[Sorvi-admin] FYI: 18 September Hackday

Leo Lahti leo.lahti at iki.fi
Sat Aug 4 13:03:27 CEST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jenny Molloy <jenny.molloy at okfn.org>
Date: Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 12:49 PM
Subject: 18 September Hackday
To: Leo Lahti <leo.lahti at iki.fi>, Joris Pekel <
okfn.joris.pekel at googlemail.com>, Sam Leon <sam.leon at okfn.org>, Laura
Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org>

Hi All

There is interest in running a joint science/cultural heritage/humanities
super-hackday on Tuesday 19 September. So everyone knows who is interested
in joining, I've listed all the streams/activities I know of below.

Current space and capacity allocated to both streams are:
Aalto Pro (40+10+10)
Hack workshop 1 (20)
Therefore we can currently take 60 people. Hack workshop 2 and 4 (both 20)
are currently to be allocated so we could try and reserve one/both
depending on participant estimates.

Cultural Heritage (Sam and Joris):
1. Wikimedia Edit-a-Thon -> a proposal by Wikmedia Finland. Unfortunately
not heard back from them for a long time, probably because of holidays
2. Cultural heritage hack -> Here we present datasets from a number of
Finnish cultural heritage institutions and probably also from outside of
Finland to work with
3. Humanities hack -> This is part of our DM2E project where we let people
work with the tools being developed in the project to semantically annotate
4. Video Workshop -> This was a proposal and has been added to the heritage
stream. We are at the moment waiting for confirmation.

Open Science (Jenny and Laura):
1. General open science hack (Jenny) -> open-science list already invited,
could get lots of remote participation with Open Science Federation
2. pyBOSSA/citizen cyberscience hack (Francois Grey) -> Creating apps to
run on pyBOSSA. Daniel from pyBOSSA to be invited, could get participation
from Brazil and Francois has lots of contact with Finnish physicists via
CERN so could pull in several programmers.
3. Louhos hack (louhos.github.com - research-oriented software libraries
for open data) (Leo) -> already participants for this one organised by Leo
4. Open Access academic press (Simon Worthington) -> more open humanities
so would benefit from the link up :)

Could everyone estimate how many people they would expect for their stream
so we can work out if we need more space? Also, a quick Skype call about
how we plan to run the day logistically would be handy as we approach a
month to go!

Please fill in the Doodle poll: http://doodle.com/ug72qkfx3ixv5pcc and
hopefully we'll get enough of us to ensure everything is heading in the
right direction :)

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