[Sciviews-commits] r476 - in pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs: . ntext0.81

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Tue May 1 23:13:40 CEST 2012

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-05-01 23:13:40 +0200 (Tue, 01 May 2012)
New Revision: 476

Readding ntext0.81 in tcltk2

Added: pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/ChangeLog
--- pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/ChangeLog	2012-05-01 21:13:40 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+2009-01-21  Andreas Kupries  <andreas_kupries at users.sourceforge.net>
+	*
+	* Released and tagged Tklib 0.5 ========================
+	* 
+2007-06-21  Jeff Hobbs  <jeffh at ActiveState.com>
+	* ntext.tcl, et al: Added to tklib
+2007-02-16  Keith Nash  <kjnash at users.sourceforge.net>
+	* change package and namespace names from newText to ntext
+	* change bindtag/class name from newText to Ntext
+	* minor changes, mainly bugfixes for Undo/Redo
+2007-01-13  Keith Nash  <kjnash at users.sourceforge.net>
+	* initial release v0.8 as newText

Added: pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/NtextBindings.html
--- pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/NtextBindings.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/tcltk2/inst/tklibs/ntext0.81/NtextBindings.html	2012-05-01 21:13:40 UTC (rev 476)
@@ -0,0 +1,1703 @@
+<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
+    PRE {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000033;}
+    XMP {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000033;}
+    HR {color: #0066CC; size: 1; border-color: #0066CC; border-width: 1; border-style: none;}
+    INPUT {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold; border-color: #0066CC; border-width: 1; border-style: solid; background-color: #ECF4FC;}
+    TEXTAREA {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold; border-color: #0066CC; border-width: 1; border-style: solid; background-color: #ECF4FC;}
+    SELECT {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold; border-color: #0066CC; border-width: 1; border-style: none; background-color: #ECF4FC;}
+    OPTION {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold; border-color: #0066CC; border-width: 1; border-style: none; background-color: #ECF4FC;}
+    A {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000099; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none;}
+    A.grey {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #999999; font-weight: normal; text-decoration: none;}
+    A:link {text-decoration: none;}
+    A:visited {text-decoration: none;}
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+    TD.header1 {font-family: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #9966CC; font-weight: bold;}
+    TD.bold {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;}
+    TD.red  {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #FF0000;}
+    TD.grey {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #999999;}
+    FONT {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000033;}
+    FONT.bold {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;}
+    FONT.title {font-family: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 14pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold;}
+    FONT.header1 {font-family: Trebuchet MS,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #0066CC; font-weight: bold;}
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+    H4 {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-Serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000033; font-weight: bold;}
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" alink="#ff9933" background="" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0033cc" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" text="#000066" vlink="#0033cc">
+<table align="left" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
+<td valign="top"> </td>
+<td valign="top" width="100%"><div>
+<div class="text-body">
+<h4>Bindings in the Ntext Binding Tag</h4>
+<p><font class="red">Red</font> indicates differences from Text; <font class="grey">grey</font> indicates things removed from Text
+<p>The <a href="TkTextBindings.html">page on the Text bindings</A> is more reliable; this page has the same information about "Text", but might need a little more grey and red ink to properly describe the Ntext bindings.  Also, the <a href="TkTextBindings.html">page on the Text bindings</A> has Tables 2,3,5,6, which are the same for both classes.
+<p>The "Ntext" binding tag has <font class="red">97</font> bindings in X11, <font class="red">108</font> in OS X, <font class="red">95</font> in Windows (Table 1): <font class="red">5 more bindings than the "Text" binding tag</font>.  In addition, several "real events" are mapped to "virtual events" that are bound in the "Ntext" binding tag (Table 2).
+<p><strong>Table 1: List of Bindings</strong>
+<p>Column Headings
+  <ul type="circle">
+  <li><strong>Event</strong> is the event "sequence" specified in the bind command</li>
+  <li><strong>Type</strong> is either "keyboard" or "mouse" (either may include keyboard modifiers), <font class="red">or "configure"</font>; other types of event are not bound in the Ntext binding tag</li>
+  <li>The next six columns describe the effects of the binding, in eight categories.  The columns are:
+    <ul type="circle">
+    <li><strong>Navigation</strong> - a change in the position of the insert mark ("cursor"), other than to accommodate insertion or removal of text at the cursor</li>
+    <li><strong>Text</strong> - a change in the text content of the widget</li>
+    <li><strong>Selection</strong> - effect on the selection</li>
+    <li><strong>Focus</strong> - changes in keyboard focus</li>
+    <li><strong>Undo Stack</strong>
+- the insertion of separators, and changes to the stack itself (other
+than the default, i.e. recording the modifications to the widget)</li>
+    <li><strong>Other</strong> - other effects are
+      <ul type="circle">
+      <li>scrolling</li>
+      <li>changes to the clipboard contents</li>
+      <li>'break' commands</li>
+      <li>changes to selection and scroll view when the mouse pointer leaves the widget while Button 1 is pressed</li>
+      <li>initialization for subsequent events      </li>
+      </ul>
+    </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>The next two columns give further information on the effects of the binding:
+    <ul type="circle">
+    <li><strong>Conditions</strong> - if the conditions stated in this column are not satisfied, the binding has no effect.  <em>(Information in this column that is not a condition is given in italics and brackets.)</em></li>
+    <li><strong>Description</strong> - may be provided in an attempt to clarify the effects of the binding    </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Windowing System Specific</strong>
+- availability on different windowing systems - Tk may not provide
+certain bindings on all windowing systems, and even if it does, the
+windowing system may intercept the event and not pass it on to the
+application </li>
+  </ul>
+<p>Abbreviations used in Table 1:
+  <ul type="circle">
+  <li>"DSE" = "delete selection if it exists"</li>
