[Seqinr-commits] CDS translation into Protein

ayman sabry amsabry at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 13:23:43 CEST 2013

 I am using the query function to extract CDS from the refseq 
for example
"system.time(query("TSC5","AC=NM_001162427 AND t=cds AND NOT k=partial"))"
 But I also want the corresponding proteins. 
For some reason the"extractseqs("TSC5", operation = "translate")"
does not work
Does anyone aware of any R function or package that could i use to do that translation
Thanks in advance

Ayman Sabry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, 
Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering unit, 
Scientific Research Deanship
Taif University, 
Al-Hawya,  Al Taif,  Zip code 21974, KSA
mobile # +966 05 920 46 007
Fax  # +966 2 724 1880
amsabry at gmail.com

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