[Seqinr-commits] r1462 - pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter
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Wed Oct 8 10:23:53 CEST 2008
Author: lobry
Date: 2008-10-08 10:23:52 +0200 (Wed, 08 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 1462
new chapter about making RISA in silico with seqinR
Added: pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.rnw
--- pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.rnw (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.rnw 2008-10-08 08:23:52 UTC (rev 1462)
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+\title{RISA \textit{in silico} with seqinR}
+\author{Lobry, J.R.}
+By RISA we mean here Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis. Ribosomal
+genes are highly conserved so that it is relatively easy to design
+universal PCR primers. On the other hand the intergenic space is under
+weaker selective pressure, yielding more between species variability
+in terms of length.
+Making a RISA \textit{in silico} is an interesting task for seqinR :
+we want to extract ribosomal genes from general databases and then
+to compute the fragment length between the two primers.
+\section{The primers}
+Let's use the following primer in the 16S, also known as
+S-D-Bact-1522-b-S-20 \cite{RanjardL2000}:
+(amo1 <- tolower("TGCGGCTGGATCCCCTCCTT")) # 16 S
+Let's use the following primer in the 23S, also known as
+L-D-Bact-132-a-A-18 \cite{RanjardL2000}:
+(amo2 <- tolower("CCGGGTTTCCCCATTCGG")) # 23 S
+We work thereafter with its complementary sequence as follows:
+cplt <- function(x) c2s(comp(rev(s2c(x))))
+(amo2 <- cplt(amo2))
+\section{Finding a primer location}
+We want to fing a substring allowing for mismatches (say 3). Let's
+write a function for this. Here we just use a moving window to count the
+number of matches for all positions and return the one with the
+maximum value. If the maximum number of matches if not enough, \texttt{NA}
+is returned instead.
+find.amo <- function(amo, myseq, verbose = FALSE, nmiss = 3){
+ y <- numeric(nchar(myseq)) # nombre de match exacts
+ myseq2 <- s2c(myseq)
+ for(k in seq_len(nchar(myseq) - nchar(amo))){
+ y[k] <- sum(s2c(amo) == myseq2[k:(k+nchar(amo)-1)])
+ }
+ if(verbose) plot(1:nchar(myseq),y, type="h", ylim = c(0,nchar(amo)), main = amo)
+ nmismatch <- nchar(amo) - max(y)
+ if(verbose) print(paste(nmismatch,"mismatch"))
+ if(nmismatch > nmiss){
+ warning(paste("too many mismatches:", nmismatch))
+ return(NA)
+ }
+ if(verbose) rug(which.max(y),col="red")
+ return(which.max(y))
+Example with a random sequence:
+Now insert a perfect target :
+substr(rseq,100,100+nchar(amo1)) <- amo1
+\section{Compute the length of the intergenic space}
+More exactly we want to compute the length of the fragment amplified
+between two PCR primers. Here it is, note that we have to take into account
+whether the primers are on the direct or complementary strand and the
+length of the primers:
+risa.length <- function(myseq, amo1, amo2, forward, verbose = FALSE){
+ if(forward){
+ posamo1 <- find.amo(amo1, myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ posamo2 <- find.amo(amo2, myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ } else {
+ posamo1 <- find.amo(cplt(amo1), myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ posamo2 <- find.amo(cplt(amo2), myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ if(is.na(posamo1)) return(list(res = NA, posamo1 = NA, posamo2 = NA))
+ if(is.na(posamo2)) return(list(res = NA, posamo1 = NA, posamo2 = NA))
+ return(list( res = abs(posamo2 - posamo1) + ifelse(forward, nchar(amo2), nchar(amo1)),
+ posamo1 = posamo1, posamo2 = posamo2 ))
+Let's check this with an artificial example by inserting the second primer at
+position 300 in our random sequence:
+substr(rseq,300,300+nchar(amo2)) <- amo2
+risa.length(rseq, amo1, amo2, forward = T)$res
+risa.length(cplt(rseq), amo1, amo2, forward = F)$res
+Looks OK for me.
