[Sciviews-commits] r457 - in pkg: SciViews SciViews/R SciViews/inst/doc svUnit/inst/doc

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Sat Mar 24 08:35:42 CET 2012

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-03-24 08:35:42 +0100 (Sat, 24 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 457

Various additions to SciViews package

Modified: pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/DESCRIPTION	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Package: SciViews
 Type: Package
 Title: SciViews GUI API - Main package
-Imports: ellipse
-Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), stats, grDevices, graphics, MASS
+Imports: ellipse, data.table
+Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), methods, grDevices, graphics, stats, MASS
 Enhances: base, stats
 Description: Functions to install SciViews additions to R, and more (various) tools
-Version: 0.9-5
-Date: 2011-11-28
+Version: 0.9-6
+Date: 2012-03-21
 Author: Philippe Grosjean
 Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
 License: GPL-2

Modified: pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/NAMESPACE	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -1,6 +1,97 @@
-import(stats, grDevices, graphics, MASS, ellipse)
+import(methods, grDevices, graphics, stats, MASS, ellipse, data.table)
+	   cExpand,
+	   cFind,
+	   cFindAll,
+	   cFold,
+	   cHeight,
+	   cLower,
+	   cMatch,
+	   cSearch,
+	   cSplit,
+	   cSub,
+	   "cSub<-",
+	   cRep,
+	   cRepAll,
+	   cTrans,
+	   cTrim,
+	   cTrimL,
+	   cTrimR,
+	   cTrunc,
+	   cUpper,
+	   cWidth,
+	   cWrap,
+	   p,
+	   p_,
+	   ct,
+	   cta,
+	   ct_,
+	   cta_,
+	   encodingToNative,
+	   encodingToUTF8,
+	   encoding,
+	   "encoding<-",
+	   as.integerBase,
+	   rx,
+	   rxFind,
+	   rxFindAll,
+	   rxSearch,
+	   rxSplit,
+	   rxRep,
+	   rxRepAll,
+	   path,
+	   as.path,
+	   is.path,
+	   isDir,
+	   isFile,
+	   fileAccess,
+	   fileAppend,
+	   fileChmod,
+	   fileCopy,
+	   fileCreate,
+	   fileDelete,
+	   fileDir,
+	   fileExists,
+	   fileExpand,
+	   fileFind,
+	   fileInfo,
+	   fileLink,
+	   fileList,
+	   fileListGlob,
+	   fileName,
+	   fileNormalize,
+	   filePackage,
+	   fileReadLink,
+	   fileRemove,
+	   fileRename,
+	   fileShow,
+	   fileSymlink,
+	   fileTemp,
+	   dirCreate,
+	   dirList,
+	   dirR,
+	   dirTemp,
+	   sdir,
+	   wdir,
+	   valid,
+	   ifValid,
+	   ifElse,
+	   newEnv,
+	   names,
+	   l,
+	   nc,
+	   nr,
+	   "@",
+	   "@<-",
+	   "@:=",
+	   ":=",
+	   "%:%",
+	   "%else%",
+	   package,
+	   enum,
+	   timing,
+	   correlation,
@@ -23,6 +114,10 @@
+S3method(print, path)
+S3method(valid, default)
 S3method(vectorplot, default)
 S3method(vectorplot, loadings)
 S3method(vectorplot, correlation)

Modified: pkg/SciViews/NEWS
--- pkg/SciViews/NEWS	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/NEWS	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
 = SciViews News
+== SciViews version 0.9-6
+* Added further (misc) functions.
+* New syntax using x at attr for attributes, plus := for replacement by reference
+  inspired from data.table package, which Sciviews now imports too.
+== SciViews version 0.9-5
+* Added functions to homogenize function names for strings and files
+  manipulations.
