[Sciviews-commits] r373 - pkg/svMisc/R

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Sun May 8 14:50:31 CEST 2011

Author: prezez
Date: 2011-05-08 14:50:31 +0200 (Sun, 08 May 2011)
New Revision: 373

svMisc:captureAll rewritten from scratch. Code is much simplified, makes the most of R's native message routines (error/warning printing).
New functionalities: 
- allows for subsequent traceback'ing,
- can handle user interrupts (Ctrl+C or ESC, previously it broke connection with the client completely: Bug #354)
Requires: R >= 2.13.0 (TODO: add dependency in DESCRIPTION)

Modified: pkg/svMisc/R/captureAll.R
--- pkg/svMisc/R/captureAll.R	2011-03-30 19:41:55 UTC (rev 372)
+++ pkg/svMisc/R/captureAll.R	2011-05-08 12:50:31 UTC (rev 373)
@@ -1,204 +1,103 @@
-captureAll <- function (expr, split = FALSE, file = NULL)
-	## If expr is NA, just return it
-	if (!is.language(expr))
-		if (identical(expr, NA))
-			return(NA) else stop("'expr' must be an expression or NA")
-	## Ensure split is always a boolean
-	split <- isTRUE(split)
+# inspired by 'capture.output' and utils:::.try_silent
+# Requires: R >= 2.13.0 [??]
+`captureAll` <- function(expr, split = FALSE, file = NULL) {
+	# TODO: support for 'file' and 'split'
-	## captureAll() is inspired from capture.output(), but it captures
-	## both the output and the message streams (without redirecting
-	## the message stream, but by using a withCallingHandlers() construct).
-	rval <- NULL	# Just to avoid a note during code analysis
-	if (is.null(file)) file <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE)
-	sink(file, type = "output", split = split)
+	last.warning <- list()
+	Traceback <- list()
+	warnLevel <- getOption('warn')
+	Nframe <- sys.nframe() # frame of reference (used in traceback)
-	## This is a hack to display warning(..., immediate.) correctly
-	## (except from base objects) because there is no way to detect it
-	## in our handler with the current warning() function
-	assign("warning", function(..., call. = TRUE, immediate. = FALSE,
-		domain = NULL) {
-		args <- list(...)
-		if (length(args) == 1 && inherits(args[[1]], "condition")) {
-			base::warning(..., call. = call., immediate. = immediate.,
-				domain = domain)
-		} else {
-			## Deal with immediate warnings
-			oldwarn <- getOption("warn")
-			if (immediate. && oldwarn < 1) {
-				options(warn = 1)
-				on.exit(options(warn = oldwarn))
-			}
-			.Internal(warning(as.logical(call.), as.logical(immediate.),
-				.makeMessage(..., domain = domain)))
-		}
-	}, envir = TempEnv())
+	rval <- NULL
+	tconn <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE)
+	sink(tconn, type = "output"); sink(tconn, type = "message")
-		sink(type = "output")
-		close(file)
-		if (exists("warning", envir = TempEnv(), inherits = FALSE))
-			rm("warning", envir = TempEnv())
+		sink(type = "message"); sink(type = "output")
+		close(tconn)
-	evalVis <- function (Expr)
-	{
-		## We need to install our own warning handling
-		## and also, we use a customized interrupt handler
-		owarns <- getOption("warning.expression")
-		## Inactivate current warning handler
-		options(warning.expression = expression())
-		## ... and make sure it is restored at the end
-		on.exit({
-			## Check that the warning.expression was not changed
-			nwarns <- getOption("warning.expression")
-			if (!is.null(nwarns) && length(as.character(nwarns)) == 0)
-				options(warning.expression = owarns)
-		})
-		## Evaluate instruction(s) in the user workspace (.GlobalEnv)
-		res <- try(withCallingHandlers(withVisible(eval(Expr, .GlobalEnv)),
-			warning = function (e) {
-				msg <- conditionMessage(e)
-				call <- conditionCall(e)
