[Sciviews-commits] r487 - in pkg: svDialogs svDialogs/R svDialogs/inst svDialogs/man svSweave/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Dec 4 14:40:43 CET 2012

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2012-12-04 14:40:43 +0100 (Tue, 04 Dec 2012)
New Revision: 487

Removing dependencies to svMisc and tcltk for svDialogs. guiDlg() and guiDlgFunction() are not available any more!

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2012-11-17 16:25:49 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2012-12-04 13:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 Package: svDialogs
 Type: Package
-Version: 0.9-53
-Date: 2012-05-05
+Version: 0.9-54
+Date: 2012-12-04
 Title: SciViews GUI API - Dialog boxes
 Authors at R: c(person("Philippe", "Grosjean", role = c("aut", "cre"),
   email = "phgrosjean at sciviews.org"))
 Author: Philippe Grosjean
 Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
-Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), svGUI (>= 0.9-52), svMisc, tcltk
+Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), svGUI (>= 0.9-52)
 SystemRequirements: TODO!!!
 Description: Rapidly construct dialog boxes for your GUI, including an automatic
   function assistant

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2012-11-17 16:25:49 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2012-12-04 13:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 # To be eliminated, except for svGUI
-import(tcltk, svMisc, svGUI)
+#import(tcltk, svMisc, svGUI)
@@ -17,18 +18,18 @@
-       ".Last.lib",
-       display,
-       guiDlg,
-       guiDlgFunction,
-       guiEval,
-       guiPane.tcltk,
-       guiPane.entry.tcltk,
-       guiPane.list.tcltk,
-       guiSetStyle.tcltk)
+       ".Last.lib")
+       #display,
+       #guiDlg,
+       #guiDlgFunction,
+       #guiEval,
+       #guiPane.tcltk,
+       #guiPane.entry.tcltk,
+       #guiPane.list.tcltk,
+       #guiSetStyle.tcltk)
 # To be eliminated
-S3method(display, guiDlg)
+#S3method(display, guiDlg)
 S3method(dlgDir, gui)
 S3method(dlgDir, textCLI)

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NEWS
--- pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2012-11-17 16:25:49 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2012-12-04 13:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 = svDialogs News
+== Changes in scDialogs 0.9-54
+* Dependencies to tcltk and svMisc are eliminated. Consequently, all functions
+  that depend on Tcl/Tk are eliminated too. It concerns guiDlg(),
+  guiDlgFunction() and other associated methods or functions. The new dlgForm()
+  function should be used instead.
 == Changes in svDialogs 0.9-53
 * Added support for JGR in dialog boxes under Mac OS X.

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/R/flexibleDlg.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/flexibleDlg.R	2012-11-17 16:25:49 UTC (rev 486)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/flexibleDlg.R	2012-12-04 13:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
@@ -1,562 +1,562 @@
-guiPane.tcltk <- function (dlg, item, ...)
-    ## This is a basic pane
-    ## Check arguments
-    if (!inherits(dlg, "guiDlg"))
-        stop("'dlg' must be a 'guiDlg' object!")
-    if (!is.numeric(item) || item < 1 || item > length(dlg$panes))
-        stop("'item' is not numeric or is out of range!")
-    item <- as.integer(item)
-    ## Get general dialog parameters needed to organize the pane
-    cnt <- dlg$container
-    style <- dlg$style
-    width <- dlg$width
-    pixwidth <- dlg$pixwidth
-    labelwidth <- dlg$labelwidth
-    pane <- dlg$panes[[item]]
-    ## Get my pane parameters: argname, message & type
-    argname <- pane$argname
-    message <- pane$message
-    if (!is.null(message)) message <- paste(pane$message, collapse = "\n")
-    type <- pane$type
-    if (is.null(type)) type <- "entry"  # Default type
-    ## Construct the pane
-    ## Rem: button justify does not work => use fixed font and pad " " at the end!
-    paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
-    if (!is.null(argname)) {
-        ## Determine if this argument is included (by default, not!)