 == SciViews version 0.9-4
 * The gamma argument in hsv() function disappears in R 2.14.0. As a consequence,

Modified: pkg/SciViews/R/SciViews-internal.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/SciViews-internal.R	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/SciViews-internal.R	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -18,3 +18,44 @@
 .packageName <- "SciViews"
+## Rethink this first before making this public
+.subclass <- function (x, class, superclasses = NULL)
+	## TODO: check this is an S3 object that inherits from the given class(es)
+	if (!is.null(superclasses)) {
+		misClass <- inherits(x, as.character(superclasses), which = TRUE) == 0
+		if (any(misClass))
+			stop("'x' does not inherits from", paste(superclasses[misClass],
+				collapse = ", "))
+	}
+	## Check if new class in not already defined
+	if (class %in% class(x)) return(x)
+	## Prepend that class
+	class(x) <- c(class, class(x))
+	return(x)
+`.subclass<-` <- function (x, value)
+	if (!value %in% class(x)) class(x) <- c(value, class(x))
+	return(x)
+## Code borrowed from svMisc, to avoid a dependency!
+.TempEnv <- function ()
+    pos <-  match("TempEnv", search())
+    if (is.na(pos)) { # Must create it
+        TempEnv <- list()
+        attach(TempEnv, pos = length(search()) - 1)
+        rm(TempEnv)
+        pos <- match("TempEnv", search())
+    }
+    return(pos.to.env(pos))
+.assignTemp <- function (x, value, replace.existing = TRUE)
+    if (isTRUE(replace.existing) || !exists(x, envir = .TempEnv(), mode = "any",
+		inherits = FALSE))
+        assign(x, value, envir = .TempEnv())

Modified: pkg/SciViews/R/character.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 ## Essentially a series of base R function that manipulate character strings
 ## and that are renamed/rationalized for facility
 ## TODO: deal with zero length strings and NAs appropriately in all functions
+## TODO: make.names, make.unique, Sys.setFileTime => fileTime, Sys.umask
 ## Count the number of characters
 ## No: make an exception: after n (or nz) do not use uppercase!
@@ -8,17 +9,17 @@
 #nzChar <- nzchar
 ## Format character strings
-strEscape <- encodeString
-strWrap <- strwrap
-# Add strPad => pad a string left/right or both or Padb/Padl/Padr?
+cEscape <- encodeString
+cWrap <- strwrap
+# Add cPad => pad a string left/right or both or Pad/PadL/PadR?
-## String find/replace using fixed pattern (str*) or regular expressions (reg*)
+## String find/replace using fixed pattern (char*) or regular expressions (rx*)
 ## TODO: a rx object which prints an example of its work! => fine-tune it
 ## to make it easy to experiment with the rx object
 rx <- glob2rx
-strFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE,
+cSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE,
 type = c("logical", "position", "value"), ...) # ... for useBytes
 	type <- pmatch(type)
@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@
-rxFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, max.distance = 0,
-type = c("logical", "position", "value"), ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+rxSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, max.distance = 0,
+type = c("logical", "position", "value"), ...) # ... for Perl & useBytes
 	type <- pmatch(type)
 	## If max.distance > 0, use approximate search
@@ -61,53 +62,54 @@
-strSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+## Inconsistencies: regexpr(pattern, text, ...) and strsplit(x, xplit, ...)
+cFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
 	return(regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
-rxSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+rxFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
 	return(regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
-strSearchAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+cFindAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
 	return(gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
-rxSearchAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+rxFindAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
 	return(gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
-strReplace <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+cRep <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
 	return(sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
-rxReplace <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+rxRep <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for Perl & useBytes
 	return(sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
-strReplAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+cRepAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
 	return(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
-rxReplAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+rxRepAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for Perl & useBytes
 	return(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
 ## Substrings
-strSplit <- function (x, pattern, ...) # for useBytes
+cSplit <- function (x, pattern, ...) # ... for useBytes
 	return(strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = TRUE, ...))
 rxSplit <- function (x, pattern, ...) # for perl & useBytes
 	return(strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = FALSE, ...))
-strSub <- substr
-`strSub<-` <- `substr<-`
-strTrunc <- strtrim ## This indeed truncs strings!!!
+cSub <- substr
+`cSub<-` <- `substr<-`
+cTrunc <- strtrim ## This indeed truncs strings!!!