+\section{Compute IGS for a sequence fragment}
+\caption{Screenshot of a part of figure 1 in \cite{RanjardL2000} showing the observed range
+of ribosomal intergenic space length in bacterial species (n = 428).}
+By sequence fragment we mean here a genbank entry accessed
+by its name (\texttt{mnemo} in the code thereafter).
+There could be more than one rRNA operon in the sequence fragment
+but there should be the same number of 16S and 23S genes.
+There is a maximum length to avoid problems when genes are
+not annotated in consecutive order, in this case \texttt{NA}
+is returned. The default maximum length of 10 kb is conservative,
+the maximum observed value is 1.5 kb (\textit{cf} Fig. \ref{fig1RanjardL2000}),
+some post-processing of the results is most likely necessary to remove outliers.
+mn2risa <- function(mnemo, amo1, amo2, maxlength = 10000, verbose = FALSE){
+ if(verbose) print(paste("mn2risa -->", mnemo))
+ query("frag", paste("N=", mnemo))
+ query("frag16S", "frag ET T=RRNA ET K=16S@")
+ if(verbose) print(paste("n 16S = ", frag16S$nelem))
+ query("frag23S", "frag ET T=RRNA ET K=23S@")
+ if(verbose) print(paste("n 23S = ", frag23S$nelem))
+ if(frag16S$nelem != frag23S$nelem) return(NA)
+ n <- frag16S$nelem
+ loc1 <- getLocation(frag16S)
+ loc2 <- getLocation(frag23S)
+ risa <- numeric(n)
+ for(i in seq_len(n)){
+ coords <- c(loc1[[i]], loc2[[i]])
+ if(coords[1] < coords[3]){
+ forward <- TRUE
+ if(verbose) print("forward")
+ } else {
+ forward <- FALSE
+ if(verbose) print("bacward")
+ }
+ if(verbose) print(coords)
+ xmin <- min(coords)
+ xmax <- max(coords)
+ if(xmax - xmin > maxlength) return(NA)
+ myseq <- as.character(getFrag(frag$req[[1]], xmin, xmax))
+ if(verbose) print(paste("nchar myseq = ", nchar(myseq)))
+ risa[i] <- risa.length(myseq, amo1, amo2, forward, verbose = F)$res
+ }
+ return(risa)
+Example with a fragment with one 16S and two 23S genes,
+\texttt{NA} is returned as expected :
+mn2risa("BBRNAOPR", amo1, amo2,verb=T)
+Example with a fragment with seven 16S and seven 23S genes,
+the seven RISA length are returned :
+mn2risa("AE005174", amo1, amo2,verb=T)
+\section{Compute IGS for a species}
+We could work in fact at any taxonomical level, but suppose here that
+we are interested by the species level. All we have to do is to find
+the list of fragment where there is at least one 16S and one 23S gene.
+We use here all the power of ACNUC query language.
+sp2risa <- function(sp, amo1, amo2, verbose = TRUE){
+ if(verbose) print(paste("sp2risa -->", sp))
+ query("cursp", paste("sp=", sp), virtual=TRUE)
+ query("res1", "cursp ET T=RRNA ET K=16S@", virtual=TRUE)
+ query("res1", "ME res1",virtual=TRUE)
+ query("res2","cursp ET T=RRNA ET K=23S@",virtual=TRUE)
+ query("res2","ME res2",virtual=TRUE)
+ query("res3", "res1 ET res2")
+ if(verbose) print(paste("number of mother sequences = ", res3$nelem))
+ seqnames <- getName(res3)
+ result <- vector("list", res3$nelem)
+ names(result) <- seqnames
+ for(i in seq_len(res3$nelem)){
+ result[[i]] <- mn2risa(seqnames[i], amo1, amo2, verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ return(result)
+\section{Loop over many species}
+We loop now over all bacterial species in genbank. As this is long, we run
+it overnight in batch, saving results on the fly to spy them.