-        varUseIt <- tclVar("0")
-        arglab <- paste(argname, "=", sep = "")
-        argl <- nchar(arglab)
-        if (argl < labelwidth) {
-            arglab <- paste(arglab, paste(rep(" ", labelwidth - argl),
-            collapse = ""), sep = "")
-            argl <- labelwidth
-        }
-        butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = arglab,
-        font = style$font.fixed, fg = style$fg[5], width = argl,
-        takefocus = "0", relief = "flat", overrelief = "raised")
-        butArgToggle <- butArg
-        onArg <- function () {
-            ## Toggle varUseIt and color (emphasized <-> selected!)
-            if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "0") {  # Select
-                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "1"
-                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[4])
-            } else {  # Deselect
-                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "0"
-                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[5])
-            }
-        }
-        tkconfigure(butArg, command = onArg)
-        ## This is used when the argument is edited
-        onArgEdit <- function () {
-            if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "0") {
-                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "1"
-                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[4])
-            }
-            return(tclVar(TRUE))  # Must return TRUE to accept edition!
-        }
-    }
-    if (!is.null(message)) {
-        labMessage <- tklabel(paneFrame, text = message, font = style$font.label,
-        justify = "left", fg = style$fg[1], wraplength = as.integer(
-        pixwidth / (labelwidth + width) * width))
-        if (!is.null(argname)) tkgrid(butArg, labMessage) else tkgrid(labMessage)
-        tkgrid(paneFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1])
-        paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)  # New frame
-        butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
-        font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
-    } else {  # There is no message... just display argname if not NULL
-        if (!is.null(argname)) {
-            if (argl > labelwidth) {  # arg too large, display it on top
-                tkgrid(butArg)
-                tkgrid(paneFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1])
-                paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
-                butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
-                font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
-            }
-        } else {  # Neither message, nor label
-            if (labelwidth > 0)
-            butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
-            font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
-        }
-    }
-    if (labelwidth == 0) butArg <- NULL
-    ## Call guiPane.<type>.tcltk() functions to install specific widgets
-    fun <- paste("guiPane", type, "tcltk", sep = ".")
-    if (!exists(fun, where = 1, mode = "function")) fun <- "guiPane.entry.tcltk"
-    resenv <- get(fun, pos = 1, mode = "function")(
-    paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg, item, ...)
-    if (is.null(resenv) && fun != "guiPane.entry.tcltk")  # Try default one
-    resenv <- get("guiPane.entry.tcltk", pos = 1, mode = "function")(
-    paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg, item, ...)
-    ## Record resenv in dlg
-    dlg$panes[[item]]$env <- resenv
-    ## Place paneFrame in the dialog box
-    tkgrid(paneFrame, padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[3], sticky = "w")
-    ## Return the modified dlg object
-    return(invisible(dlg))
-guiPane.entry.tcltk <- function (paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg,
-item, ...)
-    ## This is a simple text entry pane
-    ## Get general dialog parameters needed here
-    style <- dlg$style
-    width <- dlg$width
-    pane <- dlg$panes[[item]]
-    ## Get my pane parameters: argname, default & fixedfont
-    argname <- pane$argname
-    default <- pane$default[1]
-    if (is.null(default) || is.na(default)) default <- "" else
-    default <- as.character(default)
-    fixedfont <- pane$fixedfont
-    if (is.null(fixedfont) || is.na(fixedfont)) fixedfont <- FALSE else
-    fixedfont <- (fixedfont == TRUE)
-    ## Install the specific widgets
-    varText <- tclVar(default)
-    if (fixedfont) Font <- style$font.fixed else Font <- style$font.text
-    txt <- tkentry(paneFrame, textvariable = varText, width = width,
-    font = Font, fg = style$fg[1], background = "white", relief = style$relief)
-    if (is.null(butArg)) tkgrid(txt) else tkgrid(butArg, txt)
-    if (!is.null(argname))
-        tkconfigure(txt, validate = "key", validatecommand = onArgEdit)
-    tkselection.from(txt, "0")
-    tkselection.to(txt, "end")
-    tkicursor(txt, "end")
-    ## Define the environment to interact with these widgets
-    resenv <- new.env(parent = parent.frame(2))
-    assign("varText", varText, envir = resenv)
-    assign("txt", txt, envir = resenv)
-    assign("argname", argname, envir = resenv)
-    result <- function() {
-    res <- if (is.null(argname)) tclvalue(varText) else
-    if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "1") {
-        ## Compute the code for argument
-        if (argname == "...") tclvalue(varText) else
-        paste(argname, "=", tclvalue(varText))
-    } else ""
-        res
-    }
-    assign("result", result, envir = resenv)
-    select <- function() {
-        tkselection.from(txt, "0")
-        tkselection.to(txt, "end")
-        tkicursor(txt, "end")
-        tkfocus(txt)
-    }
-    assign("select", select, envir = resenv)
-    return(resenv)
-guiPane.list.tcltk <- function (paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg,
-item, ...)
