[spcopula-commits] r87 - in pkg: . R demo man

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Wed Feb 20 12:22:14 CET 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-02-20 12:22:13 +0100 (Wed, 20 Feb 2013)
New Revision: 87

- vineCopula class, automated spatial vine copual fitting

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: copula driven spatial analysis
 Version: 0.1-1
-Date: 2013-02-08
+Date: 2013-02-20
 Author: Benedikt Graeler
 Maintainer: Benedikt Graeler <ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de>
 Description: This package provides a framework to analyse via copulas spatial and spatio-temporal data provided in the format of the spacetime package. Additionally, support for calculating different multivariate return periods is implemented.

Modified: pkg/R/spCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/R/spCopula.R	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
             res <- log(res)
         } else {
-          if(class(tmpCop) != "indepCopula")
+          if(class(lowerCop) != "indepCopula")
             lowerCop at parameters <- calibPar(lowerCop, h)
           res <- fun(pairs, lowerCop, ...)

Modified: pkg/R/spVineCopula.R
--- pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/R/spVineCopula.R	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # constructor
-spVineCopula <- function(spCop, vineCop) {
+spVineCopula <- function(spCop, vineCop=vineCopula()) {
   new("spVineCopula", dimension = as.integer(vineCop at dimension+1), parameters=numeric(),
       param.names = character(), param.lowbnd = numeric(), 
       param.upbnd = numeric(), fullname = "Spatial vine copula family.",
@@ -45,4 +45,24 @@
           function(u, copula, log, ...) {
             dspVine(matrix(u,ncol=copula at dimension), copula at spCop, copula at vineCop, log=log, ...)
-          })
\ No newline at end of file
+          })
+# fiiting the spatial vine for a given spatial copula
+fitSpVine <- function(copula, data) {
+  stopifnot(class(data)=="neighbourhood")
+  stopifnot(copula at dimension == ncol(data at data))
+  secLevel <- NULL
+  for (i in 1:(copula at dimension-1)) { # i <- 1
+    secLevel <- cbind(secLevel, 
+                      dduCopula(u=as.matrix(data at data[,c(1,i+1)]), 
+                                copula=copula at spCop, h=data at distances[,i]))
+  }
+  vineCop <- fitCopula(copula at vineCop, secLevel) 
+  return(spVineCopula(spCop, vineCop))
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/R/vineCopulas.R
--- pkg/R/vineCopulas.R	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/R/vineCopulas.R	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -5,9 +5,19 @@
 # constructor
-vineCopula <- function (RVM) {
-  if(class(RVM)=="RVineMatrix") # handling non S4-class as subelement in a S4-class
+vineCopula <- function (RVM) { # RVM <- 4L
+  if (is.integer(RVM)) {# assuming dimension; i <- 1
+    Matrix <- NULL
+    for (i in 1:RVM) {
+      Matrix <- cbind(Matrix,c(rep(0,i-1),(RVM-i+1):1))
+    }
+    RVM <- RVineMatrix(Matrix)
+  }
+  # handling non S4-class as sub-element in a S4-class
+  stopifnot(class(RVM)=="RVineMatrix") 
     class(RVM) <- "list"
   ltr <- lower.tri(RVM$Matrix)
   copDef <- cbind(RVM$family[ltr], RVM$par[ltr], RVM$par2[ltr])
   copulas <- apply(copDef,1, function(x) copulaFromFamilyIndex(x[1],x[2],x[3]))
@@ -44,7 +54,7 @@
 setMethod("dCopula", signature("numeric","vineCopula"), 
-          function(u, copula, ...) dRVine(matrix(u, ncol=copula at dimension), copula, ...))
+          function(u, copula, log, ...) dRVine(matrix(u, ncol=copula at dimension), copula, log, ...))
 setMethod("dCopula", signature("matrix","vineCopula"), dRVine)
 # ## d-vine structure
@@ -151,7 +161,7 @@
 ## jcdf ##
 pvineCopula <- function(u, copula) {
-  empCop <- genEmpCop(copula,1e5)
+  empCop <- genEmpCop(copula, 1e5)
   return(pCopula(u, empCop))
@@ -188,4 +198,14 @@
   RVineSim(n, RVM)
-setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric","vineCopula"), rRVine)
\ No newline at end of file
+setMethod("rCopula", signature("numeric","vineCopula"), rRVine)
+# fitting using RVine
+fitVineCop <- function(copula, data, method) {
+  if("StructureSelect" %in% method)
+    vineCopula(RVineStructureSelect(data, indeptest="indeptest" %in% method))
+  else
+    vineCopula(RVineCopSelect(data, Matrix=copula at RVM$Matrix, indeptest="indeptest" %in% method))
+setMethod("fitCopula", signature=signature("vineCopula"), fitVineCop) 
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 ## librarys ##
 ## dataset - spatial poionts data.frame ##
@@ -12,17 +13,22 @@
      main="Histogram of zinc", xlab="zinc concentration")
 gevEsti <- fgev(dataSet[["zinc"]])$estimate
-loc <- gevEsti[1]
-scale <- gevEsti[2]
-shape  <- gevEsti[3]