+When the species name is a single word this is most likely a genus,
+then to avoid redundancy in computation with the underlying species,
+it is not considered and a \texttt{+Inf} value is set. An empty list
+means that no fragment with both 16S and 23S genes were found. A
+missing value \texttt{NA} means that the PCR primers were not found.
+query("all", "sp=bacteria", virtual=TRUE)
+query("allsp", "ps all")
+splist <- getName(allsp)
+resultat <- vector("list", length(splist))
+names(resultat) <- splist
+i <- 1
+for(sp in splist){
+ print(paste("===>",sp))
+ if(length(unlist(strsplit(sp, split= " "))) == 1){
+ resultat[[i]] <- +Inf
+ i <- i + 1
+ next
+ }
+ resultat[[i]] <- sp2risa(sp=sp,amo1, amo2, verbose = TRUE)
+ save(resultat, file = "resultat.RData")
+ print(paste("=>", resultat[[i]]))
+ i <- i + 1
+\section{Playing with results}
+%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Added: pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.tex
--- pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.tex (rev 0)
+++ pkg/inst/doc/src/mainmatter/risa.tex 2008-10-08 08:23:52 UTC (rev 1462)
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+\title{RISA \textit{in silico} with seqinR}
+\author{Lobry, J.R.}
+% To change the R input/output style:
+{formatcom={\color{Sinput}},fontsize=\footnotesize, baselinestretch=0.75}
+{formatcom={\color{Soutput}},fontsize=\footnotesize, baselinestretch=0.75}
+% This removes the extra spacing after code and output chunks in Sweave,
+% but keeps the spacing around the whole block.
+% Rlogo
+% Shortcut for seqinR:
+\fvset{fontsize= \scriptsize}
+% R output options and libraries to be loaded.
+% Sweave Options
+% Put all figures in the fig folder and start the name with current file name.
+% Do not produce EPS files
+By RISA we mean here Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis. Ribosomal
+genes are highly conserved so that it is relatively easy to design
+universal PCR primers. On the other hand the intergenic space is under
+weaker selective pressure, yielding more between species variability
+in terms of length.
+Making a RISA \textit{in silico} is an interesting task for seqinR :
+we want to extract ribosomal genes from general databases and then
+to compute the fragment length between the two primers.
+\section{The primers}
+Let's use the following primer in the 16S, also known as
+S-D-Bact-1522-b-S-20 \cite{RanjardL2000}:
+ library(seqinr)
+ (amo1 <- tolower("TGCGGCTGGATCCCCTCCTT"))
+[1] "tgcggctggatcccctcctt"
+Let's use the following primer in the 23S, also known as
+L-D-Bact-132-a-A-18 \cite{RanjardL2000}:
+ (amo2 <- tolower("CCGGGTTTCCCCATTCGG"))
+[1] "ccgggtttccccattcgg"
+We work thereafter with its complementary sequence as follows:
+ cplt <- function(x) c2s(comp(rev(s2c(x))))
+ (amo2 <- cplt(amo2))
+[1] "ccgaatggggaaacccgg"
+\section{Finding a primer location}
+We want to fing a substring allowing for mismatches (say 3). Let's
+write a function for this. Here we just use a moving window to count the
+number of matches for all positions and return the one with the
+maximum value. If the maximum number of matches if not enough, \texttt{NA}
+is returned instead.