-    ## This is a single selection listbox
-    ## Get general dialog parameters needed here
-    style <- dlg$style
-    width <- dlg$width
-    pane <- dlg$panes[[item]]
-    ## Get my pane parameters: argname, choices, default, sort, listheight
-    argname <- pane$argname
-    choices <- pane$choices
-    if (is.null(choices)) choices = ""  # To make sure it works all the time
-    N <- length(choices)
-    if (!inherits(choices, "character") && N < 1)
-        stop("Pane", item, ": 'choices' must be a vector of strings!")
-    default <- pane$default[1]
-    if (!is.null(default)) {
-        if (!is.numeric(default))
-            stop("Pane", item, ": 'default' must be numeric or NULL!")
-        default <- as.integer(default)
-        if (default < 1 || default > N)
-            stop("Pane", item, ": 'default' is outside range!")
-    }
-    sort <- pane$sort
-    if (!is.null(sort) && !is.na(sort)) sort <- (sort == TRUE) else sort <- FALSE
-    if (sort) {  # Sort choices alphabetically
-        if (!is.null(default)) default <-  (1:N)[match(default, order(choices))]
-        choices <- sort(choices)
-    }
-    height <- pane$listheight
-    if (is.null(height)) height <- 4  # Default value
-    if (!is.numeric(height) || height < 2)
-        stop("Pane", item, ": 'listheight' must be numeric and > 1!")
-    height <- as.integer(height)
-    ## Install the specific widgets
-    scr <- tkscrollbar(paneFrame, repeatinterval = 5,
-    command = function(...) tkyview(tl, ...))
-    tl <- tklistbox(paneFrame, width = width - 2, height = height,
-    selectmode = "browse", yscrollcommand = function(...) tkset(scr, ...),
-    font = style$font.text, fg = style$fg[1], background = "white",
-    relief = style$relief, activestyle = "dotbox")
-    if (is.null(butArg)) tkgrid(tl, scr) else {
-        tkgrid(butArg, tl, scr)
-        tkgrid.configure(butArg, sticky = "nw")
-    }
-    tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky = "nsw")
-    tkgrid(paneFrame, padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[3], sticky = "w")
-    for (i in 1:(length(choices)))
-        tkinsert(tl, "end", choices[i])
-    if (!is.null(default)) {
-        for (i in 1:length(default))
-            tkselection.set(tl, default[i] - 1)
-        tkyview(tl, default[1] - 1)  # Make sure selected item is visible
-    }
-    if (!is.null(argname))
-        tkbind(tl, "<<ListboxSelect>>", onArgEdit)
-    ## Define the environment to interact with these widgets
-    resenv <- new.env(parent = parent.frame(2))
-    assign("choices", choices, envir = resenv)
-    assign("tl", tl, envir = resenv)
-    assign("argname", argname, envir = resenv)
-    result <- function() {
-    sel <- choices[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl)) + 1]
-    res <- if (is.null(argname)) paste(sel, collapse = ", ") else
-        if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "1") {
-        ## Compute the code for argument
-        if (is.null(sel) || length(sel) == 0) sel <- "NULL"
-        if (length(sel) > 1) sel <- paste("c(", paste(sel, collapse = ", "),
-            ")", sep = "")
-        if (argname == "...") sel else paste(argname, "=", sel)
-    } else ""
-        res
-    }
-    assign("result", result, envir = resenv)
-    select <- function() tkfocus(tl)
-    assign("select", select, envir = resenv)
-    return(resenv)
-guiDlg <- function (title = "Input", message = NULL, help = NULL, sep = NULL,
-width = 50, labelwidth = 0, panes = list(list(type = "entry",
-message = "Enter data:", default = NULL)), GUI = getOption("guiWidgets"))
-    ## Compute a guiDlg object
-    res <- list(list(title = title, message = message, help = help, sep = sep,
-        width = width, labelwidth = labelwidth))
-    ## Add panes
-    if (!is.null(panes) && length(panes) > 0)
-        for (i in 1:length(panes))
-            res[[i + 1]] <- panes[[i]]
-    class(res) <- c("guiDlg", "gui")
-    return(res)
-guiDlgFunction <- function (fun, template = NULL, maxargs = 7, var = "res",
-width = 40, labelwidth = 10, displayit = TRUE, execfun = getOption("guiExecFun"))
-    ## This dialog prompts for arguments, given a function
-    ## and it constructs the corresponding command
-    ## fun is the name of a function
-    ## template is an alternate template
-    ## displayit displays the dialog box and get results
-    ## execfun is the function to call to run it
-    ## Get fun
-    if (!exists(fun, where = 1, mode = "function"))
-        stop(fun, "does not exist or is not a function!")
