[Sciviews-commits] r411 - komodo/SciViews-K komodo/SciViews-K Unit pkg/SciViews/R pkg/svDialogs pkg/svDialogs/R pkg/svDialogs/man pkg/svSweave pkg/svSweave/R pkg/svSweave/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Dec 11 20:39:50 CET 2011

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2011-12-11 20:39:50 +0100 (Sun, 11 Dec 2011)
New Revision: 411

   komodo/SciViews-K Unit/install.rdf
   komodo/SciViews-K Unit/sciviewskunit-0.7.3-ko.xpi
Various changes: menus in svDialogs, reworked version of svSweave for LyX 2.0

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/install.rdf
--- komodo/SciViews-K/install.rdf	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ komodo/SciViews-K/install.rdf	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
                 <!-- Komodo IDE's uuid -->
-                <em:maxVersion>6.*</em:maxVersion>
+                <em:maxVersion>7.*</em:maxVersion>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
                 <!-- Komodo Edit's uuid -->
-                <em:maxVersion>6.*</em:maxVersion>
+                <em:maxVersion>7.*</em:maxVersion>

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K Unit/install.rdf
--- komodo/SciViews-K Unit/install.rdf	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ komodo/SciViews-K Unit/install.rdf	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@
                 <!-- Komodo IDE's uuid -->
-                <em:minVersion>4.1</em:minVersion>
-                <em:maxVersion>6.*</em:maxVersion>
+                <em:minVersion>5.0</em:minVersion>
+                <em:maxVersion>7.*</em:maxVersion>
                 <!-- Komodo Edit's uuid -->
-                <em:minVersion>4.1</em:minVersion>
-                <em:maxVersion>6.*</em:maxVersion>
+                <em:minVersion>5.0</em:minVersion>
+                <em:maxVersion>7.*</em:maxVersion>

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K Unit/sciviewskunit-0.7.3-ko.xpi
(Binary files differ)

