 # returns an neighbourhood object
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@
     stNeighData <- rbind(stNeighData, tmpData) # bind data row-wise
     stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at distances[i,],
-                                                          timeSteps*(spSize-1)),
-                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))  # store sp distances
+                                                          timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
+                                                      byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))   # store sp distances
     stDists[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- matrix(rep(rep(t.lags,each=spSize-1),
                                                       byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))  # store tmp distances
     stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,1] <- matrix(rep(nghbrs at index[i,],
-                                                    timeSteps*(spSize-1)),
+                                                    timeSteps*length(t.lags)),
                                                     byrow=T, ncol=length(t.lags)*(spSize-1))
     stInd[(i-1)*timeSteps+1:timeSteps,,2] <- tmpInd
@@ -95,4 +95,112 @@
     dataLocs <- NULL
   return(stNeighbourhood(as.data.frame(stNeighData), stDists, stData, ST, 
                          stInd, prediction, var))
\ No newline at end of file
+calcStNeighBins <- function(data, var="uniPM10", nbins=9, t.lags=-(0:2),
+                            boundaries=NA, cutoff=NA, cor.method="fasttau") {
+#   dists <- data at distances[,,1]
+#   corFun <- switch(cor.method,
+#                    fasttau=function(x) VineCopula:::fasttau(x[,1],x[,2]),
+#                    function(x) cor(x,method=cor.method)[1,2])
+#   if (any(is.na(boundaries))) 
+#     boundaries <- quantile(as.vector(dists), probs=c(1:nbins/nbins))
+#   if(!is.na(cutoff)) {
+#     boundaries <- boundaries[boundaries < cutoff]
+#     boundaries <- unique(c(0,boundaries,cutoff))
+#   } else {
+#     boundaries <- unique(c(0,boundaries))
+#   }
+#   lagData <- NULL
+#   for(t.lag in t.lags) { # t.lag <- 0
+#     tBool <- data at distances[,,2]==t.lag
+#     tmpLagData <- NULL
+#     for(i in 1:nbins) { # i <- 1
+#       sBool <- (dists <= boundaries[i + 1] & dists > boundaries[i])
+#       bool <- tBool & sBool
+#       pairs <- NULL
+#       for (col in 1:(dim(tBool)[2])) { # col <- 1
+#         if(!any(bool[, col]))
+#           next
+#         sInd <- data at index[bool[, col], c(1, 1 + col),1]
+#         tInd <- data at index[bool[, col], c(1, 1 + col),2]
+#         p1 <- apply(cbind(sInd[,1], tInd[,1]),1,
+#                     function(x) data at locations[x[1], x[2],var])
+#         p2 <- apply(cbind(sInd[,2], tInd[,2]),1,
+#                     function(x) data at locations[x[1], x[2],var])
+#         pairs <- rbind(pairs, cbind(p1,p2))
+#       }
+#       tmpLagData <- append(tmpLagData,list(pairs))
+#     }
+#     lagData <- append(lagData,list(tmpLagData))
+#   }
+#   lagData <- lapply(spIndices, retrieveData, tempIndices = tempIndices)
+#   calcStats <- function(binnedData) {
+#     cors <- NULL
+#     for (i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
+#       cors <- c(cors, cor(binnedData[, 2 * i - 1], binnedData[, 2 * i], method = cor.method, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
+#     }
+#     return(cors)
+#   }
+#   calcTau <- function(binnedData) {
+#     cors <- NULL
+#     for (i in 1:(ncol(binnedData)/2)) {
+#       cors <- c(cors, VineCopula:::fasttau(binnedData[, 2 * i - 1], binnedData[, 2 * i]))
+#     }
+#     return(cors)
+#   }
+#   calcCor <- switch(cor.method, fasttau = calcTau, calcStats)
+#   lagCor <- sapply(lagData, calcCor)
+#   np <- numeric(0)
+#   moa <- numeric(0)
+#   lagData <- NULL
+#   meanDists <- numeric(0)
+#   data <- as.matrix(data at data)
+#   for ( i in 1:nbins) {
+#     bools <- (dists <= boundaries[i+1] & dists > boundaries[i])
+#     pairs <- NULL
+#     for(col in 1:(dim(bools)[2])) {
+#       pairs <- rbind(pairs, data[bools[,col],c(1,1+col)])
+#     }
+#     lagData <- append(lagData, list(pairs))
+#     moa <- c(moa, corFun(pairs))
+#     meanDists <- c(meanDists, mean(dists[bools]))
+#     np <- c(np, sum(bools))
+#   }
+#   if(plot) { 
+#     plot(meanDists, moa, xlab="distance", ylab=paste("correlation [",cor.method,"]",sep=""), 
+#          ylim=1.05*c(-abs(min(moa)),max(moa)), xlim=c(0,max(meanDists)))
+#     abline(h=c(-min(moa),0,min(moa)),col="grey")