-    ## Get formal arguments for this function
-    Form <- formals(get(fun, pos = 1, mode = "function"))
-### TODO: use an existing template
-### TODO: deal with S3 and S4 generic functions!
-### TODO: use syntax for call arg by position!
-    ## Construct a default template for this function
-    if (isHelp(fun)["help"]) {
-        hlp <- function (...) help(...)  # To avoid warning on R CMD check!
-        ## help() function is changed in R 2.10!
-        if (exists("getRversion", mode = "function") &&
-            getRversion() >= '2.10') {
-            Help <- paste("browseURL('", hlp(fun, help_type = "html"), "')",
-                sep = "")
-        } else {  # This is R <= 2.9.x
-            Help <- paste("browseURL('", hlp(fun, htmlhelp = TRUE), "')",
-                sep = "")
-            ## Or simply use: paste("help('", fun, "')", sep = "")
-            ## to use default help system
-        }
-    } else Help <- NULL
-    Tpl <- list(list(fun = fun, var = var, title = "Function assistant",
-        message = NULL, help = Help, sep = NULL, width = width,
-        labelwidth = labelwidth))
-    if (!is.null(Form)) {  # If there are arguments
-        Nargs <- length(Form)
-        ArgsNames <- names(Form)
-        ## Take at most maxargs argument (if more, the rest is ...)
-        if (Nargs > maxargs) N <- maxargs else N <- Nargs
-        ## Create an entry in the list for each arg
-        for (i in 1:N)
-            Tpl[[i + 1]] <- list(type = "entry", argname = ArgsNames[i],
-        default = deparse(Form[[i]]))
-        if (Nargs > maxargs) {  # Include "..."
-            ## Process a message with other args
-            ArgsNames <- ArgsNames[-(1:N)]
-            Form <- Form[-(1:N)]
-### TODO: use deparse here also!
-            OtherArgs <- paste("Other arguments:", paste(ArgsNames, Form,
-                sep = " = ", collapse = ", "))
-            Tpl[[maxargs + 2]] <- list(argname = "...", message = OtherArgs,
-                fixedfont = TRUE)
-        }
-    }
-    class(Tpl) <- c("guiDlg", "gui")
-    ## Do we have to return this template or to run it?
-    if (!displayit) return(Tpl)
-    ## Otherwise display the dialog box... and get results
-    res <- display(Tpl)
-    ## Do we have to execute it?
-    if (is.null(execfun)) execfun <- "guiEval" # Default evaluator
-    if (execfun != "") {
-		if (exists(execfun, where = -1, mode = "function")) {
-        	get(execfun, pos = -1, mode = "function")(res)
-		} else warning(execfun, " not found!")
- 	}
-    ## Return res invisibly
-    return(invisible(res))
-guiEval <- function (code, ident = "GUI ")
-    ## This function is used by default to evaluate constructed code
-    if (is.null(code) || is.na(code) || !inherits(code, "character") ||
-        length(code) == 0) return()
-    ## Echo command
-    Prompt <- getOption("prompt")
-    if (ident != "")
-        Prompt <- paste(Prompt, ident, Prompt, sep = "")
-    cat(Prompt, code[1], "\n", sep = "")
-    if (length(code) > 1) {
-        Continue <- getOption("continue")
-        for ( i in 2:length(code))
-            cat(Continue, code[i], "\n", sep = "")
-    }
-    ## Evaluate this command
-    e <- try(parse(text = code))
-    if (inherits(e, "try-error"))
-        stop("Syntax error!")
