[spcopula-commits] r68 - / pkg pkg/R pkg/data pkg/demo pkg/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Nov 30 11:54:46 CET 2012

Author: ben_graeler
Date: 2012-11-30 11:54:46 +0100 (Fri, 30 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 68

- additional documentation 
- modified rankTransform to treat more than two dimensions

Property changes on: 
Modified: svn:ignore
   - spcopula_1.0.48.tar.gz

   + spcopula_1.0.48.tar.gz

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: spcopula
 Type: Package
 Title: copula driven spatial analysis
-Version: 1.0.67
-Date: 2012-10-31
+Version: 1.0.68
+Date: 2012-11-30
 Author: Benedikt Graeler
 Maintainer: Benedikt Graeler <ben.graeler at uni-muenster.de>
 Description: This package provides a framework to analyse spatial data provided in the format of the spacetime package with copulas. Additionally, support for calculating multivariate return periods is implemented.

Modified: pkg/R/asCopula.R
--- pkg/R/asCopula.R	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/R/asCopula.R	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
-##   R package spCopula by Benedikt Gräler Copyright (C) 2011
-##   This file is part of the R package spCopula.
-##   The R package spCopula is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-##   (at your option) any later version.
-##   The R package spCopula is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-##   GNU General Public License for more details.
-##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-##   along with the R package spCopula. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 ##                      ##
 ## an asymmetric copula ##
@@ -206,14 +185,13 @@
 esti <- fitASC2.moa(tau, data, method="itau")
 copula <- asCopula(esti)
-  estimate = esti, 
-  var.est = matrix(NA), 
-  method = "Inversion of Kendall's tau and MLE",
-  loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-  convergence = as.integer(NA),
-  nsample = nrow(data),
-  copula=copula
+           estimate = esti, 
+           var.est = matrix(NA), 
+           loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
+           nsample = nrow(data),
+           method = "Inversion of Kendall's tau and MLE",
+           fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)),
+           copula = copula))
 fitASC2.irho <- function(copula, data, estimate.variance){
@@ -221,14 +199,13 @@
 esti <- fitASC2.moa(rho, data, method="itau")
 copula <- asCopula(esti)
-  estimate = esti, 
-  var.est = matrix(NA), 
-  method = "Inversion of Spearman's rho and MLE",
-  loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-  convergence = as.integer(NA),
-  nsample = nrow(data),
-  copula=copula
+           estimate = esti, 
+           var.est = matrix(NA), 
+           loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
+           nsample = nrow(data),
+           method = "Inversion of Spearman's rho and MLE",
+           fitting.stats = list(convergence=as.integer(NA)),
+           copula = copula))
 fitASC2.moa <- function(moa, data, method="itau") {
@@ -271,11 +248,15 @@
   optimized <- optim(par=start, fn=optFun, method = optim.method, 
                      lower=lower, upper=upper, control = optim.control)
-  return(new("fitCopula", estimate = optimized$par, var.est = matrix(NA), 
+  return(new("fitCopula", 
+             estimate = optimized$par, 
+             var.est = matrix(NA), 
+             loglik = -optimized$value,
+             nsample = nrow(data),
              method = "Numerical MLE over the full range.", 
-             loglik = -optimized$value, convergence = optimized$convergence,
-             nsample = nrow(data), copula=asCopula(optimized$par)))
+             fitting.stats = optimized,
+             copula = asCopula(optimized$par)))

Modified: pkg/R/cqsCopula.R
--- pkg/R/cqsCopula.R	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/R/cqsCopula.R	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,24 +1,3 @@
-##   R package sdCopula by Benedikt Gräler Copyright (C) 2011
-##   This file is part of the R package sdCopula.
-##   The R package sdCopula is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-##   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-##   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-##   (at your option) any later version.
-##   The R package sdCopula is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-##   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-##   GNU General Public License for more details.
-##   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-##   along with the R package sdCopula. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 ##                                                  ##
 ## a symmetric copula with cubic quadratic sections ##
@@ -252,7 +231,7 @@
   var.est = matrix(NA), 
   method = "Inversion of Kendall's tau and MLE",
   loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-  convergence = as.integer(NA),
+  fitting.stats=list(convergence = as.integer(NA)),
   nsample = nrow(data),
@@ -267,7 +246,7 @@
   var.est = matrix(NA), 
   method = "Inversion of Spearman's rho and MLE",
   loglik = sum(log(dCopula(data, copula))),
-  convergence = as.integer(NA),
+  fitting.stats=list(convergence = as.integer(NA)),
   nsample = nrow(data),
@@ -316,7 +295,7 @@
   return(new("fitCopula", estimate = optimized$par, var.est = matrix(NA),
              method = "Numerical MLE over the full range.",
-             loglik = -optimized$value, convergence = optimized$convergence,
+             loglik = -optimized$value, fitting.stats= optimized,
              nsample = nrow(data), copula=cqsCopula(optimized$par)))