 ## paste() is rather long name, in comparison with, e.g., c().
 ## Also the default argument of sep = " " is irritating and is not consistent
-## with stop() or warning() for instance.
+## with stop() or warning() for instance, that use sep = "".
 ## Thus, we define:
 p <- function (..., sep = "", collapse = NULL) 
 	.Internal(paste(list(...), sep, collapse))
@@ -139,33 +141,33 @@
 		append = TRUE))
-strTrimb <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim both sides
+cTrim <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim both sides
 	pat <- (if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "[[:space:]]+" else "[[:blank:]]+")
 	## Trim left first
-	x <- strReplace(p("^", pat), "", x)
+	x <- cRep(p("^", pat), "", x)
 	## ... then trim right
-	return(strReplace(p(pat, "$"), "", x))
+	return(cRep(p(pat, "$"), "", x))
-strTriml <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim left-side only
+cTrimL <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim left-side only
-	pat <- (if (is.TRUE(all.spaces)) "^[[:space:]]+" else "^[[:blank:]]+")
-	return(strReplace(pat, "", x))
+	pat <- (if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "^[[:space:]]+" else "^[[:blank:]]+")
+	return(cRep(pat, "", x))
-strTrimr <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim right-side only
+cTrimR <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim right-side only
-	pat <- (if (is.TRUE(all.space)) "[[:space:]]+$" else "[[:blank:]]+$")
-	return(strReplace(pat, "", x))
+	pat <- (if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "[[:space:]]+$" else "[[:blank:]]+$")
+	return(cRep(pat, "", x))
 ## Change case and translate
-strTr <- chartr
-strCaseFold <- casefold
-strLower <- tolower
-strUpper <- toupper
+cTrans <- chartr
+cFold <- casefold
+cLower <- tolower
+cUpper <- toupper
 ## Character encoding
 encodingToNative <- enc2native
@@ -174,154 +176,28 @@
 `encoding<-` <- `Encoding<-`
 ## Measure size of a string (package graphics)
-strHeight <- strheight
-strWidth <- strwidth
+cHeight <- strheight
+cWidth <- strwidth
 ## Match and expand character strings to a list of items
-strExpand <- char.expand
-strMatch <- charmatch
+cExpand <- char.expand
+cMatch <- charmatch
 # What to do with pmatch()???
-## Conversion to character string
+## Conversion to character string... no change required
 # To avoid using strtoi(), we prefer as.integerBase (because as.integer cannot
 # be converted into a generic function, because it is a primitive!)
-#strToInt <- strtoi # Allows to choose the base used for char representation
+#charToInt <- strtoi # Allows to choose the base used for char representation
 as.integerBase <- strtoi
+## Define a function that takes: singular/plural msg and a vector of strings
+## and construct a single string with:
+## singular msg: single item
+## or
+## plural msg: item1, item2, ..., itemN
 #+paste = cChar? + my special character string manipulation functions?
-# is.wholenumber(), see ?as.integer => define isWholeInt?
-## This should be nice:
-## Define a valid method to be applied to S3 objects to make sure they are
-## correct
-valid <- function (object, ...)
-	UseMethod("valid")
-valid.default <- function (object, ...)
-	return(object)
+#sAbbreviate <- abbreviate
-ifIs <- function (x, what, yes = valid(x),
-no = stop("need a ", what, " object"))
-	return(if (inherits(x, what)) yes else no)
-ifElse <- ifelse
-## This is useful to get something similar to df$var or obj at slot
-## TODO: how to solve the case ll%a%metadata$OK for metadata being a list?
-`%a%` <- function (x, which)
-	return(attr(x, deparse(substitute(which)), exact = FALSE))
-`%a%<-` <- function (x, which, value)
-	return(`attr<-`(x, deparse(substitute(which)), value))
-## To be consistent with the other extraction functions:
-a <- function (x, which, exact = TRUE)
-	return(attr(x, which, exact))
-## Environments management
-## Usually, to create an object, we use its name, but
-## environment() means something else here!
