[Sorvi-admin] belgrad-abstrakti

Leo Lahti leo.lahti at iki.fi
Thu Apr 12 22:05:09 CEST 2012

Moi, Share-tyypit kaipaa otsikkoa ja lyhyttä abstraktia. Ajattelin
seuraavaa, onko ok tai tuleeko mieleen parannettavaa (otsikkoa varsinkin
mietin vielä)?
/ Leo

Open Tools for Open Data in Finland

A variety of public and private organizations
now taking steps toward a wider access to data in many countries across the
globe. Automated tools and customization to local standards are essential
for realizing the full potential of the new information resources. The
comprehensive R library for Open Data, coined
*soRvi*<http://louhos.github.com/sorvi/index.html>('turning machine'),
provides programmatic access to hundreds of data
resources in Finland and enables seamless integration of open data streams
with professional data analysis and visualization tools. The toolkit
received a double award in Private Data opening category in the national
Apps4Finland 2011 competition. soRvi is a community-driven project all the
way - we develop and apply analytical tools for new insights into how the
society works. While our focus is on Finnish open data and tools, we call
the open data community to launch a network of similar initiatives, suited
for local standards and needs and to share the efforts, code and fun!
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