[Seqinr-commits] r2118 - in pkg: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue May 18 16:06:29 CEST 2021

Author: simonpenel
Date: 2021-05-18 16:06:28 +0200 (Tue, 18 May 2021)
New Revision: 2118

delete R/get.ncbi.R man/get.ncbi.Rd

Deleted: pkg/R/get.ncbi.R
--- pkg/R/get.ncbi.R	2021-05-18 14:03:43 UTC (rev 2117)
+++ pkg/R/get.ncbi.R	2021-05-18 14:06:28 UTC (rev 2118)
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-#                        get.ncbi
-# Try to connect to ncbi to get a list of complete bacterial genomes.
-# Returns an n by 5 dataframe with 
-#   species names
-#   accesion number
-#   size in bp
-#   type (chromosome or plasmid)
-#   Last update time
-get.ncbi <- function(repository = "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/"  )
-  #
-  # First of all, check that this computer is not off the net:
-  #
-  if( ! capabilities("http/ftp") )
-    stop("capabilities(\"http/ftp\") is not TRUE") 
-# BEGIN Proxy problem
-# I have a problem here: the ftp connection apparently does
-# not work when there is a proxy. I have fixed the bug
-# this way, but this is a rather crude and unsatisfactory
-# solution.
-  ftp.proxy.bck <- Sys.getenv("ftp_proxy")
-  if( ftp.proxy.bck != "" ) # there is a proxy
-  {
-    warning("I'am trying to neutralize proxies")
-    Sys.setenv("no_proxy" = "") 
-  }
-# END Proxy problem
-  #
-  # Try to get list of folder in ncbi repository. Note that R build-in ftp
-  # does not allow to do this directly, so we rely on a system call that
-  # will run only under Unix systems. Moreover, not all ftp client supports
-  # this syntax. 
-  #
-  sysinfo <- Sys.info()[1]
-  if( sysinfo == "Darwin" )
-  {
-    cmd <- sprintf("echo \"ls\" | ftp %s", repository)
-    brut <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-  }
-  else if( sysinfo == "SunOS" )
-  {
-    #
-    # Build command file for ftp connection
-    #
-    tmpname <- tempfile(pattern="getncbi")
-    tmpcmdfile <- file(tmpname, open="w")
-    writeLines("user anonymous seqteam at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("cd genomes/Bacteria", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("dir", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("bye", tmpcmdfile)
-    close(tmpcmdfile)
-    #
-    hostname <- unlist(strsplit(repository,split="/"))[3]
-    cmd <- sprintf("ftp -v -n %s < %s", hostname, tmpname)
-    brut <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-  }
-  else if( sysinfo == "Linux" ){
-    #
-    # Build command file for ftp connection
-    #
-    tmpname <- tempfile(pattern="getncbi")
-    tmpcmdfile <- file(tmpname, open="w")
-    writeLines("user anonymous seqteam at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("cd genomes/Bacteria", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("dir", tmpcmdfile)
-    writeLines("bye", tmpcmdfile)
-    close(tmpcmdfile)
-    #
-    hostname <- unlist(strsplit(repository,split="/"))[3]
-    cmd <- sprintf("ftp -v -n %s < %s", hostname, tmpname)
-    brut <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    stop("Unimplemented platform")
-  } 
-  #
-  # Keep only lines corresponding to folders:
-  #
-  brut <- brut[grep("dr-xr-xr-x", brut)]
-  #
-  # Now there should be a vector of chr in "brut", each line looking like:
-  #
-  # "dr-xr-xr-x   2 ftp      anonymous     4096 Jul 15 15:41 Aeropyrum_pernix"
-  #
-  brut <- sapply( brut, strsplit, split=" ")
-  names(brut) <- NULL
-  #
-  # Now each element in "brut" should be splited as in:
-  #
-  # [1] "dr-xr-xr-x"       ""                 ""                 "2"               
-  # [5] "ftp"              ""                 ""                 ""                
-  # [9] ""                 ""                 "anonymous"        ""                
-  # [13] ""                 ""                 ""                 "4096"            
-  # [17] "Jul"              "15"               "15:41"            "Aeropyrum_pernix"
-  #
-  get.last <- function( vector )
-  {
-    return( vector[length(vector)] )
-  }
-  brut <- sapply( brut, get.last)
-  if(length(grep("CLUSTERS",brut))!=0){
-    brut<-brut[-grep("CLUSTERS",brut)]  # we remove the CLUSTERS folder, since it doesn't contain any annotated bacterial genomes
-  }
-  #
-  # Now "brut" should contains folders names as in:
-  # > brut[1:5]
-  # [1] "Aeropyrum_pernix"                     
-  # [2] "Agrobacterium_tumefaciens_C58_Cereon" 
-  # [3] "Agrobacterium_tumefaciens_C58_UWash"  
-  # [4] "Aquifex_aeolicus"                     
-  # [5] "Archaeoglobus_fulgidus"               
-  #
-  #
-  # Set vector types for results:
-  #
-  species <- character(0)
-  accession <- character(0)
-  size.bp <- integer(0)
-  type <- character(0)
-  lastupdate <- character(0)
-  #
-  # Main loop on folders to see what's inside
-  #
-  for( folder in brut )
-  {
-    if( sysinfo == "Darwin" )
-    {
-      where <- paste(repository, folder, "/", sep="", collapse="")
-      cmd <- sprintf("echo \"ls\" | ftp %s", where)
-      whatsin <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-      closeAllConnections()
-    }
-    else if( sysinfo == "SunOS" )
-    {
-      # Build command file for ftp connection:
-      tmpname <- tempfile(pattern="getncbi")
-      tmpcmdfile <- file(tmpname, open="w")
-      writeLines("user anonymous seqteam at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr", tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines(sprintf("cd genomes/Bacteria/%s", folder), tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines("dir", tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines("bye", tmpcmdfile)
-      close(tmpcmdfile)
-      #
-      hostname <- unlist(strsplit(repository,split="/"))[3]
-      cmd <- sprintf("ftp -v -n %s < %s", hostname, tmpname)
-      whatsin <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-    }
-    else if( sysinfo=="Linux"){
-      # Build command file for ftp connection:
-      tmpname <- tempfile(pattern="getncbi")
-      tmpcmdfile <- file(tmpname, open="w")
-      writeLines("user anonymous seqteam at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr", tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines(sprintf("cd genomes/Bacteria/%s", folder), tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines("dir", tmpcmdfile)
-      writeLines("bye", tmpcmdfile)
-      close(tmpcmdfile)
-      #
-      hostname <- unlist(strsplit(repository,split="/"))[3]
-      cmd <- sprintf("ftp -v -n %s < %s", hostname, tmpname)
-      whatsin <- readLines(pipe(cmd))
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      stop("unimplemented platform")
-    }