-    yy <- withVisible(eval(e, envir = .GlobalEnv))
-    if (yy$visible) print(yy$value)
-display <- function (x, ...)
-    UseMethod("display")
-display.guiDlg <- function (x, parent = 0, GUI = getOption("guiWidgets"),
-debug = FALSE, ...)
-    ## Check arguments
-    if (!inherits(x, "guiDlg"))
-        stop("'x' must be a guiDlg object!")
-### TODO: check parent
-    if (!is.null(debug) && !is.na(debug)) debug <- (debug == TRUE) else
-        debug <- FALSE
-    if (!inherits(GUI, "character") && !is.null(GUI))
-        stop("'GUI' must be a character string or NULL!")
-    ## Do we need to use a different widget than Tcl/Tk?
-    if (!is.null(GUI) && GUI != "tcltk") {  # Custom GUI widgets
-        ## Look for a display.guiDlg.<GUI> function
-        fun <- paste("display.guiDlg", GUI, sep=".")
-        if (exists(fun, where = 1, mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)) {
-            res <- get(fun, pos = 1, mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)(
-            x = x, parent = parent, debug = debug)
-            if (!is.null(res)) {
-                return(res)
-            } else warning("Using default Tcl/tk dialog box instead!")
-        }
-    }
-    ## Otherwise, use the default Tcl/Tk dialog box
-    ## Check the content of 'x'
-    X <- x[[1]]
-    panes <- x
-    panes[[1]] <- NULL
-    if (!inherits(X$title, "character") && length(X$title) < 1)
-        stop("'title' must be a non empty character string!")
-    title <- X$title[1]  # Keep only first item for title
-    if (!is.null(X$message)) message <- paste(as.character(X$message),
-        collapse = "\n") else message <- NULL
-    if (!is.null(X$help) && !inherits(X$help, "character"))
-        stop("'help' must be NULL or a character string!")
-    help <- X$help[1]  # Keep only first item
-	if (is.null(X$labelwidth)) X$labelwidth <- 0  # Default value
-    if (!is.numeric(X$labelwidth))
-        stop("'labelwidth' must be a number or NULL!")
-    labelwidth <- as.integer(X$labelwidth)
-    if (labelwidth < 0) labelwidth <- 0
-    if (is.null(X$width)) X$width <- 40  # Default value
-    if (!is.numeric(X$width))
-        stop("'width' must be a number or NULL!")
-    width <- as.integer(X$width)
-    ## If "Help" is displayed min(width + labelwidth) = 35 else it is 20
-    if (is.null(help)) minwidth <- 20 - labelwidth else minwidth <- 35 - labelwidth
-    if (width < minwidth) width <- minwidth
-    if (width < 10) width <- 10 # Minimum absolute width of 10
-### TODO: check these arguments
-    fun <- X$fun
-    var <- X$var
-    ## Make sure style is defined
-    style <- guiSetStyle.tcltk(getOption("guiStyle"))
-    ## Size widgets according to text font measure
-    pixwidth <- as.integer((width + labelwidth) * style$font.measure["text"])
-    ## Do we need to use pane separators?
-    if (is.null(X$sep)) sep <- style$sep else sep <- (X$sep == TRUE)
-    ## Construct the dialog box
-    cnt <- tktoplevel(class = "guiDlg")
-    tkwm.withdraw(cnt)  # Do not show it until it is completelly constructed!
-    on.exit(tkdestroy(cnt))  # Make sure we don't left it open in case of error!
-    tktitle(cnt) <- title
-    ## Do we need to display a "header" for a function construction?
