[Sciviews-commits] r543 - in pkg/SciViews: . R man

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Mon Feb 10 19:28:05 CET 2014

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2014-02-10 19:28:05 +0100 (Mon, 10 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 543

More documentation of SciViews functions

Modified: pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: SciViews
 Type: Package
-Version: 0.9-11
-Date: 2013-08-28
+Version: 0.9-12
+Date: 2014-02-10
 Title: SciViews GUI API - Main package
 Authors at R: c(person("Philippe", "Grosjean", role = c("aut", "cre"),
   email = "phgrosjean at sciviews.org"))

Modified: pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-	   p,
+	   p0,
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
-	   rx,
-	   perl,
-	   is.rx,
-	   is.perl,
+	   regex,
+	   pcre,
+	   is.regex,
+	   is.pcre,
@@ -73,8 +73,10 @@
-	   fileSymlink,
+	   fileSymLink,
+	   fileTime,
+	   fileUMask,
@@ -279,8 +281,8 @@
 S3method(print, s)
-S3method(print, rx)
-S3method(print, perl)
+S3method(print, regex)
+S3method(print, pcre)
 S3method(vectorplot, default)
 S3method(vectorplot, loadings)

Modified: pkg/SciViews/NEWS
--- pkg/SciViews/NEWS	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/NEWS	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
 = SciViews News
+== SciViews version 0.9-12
+* p() is renamed p0() to avoid a clash with p() in the ascii package.
+* rx objects are renamed regex and perl objects are renamec pcre.
+* fileSymlink() is renamed fileSymLink() for correct camel case support.
 == SciViews version 0.9-11
 * path object is renamed filePath to avoid a clash with a path object in grid