-    whatsin <- whatsin[ grep("\\.gbk", whatsin)] # Keep only files with ".gbk" extension
-    #
-    # Remove backup files with % extension:
-    #
-    for( i in seq_len(length(whatsin)) )
-      if( substr(whatsin[i], nchar(whatsin[i]), nchar(whatsin)[i]) == "%" )
-        is.na(whatsin[i]) <- TRUE
-    whatsin <- whatsin[!is.na(whatsin)]
-    for( i in seq(from=1, to=length(whatsin), by=1 )) # Loop on sequences data
-    {
-      #
-      # Try to get the accession number of this entry:
-      #
-      accname <- unlist(strsplit(whatsin[i], split=" "))
-      accname <- accname[length(accname)]
-      accname <- unlist(strsplit(accname, split="\\."))
-      accname <- accname[1] # The accession number should be in this variable
-      #
-      # Try to get the size of this entry:
-      #
-      entry <- paste(repository, folder, "/", accname, ".gbk", sep="", collapse="")
-      header <- readLines(entry, n=2)
-      closeAllConnections()
-      bp <- unlist(strsplit(header[1], split=" "))
-      bp <- bp[nchar(bp) > 0]
-      bp <- bp[3] # size in bp should be there
-      #
-      # Try to get the last update date of this entry
-      #
-      last <- unlist(strsplit(header[1], split=" "))
-      last <- last[nchar(last) > 0]
-      last <- last[length(last)] # last update time should be there
-      #
-      # Try to get the type (chromosome versus plasmid) of this entry:
-      #
-      if( length(grep("plasmid", tolower(header[2]))) != 0 )
-        def <- "plasmid"
-      else if(length(grep("chromosome", tolower(header[2]))) != 0)
-        def <- "chromosome"
-      else if(length(grep("genome", tolower(header[2]))) != 0)
-        def <- "chromosome"
-      else
-        def <- NA
-      #
-      # Begin the human curated part:
-      #
-      if( accname == "NC_002528" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_003454" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_001732" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_001733" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_005042" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_005072" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_004631" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_004344" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_003902" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_005957" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_007984" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_002937" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_005863" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_008054" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_002942" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_005823" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_005824" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_000916" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_007633" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_006855" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_006856" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_006905" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_006511" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_003198" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_007350" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_007351" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_007352" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_003425" ) def <- "plasmid"
-      if( accname == "NC_006833" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_006810" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_008529" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_008531" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_008346" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      if( accname == "NC_008800" ) def <- "chromosome"
-      #
-      # Concatenate results:
-      #
-      species <- c(species, folder)
-      accession <- c( accession, accname)
-      size.bp <- c(size.bp, as.integer(bp))
-      lastupdate <- c(lastupdate, last)
-      type <- c(type, def)
-      cat("\n",folder,accname,bp,def,last,"\n")
-    }
-  }
-# shouldn't ftp_proxy be restored there ?
-  return(data.frame(I(species), I(accession), size.bp, type, I(lastupdate)))
-#             ncbi.fna.url 
-#  Try to build urls to access complete genome sequences data
-#  in fasta format from get.ncbi() output
-ncbi.fna.url <- function( get.ncbi.out = get.ncbi() )
-  build.url <- function( x )
-  {
-    ficname <- unlist(strsplit(x[2],"\\.")) # split prefix and suffix
-    ficname <- ficname[1] # keep prefix
-    ficname <- paste( ficname, ".fna", collapse="", sep="")
-    urlname <- paste("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/", x[1],
-                 "/",ficname, collapse="", sep="")
-    return(urlname)
-  }
-  apply( get.ncbi.out, 1, build.url )  
-#  Try to build urls to access complete genome sequences data
-#  in genbank format from get.ncbi() output
-ncbi.gbk.url <- function( get.ncbi.out = get.ncbi() )
-  build.url <- function( x )
-  {
-    urlname <- paste("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/", x[1],
-                 "/",x[2], collapse="", sep="")
-    return(urlname)
-  }
-  apply( get.ncbi.out, 1, build.url )  
-#  Try to build urls to access complete genome sequences data
-#  file *.ptt from get.ncbi() output
-ncbi.ptt.url <- function( get.ncbi.out = get.ncbi() )
-  build.url <- function( x )
-  {
-    ficname <- unlist(strsplit(x[2],"\\.")) # split prefix and suffix
-    ficname <- ficname[1] # keep prefix
-    ficname <- paste( ficname, ".ptt", collapse="", sep="")
-    urlname <- paste("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/", x[1],
-                 "/",ficname, collapse="", sep="")
-    return(urlname)
-  }
-  apply( get.ncbi.out, 1, build.url )  
-# Try to get the number of cds and genome size
-ncbi.stats <- function( get.ncbi.out = get.ncbi() )
-  gbkurls <- ncbi.gbk.url( get.ncbi.out )
-  ptturls <- ncbi.ptt.url( get.ncbi.out )
-  get.genome.size <- function( url )
-  {
-    header <- readLines( url, n = 1 )
-    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(header, split=" "))
-    tmp <- tmp[nchar(tmp)>0]
-    tmp <- tmp[3]
-    as.integer(tmp)
-  }
-  get.n.prot <- function( url )
-  {
-    lines <- readLines( url, n = 3 )
-    lines <- lines[3]
-    lines <- unlist(strsplit(lines, split=" "))
-    print(lines[1])
-    as.integer(lines[1])
-  }
-  gsize <- sapply( gbkurls, get.genome.size)
-  nprot <- sapply( ptturls, get.n.prot )
-  data <- data.frame( cbind(get.ncbi.out[,1], gsize, nprot) )
-  return( data )