-    banner <- FALSE
-    txtAssign <- NULL
-    if (!is.null(fun)) {
-        banner <- TRUE
-        funFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
-        if (!is.null(var)) {  # Give the possibility to assign to a variable
-            varAssign <- tclVar(var)
-            txtAssign <- tkentry(funFrame, textvariable = varAssign,
-                width = max(labelwidth, 10), font = style$font.text, fg = style$fg[1],
-                background = "white", relief = style$relief)
-            #tkconfigure(txtAssign, validate = "key", validatecommand = onVarEdit)
-            tkselection.from(txtAssign, "0")
-            tkselection.to(txtAssign, "end")
-            tkicursor(txtAssign, "end")
-            labFun <- tklabel(funFrame, text = paste("<- ", fun, "()", sep = ""),
-                font = style$font.fixed, justify = "left", fg = style$fg[4])
-            tkgrid(txtAssign, labFun)
-            tkgrid(funFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[3])
-        } else {  # No assignation allowed
-            labFun <- tklabel(funFrame, text = paste(fun, "()", sep = ""),
-                font = style$font.fixed, justify = "left", fg = style$fg[4])
-            if (labelwidth > 0) {
-                labSpacer <- tklabel(funFrame, text = " ", font = style$font.fixed,
-                    width = labelwidth)
-                tkgrid(labSpacer, labFun)
-            } else tkgrid(labFun)
-            tkgrid(funFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[3])
-        }
-    }
-    if (!is.null(message)) {  # Display a banner with the message
-        banner <- TRUE
-        dialoglabel <- tklabel(cnt, text = message, font = style$font.emph,
-            justify = "left", fg = style$fg[5], wraplength = pixwidth)
-        tkgrid(dialoglabel, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1])
-    }
-    if (sep && banner) {
-        sepa <- tkcanvas(cnt, height = "0",relief = "groove", borderwidth = "1",
-            width = pixwidth)
-        tkgrid(sepa)
-    }
-    ## Construct a dlg object
-    dlg <- list(call = match.call(), title = title, message = message,
-        container = cnt, style = style, width = width, pixwidth = pixwidth,
-        labelwidth = labelwidth, sep = sep, panes = panes, result = character(0))
-    class(dlg) <- c("guiDlg", "gui")
-    ## Call guiPane.tcltk() to construct the panes
-    for (i in 1:length(panes)) {
-        dlg <- guiPane.tcltk(dlg, i)
-        if (sep) {
-            sepa <- tkcanvas(cnt, height = "0",relief = "groove", borderwidth = "1",
-                width = pixwidth)
-            tkgrid(sepa)
-        }
-    }
-    ## Since onOk must update dlg$result, but I cannot pass dlg
-    ## as argument to and from the onOk function, I save it in a temporary variable
-    vardlg <- tempvar(".dlg")  # Needed to store state of the dialog box
-    assign(vardlg, dlg, pos = 1)
-    if (!debug) on.exit(remove(list = vardlg, pos = 1), add = TRUE)
-    getdlg <- eval(parse(text = paste("function() get('", vardlg, "', pos = 1)",
-        sep = "")))
-    setdlg <- eval(parse(text = paste("function(dlg) ", vardlg, " <<- dlg", sep = "")))
-    onOk <- function () {
-        dlg <- getdlg()  # Retrieve the dialog object from the temp variable
-        panes <- dlg$panes
-        ## Get results from individual panes
-        res <- NULL
-        for (i in 1:length(panes))
-            res[i] <- eval(parse(text = "result()"), envir = panes[[i]]$env)
-        dlg$result <- res
-        setdlg(dlg)
-		## Indicate we clicked 'OK'
-		assignTemp(".guiDialog.res", "ok")
-        tkdestroy(cnt)
-    }
-    onCancel <- function() tkdestroy(cnt)
-    ## Add the dialog buttons
-    butFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
-    butOk <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "OK", width = "10", command = onOk,
-        default = "active", font = style$font.label, fg = style$fg[2])
-    labSep <- tklabel(butFrame, text = " ", font = style$font.label)
-    butCancel <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Cancel", width = "10",
-        command = onCancel, font = style$font.label, fg = style$fg[3])
-    if (is.null(help)) {
-        tkgrid(butOk, labSep, butCancel, sticky = "w")
-    } else {
-        labSep2 <- tklabel(butFrame, text = "     ", font = style$font.label)
-        onHelp <- function() eval(parse(text = help), envir = .GlobalEnv)
-        butHelp <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Help", width ="10",
-            command = onHelp, font = style$font.label, fg = style$fg[1])
-        tkgrid(butOk, labSep, butCancel, labSep2, butHelp, sticky = "w")
-        tkbind(cnt, "<F1>", onHelp)
-    }
-    tkgrid(butFrame, padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[2])
-    ## Finalize the configuration of the dialog box
-    tkwm.resizable(cnt, 0, 0)
-    tkwm.protocol(cnt, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", onCancel)
-    tkbind(cnt, "<Return>", onOk)
-    tkbind(cnt, "<Escape>", onCancel)
-    ## The only solution I have found to eliminate minbutton and make the dialog
-    ## box always on top of R Console under Windows is the following one (to change!)