+#   }
+#   res <- list(np=np, meanDists = meanDists, lagCor=moa, lagData=lagData)
+#   attr(res,"cor.method") <- switch(cor.method, fasttau="kendall", cor.method)
+#   return(res)
+setMethod(calcBins, signature="stNeighbourhood", calcStNeighBins)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/stCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stCopula.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/stCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
       tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
-      res[tmpInd] <- pSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
+      res[tmpInd] <- pSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
       tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
-      res[tmpInd] <- dSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, log, h[tmpInd,1])
+      res[tmpInd] <- dSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, log, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
       tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
-      res[tmpInd] <- dduSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
+      res[tmpInd] <- dduSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     for(t in tDist) {
       tmpInd <- h[,2]==t
       tmpCop <- copula at spCopList[[match(t, copula at t.lags)]]
-      res[tmpInd] <- ddvSpCopula(u[tmpInd,], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])
+      res[tmpInd] <- ddvSpCopula(u[tmpInd,,drop=F], tmpCop, h[tmpInd,1])

Modified: pkg/R/stVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/stVineCopula.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/R/stVineCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -81,15 +81,18 @@
   stopifnot(copula at dimension == ncol(data at data))
-  u0 <- as.matrix(data at data) # previous level's (contitional) data
+  u0 <- as.matrix(data at data) # previous level's (conditional) data
   h0 <- data at distances # previous level's distances
   l0 <- rep(0,nrow(u0)) # spatial density
   u1 <- NULL # current level of conditional data
+  cat("[Margin ")
   for(i in 1:dim(h0)[2]) { # i <- 1
     l0 <- l0 + dCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at stCop, h=h0[,i,], log=T)
+    cat(i,", ")
     u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], copula at stCop, h=h0[,i,]))
   u0 <- u1
+  cat(".]\n")
   cat("[Estimating a",ncol(u0),"dimensional copula at the top.]\n")
   vineCopFit <- fitCopula(copula at topCop, u0, method, estimate.variance) 
@@ -199,4 +202,37 @@
          quantile=stCopPredict.quantile(predNeigh, stVine, margin, p),
          expectation=stCopPredict.expectation(predNeigh, stVine, margin, ...))
+dropStTree <- function(neigh, stCop) {
+    stopifnot(class(neigh)=="stNeighbourhood")
+    u0 <- as.matrix(neigh at data) # previous level's (conditional) data
+    h0 <- neigh at distances # previous level's distances
+    u1 <- NULL # current level of conditional data
+    h1s <- NULL # upcoming distances
+    h1t <- NULL # upcoming distances
+    cat("[Margin ")
+    for(i in 1:dim(h0)[2]) { # i <- 1
+      cat(i,", ")
+      u1 <- cbind(u1, dduCopula(u0[,c(1,i+1)], stCop, h=h0[,i,]))
+      if (i < ncol(neigh at distances)) {
+        h1s <- cbind(h1s, apply(neigh at index[, c(1, i + 1),1], 1, 
+                                function(x) spDists(neigh at locations@sp[x, ])[1, 2]))
+        h1t <- cbind(h1t, apply(neigh at index[, c(1, i + 1),2], 1, 
+                                function(x) diff(x)))
+      }
+    }
+    h1 <- array(dim=c(dim(h1s),2))
+    h1[,,1] <- h1s
+    h1[,,2] <- h1t
+    varSplit <- strsplit(neigh at var, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
+    cond <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(varSplit[length(varSplit)]))
+    if (is.na(cond)) 
+      cond <- paste(neigh at var, "|0", sep = "")
+    else cond <- paste(neigh at var, cond + 1, sep = "")
+    return(stNeighbourhood(data=u1, distances=h1, STxDF=neigh at locations, 
+                           ST=neigh at dataLocs, index=neigh at index[, -1,], 
+                           prediction=neigh at prediction, var=cond))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/demo/00Index
--- pkg/demo/00Index	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/demo/00Index	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 MRP		The MRP demo gives insight in the code used in the paper: Multivariate return periods in hydrology: a critical and practical review focusing on synthetic design hydrograph estimation, by Gräler et al. (2013), HESS-17-1281-2013.