Added: pkg/SciViews/R/character.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/character.R	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+## Essentially a series of base R function that manipulate character strings
+## and that are renamed/rationalized for facility
+## TODO: deal with zero length strings and NAs appropriately in all functions
+## Count the number of characters
+## No: make an exception: after n (or nz) do not use uppercase!
+#nChar 				<- nchar
+#nzChar				<- nzchar
+## Format character strings
+strEscape			<- encodeString
+strWrap				<- strwrap
+# Add strPad => pad a string left/right or both or Padb/Padl/Padr?
+## String find/replace using fixed pattern (str*) or regular expressions (reg*)
+## TODO: a rx object which prints an example of its work! => fine-tune it
+## to make it easy to experiment with the rx object
+rx <- glob2rx
+strFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE,
+type = c("logical", "position", "value"), ...) # ... for useBytes
+	type <- pmatch(type)
+	res <- switch(type,
+		logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+			fixed = TRUE, ...),
+		position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
+			fixed = TRUE, ...),
+		value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, value = TRUE,
+			fixed = TRUE, ...),
+		stop("Unknown type"))
+	return(res)
+rxFind <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, max.distance = 0,
+type = c("logical", "position", "value"), ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+	type <- pmatch(type)
+	## If max.distance > 0, use approximate search
+	if (max.distance > 0) { # Use agrep()
+		res <- switch(type,
+			logical = 1:length(x) %in% agrep(pattern, x,
+				ignore.case = ignore.case, value = FALSE,
+				max.distance = max.distance, ...),
+			position = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				value = FALSE, max.distance = max.distance, ...),
+			value = agrep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance, ...),
+			stop("Unknown type"))
+	} else { # Use regular search (grep())
+		res <- switch(type,
+			logical = grepl(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				fixed = FALSE, ...),
+			position = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, ...),
+			value = grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case,
+				value = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, ...),
+			stop("Unknown type"))
+	}
+	return(res)
+strSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+	return(regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
+		...))
+rxSearch <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+	return(regexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
+		...))
+strSearchAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+	return(gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
+		...))
+rxSearchAll <- function (x, pattern, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+	return(gregexpr(pattern, text = x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
+		...))
+strReplace <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+	return(sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
+		...))
+rxReplace <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+	return(sub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
+		...))
+strReplAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for useBytes
+	return(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = TRUE,
+		...))
+rxReplAll <- function (x, pattern, replacement, ignore.case = FALSE, ...) # ... for perl & useBytes
+	return(gsub(pattern, replacement, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = FALSE,
+		...))
+## Substrings
+strSplit <- function (x, pattern, ...) # for useBytes
+	return(strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = TRUE, ...))
+rxSplit <- function (x, pattern, ...) # for perl & useBytes
+	return(strsplit(x, split = pattern, fixed = FALSE, ...))
+strSub				<- substr
+`strSub<-`			<- `substr<-`
+strTrunc			<- strtrim ## This indeed truncs strings!!!
+## paste() is rather long name, in comparison with, e.g., c().
+## Also the default argument of sep = " " is irritating and is not consistent
+## with stop() or warning() for instance.
+## Thus, we define:
+p <- function (..., sep = "", collapse = NULL) 
+	.Internal(paste(list(...), sep, collapse))
+p_  <- paste
+## The same is true for cat() with sep = " "... and the default behaviour of
+## not ending with line feed is more confusing that useful => change this
+## behaviour by adding a end = "\n" argument.
+## TODO: by default, interpret unicode and formatting like ucat() or ecat()!
+ct <- function (..., file = "", sep = "", end = "\n", fill = FALSE,
+labels = NULL, append = FALSE)
+	return(cat(..., end, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels,
+		append = append))
+cta <- function (..., file = "", sep = "", end = "\n", fill = FALSE,
+labels = NULL)
+	return(cat(..., end, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels,
+		append = TRUE))
+ct_ <- function (..., file = "", sep = " ", end = "\n", fill = FALSE,
+labels = NULL, append = FALSE)
+	return(cat(..., end, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels,
+		append = append))
+cta_ <- function (..., file = " ", sep = "", end = "\n", fill = FALSE,
+labels = NULL)
+	return(cat(..., end, file = file, sep = sep, fill = fill, labels = labels,
+		append = TRUE))
+strTrimb <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim both sides