-    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
-        tcl("wm", "attributes", cnt, toolwindow = 1, topmost = 1)
-    .Tcl("update idletasks")
-    tkwm.deiconify(cnt)
-    ## tkwm.deiconify() is enough! tkfocus(force = cnt)
-    tkgrab.set(cnt)# This is a modal dialog box => keep focus!
-    if (is.null(txtAssign)) {
-        ## Select adequate widget in first pane
-        eval(parse(text = "select()"), envir = dlg$panes[[1]]$env)
-    } else tkfocus(txtAssign)
-    ## Set by default return value of the dialog box to "cancel"
-    assignTemp(".guiDialog.res", "cancel")
-    tkwait.window(cnt)
-    ## Did we cancelled the dialog box?
-	if (get(".guiDialog.res", envir = .GlobalEnv) == "cancel") return(NULL)
-	## Get the updated version of the dialog box
-    dlg <- get(vardlg, pos = 1)
-    res <- dlg$result
-    ## If this is a function, compute corresponding R code
-    if (!is.null(fun)) {
-        res <- paste(res[res != ""], collapse = ", ")
-        res <- paste(fun, "(", res, ")", sep = "")
-        if (!is.null(txtAssign) && (varname <- tclvalue(varAssign)) != "")
-            res <- (paste(varname, "<-", res))
-        res <- strwrap(res, exdent = 4)
-    }
-    return(res)
+#guiPane.tcltk <- function (dlg, item, ...)
+#    ## This is a basic pane
+#    ## Check arguments
+#    if (!inherits(dlg, "guiDlg"))
+#        stop("'dlg' must be a 'guiDlg' object!")
+#    if (!is.numeric(item) || item < 1 || item > length(dlg$panes))
+#        stop("'item' is not numeric or is out of range!")
+#    item <- as.integer(item)
+#    ## Get general dialog parameters needed to organize the pane
+#    cnt <- dlg$container
+#    style <- dlg$style
+#    width <- dlg$width
+#    pixwidth <- dlg$pixwidth
+#    labelwidth <- dlg$labelwidth
+#    pane <- dlg$panes[[item]]
+#    ## Get my pane parameters: argname, message & type
+#    argname <- pane$argname
+#    message <- pane$message
+#    if (!is.null(message)) message <- paste(pane$message, collapse = "\n")
+#    type <- pane$type
+#    if (is.null(type)) type <- "entry"  # Default type
+#    ## Construct the pane
+#    ## Rem: button justify does not work => use fixed font and pad " " at the end!
+#    paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
+#    if (!is.null(argname)) {
+#        ## Determine if this argument is included (by default, not!)
+#        varUseIt <- tclVar("0")
+#        arglab <- paste(argname, "=", sep = "")
+#        argl <- nchar(arglab)
+#        if (argl < labelwidth) {
+#            arglab <- paste(arglab, paste(rep(" ", labelwidth - argl),
+#            collapse = ""), sep = "")
+#            argl <- labelwidth
+#        }
+#        butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = arglab,
+#        font = style$font.fixed, fg = style$fg[5], width = argl,
+#        takefocus = "0", relief = "flat", overrelief = "raised")
+#        butArgToggle <- butArg
+#        onArg <- function () {
+#            ## Toggle varUseIt and color (emphasized <-> selected!)
+#            if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "0") {  # Select
+#                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "1"
+#                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[4])
+#            } else {  # Deselect
+#                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "0"
+#                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[5])
+#            }
+#        }
+#        tkconfigure(butArg, command = onArg)
+#        ## This is used when the argument is edited
+#        onArgEdit <- function () {
+#            if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "0") {
+#                tclvalue(varUseIt) <- "1"
+#                tkconfigure(butArgToggle, fg = style$fg[4])
+#            }
+#            return(tclVar(TRUE))  # Must return TRUE to accept edition!