+	`evalVis` <- function(x) withVisible(eval(x, .GlobalEnv))
-				## Possibly truncate it
-				wl <- getOption("warning.length")
-				if (is.null(wl)) wl <- 1000 # Default value
-				if (nchar(msg) > wl)
-					msg <- paste(substr(msg, 1, wl), .gettext("[... truncated]"))
+	`restartError` <- function(e, calls) {
+		# remove call (eval(expr, envir, enclos)) from the message
+		ncls <- length(calls)
+		nn <- Nframe + 22
+		if(isTRUE(all.equal(calls[[nn]], e$call, check.attributes=FALSE)))
+			e$call <- NULL
-				## Result depends upon 'warn'
-				Warn <- getOption("warn")
+		Traceback <<- rev(calls[-c(seq.int(nn), (ncls - 1L):ncls)])
+		cat(.makeMessage(e))
+		if(warnLevel == 0L && length(last.warning) > 0L)
+			cat(gettext("In addition: ", domain="R"))
+	}
-				## If warning generated in eval environment, make it NULL
-				try(if (!is.null(call)  && !is.symbol(call) &&
-					identical(call[[1L]], quote(eval)))
-					e$call <- NULL, silent = TRUE)
+	res <- tryCatch(withRestarts(withCallingHandlers({
+			# TODO: allow for multiple expressions and calls (like in
+			# 'capture.output'). The problem here is how to tell 'expression'
+			# from 'call' without evaluating it?
+			list(evalVis(expr))
+		},
-				if (Warn < 0) { # Do nothing!
-					return()
-				} else if (Warn == 0) { # Delayed display of warnings
-					if (exists("warns", envir = TempEnv())) {
-						lwarn <- get("warns", envir = TempEnv())
-					} else lwarn <- list()
-					## Do not add more than 50 warnings
-					if (length(lwarn) >= 50) return()
+		error = function(e) invokeRestart("grmbl", e, sys.calls()),
+		warning = function(e) {
+			# remove call (eval(expr, envir, enclos)) from the message
+			nn <- Nframe + 22
+			if(isTRUE(all.equal(sys.call(nn), e$call, check.attributes=FALSE)))
+				e$call <- NULL
-					## Add the warning to this list and save in TempEnv()
-					assign("warns", append(lwarn, list(e)), envir = TempEnv())
+			last.warning <<- c(last.warning, structure(list(e$call), names=e$message))
-					return()
-				} else if (Warn > 1) { # Generate an error!
-					msg <- .gettextf("(converted from warning) %s", msg)
-					stop(simpleError(msg, call = call))
-				} else {
-					## warn = 1
-					## Print the warning message immediately
-					## Format the warning message
-					## This is modified code from base::try
-					if (!is.null(call)) {
-						dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
-						prefix <- paste(.gettext("Warning in"), dcall, ": ")
-						LONG <- 75L
-						sm <- strsplit(msg, "\n")[[1L]]
-						w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
-						if (is.na(w)) 
-							w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b")
-						if (w > LONG)
-							prefix <- paste(prefix, "\n  ", sep = "")
-					} else prefix <- .gettext("Warning : ")
-					msg <- paste(prefix, msg, "\n", sep="")
-					cat(msg)
-				}
+			if(warnLevel != 0L) {
+				.Internal(.signalCondition(e, conditionMessage(e), conditionCall(e)))
+				.Internal(.dfltWarn(conditionMessage(e), conditionCall(e)))
-			, interrupt = function (i) cat(.gettext("<INTERRUPTED!>\n"))
-			## This is modified code from base::try
-			, error = function(e) {
-				call <- conditionCall(e)
-				msg <- conditionMessage(e)
+			invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
-				## Patch up the call to produce nicer result for testing as
-				## try(stop(...)).  This will need adjusting if the
-				## implementation of tryCatch changes.
-				## Use identical() since call[[1]] can be non-atomic.
-				try(if (!is.null(call) && !is.symbol(call) &&
-					identical(call[[1L]], quote(eval)))
-					call <- NULL, silent = TRUE)
-				if (!is.null(call)) {