Deleted: pkg/man/get.ncbi.Rd
--- pkg/man/get.ncbi.Rd	2021-05-18 14:03:43 UTC (rev 2117)
+++ pkg/man/get.ncbi.Rd	2021-05-18 14:06:28 UTC (rev 2118)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-\title{ Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site }
-Try to connect to ncbi ftp site to get a list of complete bacterial genomes.
-get.ncbi(repository = "ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/Bacteria/")
-  \item{repository}{ Where to look for data. The default value is the location of the complete bacterial genome sequences at ncbi ftp repository. }
-Returns a data frame which contains the following columns:
-    \item{species}{The species name as given by the corresponding folder
-    name in the repository (\emph{e.g.} Yersinia\_pestis\_KIM).}
-    \item{accession}{The accession number as given by the common prefix
-    of file names in the repository (\emph{e.g.} NC\_004088).}
-    \item{size.bp}{The size of the sequence in bp (\emph{e.g.} 4600755).}
-    \item{type}{A factor with two levels (plasmid or chromosome) temptatively
-    deduced from the description of the sequence.}
-  \code{citation("seqinr")}
-\author{J.R. Lobry}
-\section{WARNING }{
-This function is highly dependant on ncbi ftp site conventions
-for which we have no control.
-The ftp connection apparently does not work when there is a proxy,
-this problem is circumvented here in a rather crude way.
-\dontrun{bacteria <- get.ncbi()}

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