[spcopula-commits] r93 - / pkg/demo

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Apr 15 13:39:19 CEST 2013

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2013-04-15 13:39:18 +0200 (Mon, 15 Apr 2013)
New Revision: 93

- updated demos

Deleted: README
--- README	2013-04-11 15:38:43 UTC (rev 92)
+++ README	2013-04-15 11:39:18 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-			R-Forge SVN README
-This file explains the repository structure of your project. A more
-detailed guide to R-Forge is available by 
-Theußl and Zeileis (2010) [1] and the R-Forge Administration and 
-Development Team (2009) [2].
-1. Introduction
-R is free software distributed under a GNU-style copyleft. R-Forge is
-a central platform for the development of R packages, R-related 
-software and further projects. Among many other web-based features it 
-provides facilities for collaborative source code management via 
-Subversion (SVN) [3].
-2. The directory you're in
-This is the repository of your project. It contains two important
-pre-defined directories namely 'pkg' and 'www'. These directories must 
-not be deleted otherwise R-Forge's core functionality will not be 
-available (i.e., daily checking and building of your package or the 
-project websites).
-'pkg' and 'www' are standardized and therefore are going to be
-described in this README. The rest of your repository can be used as
-you like.
-3. 'pkg' directory
-To make use of the package building and checking feature the package 
-source code has to be put into the 'pkg' directory of your repository 
-(i.e., 'pkg/DESCRIPTION', 'pkg/R', 'pkg/man', etc.) or, alternatively,
-a subdirectory of 'pkg'. The latter structure allows for having more 
-than one package in a single project, e.g., if a project consists of 
-the packages foo and bar then the source code will be located in 
-'pkg/foo' and 'pkg/bar', respectively.
-R-Forge automatically examines the 'pkg' directory of every repository 
-and builds the package sources as well as the package binaries on a
-daily basis for Mac OS X and Windows (if applicable). The package builds
-are provided in the 'R Packages' tab for download or can be installed
-directly in R from a CRAN-style repository using 
-'install.packages("foo", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")'. 
-Furthermore, in the 'R Packages' tab developers can examine logs 
-generated on different platforms by the build and check process.
-4. 'www' directory
-Developers may present their project on a subdomain of R-Forge, e.g.,
-'http://foo.R-Forge.R-project.org', or via a link to an external
-This directory contains the project homepage which gets updated hourly
-on R-Forge, so please take into consideration that it will not be 
-available right after you commit your changes or additions. 
-5. Help
-If you need help don't hesitate to submit a support request at 
-search the forum 
-or contact us at R-Forge at R-project.org.
-6. References
-[1] Stefan Theußl and Achim Zeileis. Collaborative software development 
-using R-Forge. The R Journal, 1(1):9-14, May 2009. URL 
-[2] R-Forge Administration and Development Team. RForge User’s Manual, 
-2008. URL http://download.R-Forge.R-project.org/R-Forge.pdf
-[3] C. M. Pilato, B. Collins-Sussman, and B. W. Fitzpatrick. Version 
-Control with Subversion. O’Reilly, 2004. Full book available online at 