Modified: pkg/R/utilities.R
--- pkg/R/utilities.R	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/R/utilities.R	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,87 +1,91 @@
-## utilities
-# calib Kendall's tau and Spearman's Rho for the indepCopula
-setMethod("calibKendallsTau", signature("indepCopula"), function(copula, tau) return(numeric(0)) )
-setMethod("calibSpearmansRho", signature("indepCopula"), function(copula, rho) return(numeric(0)) )
-# ranks are automatically removed and NAs are by default randomly distributed
-rankTransform <- function(u,v=NULL, ties.method="average") {
-  if(is.matrix(u) && ncol(u)==2) {
-    v <- u[,2]
-    u <- u[,1]
-  } else {
-    if(is.null(v)) stop("u must either be a matrix with 2 columns or u and v must be given.")
-  }
-  bool <- !(is.na(u)*is.na(v))
-  cbind(rank(u[bool], na.last=NA, ties.method=ties.method),rank(v[bool], na.last=NA, ties.method=ties.method))/(sum(bool)+1)
-# strength of dependence scatterplot
-myPanel.smoothScatter <- function(x, y = NULL, nbin = 64, cuts = 255, bandwidth, colramp, 
-  transformation = function(x) x, pch = ".", cex = 1, col = "black", range.x, ..., raster = FALSE, subscripts) {
-  if (missing(colramp)) 
-    colramp <- function(x) rev(heat.colors(x))
-  x <- as.numeric(x)
-  y <- as.numeric(y)
-  if(min(x)<0 | max(x)>1 | min(y) < 0 | max(y) > 1) {
-    x <- rankTransform(x)
-    y <- rankTransform(y)
-    warning("At least one of the margins seems to exceed [0,1] and has been transformed using rankTransform.")
-  }
-  xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
-  x <- cbind(xy$x, xy$y)[!(is.na(xy$x) | is.na(xy$y)), , drop = FALSE]
-  if (nrow(x) < 1) return()
-  map <- lattice:::.smoothScatterCalcDensity(x, nbin, bandwidth, range.x)
-  xm <- map$x1
-  ym <- map$x2
-  dens <- map$fhat
-  dens <- array(transformation(dens), dim = dim(dens))
-  PFUN <- if (raster) 
-    panel.levelplot.raster
-  else panel.levelplot
-  PFUN(x = rep(xm, length(ym)), y = rep(ym, each = length(xm)), 
-       z = as.numeric(dens), subscripts = TRUE, at = seq(from = 0, 
-       to = 1.01 * max(dens), length = cuts + 2), col.regions = colramp(cuts + 1), ...)
-dependencePlot <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ..., range.x=list(c(0,1),c(0,1))) {
-  smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl)
-  if(is.null(formula)) {
-    if (ncol(smpl)>2) {
-      warning("smpl contains more than 2 columns and no formula is given. The first two columns are plotted.")
-      smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl[,1:2])
-    }
-    colnames(smpl) <- c("u","v")
-    formula <- u~v
-  }
-  xyplot(formula, smpl, panel=myPanel.smoothScatter,
-  aspect="iso", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), cuts=cuts, bandwidth=bandwidth, transformation=transformation, range.x=range.x, ...)
-unitScatter <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ...) {
-  smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl)
-  if(is.null(formula)) {
-    if (ncol(smpl)>2) {
-      warning("smpl contains more than 2 columns and no formula is given. The first two columns are plotted.")
-      smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl[,1:2])
-    }
-    colnames(smpl) <- c("u","v")
-    formula <- v~u
-  }
-  for(variable in all.vars(formula)){
-    if( min(smpl[,variable])<0 | max(smpl[,variable])>1) {
-      smpl[,variable] <- rankTransform(smpl[,variable])
-      warning("The variable ",variable," seems to exceed [0,1] and has been transformed using rankTransform.")
-    }
-  }
-  xyplot(formula, smpl, aspect="iso", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), ...)
-univScatter <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ...) {
-  warning("Use unitScatter instead!")
-  unitScatter(formula, smpl, cuts, bandwidth, transformation, ...)
+## utilities
+# calib Kendall's tau and Spearman's Rho for the indepCopula
+setMethod("calibKendallsTau", signature("indepCopula"), function(copula, tau) return(numeric(0)) )
+setMethod("calibSpearmansRho", signature("indepCopula"), function(copula, rho) return(numeric(0)) )