-## So, OK, we'll stick with
-newEnv <- new.env
-## for the moment...
-## Now, we want to be able to use names() on it too!
-## Note that for environments, we got items by alphabetic order
-## => not exactly the same as for vector, list, or so!
-names <- function (x)
-	if (inherits(x, "environment")) ls(x, all = TRUE) else base::names(x)
-## Do we implement `names<-` for environments???
-## A more convenient setwd()/getwd() using objects
-wdir <- function (dir = NULL)
-	if (is.null(dir)) {
-		dir <- getwd()
-		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
-		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
-		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
-		return(dir)
-	} else { # Change current working directory
-		owdir <- setwd(dir)
-		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
-		owdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", owdir)
-		class(owdir) <- c("filename", "character")
-		## Save old working directory
-		.owdir <<- owdir
-		return(owdir)
-	}
-## Get or set session dir
-sdir <- function (dir = NULL)
-	if (is.null(dir)) {
-		dir <- getOption("R.initdir")
-		if (is.null(dir)) return(NULL)
-		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
-		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
-		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
-		return(dir)
-	} else { # Change current session directory
-		osdir <- getOption("R.initdir")
-		## TODO: make sure to do everything required to cleanly close current
-		## session!
-		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
-		options(R.initdir = dir)
-		## TODO: make everything we need to open the new session directory
-		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
-		osdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", osdir)
-		class(osdir) <- c("filename", "character")
-		## Save old session directory
-		.osdir <<- osdir
-		return(osdir)
-	}
-subclass <- function (x, class, superclasses = NULL)
-	## TODO: check this is an S3 object that inherits from the gicven class(es)
-	if (!is.null(superclasses)) {
-		misClass <- inherits(x, as.character(superclasses), which = TRUE) == 0
-		if (any(misClass))
-			stop("'x' soes not inherits from", paste(superclasses[misClass],
-				collapse = ", "))
-	}
-	## Check if new class in not already defined
-	if (class %in% class(x)) return(x)
-	## Prepend that class
-	class(x) <- c(class, class(x))
-	return(x)
-`subclass<-` <- function (x, value)
-	if (!value %in% class(x)) class(x) <- c(value, class(x))
-	return(x)
-filename <- function (...)
-	## Create a vector of filename objects inheriting from character
-	return(subclass(as.character(c(...)), "filename"))
-print.filename <- function (x, ...)
-	path <- as.character(x)
-	path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", path)
-	## Make sure paths are ended with / to differentiate them from files 
-	isdir <- file.info(path)$isdir
-	## Non-existent files are these ones
-	nofile <- is.na(isdir)
-	path[nofile] <- paste(path[nofile], "*", sep = "")
-	## These are directories
-	isdir <- (isdir & !grepl("/$", path))
-	isdir[is.na(isdir)] <- FALSE
-	path[isdir] <- paste(path[isdir], "/", sep = "")
-	## Print it
-	print(noquote(paste("<", path, ">", sep = "")))
-	return(invisible(x))

Modified: pkg/SciViews/R/file.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	2012-03-04 22:36:41 UTC (rev 456)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -1,37 +1,19 @@
 ## Essentially a series of base R function that manipulate files and directories
 ## and that are renamed/rationalized for facility
-subclass <- function (x, class, superclasses = NULL)
-	## TODO: check this is an S3 object that inherits from the gicven class(es)
-	if (!is.null(superclasses)) {
-		misClass <- inherits(x, as.character(superclasses), which = TRUE) == 0
-		if (any(misClass))
-			stop("'x' soes not inherits from", paste(superclasses[misClass],
-				collapse = ", "))
-	}
-	## Check if new class in not already defined
-	if (class %in% class(x)) return(x)
-	## Prepend that class
-	class(x) <- c(class, class(x))
-	return(x)
-`subclass<-` <- function (x, value)
-	if (!value %in% class(x)) class(x) <- c(value, class(x))
-	return(x)
 ## A replacement for file.path
-filePath <- function (..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
+path <- function (..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
-	## Create a filePath objects inheriting from character
+	## Create a path objects inheriting from character
 	return(structure(.Internal(file.path(list(...), fsep)),
-		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+		class = c("path", "character")))
-print.filePath <- function (x, ...)