-spCopula		A demo illustrating the estiamtion of a spatial copula for a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
+spCopula		A demo illustrating the estiamtion of a single spatial tree vine copula for a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
+pureSpVineCopula  	A demo illustrating the estiamtion of a pure spatial vine copula for a SpatialPointsDataFrame.

Added: pkg/demo/pureSpVineCopula.R
--- pkg/demo/pureSpVineCopula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/demo/pureSpVineCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+## librarys ##
+# library(evd)
+## meuse - spatial poionts data.frame ##
+coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
+spplot(meuse,"zinc", col.regions=bpy.colors(5))
+## margins ##
+     main="Histogram of zinc", xlab="zinc concentration")
+ #gevEsti <- fgev(meuse[["zinc"]])$estimate
+meanLog <- mean(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
+sdLog <- sd(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
+# curve(dgev(x,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]),add=T,col="red")
+pMar <- function(q) plnorm(q, meanLog, sdLog)
+qMar <- function(p) qlnorm(p, meanLog, sdLog)
+dMar <- function(x) dlnorm(x, meanLog, sdLog)
+# pMar <- function(q) pgev(q, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# qMar <- function(p) qgev(p, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# dMar <- function(x) dgev(x, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+meuse$rtZinc <- rank(meuse$zinc)/(length(meuse)+1)
+## lag classes ##
+bins <- calcBins(meuse,var="rtZinc", nbins=10, cutoff=800)
+## calculate parameters for Kendall's tau function ##
+calcKTau <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=2)
+curve(calcKTau,0, 1000, col="purple",add=TRUE)
+families <- list(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0,df=2.15), claytonCopula(0),
+                 gumbelCopula(1), frankCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
+                 surClaytonCopula(1), surGumbelCopula(1), surJoeBiCopula(1.5))
+## find best fitting copula per lag class
+loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, families, calcKTau)
+bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau$loglik, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                    function(x) which(x==9))
+## set up a first bivariate spatial Copula
+spCop <- spCopula(c(families[bestFitTau[1:7]],indepCopula()),
+                  distances=bins$meanDists[1:8],
+                  spDepFun=calcKTau, unit="m")
+## estimation neighbourhood for the pure spatial vine copula
+vineDim <- 20L
+meuseNeigh1 <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=meuse,var="rtZinc",size=vineDim)
+## second spatial tree
+meuseNeigh2 <- dropSpTree(meuseNeigh1, spCop)
+bins2 <- calcBins(meuseNeigh2, boundaries=c(0,2:15)*50, plot=F)
+points(bins2$meanDists, bins2$lagCor, pch=2)
+calcKTau2 <- fitCorFun(bins2, degree=3,cutoff=500)
+curve(calcKTau2,0, 800, col="green",add=TRUE)
+curve(calcKTau, 0, 800, col="purple",add=TRUE)
+loglikTau2 <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins2, families) #, calcKTau2)
+bestFitTau2 <- apply(apply(loglikTau2$loglik, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                    function(x) which(x==9))
+## set up the second bivariate spatial Copula
+spCop2 <- spCopula(c(families[bestFitTau2[1:5]],indepCopula()),
+                   distances=bins2$meanDists[1:6],
+                   spDepFun=calcKTau2, unit="m")
+## third spatial tree
+meuseNeigh3 <- dropSpTree(meuseNeigh2, spCop2)
+bins3 <- calcBins(meuseNeigh3)
+calcKTau3 <- fitCorFun(bins3, degree=1,cutoff=400)
+curve(calcKTau3,0, 500, col="purple",add=TRUE)
+loglikTau3 <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins3, families, calcKTau3)