-					dcall <- deparse(call)[1L]
-					prefix <- paste(.gettext("Error in "), dcall, ": ")
-					LONG <- 75L
-					sm <- strsplit(msg, "\n")[[1L]]
-					w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "w") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "w")
-					if (is.na(w)) 
-						w <- 14L + nchar(dcall, type = "b") + nchar(sm[1L], type = "b")
-					if (w > LONG) 
-						prefix <- paste(prefix, "\n  ", sep = "")
-				} else prefix <- .gettext("Error : ")
+		}),
+	# Restarts:
-				msg <- paste(prefix, msg, "\n", sep = "")
-				## Store the error message for legacy uses of try() with
-				## geterrmessage().
-				.Internal(seterrmessage(msg[1L]))
-				if (identical(getOption("show.error.messages"), TRUE))
-					cat(msg)
-			}
-			, message = function(e) {
-				signalCondition(e)
-				cat(conditionMessage(e))
-			}
-		), silent = TRUE)
-		## Possibly add 'last.warning' as attribute to res
-		if (exists("warns", envir = TempEnv())) {
-			warns <- get("warns", envir = TempEnv())
+	# Handling user interrupts. Currently it works only from within R.
+	#TODO: how to trigger interrupt via socket connection?
+	abort = function(...) {
+		cat("<aborted!>\n") #DEBUG
+	},
-			## Reshape the warning list
-			last.warning <- lapply(warns, "[[", "call")
-			names(last.warning) <- sapply(warns, "[[", "message")
+	interrupt = function(...) cat("<interrupted!>\n"), #DEBUG: this does not seem to be ever called.
-			attr(res, "last.warning") <- last.warning
-			rm("warns", envir = TempEnv())
-		}
-		return(res)
-	}
+	muffleWarning = function() NULL,
+	grmbl = restartError),
+	error = function(e) {
+		#XXX: this is called by warnLevel=2
+		cat(.makeMessage(e))
+		e #identity
+	},
+	finally = {	}
+	)
-	## This is my own function to display delayed warnings
-	WarningMessage <- function (last.warning)
-	{
-		assign("last.warning", last.warning, envir = baseenv())
-		n.warn <- length(last.warning)
-		if (n.warn < 11) {	# If less than 11 warnings, print them
-			## For reasons I don't know, R append a white space to the warning
-			## messages... we replicate this behaviour here.
-			print.warnings(warnings(" ", sep = ""))
-		} else if (n.warn >= 50) {
-			cat(.gettext("There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)\n"))
+	lapply(res, function(x) {
+		if(inherits(x, "list") && x$visible) {
+			print(x$value)
+		} #else { cat('<invisible>\n') }
+	})
+	if(warnLevel == 0) {
+		nwarn <- length(last.warning)
+		assign("last.warning", last.warning, envir=baseenv())
+		if(nwarn <= 10) {
+			print.warnings(last.warning)
+		} else if (nwarn < 50) {
+		   cat(gettextf("There were %d warnings (use warnings() to see them)\n", nwarn, domain="R"))
 		} else {
-			cat(.gettextf("There were %d warnings (use warnings() to see them)\n",
-				n.warn))
+			cat(gettext("There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)\n", domain="R"))
-		return(invisible(n.warn))
-	for (i in 1:length(expr)) {
-		tmp <- evalVis(expr[[i]])
-		if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
-			last.warning <- attr(tmp, "last.warning")
-			if (!is.null(last.warning)) {
-				cat(.gettext("In addition : "))
-				WarningMessage(last.warning)
-			}
-			break
-	   	} else {	 # No error
-			if (tmp$visible) print(tmp$value)
-			last.warning <- attr(tmp, "last.warning")
-			if (!is.null(last.warning))
-				WarningMessage(last.warning)
-		}
-	}
-	cat("\n")   # In case last line does not end with \n, I add it!
+	sink(type = "message"); sink(type = "output")
+	close(tconn)
+	on.exit()
+	# allow for tracebacks of this call stack:
+	assign(".Traceback", lapply(Traceback, deparse), envir = baseenv())

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