+	pat <- (if (isTRUE(all.spaces)) "[[:space:]]+" else "[[:blank:]]+")
+	## Trim left first
+	x <- strReplace(p("^", pat), "", x)
+	## ... then trim right
+	return(strReplace(p(pat, "$"), "", x))
+strTriml <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim left-side only
+	pat <- (if (is.TRUE(all.spaces)) "^[[:space:]]+" else "^[[:blank:]]+")
+	return(strReplace(pat, "", x))
+strTrimr <- function (x, all.spaces = FALSE) # Trim right-side only
+	pat <- (if (is.TRUE(all.space)) "[[:space:]]+$" else "[[:blank:]]+$")
+	return(strReplace(pat, "", x))
+## Change case and translate
+strTr()				<- chartr
+strCaseFold()		<- casefold
+strLower()			<- tolower
+strUpper()			<- toupper
+## Character encoding
+encodingToNative()	<- enc2native
+encodingToUTF8()	<- enc2utf8
+encoding()			<- Encoding
+`encoding<-`		<- `Encoding<-`
+## Measure size of a string (package graphics)
+strHeight()			<- strheight
+strWidth()			<- strwidth
+## Match and expand character strings to a list of items
+strExpand()			<- char.expand
+strMatch()			<- charmatch
+# What to do with pmatch()???
+## Conversion to character string
+# To avoid using strtoi(), we prefer as.integerBase (because as.integer cannot
+# be converted into a generic function, because it is a primitive!)
+#strToInt()			<- strtoi # Allows to choose the base used for char representation
+as.integerBase 		<- strtoi
+#+paste = cChar? + my special character string manipulation functions?
+# is.wholenumber(), see ?as.integer => define isWholeInt?
+## This should be nice:
+## Define a valid method to be applied to S3 objects to make sure they are
+## correct
+valid <- function (object, ...)
+	UseMethod("valid")
+valid.default <- function (object, ...)
+	return(object)
+ifIs <- function (x, what, yes = valid(x),
+no = stop("need a ", what, " object"))
+	return(if (inherits(x, what)) yes else no)
+ifElse			<- ifelse
+## This is useful to get something similar to df$var or obj at slot
+## TODO: how to solve the case ll%a%metadata$OK for metadata being a list?
+`%a%` <- function (x, which)
+	return(attr(x, deparse(substitute(which)), exact = FALSE))
+`%a%<-` <- function (x, which, value)
+	return(`attr<-`(x, deparse(substitute(which)), value))
+## To be consistent with the other extraction functions:
+a <- function (x, which, exact = TRUE)
+	return(attr(x, which, exact))
+## Environments management
+## Usually, to create an object, we use its name, but
+## environment() means something else here!
+## So, OK, we'll stick with
+newEnv <- new.env
+## for the moment...
+## Now, we want to be able to use names() on it too!
+## Note that for environments, we got items by alphabetic order
+## => not exactly the same as for vector, list, or so!
+names <- function (x)
+	if (inherits(x, "environment")) ls(x, all = TRUE) else base::names(x)
+## Do we implement `names<-` for environments???
+## A more convenient setwd()/getwd() using objects
+wdir <- function (dir = NULL)
+	if (is.null(dir)) {
+		dir <- getwd()
+		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		return(dir)
+	} else { # Change current working directory
+		owdir <- setwd(dir)
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		owdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", owdir)
+		class(owdir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Save old working directory
+		.owdir <<- owdir
+		return(owdir)
+	}
+## Get or set session dir
+sdir <- function (dir = NULL)
+	if (is.null(dir)) {
+		dir <- getOption("R.initdir")
+		if (is.null(dir)) return(NULL)
+		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		return(dir)
+	} else { # Change current session directory
+		osdir <- getOption("R.initdir")
+		## TODO: make sure to do everything required to cleanly close current
+		## session!
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		options(R.initdir = dir)
+		## TODO: make everything we need to open the new session directory
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		osdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", osdir)
+		class(osdir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Save old session directory
+		.osdir <<- osdir
+		return(osdir)
+	}
+subclass <- function (x, class, superclasses = NULL)
+	## TODO: check this is an S3 object that inherits from the gicven class(es)
+	if (!is.null(superclasses)) {
+		misClass <- inherits(x, as.character(superclasses), which = TRUE) == 0
+		if (any(misClass))
+			stop("'x' soes not inherits from", paste(superclasses[misClass],
+				collapse = ", "))
+	}
+	## Check if new class in not already defined
+	if (class %in% class(x)) return(x)
+	## Prepend that class
+	class(x) <- c(class, class(x))
+	return(x)
+`subclass<-` <- function (x, value)
+	if (!value %in% class(x)) class(x) <- c(value, class(x))
+	return(x)
+filename <- function (...)
+	## Create a vector of filename objects inheriting from character
+	return(subclass(as.character(c(...)), "filename"))
+print.filename <- function (x, ...)
+	path <- as.character(x)
+	path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", path)
+	## Make sure paths are ended with / to differentiate them from files 
+	isdir <- file.info(path)$isdir
+	## Non-existent files are these ones
+	nofile <- is.na(isdir)
+	path[nofile] <- paste(path[nofile], "*", sep = "")
+	## These are directories
+	isdir <- (isdir & !grepl("/$", path))
+	isdir[is.na(isdir)] <- FALSE
+	path[isdir] <- paste(path[isdir], "/", sep = "")
+	## Print it
+	print(noquote(paste("<", path, ">", sep = "")))
+	return(invisible(x))