+## The print function of filename separates dirs (ending with /) from files
+## and also indicate which file already exists on disk or not
+## EXPRERIMENTAL FEATURE... Should require an option to activate/inactivate
+## test of files on disk!
+print.path <- function (x, ...)
 	path <- as.character(x)
 	path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", path)
@@ -49,75 +31,111 @@
-## Rework file paths
+as.path <- function (x, ...)
+	return(structure(as.character(x), class = c("path", "character")))
+is.path <- function (x)
+	return(inherits(x, "path"))
+isDir <- function (path)
+	return(file.info(path)$isdir)
+isFile <- function (path)
+	return(file.exists(path) & !file.info(path)$isdir)
+## Rework paths
 ## basename
 fileName <- function (path)
-	return(structure(basename(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(basename(path), class = c("path", "character")))
 ## dirname
 fileDir <- function (path)
-	return(structure(dirname(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(dirname(path), class = c("path", "character")))
 ## path.expand
 fileExpand <- function (path)
-	return(structure(path.expand(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(path.expand(path), class = c("path", "character")))
 ## normalizePath
 fileNormalize <- function (path, mustWork = FALSE)
 	return(structure(normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = mustWork),
-		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+		class = c("path", "character")))
 ## Get various files or directories
 ## R.home
 dirR <- function (component = "home")
-	return(structure(R.home(component), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(R.home(component), class = c("path", "character")))
+## TODO: find.package() and path.package()	
 ## system.file TODO: case it returns ""! And should we use mustWork?
 filePackage	<- function (..., package = "base", lib.loc = NULL, mustWork = FALSE)
 	return(structure(system.file(..., package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
-		mustWork = mustWork), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+		mustWork = mustWork), class = c("path", "character")))
 ## tempdir
 dirTemp <- function ()
-	return(structure(.Internal(tempdir()), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(.Internal(tempdir()), class = c("path", "character")))
 ## tempfile
 fileTemp <- function (pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = "")
 	return(structure(.Internal(tempfile(pattern, tmpdir, fileext)),
-		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+		class = c("path", "character")))
-## Sys.which, TODO: keep names and display them in print.filePath objects!
+## Sys.which, TODO: keep names and display them in print.path objects!
 fileFind <- function (names)
-	return(structure(Sys.which(names), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+	return(structure(Sys.which(names), names = names, class = c("path", "character")))
+## List dirs = dir() = list.dirs()
+dirList <- function (path = ".", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
+	return(structure(list.dirs(path = path, full.names = full.names,
+		recursive = recursive), class = c("path", "character")))
-#dirList <- dir
-#dirList <- list.dirs
-#fileList <-	list.files
-#dirCreate <- dir.create
-#fileAccess <- file.access
-#fileAppend <- file.append
+## List files = dir() and list.files()
+fileList <- function (path = ".", pattern = NULL, all.files = FALSE,
+full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE)
+	return(structure(dir(path = path, pattern = pattern, all.files = all.files,
+		full.names = full.names, recursive = recursive,
+		ignore.case = ignore.case, include.dirs = include.dirs),
+		class = c("path", "character")))
+## List files using wildcard expansion ('globbing')
+fileListGlob <- function (path, dir.mark = FALSE)
+	return(structure(Sys.glob(paths = path, dirmark = dir.mark),
+		class = c("path", "character")))
+## Various file manipulation functions that do not return a path object
+## (just homogenize the name...)
+dirCreate <- dir.create
+fileAccess <- file.access
+fileAppend <- file.append
+fileRename <- file.rename
+fileCopy <-	file.copy
+fileCreate <- file.create
+fileExists <- file.exists
+fileInfo <-	file.info
+fileChmod <- Sys.chmod
+fileRemove <- file.remove
+## This is "stronger" than fileRemove()!