+  <li>"DSEC" = "delete selection if it exists and if the insert mark is inside the selection or at its boundaries"</li>
+  <li>"blocks" = "the existence of this binding prevents the event from being handled by the binding for"</li>
+  <li>"ignore
+sel[ection]" means that the selection is not automatically cancelled or
+overwritten, but its contents may be changed if the alteration to the
+text lies within the selection boundaries; this is the default (i.e.
+applies if the table cell is empty)</li>
+  <li>"Std Kbd Navigation"
+(standard keyboard navigation) means navigation, combined with changing
+the selection if the event includes the Shift modifier, or cancelling
+the selection and inserting a separator on the undo stack if the event
+does not include the Shift modifier</li>
+  <li>"(a)", "(b)" and "x2 (c)", in the <strong>Undo Stack</strong>
+column, refer to the placement of autoseparators (note that if a
+separator is already present at the top of the undo stack another will
+not be inserted): <ul type="circle">
+    <li>"(a)" is a single autoseparator that is placed in order to split keyboard-entered text into lines</li>
+    <li>"(b)"
+is a single autoseparator that is placed in order to record movement of
+the insert mark: the purpose is to separate changes made to the text in
+different places</li>
+    <li>"x2 (c)" is two autoseparators that are placed before and after the change to the text, in order to make that change atomic    </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li>In the <strong>Focus</strong> column, "take" means "take keyboard focus for the widget"; "move" means "keyboard focus is moved to another widget"</li>
+  <li>"NSM" = "not strict Motif", meaning that the variable ::tk_strictMotif is set to boolean false.    <em>(For convenience, all consequences of "NSM" are listed in the </em><strong>Conditions</strong><em> column, but information that is not a condition is given in italics and brackets.)</em></li>
+  <li><font class="red">"CE" = "Classic Extras", meaning that the variable ::ntext::classicExtras is set to boolean true.    <em>("CE" has no other consequences.)</em></font></li>
+  <li>"preceded
+by" - does not necessarily mean "immediately preceded by", for example
+a series of events might be <Button-1>, <Double-Button-1>,
+  <li>"EOL" = "End Of Line", really means "End of Logical Line", not end of display line  </li>
+  </ul>
+<p><em>File: lib/tk8.5/text.tcl</em>
+<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
+<td><strong>Event</strong>                </td>
+<td><strong>Undo Stack</strong></td>
+<td><strong>Windowing System Specific</strong></td>
+<td><Key>                    </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>if DSEC <font class="red">or overwrite</font>, then<br> x2 (c)</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>DSEC, then insert <font class="red">or overwrite</font> the keypress character into the widget; <font class="red">overwrite if switched on by <Insert> and if insert mark is not at EOL</font></td>
+<td>widget is not disabled and key is one that inserts text</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-BackSpace>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>DSE, else delete prev char</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Delete>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>DSE, else delete next char</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Return>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>if DSEC x2 (c), else (a)</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>DSEC, then insert newline, add autoseparator</td>
+<td>widget is not disabled</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Tab>                </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>if DSEC x2 (c)</td>
+<td>break to prevent the binding tag "all" from changing the focus</td>
+<td>DSEC and insert tab, then take focus, then break</td>
+<td>widget is not disabled</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Tab>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>     </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>break to prevent the binding tag "all" from changing the focus</td>
+<td>no action except break; blocks <Key-Tab><br><br>note that
+your "Shift Tab" key probably has a different name and is not covered
+by this binding but by <<PrevWindow>>: see Tables 5, 6
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Tab>        </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>     </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>move focus to another widget</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>intercepted by KDE</td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-Tab>  </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>     </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>move focus to another widget</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>intercepted by KDE</td>
+<td><Control-Key>            </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>no action; blocks <Key></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Alt-Key>                </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>no action; blocks <Key></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key>               </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>no action; blocks <Key></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Command-KeyPress>       </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>no action; blocks <Key></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Aqua only</td>
+<td><font class="grey"><Key-Escape></font>             </td>
+<td><font class="grey">Keyboard</font></td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="grey">no action; blocks <Key></font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="red"><Key-Escape></font>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="red">cancel sel</font></td>
+<td> </td>
+<td><font class="red">(b)</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="red">(event is used in Text for a different purpose)</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-KP_Enter>           </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>no action; blocks <Key></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="grey"><Key-Insert></font>             </td>
+<td><font class="grey">Keyboard</font></td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td><font class="grey">Y</font>       </td>
+<td><font class="grey">DSEC</font></td>
+<td> </td>
+<td><font class="grey">if DSEC x2 (c)</font></td>
+<td> </td>
+<td><font class="grey">DSEC, then insert selected text (use with <Control-1>)</font></td>
+<td><font class="grey">widget is not disabled and selection is not empty</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><font class="red"><Key-Insert></font>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td><font class="red">toggle Insert/Overwrite mode</font></td>