+# ranks are automatically removed and NAs are by default randomly distributed
+rankTransform <- function(u,v=NULL, ties.method="average") {
+  if(!(is.matrix(u) | is.data.frame(u))) {
+    if (is.null(v))
+      stop("u must either be a matrix with at least 2 columns or u and v must be given.")
+    else
+      u <- cbind(u,v)
+  }
+  bool <- apply(u,1,function(row) !any(is.na(row)))
+  res <- apply(u[bool,],2,rank,ties.method)/(sum(bool)+1)
+  if(is.data.frame(u))
+    return(as.data.frame(res))
+  return(res)
+# strength of dependence scatterplot
+myPanel.smoothScatter <- function(x, y = NULL, nbin = 64, cuts = 255, bandwidth, colramp, 
+  transformation = function(x) x, pch = ".", cex = 1, col = "black", range.x, ..., raster = FALSE, subscripts) {
+  if (missing(colramp)) 
+    colramp <- function(x) rev(heat.colors(x))
+  x <- as.numeric(x)
+  y <- as.numeric(y)
+  if(min(x)<0 | max(x)>1 | min(y) < 0 | max(y) > 1) {
+    x <- rankTransform(x)
+    y <- rankTransform(y)
+    warning("At least one of the margins seems to exceed [0,1] and has been transformed using rankTransform.")
+  }
+  xy <- xy.coords(x, y)
+  x <- cbind(xy$x, xy$y)[!(is.na(xy$x) | is.na(xy$y)), , drop = FALSE]
+  if (nrow(x) < 1) return()
+  map <- lattice:::.smoothScatterCalcDensity(x, nbin, bandwidth, range.x)
+  xm <- map$x1
+  ym <- map$x2
+  dens <- map$fhat
+  dens <- array(transformation(dens), dim = dim(dens))
+  PFUN <- if (raster) 
+    panel.levelplot.raster
+  else panel.levelplot
+  PFUN(x = rep(xm, length(ym)), y = rep(ym, each = length(xm)), 
+       z = as.numeric(dens), subscripts = TRUE, at = seq(from = 0, 
+       to = 1.01 * max(dens), length = cuts + 2), col.regions = colramp(cuts + 1), ...)
+dependencePlot <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ..., range.x=list(c(0,1),c(0,1))) {
+  smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl)
+  if(is.null(formula)) {
+    if (ncol(smpl)>2) {
+      warning("smpl contains more than 2 columns and no formula is given. The first two columns are plotted.")
+      smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl[,1:2])
+    }
+    colnames(smpl) <- c("u","v")
+    formula <- u~v
+  }
+  xyplot(formula, smpl, panel=myPanel.smoothScatter,
+  aspect="iso", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), cuts=cuts, bandwidth=bandwidth, transformation=transformation, range.x=range.x, ...)
+unitScatter <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ...) {
+  smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl)
+  if(is.null(formula)) {
+    if (ncol(smpl)>2) {
+      warning("smpl contains more than 2 columns and no formula is given. The first two columns are plotted.")
+      smpl <- as.data.frame(smpl[,1:2])
+    }
+    colnames(smpl) <- c("u","v")
+    formula <- v~u
+  }
+  for(variable in all.vars(formula)){
+    if( min(smpl[,variable])<0 | max(smpl[,variable])>1) {
+      smpl[,variable] <- rankTransform(smpl[,variable])
+      warning("The variable ",variable," seems to exceed [0,1] and has been transformed using rankTransform.")
+    }
+  }
+  xyplot(formula, smpl, aspect="iso", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), ...)
+univScatter <- function(formula=NULL, smpl, cuts=15, bandwidth=.075, transformation=function (x) x, ...) {
+  warning("Use unitScatter instead!")
+  unitScatter(formula, smpl, cuts, bandwidth, transformation, ...)
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/data/spCopDemo.RData
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/demo/00Index
--- pkg/demo/00Index	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/demo/00Index	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 MRP		The MRP demo gives insight in the code used in the paper: Joint return periods in hydrology: a critical and practical review focusing on synthetic design hydrograph estimation, by Vandenberghe et al. (2012).
-spcopula_estimation   A demo illustrating the estiamtion of a spatial copula for a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
+spcopula_estimation		A demo illustrating the estiamtion of a spatial copula for a SpatialPointsDataFrame.