Added: pkg/SciViews/R/file.R
--- pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/SciViews/R/file.R	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+## Essentially a series of base R function that manipulate files and directories
+## and that are renamed/rationalized for facility
+subclass <- function (x, class, superclasses = NULL)
+	## TODO: check this is an S3 object that inherits from the gicven class(es)
+	if (!is.null(superclasses)) {
+		misClass <- inherits(x, as.character(superclasses), which = TRUE) == 0
+		if (any(misClass))
+			stop("'x' soes not inherits from", paste(superclasses[misClass],
+				collapse = ", "))
+	}
+	## Check if new class in not already defined
+	if (class %in% class(x)) return(x)
+	## Prepend that class
+	class(x) <- c(class, class(x))
+	return(x)
+`subclass<-` <- function (x, value)
+	if (!value %in% class(x)) class(x) <- c(value, class(x))
+	return(x)
+## A replacement for file.path
+filePath <- function (..., fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
+	## Create a filePath objects inheriting from character
+	return(structure(.Internal(file.path(list(...), fsep)),
+		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+print.filePath <- function (x, ...)
+	path <- as.character(x)
+	path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", path)
+	## Make sure paths are ended with / to differentiate them from files 
+	isdir <- file.info(path)$isdir
+	## Non-existent files are these ones
+	nofile <- is.na(isdir)
+	path[nofile] <- paste(path[nofile], "*", sep = "")
+	## These are directories
+	isdir <- (isdir & !grepl("/$", path))
+	isdir[is.na(isdir)] <- FALSE
+	path[isdir] <- paste(path[isdir], "/", sep = "")
+	## Print it
+	print(noquote(paste("<", path, ">", sep = "")))
+	return(invisible(x))
+## Rework file paths
+## basename
+fileName <- function (path)
+	return(structure(basename(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## dirname
+fileDir <- function (path)
+	return(structure(dirname(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## path.expand
+fileExpand <- function (path)
+	return(structure(path.expand(path), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## normalizePath
+fileNormalize <- function (path, mustWork = FALSE)
+	return(structure(normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = mustWork),
+		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## Get various files or directories
+## R.home
+dirR <- function (component = "home")
+	return(structure(R.home(component), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## system.file TODO: case it returns ""! And should we use mustWork?
+filePackage	<- function (..., package = "base", lib.loc = NULL, mustWork = FALSE)
+	return(structure(system.file(..., package = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
+		mustWork = mustWork), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## tempdir
+dirTemp <- function ()
+	return(structure(.Internal(tempdir()), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## tempfile
+fileTemp <- function (pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = "")
+	return(structure(.Internal(tempfile(pattern, tmpdir, fileext)),
+		class = c("filePath", "character")))
+## Sys.which, TODO: keep names and display them in print.filePath objects!
+fileFind <- function (names)
+	return(structure(Sys.which(names), class = c("filePath", "character")))
+dirList				dir
+dirList				list.dirs
+fileList			list.files
+dirCreate			dir.create
+fileAccess			file.access
+fileAppend			file.append
+fileChoose			file.choose
+fileCopy			file.copy
+fileCreate			file.create
+fileExists			file.exists
+fileInfo			file.info
+fileLink			file.link
+fileRemove			file.remove
+fileRename			file.rename
+fileShow			file.show
+fileSymlink			file.symlink
+fileChmod			Sys.chmod
+fileGlob			Sys.glob
+fileUnlink			unlink
+# = isDir/isFile
+## A more convenient setwd()/getwd() using objects
+wdir <- function (dir = NULL)
+	if (is.null(dir)) {
+		dir <- getwd()
+		class(dir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		return(dir)
+	} else { # Change current working directory
+		owdir <- setwd(dir)
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		owdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", owdir)
+		class(owdir) <- c("filename", "character")
+		## Save old working directory
+		.owdir <<- owdir
+		return(owdir)
+	}
+## Get or set session dir
+sdir <- function (dir = NULL)
+	if (is.null(dir)) {
+		dir <- getOption("R.initdir")
+		if (is.null(dir)) return(NULL)
+		class(dir) <- c("filePath", "character")
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		return(dir)
+	} else { # Change current session directory
+		osdir <- getOption("R.initdir")
+		## TODO: make sure to do everything required to cleanly close current
+		## session!
+		dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dir)
+		options(R.initdir = dir)
+		## TODO: make everything we need to open the new session directory
+		## Make sure to use /, even under Windows
+		osdir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", osdir)
+		class(osdir) <- c("filePath", "character")
+		## Save old session directory
+		.osdir <<- osdir
+		return(osdir)
+	}