Modified: pkg/SciViews/R/character.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -4,31 +4,24 @@
 ## TODO: deal with zero length strings and NAs appropriately in all functions
 ## TODO: make.names, make.unique, regmatches, grepRaw and charToRaw
-## Count the number of characters
-## No: make an exception: after n (or nz) do not use uppercase!
-#nChar <- nchar
-#nzChar <- nzchar
+#### In regex.Rd ##################################################################
-## Format character strings
-charEscape <- .Recode(base::encodeString)
-charWrap <- base::strwrap
-# Add charPad => pad a string left/right or both or charPad/charPadL/charPadR?
 ## String find/replace using fixed pattern or regular expressions
-rx <- function (pattern, use.bytes = FALSE, globbing,
+regex <- function (pattern, use.bytes = FALSE, globbing,
 trim.head = FALSE, trim.tail = TRUE)
-	## Construct an rx object containing a regular expression pattern
+	## Construct a regex object containing a regular expression pattern
 	if (!missing(globbing)) pattern <- utils::glob2rx(globbing,
 		trim.head = trim.head, trim.tail = trim.tail)
 	pattern <- as.character(pattern)
-	class(pattern) <- c("rx", "character")
+	class(pattern) <- c("regex", "character")
 	if (isTRUE(as.logical(use.bytes))) attr(pattern, "useBytes") <- TRUE
-print.rx <- function (x, ...)
+is.regex <- function (x) inherits(x, "regex")
+print.regex <- function (x, ...)
 	msg <- "Regular expression pattern"
 	if (useBytes(x)) {
@@ -38,17 +31,16 @@
-is.rx <- function (x) inherits(x, "rx")
-perl <- function (pattern, use.bytes = FALSE)
+pcre <- function (pattern, use.bytes = FALSE)
 	pattern <- as.character(pattern)
-	class(pattern) <- c("perl", "rx", "character")
+	class(pattern) <- c("pcre", "regex", "character")
 	if (isTRUE(as.logical(use.bytes))) attr(pattern, "useBytes") <- TRUE
-print.perl <- function (x, ...)
+print.pcre <- function (x, ...)
 	msg <- "Perl-compatible regular expression pattern"
 	if (useBytes(x)) {
@@ -58,8 +50,11 @@
-is.perl <- function (x) inherits(x, "perl")
+is.pcre <- function (x) inherits(x, "pcre")
 useBytes <- function (x) isTRUE(attr(x, "useBytes"))
 `useBytes<-` <- function (x, value)
@@ -69,94 +64,33 @@
-charSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE,
-type = c("logical", "position", "value"), max.distance = 0, costs = NULL)
-	type <- pmatch(type)
-	if (!is.rx(pattern)) { # Search fixed string
-		res <- switch(type,
-			logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-			position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
-				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-			value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = TRUE,
-				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-			stop("Unknown type"))
-	} else { # Search regular expression
-		## If max.distance > 0, use approximate search
-		if (max.distance > 0) { # Use agrep()
-			## No perl expression currently accepted!
-			if (is.perl(pattern))
-				stop("Perl regular expression not allowed with max.distance > 0")
-			res <- switch(type,
-				logical = 1:length(x) %in% agrep(pattern, x,
-					ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
-					max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				position = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-					value = FALSE, max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				value = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-					value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				stop("Unknown type"))
-		} else { # Use regular search (grep())
-			res <- switch(type,
-				logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-					fixed = FALSE, perl = is.perl(pattern),
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-					value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, perl = is.perl(pattern),
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
-					value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, perl = is.perl(pattern),
-					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
-				stop("Unknown type"))
-		}
-	}
-	res
-## Inconsistencies: regexpr(pattern, text, ...) and strsplit(x, xplit, ...)
-## Solved with the present versions!
-charFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE)
-	regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.rx(pattern),
-		perl = is.perl(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
-charFindAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE)
-	gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.rx(pattern),
-		perl = is.perl(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
+#### In character.Rd ###########################################################
+## Conversion to character string... + creation and test, shorter versions
+char <- .Recode(base::character)
+as.char <- base::as.character
+is.char <- base::is.character
-charSub <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE)
-	sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.rx(pattern),
-		perl = is.perl(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
-charSubAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE)
-	gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.rx(pattern),
-		perl = is.perl(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(x))
+## Count the number of characters
+## No: make an exception: after n (or nz) do not use uppercase!
+#nChar <- nchar
+#nzChar <- nzchar
-## Substrings
-charSplit <- function (x, pattern)
-	strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = !is.rx(pattern),
-		perl = is.perl(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
-charSubstr <- .Recode(base::substr)
-`charSubstr<-` <- .Recode(base::`substr<-`)
-charTrunc <- .Recode(base::strtrim) ## This indeed truncs strings!!!
 ## paste() is rather long name, in comparison with, e.g., c().
 ## Also the default argument of sep = " " is irritating and is not consistent
 ## with stop() or warning() for instance, that use sep = "".
 ## Thus, we define:
 if (exists("paste0", envir = baseenv())) { # Starting from R 2.15.0
-	p <- .Recode(base::paste0)
+	p0 <- .Recode(base::paste0)
 } else {
-	p <- function (..., collapse = NULL) 
+	p0 <- function (..., collapse = NULL) 
 		paste(..., sep = "", collapse = collapse)
 p_ <- .Recode(base::paste)
+## TODO: `%+%` for pasting two strings together?!
 ## The same is true for cat() with sep = " "... and the default behaviour of
 ## not ending with line feed is more confusing that useful => change this
 ## behaviour by adding a end = "\n" argument.
@@ -181,14 +115,19 @@
 	cat(..., end, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels,
 		append = TRUE)
+## Change case and translate
+charTrans <- function (x, old, new) chartr(old = old, new = new, x = x)
+charFold <- base::casefold
+charLower <- .Recode(base::tolower)
+charUpper <- .Recode(base::toupper)
 charTrim <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim both sides
 	pat <- (if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "[[:space:]]+" else "[[:blank:]]+")
 	## Trim left first
-	x <- charSub(p("^", pat), "", x)
+	x <- charSub(p0("^", pat), "", x)
 	## ... then trim right
-	charSub(p(pat, "$"), "", x)
+	charSub(p0(pat, "$"), "", x)
 charTrimL <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim left-side only
@@ -197,44 +136,117 @@
 charTrimR <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim right-side only
 	charSub(if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "[[:space:]]+$" else "[[:blank:]]+$", "", x)
+charTrunc <- .Recode(base::strtrim) ## This indeed truncs strings!!!
-## Change case and translate
-charTrans <- function (x, old, new) chartr(old = old, new = new, x = x)
-charFold <- base::casefold
-charLower <- .Recode(base::tolower)
-charUpper <- .Recode(base::toupper)
+charSubstr <- .Recode(base::substr)
+`charSubstr<-` <- .Recode(base::`substr<-`)
-## Character encoding
-encodingToNative <- base::enc2native
-encodingToUTF8 <- base::enc2utf8
-encoding <- .Recode(base::Encoding)
-## R CMD check got fooled because it does not find setEncoding... We give it too
-`encoding<-` <- setEncoding <- .Recode(base::`Encoding<-`)
+## Substrings
+charSplit <- function (x, pattern)
+	strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = !is.regex(pattern),
+		perl = is.pcre(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
-## Measure size of a string (package graphics)
-charHeight <- .Recode(graphics::strheight)
-charWidth <- .Recode(graphics::strwidth)
+## Inconsistencies: regexpr(pattern, text, ...) and strsplit(x, xplit, ...)
+## Solved with the present versions!
+charSub <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE)
+	sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.regex(pattern),
+		perl = is.pcre(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
+charSubAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE)
+	gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.regex(pattern),
+		perl = is.pcre(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(x))
+charFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE)
+	regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.regex(pattern),
+		perl = is.pcre(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
+charFindAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE)
+	gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = !is.regex(pattern),
+		perl = is.pcre(pattern), useBytes = useBytes(pattern))
+charSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE,
+type = c("logical", "position", "value"), max.distance = 0, costs = NULL)
+	type <- pmatch(type)
+	if (!is.regex(pattern)) { # Search fixed string
+		res <- switch(type,
+			logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+			position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
+				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+			value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = TRUE,
+				fixed = TRUE, useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+			stop("Unknown type"))
+	} else { # Search regular expression
+		## If max.distance > 0, use approximate search
+		if (max.distance > 0) { # Use agrep()
+			## No pcre expression currently accepted!
+			if (is.pcre(pattern))
+				stop("Perl regular expression not allowed with max.distance > 0")
+			res <- switch(type,
+				logical = 1:length(x) %in% agrep(pattern, x,
+					ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
+					max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				position = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+					value = FALSE, max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				value = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+					value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance, costs = costs,
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				stop("Unknown type"))
+		} else { # Use regular search (grep())
+			res <- switch(type,
+				logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+					fixed = FALSE, perl = is.pcre(pattern),
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+					value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, perl = is.pcre(pattern),
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+					value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, perl = is.pcre(pattern),
+					useBytes = useBytes(pattern)),
+				stop("Unknown type"))
+		}
+	}
+	res
 ## Match, expand or abbreviate character strings to a list of items
+charMatch <- .Recode(base::charmatch)
+## There is a faster version in data.table! named chmatch, but is does not
+## exactly the same since it expects characters and do no partial matching!
+charPMatch <- .Recode(base::pmatch)
+charExpand <- function (x, target, nomatch = NA_character_)
+	char.expand(input = x, target = target, nomatch = nomatch)
 charAbbrev <- function (x, min.length = 4, dot = FALSE, strict = FALSE,
 method = c("left.kept", "both.sides"))
 	abbreviate(names.arg = x, minlength = min.length, dot = dot, strict = strict,
 		method = method)
-charExpand <- function (x, target, nomatch = NA_character_)
-	char.expand(input = x, target = target, nomatch = nomatch)
-charMatch <- .Recode(base::charmatch)
-## There is a faster version in data.table! named chmatch, but is does not
-## exactly the same since it expects characters and do no partial matching!
+## Format character strings
+charEscape <- .Recode(base::encodeString)
+charWrap <- base::strwrap
+# Add charPad => pad a string left/right or both or charPad/charPadL/charPadR?
-charPMatch <- .Recode(base::pmatch)
+## Measure size of a string (package graphics)
+charHeight <- .Recode(graphics::strheight)
+charWidth <- .Recode(graphics::strwidth)
-## Conversion to character string... + creation and test, shorter versions
-char <- .Recode(base::character)
-as.char <- base::as.character
-is.char <- base::is.character
+## Character encoding
+encodingToNative <- base::enc2native
+encodingToUTF8 <- base::enc2utf8
+encoding <- .Recode(base::Encoding)
+## R CMD check got fooled because it does not find setEncoding... We give it too
+`encoding<-` <- setEncoding <- .Recode(base::`Encoding<-`)
+#### In as.intBase.Rd file #####################################################
 # To avoid using strtoi(), we prefer as.integerBase (because as.integer cannot
 # be converted into a generic function, because it is a primitive!)
 as.intBase <- as.integerBase <- .Recode(base::strtoi)

