[Simsalabim-commits] simsalabim -- first update

Lukas Gudmundsson lukas.gudmundsson at geo.uio.no
Tue Oct 21 10:08:52 CEST 2008

Dear All,

I am happy to announce the first update/bugfix of the package 
simsalabim, implementing SSA in R.

This update is available at:

all the changes are concerning the function kgSSAM (iterative gap 
filling and the corresponding cross validation).

Thanks to Dmitri, for the testing, the many helpful comments and code 

I suggest to submit the current version of this package to CRAN in two 
to three weeks if there are no further urgent issues that need to be solved.

Best, Lukas

Lukas Gudmundsson

Department of Geosciences
University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1047, Blindern
0316 Oslo

Phone: + 47 22856688

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