+ find.amo <- function(amo, myseq, verbose = FALSE, nmiss = 3) {
+ y <- numeric(nchar(myseq))
+ myseq2 <- s2c(myseq)
+ for (k in seq_len(nchar(myseq) - nchar(amo))) {
+ y[k] <- sum(s2c(amo) == myseq2[k:(k + nchar(amo) -
+ 1)])
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ plot(1:nchar(myseq), y, type = "h", ylim = c(0, nchar(amo)),
+ main = amo)
+ nmismatch <- nchar(amo) - max(y)
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste(nmismatch, "mismatch"))
+ if (nmismatch > nmiss) {
+ warning(paste("too many mismatches:", nmismatch))
+ return(NA)
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ rug(which.max(y), col = "red")
+ return(which.max(y))
+ }
+Example with a random sequence:
+ rseq <- c2s(sample(s2c("acgt"), 1000, rep = T))
+ find.amo(amo1, rseq, verb = T)
+[1] "8 mismatch"
+[1] NA
+Now insert a perfect target :
+ substr(rseq, 100, 100 + nchar(amo1)) <- amo1
+ find.amo(amo1, rseq, verb = T)
+[1] "0 mismatch"
+[1] 100
+\section{Compute the length of the intergenic space}
+More exactly we want to compute the length of the fragment amplified
+between two PCR primers. Here it is, note that we have to take into account
+whether the primers are on the direct or complementary strand and the
+length of the primers:
+ risa.length <- function(myseq, amo1, amo2, forward, verbose = FALSE) {
+ if (forward) {
+ posamo1 <- find.amo(amo1, myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ posamo2 <- find.amo(amo2, myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ else {
+ posamo1 <- find.amo(cplt(amo1), myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ posamo2 <- find.amo(cplt(amo2), myseq, verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ if (is.na(posamo1))
+ return(list(res = NA, posamo1 = NA, posamo2 = NA))
+ if (is.na(posamo2))
+ return(list(res = NA, posamo1 = NA, posamo2 = NA))
+ return(list(res = abs(posamo2 - posamo1) + ifelse(forward,
+ nchar(amo2), nchar(amo1)), posamo1 = posamo1, posamo2 = posamo2))
+ }
+Let's check this with an artificial example by inserting the second primer at
+position 300 in our random sequence:
+ nchar(amo2)
+[1] 18
+ substr(rseq, 300, 300 + nchar(amo2)) <- amo2
+ risa.length(rseq, amo1, amo2, forward = T)$res
+[1] 218
+ risa.length(cplt(rseq), amo1, amo2, forward = F)$res
+[1] 218
+Looks OK for me.
+\section{Compute IGS for a sequence fragment}
+\caption{Screenshort of a part of figure 1 in \cite{RanjardL2000} showing the observed range
+of ribosomal intergenic space length in bacterial species (n = 428).}
+By sequence fragment we mean here a genbank entry accessed
+by its name (\texttt{mnemo} in the code thereafter).
+There could be more than one rRNA operon in the sequence fragment
+but there should be the same number of 16S and 23S genes.
+There is a maximum length to avoid problems when genes are
+not annotated in consecutive order, in this case \texttt{NA}
+is returned. The default maximum length of 10 kb is conservative,
+the maximum observed value is 1.5 kb (\textit{cf} Fig. \ref{fig1RanjardL2000}),
+some post-processing of the results is most likely necessary to remove outliers.
+ mn2risa <- function(mnemo, amo1, amo2, maxlength = 10000,
+ verbose = FALSE) {
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("mn2risa -->", mnemo))
+ query("frag", paste("N=", mnemo))
+ query("frag16S", "frag ET T=RRNA ET K=16S@")
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("n 16S = ", frag16S$nelem))
+ query("frag23S", "frag ET T=RRNA ET K=23S@")
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("n 23S = ", frag23S$nelem))
+ if (frag16S$nelem != frag23S$nelem)
+ return(NA)
+ n <- frag16S$nelem
+ loc1 <- getLocation(frag16S)
+ loc2 <- getLocation(frag23S)
+ risa <- numeric(n)
+ for (i in seq_len(n)) {
+ coords <- c(loc1[[i]], loc2[[i]])
+ if (coords[1] < coords[3]) {
+ forward <- TRUE
+ if (verbose)
+ print("forward")
+ }
+ else {
+ forward <- FALSE
+ if (verbose)
+ print("bacward")
+ }
+ if (verbose)
+ print(coords)
+ xmin <- min(coords)
+ xmax <- max(coords)
+ if (xmax - xmin > maxlength)
+ return(NA)
+ myseq <- as.character(getFrag(frag$req[[1]], xmin,
+ xmax))
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("nchar myseq = ", nchar(myseq)))
+ risa[i] <- risa.length(myseq, amo1, amo2, forward,
+ verbose = F)$res
+ }
+ return(risa)
+ }
+Example with a fragment with one 16S and two 23S genes,
+\texttt{NA} is returned as expected :
+ mn2risa("BBRNAOPR", amo1, amo2, verb = T)
+Example with a fragment with seven 16S and seven 23S genes,
+the seven RISA length are returned :
+ mn2risa("AE005174", amo1, amo2, verb = T)
+\section{Compute IGS for a species}
+We could work in fact at any taxonomical level, but suppose here that
+we are interested by the species level. All we have to do is to find
+the list of fragment where there is at least one 16S and one 23S gene.