Modified: pkg/SciViews/R/file.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Essentially a series of base R function that manipulate files and directories
 ## and that are renamed/rationalized for facility
-## TODO: Sys.setFileTime => fileTime, Sys.umask
+## TODO: is the object name correctly choosen? or filepath? or fpath?
 ## A replacement for file.path
 filePath <- function (..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
@@ -116,13 +116,16 @@
 fileExists <- .Recode(get("file.exists", envir = baseenv()))
 fileInfo <-	.Recode(get("file.info", envir = baseenv()))
 fileChmod <- .Recode(get("Sys.chmod", envir = baseenv()))
+fileUMask <- .Recode(get("Sys.umask", envir = baseenv()))
+fileTime <- function (filePath, time)
+	Sys.setFileTime(path = filePath, time = time)
 fileRemove <- .Recode(get("file.remove", envir = baseenv()))
 ## This is "stronger" than fileRemove()!
 fileDelete <- function (filePath, recursive = FALSE, force = FALSE)
 	return(unlink(x = filePath, recursive = recursive, force = force))
 fileLink <- .Recode(get("file.link", envir = baseenv()))
-fileSymlink <- .Recode(get("file.symlink", envir = baseenv()))
+fileSymLink <- .Recode(get("file.symlink", envir = baseenv()))
 fileReadLink <- function (filePath)
 	return(structure(Sys.readlink(paths = filePath),
 		class = c("filePath", "character")))