Added: pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd
--- pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/dependencePlot.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Kernel smoothed scatterplot
+Plots a kernel smoothed scatterplot of the provided rank-transformed sample. The work is done by the function \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}.
+dependencePlot(formula = NULL, smpl, cuts = 15, bandwidth = 0.075, transformation = function(x) x, ..., range.x = list(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)))
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{formula}{
+the formula as in common lattice plotting
+  \item{smpl}{
+can be a two-column matrix holding the data, no formula is needed
+  \item{cuts}{
+the cuts to change colors
+  \item{bandwidth}{
+the bandwidth passed to the smoothing kernel
+  \item{transformation}{
+a transformation passed to the kernel
+  \item{\dots}{
+passed on to the function \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}
+  \item{range.x}{
+passed on to the function \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}
+see \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}
+A plot.
+Benedikt Graeler
+This is simple wrapper to \code{\link{panel.smoothScatter}}.

Added: pkg/man/rankTransform.Rd
--- pkg/man/rankTransform.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/rankTransform.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+rank order transformation of margins
+performs the rank order transfroamtion
+rankTransform(u, v = NULL, ties.method = "average")
+  \item{u}{
+a matrix or data.frame with at least two columns holding the data or a vector holding the first column of the data
+  \item{v}{
+a vector holding the second column of the data
+  \item{ties.method}{
+How should ties be treated in \code{\link{rank}}?
+A matrix or data.frame (as provided) with the transformed data. Rows containing any \code{NA} will be dropped.
+Benedikt Graeler
+\keyword{ function}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/simulatedTriples.Rd
--- pkg/man/simulatedTriples.Rd	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/man/simulatedTriples.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 annual extreme rainfall triples
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 The datset contains of the annual extreme rainfall events used in the study:
 \dQuote{Joint return periods in hydrology: a critical and practical review focusing on synthetic design hydrograph estimation} by Vandenberghe et al. (2012).
   The format is:
  peak, duration, volume

Added: pkg/man/spCopDemo.Rd
--- pkg/man/spCopDemo.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/spCopDemo.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+workspace produced in \code{demo(spcopula_estimation)}
+This workspace is produced by the call \code{demo(spcopula_estimation)} and used in a couple of examples throughout the package.
+Graeler, B. & E. Pebesma (2011): The pair-copula construction for spatial data: a new approach to model spatial dependency. Poster at: Spatial Statistics 2011 - Mapping global change. Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-25 March 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.proenv.2011.07.036.}

Modified: pkg/man/surClaytonCopula-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/surClaytonCopula-class.Rd	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/man/surClaytonCopula-class.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 Benedikt Graeler

Added: pkg/man/surClaytonCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/surClaytonCopula.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/surClaytonCopula.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+suvival and rotated Clayton Copulas
+these are wrappers to functions from \code{\link{CDVine-package}}
+  \item{param}{
+A single parameter defining the Copula.
+An object of class \code{\linkS4class{surClaytonCopula}}, \code{\linkS4class{r90ClaytonCopula}} or \code{\linkS4class{r270ClaytonCopula}} respectively.
+Benedikt Graeler
+persp(surClaytonCopula(1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))
+persp(r90ClaytonCopula(-1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))
+persp(r270ClaytonCopula(-1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))

Modified: pkg/man/surGumbelCopula-class.Rd
--- pkg/man/surGumbelCopula-class.Rd	2012-10-31 14:44:39 UTC (rev 67)
+++ pkg/man/surGumbelCopula-class.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 Benedikt Graeler

Added: pkg/man/surGumbelCopula.Rd
--- pkg/man/surGumbelCopula.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/surGumbelCopula.Rd	2012-11-30 10:54:46 UTC (rev 68)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+suvival and rotated Gumbel Copulas
+these are wrappers to functions from \code{\link{CDVine-package}}
+  \item{param}{
+A single parameter defining the Copula.
+An object of class \code{\linkS4class{surGumbelCopula}}, \code{\linkS4class{r90GumbelCopula}} or \code{\linkS4class{r270GumbelCopula}} respectively.
+Benedikt Graeler
+persp(surGumbelCopula(1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))
+persp(r90GumbelCopula(-1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))
+persp(r270GumbelCopula(-1.5),dCopula, zlim=c(0,10))

Added: spcopula_1.0.68.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: spcopula_1.0.68.tar.gz
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: spcopula_1.0.68.zip
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: spcopula_1.0.68.zip
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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