+fileDelete <- function (path, recursive = FALSE, force = FALSE)
+	return(unlink(x = path, recursive = recursive, force = force))
+fileLink <- file.link
+fileSymlink <- file.symlink
+fileReadLink <- function (path)
+	return(structure(Sys.readlink(paths = path),
+		class = c("path", "character")))
+## This is linked to some GUI element, possibly... anyway...
+fileShow <-	file.show
+## TODO: this file choose... but this is really for svDialogs (dlgOpen(), dlgSave())
 #fileChoose <- file.choose
-#fileCopy <-	file.copy
-#fileCreate <- file.create
-#fileExists <- file.exists
-#fileInfo <-	file.info
-#fileLink <- file.link
-#fileRemove <- file.remove
-#fileRename <- file.rename
-#fileShow <-	file.show
-#fileSymlink <- file.symlink
-#fileChmod <- Sys.chmod
-#fileGlob <- Sys.glob
-#fileUnlink <- unlink
-# = isDir/isFile
 ## A more convenient setwd()/getwd() using objects
 wdir <- function (dir = NULL)
 	if (is.null(dir)) {
 		dir <- getwd()
-		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		class(dir) <- c("path", "character")
 		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
 		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
@@ -125,9 +143,9 @@
 		owdir <- setwd(dir)
 		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
 		owdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", owdir)
-		class(owdir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		class(owdir) <- c("path", "character")
 		## Save old working directory
-		.owdir <<- owdir
+		.assignTemp(".owdir", owdir)
@@ -138,7 +156,7 @@
 	if (is.null(dir)) {
 		dir <- getOption("R.initdir")
 		if (is.null(dir)) return(NULL)
-		class(dir) <- c("filePath", "character")
+		class(dir) <- c("path", "character")
 		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
 		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
@@ -151,9 +169,9 @@
 		## TODO: make everything we need to open the new session directory
 		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
 		osdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", osdir)
-		class(osdir) <- c("filePath", "character")
+		class(osdir) <- c("path", "character")
 		## Save old session directory
-		.osdir <<- osdir
+		.assignTemp(".osdir", osdir)

Added: pkg/SciViews/R/misc.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/misc.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/misc.R	2012-03-24 07:35:42 UTC (rev 457)
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+## A series of functions defined or redefined for a simpler or better use of R
+# is.wholenumber(), see ?as.integer => define isWholeInt?
+## This should be nice:
+## Define a valid method to be applied to S3 objects to make sure they are
+## correct
+valid <- function (object, ...)
+	UseMethod("valid")
+valid.default <- function (object, ...)
+	return(object)
+## A concise construct to make shure we return the right object	
+ifValid <- function (x, what, is.not = stop("need a ", what, " object"))
+	return(if (inherits(x, what)) valid(x) else is.not)
+# res <- ifValid(obj, "class")
+## or in a function
+# return(ifValid(obj, "class"))
+ifElse <- ifelse
+`%else%` <- function (test, expr) if (test) return(invisible()) else expr
+## Useful to write shorter code in something like:
+#test %else% break
+#test %else% stop(msg)
+#test %else% return(res)
+## TODO: a tryError(), or some other name making basically
+# res <- try(...., silent = TRUE)
+# if (inherits(res, "try-error")) stop(msg)
+enum <- seq_along
+## Defines only increasing integer sequences
+`%:%` <- function (lower, upper)
+	if (lower > upper) integer(0) else
+		seq.int(from = as.integer(lower), to = as.integer(upper), by = 1L)
+## Useful in:
+# for (ii in 1%:%l(v)) print(v)
+## Because if (!l(v)) => prints nothing! 1:l(v) would give an error in this case
+# for (ii in enum(v) print(v))
+## is fine too!
+## A better require()
+package <- function (package, lib.loc = NULL, silent = TRUE, quietly = silent,
+warn.conflicts = silent,
+error = stop("there is no package called '", package, "'"))
+	res <- suppressWarnings(require(package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
+		quietly = quietly, warn.conflicts = warn.conflicts,
+		character.only = TRUE))
+	if (!res) return(error) else return(invisible(res))
+## Environments management
+## Usually, to create an object, we use its name, but
+## environment() means something else here!