Modified: pkg/SciViews/man/SciViews-package.Rd
--- pkg/SciViews/man/SciViews-package.Rd	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/man/SciViews-package.Rd	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
     Package: \tab SciViews\cr
     Type: \tab Package\cr
-    Version: \tab 0.9-11\cr
-    Date: \tab 2013-08-28\cr
+    Version: \tab 0.9-12\cr
+    Date: \tab 2014-02-10\cr
     License: \tab GPL (>= 2)\cr
     LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr

Added: pkg/SciViews/man/as.intBase.Rd
--- pkg/SciViews/man/as.intBase.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/man/as.intBase.Rd	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+\title{Convert strings to integers}
+  Convert strings to integers according to the given base using the C function
+  \code{strtol}, or choose a suitable base following the C rules.
+as.integerBase(x, base = 0L)
+as.intBase(x, base = 0L)
+  \item{x}{ a character vector, or something coercible to this by \code{as.character}. }
+  \item{base}{ an integer which is between 2 and 36 inclusive, or zero (default). }
+  TODO...
+  TODO...
+  This is a wrapper for \code{strtoi()} function in base package.
+\seealso{ \code{\link[base]{strtoi}} }
+as.intBase(c("0xff", "077", "123"))
+as.intBase(c("ffff", "FFFF"), 16L)
+as.intBase(c("177", "377"), 8L)
+\concept{ convert character into integer }