+#        }
+#    }
+#    if (!is.null(message)) {
+#        labMessage <- tklabel(paneFrame, text = message, font = style$font.label,
+#        justify = "left", fg = style$fg[1], wraplength = as.integer(
+#        pixwidth / (labelwidth + width) * width))
+#        if (!is.null(argname)) tkgrid(butArg, labMessage) else tkgrid(labMessage)
+#        tkgrid(paneFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1])
+#        paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)  # New frame
+#        butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
+#        font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
+#    } else {  # There is no message... just display argname if not NULL
+#        if (!is.null(argname)) {
+#            if (argl > labelwidth) {  # arg too large, display it on top
+#                tkgrid(butArg)
+#                tkgrid(paneFrame, sticky = "w", padx = style$pads[1])
+#                paneFrame <- tkframe(cnt)
+#                butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
+#                font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
+#            }
+#        } else {  # Neither message, nor label
+#            if (labelwidth > 0)
+#            butArg <- tkbutton(paneFrame, text = " ", width = labelwidth,
+#            font = style$font.fixed, relief = "flat", state = "disabled")
+#        }
+#    }
+#    if (labelwidth == 0) butArg <- NULL
+#    ## Call guiPane.<type>.tcltk() functions to install specific widgets
+#    fun <- paste("guiPane", type, "tcltk", sep = ".")
+#    if (!exists(fun, where = 1, mode = "function")) fun <- "guiPane.entry.tcltk"
+#    resenv <- get(fun, pos = 1, mode = "function")(
+#    paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg, item, ...)
+#    if (is.null(resenv) && fun != "guiPane.entry.tcltk")  # Try default one
+#    resenv <- get("guiPane.entry.tcltk", pos = 1, mode = "function")(
+#    paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg, item, ...)
+#    ## Record resenv in dlg
+#    dlg$panes[[item]]$env <- resenv
+#    ## Place paneFrame in the dialog box
+#    tkgrid(paneFrame, padx = style$pads[1], pady = style$pads[3], sticky = "w")
+#    ## Return the modified dlg object
+#    return(invisible(dlg))
+#guiPane.entry.tcltk <- function (paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg,
+#item, ...)
+#    ## This is a simple text entry pane
+#    ## Get general dialog parameters needed here
+#    style <- dlg$style
+#    width <- dlg$width
+#    pane <- dlg$panes[[item]]
+#    ## Get my pane parameters: argname, default & fixedfont
+#    argname <- pane$argname
+#    default <- pane$default[1]
+#    if (is.null(default) || is.na(default)) default <- "" else
+#    default <- as.character(default)
+#    fixedfont <- pane$fixedfont
+#    if (is.null(fixedfont) || is.na(fixedfont)) fixedfont <- FALSE else
+#    fixedfont <- (fixedfont == TRUE)
+#    ## Install the specific widgets
+#    varText <- tclVar(default)
+#    if (fixedfont) Font <- style$font.fixed else Font <- style$font.text
+#    txt <- tkentry(paneFrame, textvariable = varText, width = width,
+#    font = Font, fg = style$fg[1], background = "white", relief = style$relief)
+#    if (is.null(butArg)) tkgrid(txt) else tkgrid(butArg, txt)
+#    if (!is.null(argname))
+#        tkconfigure(txt, validate = "key", validatecommand = onArgEdit)
+#    tkselection.from(txt, "0")
+#    tkselection.to(txt, "end")
+#    tkicursor(txt, "end")
+#    ## Define the environment to interact with these widgets
+#    resenv <- new.env(parent = parent.frame(2))
+#    assign("varText", varText, envir = resenv)
+#    assign("txt", txt, envir = resenv)
+#    assign("argname", argname, envir = resenv)
+#    result <- function() {
+#    res <- if (is.null(argname)) tclvalue(varText) else
+#    if (tclvalue(varUseIt) == "1") {
+#        ## Compute the code for argument
+#        if (argname == "...") tclvalue(varText) else
+#        paste(argname, "=", tclvalue(varText))
+#    } else ""
+#        res
+#    }
+#    assign("result", result, envir = resenv)
+#    select <- function() {
+#        tkselection.from(txt, "0")
+#        tkselection.to(txt, "end")
+#        tkicursor(txt, "end")
+#        tkfocus(txt)
+#    }
+#    assign("select", select, envir = resenv)
+#    return(resenv)
+#guiPane.list.tcltk <- function (paneFrame, butArg, onArgEdit, varUseIt, dlg,
+#item, ...)
+#    ## This is a single selection listbox

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sciviews -r 487

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