+## So, OK, we'll stick with
+newEnv <- new.env
+## for the moment...
+## Now, we want to be able to use names() on it too!
+## Note that for environments, we got items by alphabetic order
+## => not exactly the same as for vector, list, or so!
+names <- function (x)
+	if (inherits(x, "environment")) ls(x, all = TRUE) else base::names(x)
+## Do we implement `names<-` for environments???
+## Simpler names for often used functions
+l <- length
+nc <- NCOL
+nr <- NROW
+## Problem of functional language like R: too much copy!
+## For instance, change a simple attribute using attr(x) <- value
+## leads to a copy of the object.... If the object is large, time
+## needed is significant (+ memory wasted!)
+#n <- 1e7
+#x <- double(n)
+## Trace when x is copied
+#system.time(attr(x, "a") <- 1)
+## There is a copy of the object => sooo, slow!
+## Solution: from data.table...
+## 1) setattr() does the same without copying the object
+##    but the syntax is not very nice!
+## 2) for data.table[, ....] authors define the `:=` function to
+##    "assign by reference", i.e., changing a part of a table without
+##    copying the object
+## One could generalize this... plus take advantage of `@` and `@<-` that is
+## not used for S3 objects and of the same precedence as `$` to simplify
+## manipulation of attributes!
+## For non S4 objects, reuse @ for attributes!
+## After all, they are, indeed, attributes!
+## Note that we force exact match, less error-prone that the opposite,
+## and same behaviour as @ used for S4 objects!
+## TODO: also use it for S4 object, in the case a slot is not defined
+## TODO: add check argument for `attr<-` too
+## TODO: attrNames() like slotNames()
+## TODO: slots() as a synonym of getSlots() in parallel with attributes()
+## NO: getSlots() does not recover the content, but only the class for each
+## object in slots =< should reallybe called slotClasses()
+## and we need an attrClasses() too!
+`@` <- function (object, name)
+	arg <- substitute(name)
+	if (is.name(arg)) name <- as.character(arg)
+	if (isS4(object)) slot(object, name) else attr(object, name, exact = TRUE)
+## Reuse `@<-` to set attribute from a non S4 object
+## TODO: also use it for S4 object, in the case a slot is not defined
+`@<-` <- function (x, which, value)
+	arg <- substitute(which)
+    if (is.name(arg)) which <- as.character(arg)
+	if (isS4(x)) {
+		`slot<-`(x, which, check = TRUE, value)
+	} else {
+		`attr<-`(x, which, value)
+	}
+## Define the "replace by reference" function for attributes, here using
+## setattr() from data.table package
+## TODO: we need also something like that for S4 slots!
+## Since they really are attributes with checking, check first, and then,
+## use setattr(), and it is done!
+`@:=` <- function (x, which, value)
+	arg <- substitute(which)
+    if (is.name(arg)) which <- as.character(arg)
+	if (isS4(x)) {
+		## TODO: we need an assign by reference function for S4 slots here
+		`slot<-`(x, which, TRUE, value)
+	} else {
+		setattr(x, which, value)
+	}
+## TODO: `[:=`, `$:=` and `[[:=`
+## This does not work...
+#`[:=` <- `[<-`
+## The`:=` function emulates fun(x) <- value, but with a different mechanism
+## that does not imply a copy of x. This is called "replacement by reference"
+## in comparison to the usual "replacement by value". It calls `fun:=`
+## like fun(x) <- value calls `fun<-`
+## TODO: a validation mechanism for the value passed to the function?
+## TODO: use alist() instead of list()!!!
+`:=` <- function (x, value) {
+	call <- match.call()
+	X <- substitute(x)
+	## pairlist() because NULL would be lost using list()
+	value <- pairlist(value = value)
+	## In case single name, do the same as x[] <- value, i.e., keeping size
+	## and attributes of x ("replacement inside x")
+	if (length(X) == 1) {
+#		tryCatch(do.call("[<-", c(list(x = X), value), envir = parent.frame(1)),
+#			error = function (e) {
+#				## Construct a call that is closer to the actual syntax!