+We use here all the power of ACNUC query language.
+ sp2risa <- function(sp, amo1, amo2, verbose = TRUE) {
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("sp2risa -->", sp))
+ query("cursp", paste("sp=", sp), virtual = TRUE)
+ query("res1", "cursp ET T=RRNA ET K=16S@", virtual = TRUE)
+ query("res1", "ME res1", virtual = TRUE)
+ query("res2", "cursp ET T=RRNA ET K=23S@", virtual = TRUE)
+ query("res2", "ME res2", virtual = TRUE)
+ query("res3", "res1 ET res2")
+ if (verbose)
+ print(paste("number of mother sequences = ", res3$nelem))
+ seqnames <- getName(res3)
+ result <- vector("list", res3$nelem)
+ names(result) <- seqnames
+ for (i in seq_len(res3$nelem)) {
+ result[[i]] <- mn2risa(seqnames[i], amo1, amo2, verbose = verbose)
+ }
+ return(result)
+ }
+\section{Loop over many species}
+We loop now over all bacterial species in genbank. As this is long, we run
+it overnight in batch, saving results on the fly to spy them.
+When the species name is a single word this is most likely a genus,
+then to avoid redundancy in computation with the underlying species,
+it is not considered and a \texttt{+Inf} value is set. An empty list
+means that no fragment with both 16S and 23S genes were found. A
+missing value \texttt{NA} means that the PCR primers were not found.
+ query("all", "sp=bacteria", virtual = TRUE)
+ query("allsp", "ps all")
+ splist <- getName(allsp)
+ resultat <- vector("list", length(splist))
+ names(resultat) <- splist
+ i <- 1
+ for (sp in splist) {
+ print(paste("===>", sp))
+ if (length(unlist(strsplit(sp, split = " "))) == 1) {
+ resultat[[i]] <- +Inf
+ i <- i + 1
+ next
+ }
+ resultat[[i]] <- sp2risa(sp = sp, amo1, amo2, verbose = TRUE)
+ save(resultat, file = "resultat.RData")
+ print(paste("=>", resultat[[i]]))
+ i <- i + 1
+ }
+\section{Playing with results}
+\section*{Session Informations}
+This part was compiled under the following \Rlogo{}~environment:
+ \item R version 2.7.2 (2008-08-25), \verb|i386-apple-darwin8.8.2|
+ \item Locale: \verb|fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/C/C/C|
+ \item Base packages: base, datasets, grDevices, graphics, methods,
+ stats, utils
+ \item Other packages: MASS~7.2-44, ade4~1.4-9, ape~2.2-1,
+ nlme~3.1-89, quadprog~1.4-11, seqinr~2.0-0, tseries~0.10-16,
+ xtable~1.5-3, zoo~1.5-4
+ \item Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): grid~2.7.2,
+ lattice~0.17-13
+There were two compilation steps:
+ \item \Rlogo{} compilation time was: Wed Oct 8 10:17:42 2008
+ \item \LaTeX{} compilation time was: \today
+%%%%%%%%%%%% BIBLIOGRAPHY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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