-meanLog <- mean(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
-sdLog <- sd(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
+meanLog <- mean(log(dataSet[["zinc"]]))
+sdLog <- sd(log(dataSet[["zinc"]]))
+curve(dgev(x,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]),add=T,col="red")
-ks.test(dataSet[["zinc"]],pgev,loc,scale,shape) # p: 0.07
+ks.test(dataSet[["zinc"]],pgev,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]) # p: 0.07
 ks.test(dataSet[["zinc"]],plnorm,meanLog,sdLog) # p: 0.03
+pMar <- function(q) plnorm(q, meanLog, sdLog)
+qMar <- function(p) qlnorm(p, meanLog, sdLog)
+dMar <- function(x) dlnorm(x, meanLog, sdLog)
+# pMar <- function(q) pgev(q, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# qMar <- function(p) qgev(p, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# dMar <- function(x) dgev(x, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
 ## lag classes ##
 bins <- calcBins(dataSet,var="zinc",nbins=10,cutoff=800)
@@ -44,13 +50,15 @@
                                             claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
                                             gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
-bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, function(x) which(x==7))
+bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                    function(x) which(x==7))
 ## set-up a spatial Copula ##
 spCop <- spCopula(components=list(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
-                                  frankCopula(1), normalCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
-                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
+                                  frankCopula(1), normalCopula(0), 
+                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0), 
+                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
                                   claytonCopula(0), indepCopula()),
                   spDepFun=calcKTauPol, unit="m")
@@ -66,6 +74,77 @@
 plot(spLoglik, ylab="log-likelihood", xlim=c(1,11)) 
 points(loglikTau[cbind(1:10,bestFitTau)], col="green", pch=16)
 points(loglikTau[,1], col="red", pch=5)
-legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula","number of pairs"), 
+legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula",
+               "number of pairs"), 
        pch=c(1,16,5,50), col=c("black", "green", "red"))
\ No newline at end of file
+# spatial vine
+vineDim <- 5L
+meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(dataSet,"zinc",vineDim)
+meuseNeigh at data <- rankTransform(meuseNeigh at data)
+meuseSpVine <- fitCopula(spVineCopula(spCop, vineCopula(as.integer(vineDim-1))),
+                         meuseNeigh)
+meuseSpVine at vineCop
+# leave-one-out x-validation
+condVine <- function(condVar, dists, n=100) {
+  rat <- 0.2/(1:(n/2))-(0.1/((n+1)/2))
+  xVals <- unique(sort(c(rat,1-rat,1:(n-1)/(n))))
+  xLength <- length(xVals)
+  repCondVar <- matrix(condVar, ncol=length(condVar), nrow=xLength, byrow=T)
+  density <- dCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar), meuseSpVine, h=dists)
+  linAppr <- approxfun(c(0,xVals,1), density[c(1,1:xLength,xLength)] ,yleft=0, yright=0)
+  int <- integrate(linAppr,lower=0, upper=1)$value
+  return(function(u) linAppr(u)/int)
+time <- proc.time()  # ~30 s
+predMedian <- NULL
+predMean <- NULL
+for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 429  predNeigh$data[loc,1]
+  cat("Location:",loc,"\n")
+  condSecVine <- condVine(condVar=as.numeric(meuseNeigh at data[loc,-1]), 
+                          dists=meuseNeigh at distances[loc,,drop=F])
+  predMedian <- c(predMedian, qMar(optimise(function(x) abs(integrate(condSecVine,0,x)$value-0.5),c(0,1))$minimum))
+  condExp <-  function(x) {
+    condSecVine(pMar(x))*dMar(x)*x
+  }
+  predMean <- c(predMean, integrate(condExp,0,3000,subdivisions=1e6)$value)
+## kriging results:
+# same neighbourhood size:
+# MAE:  158.61
+# BIAS:  -4.24
+# RMSE: 239.85
+# global kriging:
+# MAE:  148.85
+# BIAS:  -3.05
+# RMSE: 226.15
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Modified: pkg/man/vineCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/vineCopula.Rd	2013-02-08 08:48:54 UTC (rev 86)
+++ pkg/man/vineCopula.Rd	2013-02-20 11:22:13 UTC (rev 87)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-An object of class \code{RVineMatrix} generated from \code{\link{RVineMatrix}} in the package \code{\link{VineCopula-package}}.
+An object of class \code{RVineMatrix} generated from \code{\link{RVineMatrix}} in the package \code{\link{VineCopula-package}} or an integer (e.g. \code{4L}) defining the dimension (an independent C-vine of this dimension will be constructed).

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