+#				e$call <- paste(deparse(call[[2]]), ":=", deparse(call[[3]]))
+#				stop(e)
+#			})
+		stop(":= cannot be used directly on an object")
+	}
+	## If a more complex is provided, try to run `fun:=` instead
+	X <- as.pairlist(substitute(X))
+	## To emulate `fun<-`, but using `fun:=`
+	fun <- paste(deparse(X[[1]]), ":=", sep = "")
+	X[[1]] <- NULL
+	## Use tryCatch() to ensure a better error message is issued
+	tryCatch(do.call(fun, c(X, value), envir = parent.frame(1)),
+		error = function (e) {
+			## Construct a call that is closer to the actual syntax!
+			e$call <- paste(deparse(call[[2]]), ":=", deparse(call[[3]]))
+			stop(e)
+		})
+	## Like for `fun<-`, value is returned invisibly, probably to allow
+	## something like x <- y[2] <- value
+	return(invisible(value))
+## I don't like much system.time(), first because it returns 3 numbers where
+## we want most of the time only one, and second because it creates a new
+## object proc_time, where a difftime object should be perfectly suitable
+## => new function elapsed()
+timing <- function (expr, gc.first = TRUE)
+	res <- system.time(expr, gcFirst = gc.first)
+	## Results split into result and details
+	details <- as.difftime(res[c("user.self", "sys.self")], units = "secs")
+	details at names := c("user", "system")
+	res <- as.difftime(res["elapsed"], units = "secs")
+	res at details := details
+	return(res)
+## Test...
+#tst <- timing(Sys.sleep(1.5))
+#tst at details
+## Sys.sleep() -> sleep()... no, because sleep is a dataset!!!
+#wait <- Sys.sleep
+#traceMemory <- tracemem
+## From stats: xxx.test() => give a 'htest' object => htestXxxx()
+#htestT <- t.test
+#htestAnsari <- ansari.test
+#htestBatlett <- bartlett.test
+#htestChisq <- chisq.test
+#htestFisher <- fisher.test
+#htestFligner <- fligner.test
+#htestFriedman <- friedman.test
+#htestKS <- ks.test
+#htestMantelHaenszel <- mantelhaen.test
+#htestMauchly <- mauchly.test
+#htestMcNemar <- mcnemar.test
+#htestMood <- mood.test
+#htestAnovaPower <- power.anova.test
+#htestPropPower <- power.prop.test
+#htestTPower <- power.t.test
+#htestPhillipsPerron <- PP.test
+#htestProp <- prop.test
+#htestPropTrend <- prop.trend.test
+#htestShapiroWilk <- shapiro.test
+#contrHelmert <- contr.helmert
+#contrPoly <- contr.poly
+#contrSum <- contr.sum
+#contrTreatment <- contr.treatment
+#contrTreatmentL <- contr.SAS
+#equal <- all.equal
+#equalA <- attr.all.equal
+#baseEnv <- baseenv
+#emptyEnv <- emptyenv
+#globalEnv <- globalEnv
+#parentEnv <- parent.env
+#`parentEnv<-` <- `parent.env<-`
+##TODO: use tempEnv instead of TempEnv?
+#evalParent <- eval.parent
+#expandGrid <- expand.grid
+#gcTiming <- gc.time + return a difftime object
+#gcInfo <- gcinfo
+#gcTorture <- gctorture
+#??? gcTorture2 <- gctorture2
+#inverseRle <- inverse.rle or rleInverse?
+#isAtomic <- is.atomic
+#isCall <- is.call??
+#isElement <- is.element
+#isFinite <- is.finite
+#isLanguage <- is.language
+#isLoaded <- is.loaded
+#isNA <- is.na
+#isNaN <- is.nan
+#isNULL <- is.null
+#isR <- is.R
+#isRecursive <- is.recursive
+#isSymbol <- is.symbol
+#isUnsorted <- is.unsorted
+#isVector <- is.vector
+#isTTY <- isatty

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sciviews -r 457

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