+<td><font class="red">(event is used in Text for a different purpose)</font></td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-b>             </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to previous word-start</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-d>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>delete to next word-start</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-f>             </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to next word-start</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-less>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to top (1.0)</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-greater>       </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to bottom (end-1c)</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-BackSpace>     </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>delete to previous word-start</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Meta-Key-Delete>        </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>delete to previous word-start</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-a>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to display line start</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-b>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move -1 char</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-d>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>delete next char</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-e>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to display line end</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-f>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move +1 char</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-h>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Backspace: delete previous char</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font>, and insert mark not at 1.0</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-i>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>if DSEC x2 (c)</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>DSEC, then insert tab char</td>
+<td><font class="red">CE</font>, and widget is not disabled</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-k>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>if at EOL, delete EOL; else delete to EOL</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-n>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to next line</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-o>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>insert newline after insert mark</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-p>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation;<br>move to previous line</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-t>          </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>Y       </td>
+<td>ignore sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>x2 (c)</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>swap chars each side of insert cursor; move cursor +1 char</td>
+<td>NSM, <font class="red">and CE</font>, and insert mark not at 1.0</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-backslash>  </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td><font class="red">(b)</font></td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Clear Selection</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-slash>      </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Select All</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Select>       </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>select from anchor to insert</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>select from anchor to insert</td>
+<td><font class="red">CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Select>             </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>ignore sel; set anchor</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>set selection anchor</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-space>      </td>
+<td>         </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>ignore sel; set anchor</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>set selection anchor</td>
+<td><font class="red">CE</font></td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Navigation Events</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Left>               </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Right>              </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Up>                 </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Down>               </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Left>         </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Right>        </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Up>           </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Down>         </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Left>       </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Right>      </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Up>         </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Down>       </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-Left> </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-Up>   </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-Down> </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Home>               </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-End>                </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Home>       </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-End>        </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Home>         </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-End>          </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-Home> </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Shift-Key-End>  </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Next>               </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Key-Prior>              </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Next>         </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Shift-Key-Prior>        </td>
+<td>Y             </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Next>       </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>     </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>horizontal scrolling</td>
+<td>No navigation (insert cursor is unchanged)</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Control-Key-Prior>      </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>     </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>horizontal scrolling</td>
+<td>No navigation (insert cursor is unchanged)</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td><Option-Left>            </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Aqua Only (Option Key)</td>
+<td><Option-Right>           </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Aqua Only (Option Key)</td>
+<td><Option-Up>              </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Aqua Only (Option Key)</td>
+<td><Option-Down>            </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>cancel sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Aqua Only (Option Key)</td>
+<td><Shift-Option-Left>      </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>change sel</td>
+<td> </td>
+<td> </td>
+<td>   </td>
+<td>Std Kbd Navigation</td>
+<td>   </td>

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sciviews -r 476

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