Property changes on: pkg/SciViews/man/as.intBase.Rd
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: pkg/SciViews/man/character.Rd
--- pkg/SciViews/man/character.Rd	2014-01-06 14:47:13 UTC (rev 542)
+++ pkg/SciViews/man/character.Rd	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@
 \title{Character strings manipulation functions}
@@ -45,16 +52,16 @@
 as.char(x, \dots)
+## Paste strings together
+p0(\dots, collapse = NULL)
+p_(\dots, sep = " ", collapse = NULL)
 ## Concatenate and print strings to the console or in a file
 ct(\dots, file = "", end = "\n", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL)
 cta(\dots, file = "", end = "\n", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL)
 ct_(\dots, file = "", sep = " ", end = "\n", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL)
 cta_(\dots, file = "", sep = " ", end = "\n", fill = FALSE, labels = NULL)
-## Paste strings together
-p(\dots, collapse = NULL)
-p_(\dots, sep = " ", collapse = NULL)
 ## character translation or folding
 charTrans(x, old, new)
 charFold(x, upper = FALSE)
@@ -94,6 +101,13 @@
 ## Measure size of a character string or expression in a plot
 charHeight(s, units = "user", cex = NULL, font = NULL, vfont = NULL, \dots)
 charWidth(s, units = "user", cex = NULL, font = NULL, vfont = NULL, \dots)
+## String encoding
+encoding(x) <- value
+setEncoding(x, value)
@@ -103,6 +117,9 @@
   \item{\dots}{ a series of character strings or objects that can be coerced to
     character, or further arguments passed to or from other methods for
     \code{as.char()}. }
+  \item{sep}{ the character string to use to separate successive strings. }
+  \item{collapse}{ an optional character string to separate items in a character
+    vector that is collapsed to a single item. }
   \item{file}{ a character string naming a file, or a connection. The default
     \code{""} prints to the standard output connection (see \code{\link[base]{cat}}). }
   \item{end}{ the character string to append at the end. By default, a carriage
@@ -112,9 +129,6 @@
     are formatted within \code{getOption("width")}. With a positive integer,
     strings are formatted within this number of characters. }
   \item{labels}{ labels of the lines printed. Ignored when \code{fill = FALSE}. }
-  \item{sep}{ the character string to use to separate successive strings. }
-  \item{collapse}{ an optional character string to separate items in a character
-    vector that is collapsed to a single item. }
   \item{old}{ a character string with characters to be translated. First element
     is used with a warning if length is higher than two. }
   \item{new}{ a character string with the translations. First element
@@ -172,7 +186,7 @@
-\seealso{ \code{\link[base]{character}} } %, \code{\link{rx}} }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[base]{character}}, \code{\link{regex}} }
 ## TODO: various examples of character string manipulations 