+bestFitTau3 <- apply(apply(loglikTau3$loglik, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                     function(x) which(x==9))
+## set up the third bivariate spatial Copula
+spCop3 <- spCopula(c(families[bestFitTau3[1:6]],indepCopula()),
+                   distances=bins3$meanDists[1:7],
+                   spDepFun=calcKTau3, unit="m")
+## fourth spatial tree
+meuseNeigh4 <- dropSpTree(meuseNeigh3, spCop3)
+bins4 <- calcBins(meuseNeigh4)
+calcKTau4 <- fitCorFun(bins4, degree=1,cutoff=400)
+curve(calcKTau4,0, 500, col="purple",add=TRUE)
+loglikTau4 <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins4, families, calcKTau4)
+bestFitTau4 <- apply(apply(loglikTau4$loglik, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                     function(x) which(x==9))
+## set up the third bivariate spatial Copula
+spCop4 <- spCopula(c(families[bestFitTau4[1:4]],indepCopula()),
+                   distances=bins4$meanDists[1:5],
+                   spDepFun=calcKTau4, unit="m")
+## pure spatial vine
+meuseSpVine <- spVineCopula(list(spCop, spCop2, spCop3, spCop4))
+## neighbourhood for cross-validation using a 5 dim pure spatial vine copula
+vineDim <- 5L
+meuse$lnZinc <- pMar(meuse$zinc)
+meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=meuse, predLocs=meuse, prediction=T, 
+                            min.dist=10, var="lnZinc", size=vineDim)
+# meuse$evZinc <- pMar(meuse$zinc)
+# meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=meuse, predLocs=meuse, prediction=T, 
+#                             min.dist=10, var="evZinc", size=vineDim)
+meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(dataLocs=meuse, predLocs=meuse, prediction=T, 
+                            min.dist=10, var="rtZinc", size=vineDim)
+## leave-one-out x-validation
+time <- proc.time()  # ~240 s
+predMedian <- spCopPredict(meuseNeigh, meuseSpVine, list(q=qMar), "quantile")
+predMean <- spCopPredict(meuseNeigh, meuseSpVine, list(q=qMar), "expectation")
+proc.time() - time
+  mean(predMean$expect-meuse$zinc),
+  sqrt(mean((predMean$expect-meuse$zinc)^2)))
+  mean(predMedian$quantile.0.5-meuse$zinc),
+  sqrt(mean((predMedian$quantile.0.5-meuse$zinc)^2)))
+plot(predMean$expect, meuse$zinc,asp=1)
+plot(predMedian$quantile.0.5, meuse$zinc,asp=1)
+## copula, evd:
+# Median:
+# MAE:  164
+# ME:   -82
+# RMSE: 265
+# Mean:
+# MAE:  278
+# ME:   196
+# RMSE: 507
+## copula, lnorm, rt:
+# Median:
+# MAE:  167
+# ME:   -61
+# RMSE: 263
+# Mean:
+# MAE:  171
+# ME:     0
+# RMSE: 247
+## copula, lnorm, pMar:
+# Median:
+# MAE:  163
+# ME:   -60
+# RMSE: 263
+# Mean:
+# MAE:  167
+# ME:     2
+# RMSE: 248
+## kriging results:
+# same neighbourhood size 5L:
+# MAE:  158.61
+# BIAS:  -4.24
+# RMSE: 239.85
+# global kriging:
+# MAE:  148.85
+# BIAS:  -3.05
+# RMSE: 226.15
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/demo/spCopula.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 # leave-one-out x-validation
-time <- proc.time()  # ~60 s
+time <- proc.time()  # ~100 s
 predMedian <- NULL
 predMean <- NULL
 for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 145

Modified: pkg/man/calcBins.Rd
--- pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/man/calcBins.Rd	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 A function calculating the spatial/spatio-temporal bins

Modified: pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd
--- pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd	2013-06-19 08:08:51 UTC (rev 98)
+++ pkg/man/getNeighbours.Rd	2013-07-10 07:07:34 UTC (rev 99)
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 This function calculates a local neighbourhood to be used for fitting of spatial/spatio-temporal vine copulas and for prediction using spatial/spatio-temporal vine copulas.

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/spcopula -r 99

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