Property changes on: pkg/demo
Added: svn:ignore
   + spCopula_estimation.R

Added: pkg/demo/spCopula.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula.R	2013-04-15 11:39:18 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+## librarys ##
+## meuse - spatial poionts data.frame ##
+coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
+spplot(meuse,"zinc", col.regions=bpy.colors(5))
+## margins ##
+     main="Histogram of zinc", xlab="zinc concentration")
+gevEsti <- fgev(meuse[["zinc"]])$estimate
+meanLog <- mean(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
+sdLog <- sd(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
+curve(dgev(x,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]),add=T,col="red")
+pMar <- function(q) plnorm(q, meanLog, sdLog)
+qMar <- function(p) qlnorm(p, meanLog, sdLog)
+dMar <- function(x) dlnorm(x, meanLog, sdLog)
+# pMar <- function(q) pgev(q, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# qMar <- function(p) qgev(p, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+# dMar <- function(x) dgev(x, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
+## lag classes ##
+bins <- calcBins(meuse,var="zinc",nbins=10,cutoff=800)
+# transform data to the unit interval
+bins$lagData <- lapply(bins$lagData, rankTransform)
+## calculate parameters for Kendall's tau function ##
+# either linear
+calcKTauLin <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=1, cutoff=600)
+curve(calcKTauLin,0, 1000, col="red",add=TRUE)
+# or polynomial (used here)
+calcKTauPol <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=3)
+curve(calcKTauPol,0, 1000, col="purple",add=TRUE)
+## find best fitting copula per lag class
+loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, calcKTauPol,
+                                 families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
+                                            claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
+                                            gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
+                                            indepCopula()))
+bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
+                    function(x) which(x==7))
+## set-up a spatial Copula ##
+spCop <- spCopula(components=list(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
+                                  frankCopula(1), normalCopula(0), 
+                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0), 
+                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
+                                  claytonCopula(0), indepCopula()),
+                  distances=bins$meanDists,
+                  spDepFun=calcKTauPol, unit="m")
+## compare spatial copula loglik by lag:
+spLoglik <- NULL
+for(i in 1:length(bins$lags)) { # i <- 8
+  spLoglik <- c(spLoglik,
+                sum(dCopula(u=bins$lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
+                            h=bins$lags[[i]][,3])))
+plot(spLoglik, ylab="log-likelihood", xlim=c(1,11)) 
+points(loglikTau[cbind(1:10,bestFitTau)], col="green", pch=16)
+points(loglikTau[,1], col="red", pch=5)
+legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula",
+               "number of pairs"), 
+       pch=c(1,16,5,50), col=c("black", "green", "red"))
+# spatial vine
+vineDim <- 5L
+meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse,var="zinc",size=vineDim)
+meuseNeigh at data <- rankTransform(meuseNeigh at data)
+meuseSpVine <- fitCopula(spVineCopula(spCop, vineCopula(as.integer(vineDim-1))),
+                         meuseNeigh)
+meuseSpVine <- meuseSpVine at copula
+# leave-one-out x-validation
+condVine <- function(condVar, dists, n=100) {
+  rat <- 0.2/(1:(n/2))-(0.1/((n+1)/2))
+  xVals <- unique(sort(c(rat,1-rat,1:(n-1)/(n))))
+  xLength <- length(xVals)
+  repCondVar <- matrix(condVar, ncol=length(condVar), nrow=xLength, byrow=T)
+  density <- dCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar), meuseSpVine, h=dists)
+  linAppr <- approxfun(c(0,xVals,1), density[c(1,1:xLength,xLength)] ,yleft=0, yright=0)
+  int <- integrate(linAppr,lower=0, upper=1)$value
+  return(function(u) linAppr(u)/int)
+time <- proc.time()  # ~30 s
+predMedian <- NULL
+predMean <- NULL
+for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 429  predNeigh$data[loc,1]
+  cat("Location:",loc,"\n")
+  condSecVine <- condVine(condVar=as.numeric(meuseNeigh at data[loc,-1]), 
+                          dists=meuseNeigh at distances[loc,,drop=F])
+  predMedian <- c(predMedian, qMar(optimise(function(x) abs(integrate(condSecVine,0,x)$value-0.5),c(0,1))$minimum))
+  condExp <-  function(x) {
+    condSecVine(pMar(x))*dMar(x)*x
+  }
+  predMean <- c(predMean, integrate(condExp,0,3000,subdivisions=1e6)$value)
+## kriging results:
+# same neighbourhood size 5L:
+# MAE:  158.61
+# BIAS:  -4.24
+# RMSE: 239.85
+# global kriging:
+# MAE:  148.85
+# BIAS:  -3.05
+# RMSE: 226.15
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R
--- pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R	2013-04-11 15:38:43 UTC (rev 92)
+++ pkg/demo/spCopula_estimation.R	2013-04-15 11:39:18 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-## librarys ##
-## meuse - spatial poionts data.frame ##
-coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
-spplot(meuse,"zinc", col.regions=bpy.colors(5))
-## margins ##
-     main="Histogram of zinc", xlab="zinc concentration")
-gevEsti <- fgev(meuse[["zinc"]])$estimate
-meanLog <- mean(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
-sdLog <- sd(log(meuse[["zinc"]]))
-curve(dgev(x,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]),add=T,col="red")
-ks.test(meuse[["zinc"]],pgev,gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3]) # p: 0.07
-ks.test(meuse[["zinc"]],plnorm,meanLog,sdLog) # p: 0.03
-pMar <- function(q) plnorm(q, meanLog, sdLog)
-qMar <- function(p) qlnorm(p, meanLog, sdLog)
-dMar <- function(x) dlnorm(x, meanLog, sdLog)
-# pMar <- function(q) pgev(q, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
-# qMar <- function(p) qgev(p, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
-# dMar <- function(x) dgev(x, gevEsti[1], gevEsti[2], gevEsti[3])
-## lag classes ##
-bins <- calcBins(meuse,var="zinc",nbins=10,cutoff=800)
-# transform data to the unit interval
-bins$lagData <- lapply(bins$lagData, rankTransform)
-## calculate parameters for Kendall's tau function ##
-# either linear
-calcKTauLin <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=1, cutoff=600)
-curve(calcKTauLin,0, 1000, col="red",add=TRUE)
-# or polynomial (used here)
-calcKTauPol <- fitCorFun(bins, degree=3)
-curve(calcKTauPol,0, 1000, col="purple",add=TRUE)
-## find best fitting copula per lag class
-loglikTau <- loglikByCopulasLags(bins, calcKTauPol,
-                                 families=c(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
-                                            claytonCopula(0), frankCopula(1), 
-                                            gumbelCopula(1), joeBiCopula(1.5),
-                                            indepCopula()))
-bestFitTau <- apply(apply(loglikTau, 1, rank, na.last=T), 2, 
-                    function(x) which(x==7))
-## set-up a spatial Copula ##
-spCop <- spCopula(components=list(normalCopula(0), tCopula(0),
-                                  frankCopula(1), normalCopula(0), 
-                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0), 
-                                  claytonCopula(0), claytonCopula(0),
-                                  claytonCopula(0), indepCopula()),
-                  distances=bins$meanDists,
-                  spDepFun=calcKTauPol, unit="m")
-## compare spatial copula loglik by lag:
-spLoglik <- NULL
-for(i in 1:length(bins$lags)) { # i <- 8
-  spLoglik <- c(spLoglik,
-                sum(dCopula(u=bins$lagData[[i]], spCop,log=T,
-                            h=bins$lags[[i]][,3])))
-plot(spLoglik, ylab="log-likelihood", xlim=c(1,11)) 
-points(loglikTau[cbind(1:10,bestFitTau)], col="green", pch=16)
-points(loglikTau[,1], col="red", pch=5)
-legend(6, 50,c("Spatial Copula", "best copula per lag", "Gaussian Copula",
-               "number of pairs"), 
-       pch=c(1,16,5,50), col=c("black", "green", "red"))
-# spatial vine
-vineDim <- 5L
-meuseNeigh <- getNeighbours(meuse,"zinc",vineDim)
-meuseNeigh at data <- rankTransform(meuseNeigh at data)
-meuseSpVine <- fitCopula(spVineCopula(spCop, vineCopula(as.integer(vineDim-1))),
-                         meuseNeigh)
-meuseSpVine at vineCop
-# leave-one-out x-validation
-condVine <- function(condVar, dists, n=100) {
-  rat <- 0.2/(1:(n/2))-(0.1/((n+1)/2))
-  xVals <- unique(sort(c(rat,1-rat,1:(n-1)/(n))))
-  xLength <- length(xVals)
-  repCondVar <- matrix(condVar, ncol=length(condVar), nrow=xLength, byrow=T)
-  density <- dCopula(cbind(xVals, repCondVar), meuseSpVine, h=dists)
-  linAppr <- approxfun(c(0,xVals,1), density[c(1,1:xLength,xLength)] ,yleft=0, yright=0)
-  int <- integrate(linAppr,lower=0, upper=1)$value
-  return(function(u) linAppr(u)/int)
-time <- proc.time()  # ~30 s
-predMedian <- NULL
-predMean <- NULL
-for(loc in 1:nrow(meuseNeigh at data)) { # loc <- 429  predNeigh$data[loc,1]
-  cat("Location:",loc,"\n")
-  condSecVine <- condVine(condVar=as.numeric(meuseNeigh at data[loc,-1]), 
-                          dists=meuseNeigh at distances[loc,,drop=F])
-  predMedian <- c(predMedian, qMar(optimise(function(x) abs(integrate(condSecVine,0,x)$value-0.5),c(0,1))$minimum))
-  condExp <-  function(x) {
-    condSecVine(pMar(x))*dMar(x)*x
-  }
-  predMean <- c(predMean, integrate(condExp,0,3000,subdivisions=1e6)$value)
-## kriging results:
-# same neighbourhood size 5L:
-# MAE:  158.61
-# BIAS:  -4.24
-# RMSE: 239.85
-# global kriging:
-# MAE:  148.85
-# BIAS:  -3.05
-# RMSE: 226.15
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: spcopula_0.1-1.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Modified: spcopula_0.1-1.zip
(Binary files differ)

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