Added: pkg/SciViews/man/file.Rd
--- pkg/SciViews/man/file.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/man/file.Rd	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+\title{Files and directories manipulation}
+  Manipulate files and directories and create or use 'filePath' objects.
+## Create, test or print a filePath object
+filePath(\dots, fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
+as.filePath(x, \dots)
+\method{print}{filePath}(x, \dots)
+## Test or manipulate path for files or directories
+fileNormalize(filePath, mustWork = FALSE)
+## Look for R-associated files or dirs
+dirR(component = "home")
+filePackage(\dots, package = "base", lib.loc = NULL, mustWork = FALSE)
+## Temporary directories or files
+fileTemp(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = "")
+## List of find files and directories
+dirList(filePath = ".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
+fileList(filePath = ".", pattern = NULL, all.files = FALSE, full.names = FALSE,
+    recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE)
+fileListGlob(filePath, dir.mark = FALSE)
+## Create, delete, append, etc. files
+dirCreate(path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
+fileAccess(names, mode = 0)
+fileAppend(file1, file2)
+fileRename(from, to)
+fileCopy(from, to, overwrite = recursive, recursive = FALSE, copy.mode = TRUE)
+fileCreate(\dots, showWarnings = TRUE)
+fileChmod(paths, mode = "0777", use_umask = TRUE)
+fileUMask(mode = NA)
+fileTime(filePath, time)
+fileDelete(filePath, recursive = FALSE, force = FALSE)
+## File links and symbolic links
+fileLink(from, to)
+fileSymLink(from, to)
+## Show the content of a file
+fileShow(\dots, header = rep("", nfiles), title = "R Information",
+    delete.file = FALSE, pager = getOption("pager"), encoding = "")
+## Working or session directory
+wdir(dir = NULL)
+sdir(dir = NULL)
+  \item{\dots}{ character vector containing file items or file paths. }
+  \item{fsep}{ character used as file separator. }
+  \item{x}{ an object. }
+  \item{filePath}{ a filePath object. }
+  \item{component}{ As well as \code{"home"} which gives the R home directory,
+    other known values are \code{"bin"}, \code{"doc"}, \code{"etc"},
+    \code{"modules"} and \code{"share"} giving the paths to the corresponding
+    parts of an R installation. }
+  \item{package}{ the R package to look for file. }
+  \item{lib.loc}{ the library path to look for the R package. }
+  \item{mustWork}{ should it always return? }  
+  \item{pattern}{ pattern to use for the temporary file. }
+  \item{tmpdir}{ temporary directory. }
+  \item{fileext}{ extension of the temporary file. }
+  \item{names}{ file names to find. }
+  \item{full.names}{ return full path names or only file names? }
+  \item{recursive}{ list dirs or files recursively? }
+  \item{all.files}{ return all files? }
+  \item{ignore.case}{ be case insensitive? }
+  \item{include.dirs}{ also list directories? }
+  \item{dir.mark}{ logical: should matches to directories from patterns that do
+    not already end in / have a slash appended? May not be supported on all
+    platforms. }
+  \item{path}{ path to file. }
+  \item{showWarnings}{ warn if dir cannot be created? }
+  \item{mode}{ Unix mode of the file or dir. }
+  \item{file1}{ first file. }
+  \item{file2}{ second file. }
+  \item{from}{ first file. }
+  \item{to}{ second file. }
+  \item{overwrite}{ overwrite the destination file? }
+  \item{copy.mode}{ logical: should file permission bits be copied where
+    possible? This applies to both files and directories. }
+  \item{paths}{ path to files. }
+  \item{use_umask}{ use a mask? }
+  \item{time}{ time to put on the file. }
+  \item{force}{ force file deletion? }
+  \item{header}{ header to use. }
+  \item{title}{ title of the window. }
+  \item{delete.file}{ delete the file once it is displayed? }
+  \item{pager}{ pager to use to display this file. }
+  \item{encoding}{ encoding to use for the file content. }
+  \item{dir}{ directory to set. No change if it is \code{NULL} (by default). }
+  TODO...
+  TODO...
+  Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>, but these are indeed wrappers
+  around existing functions written by the R Core Team in base or utils packages.
+\seealso{ \code{\link{char}} }
+## TODO: various examples of dirs and files manipulation
+\concept{ directories and files manipulation }

Property changes on: pkg/SciViews/man/file.Rd
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: pkg/SciViews/man/regex.Rd
--- pkg/SciViews/man/regex.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/man/regex.Rd	2014-02-10 18:28:05 UTC (rev 543)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\title{Regular expressions}
+  Create regular expression (either 'regex' -POSIX 1003.2 extended regular
+  expressions-  or 'pcre' -perl compatibe regular expressions- objects).
+## Create, test or print a regular expression object
+regex(pattern, use.bytes = FALSE, globbing, trim.head = FALSE, trim.tail = TRUE)
+\method{print}{regex}(x, \dots)
+## Create, test or print a perl-compatible regular expression object
+pcre(pattern, use.bytes = FALSE)
+\method{print}{pcre}(x, \dots)
+  \item{pattern}{ character string with the pattern to use for the regular expression. }
+  \item{use.bytes}{ logical. If \code{TRUE}, the matching is done byte-by-byte
+    rather than character-by-character. }
+  \item{globbing}{ character string with wildcard or globbing pattern to be
+    transformed into a regular expression. If provided, \code{pattern} is ignored. }
+  \item{trim.head}{ associated to \code{globbing} only. Specify if \code{"^.*"}
+    should be trimmed from the result. }
+  \item{trim.tail}{ associated to \code{globbing} only. Specify if \code{".*$"}
+    should be trimmed from the result. }
+  \item{x}{ an object. }  
+  \item{\dots}{ unused. }
+  TODO...
+  TODO...
+  Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>, but these are indeed wrappers
+  around existing functions written by the R Core Team in base or utils packages.
+\seealso{ \code{\link{char}}, \code{\link[base]{character}} }
+## TODO: various examples of character string manipulations 
+\concept{ regular expressions for character strings manipulation }

Property changes on: pkg/SciViews/man/regex.Rd
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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