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 SystemRequirements: TODO!!!
 Description: Rapidly construct dialog boxes for your GUI, including an automatic
   function assistant
-Version: 0.9-44
-Date: 2011-07-29
+Version: 0.9-45
+Date: 2011-11-11
 Author: Philippe Grosjean
 Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
 License: GPL-2

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 # To be eliminated, except for svGUI
 import(tcltk, svMisc, svGUI)
-       dlgDir,
@@ -16,7 +15,11 @@
-       guiSetStyle.tcltk)
+       guiSetStyle.tcltk,
+       menuAdd,
+       menuAddItem,
+       menuDel,
+       menuDelItem)
 # To be eliminated
 S3method(display, guiDlg)

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NEWS
--- pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 = svDialogs News
+== Changes in svDialogs 0.9-45
+* Similar custom menus as winMenuXXX() functions are added and allow to add
+  custom menus on the Mac (both R.app and terminal) and for R run on a
+  Gnome desktop, providing the system is configured to manage such menus,
+  see ?menuAdd.
 == Changes in svDialogs 0.9-44
 * The guiDlgXXX() functions are reworked into S3 methods and their interface

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/menu.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/menu.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/menu.R	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+## Menu functions
+.menuClear <- function ()
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = NULL,
+		Darwin = .macMenuClear(),
+		.unixMenuClear()
+	)
+	return(invisible(res))
+menuAdd <- function (menuname)
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = winMenuAdd(menuname),
+		Darwin = .macMenuAdd(menuname),
+		.unixMenuAdd(menuname)
+	)
+	return(invisible(res))
+menuAddItem <- function (menuname, itemname, action)
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = winMenuAddItem(menuname, itemname, action),
+		Darwin = .macMenuAddItem(menuname, itemname, action),
+		.unixMenuAddItem(menuname, itemname, action)
+	)
+	return(invisible(res))
+menuDel <- function (menuname)
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = try(winMenuDel(menuname), silent = TRUE),
+		Darwin = .macMenuDel(menuname),
+		.unixMenuDel(menuname)
+	)
+	return(invisible(res))
+menuDelItem <- function (menuname, itemname)
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = try(winMenuDelItem(menuname, itemname), silent = TRUE),
+		Darwin = .macMenuDelItem(menuname, itemname),
+		.unixMenuDelItem(menuname, itemname)
+	)
+	return(invisible(res))
+## Windows version and standard winMenuXXX
+## TODO: fallback system for Rterm???
+## Mac OS X version
+## Note, either we use AppleScript folder (by default) or the XMenu folder
+## Install XMenu from http://xmenu.en.softonic.com/mac.
+## You should use the custom commands only for R, because it will erase
+## everything in it everytime the svDialogs package starts!
+## Configure XMenu to display only User-Defined items, and name it R.
+## Select folders before files, for icons: None, Big font
+## and for menu titles: Text and then, Start at login
+#options(useXMenu = TRUE)
+.macMenuFolder <- function ()
+	## Get the root folder for the R menus, depends on wether we use XMenu or not
+	useXMenu <- getOption("useXMenu", default = NULL)
+	if (is.null(useXMenu)) {
+		## If not specified, look if a "R" file or folder exists
+		useXMenu <- file.exists("~/Library/Application Support/XMenu/R")
+	} else useXMenu <- isTRUE(useXMenu)	
+	return(getOption("menuFolder", default = if (useXMenu)
+		"~/Library/Application Support/XMenu/Custom" else
+		"~/Library/Scripts/Applications/R"))
+.macMenuClear <- function () {
+    ## To be called when svDialogs package loads: make sure to zap all
+    ## custom menu items that may have been previously defined
+    ## (also call it when the package closes)
+    odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    setwd(.macMenuFolder())
+	setwd("..")
+    folder <- file.path(".", basename(.macMenuFolder()))
+	unlink(folder, recursive = TRUE)
+    dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
+    ## Now, I can assume that the dir is created and is empty
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.macMenuAdd <- function (menuname)
+    ## Menus are folders created in ~/Scripts/Applications/R/Custom
+    ## I just need to create (recursively) the directories
+    dir.create(file.path(.macMenuFolder(), menuname),
+		showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.macMenuAddItem <- function (menuname, itemname, action)
+    ## Make sure that the dir is created
+    .macMenuAdd(menuname)
+    ## Switch to this folder
+	odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    setwd(file.path(.macMenuFolder(), menuname))
+	## Add an executable file in it with 'itemname' name
+	## that contains AppleScript code to run action in R
+	## Determine if R is run in R.app or in a terminal window
+	if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") {
+		## Can be R or R64 or SciViews R or SciViews R64!
+		app <- paste('"', system("osascript -e 'name of application \"R\"'",
+			intern = TRUE), '"', sep = "")
+	} else app <- "\"Terminal\""
+	## Define action accordingly
+	if (action == "none") {
+		cmd <- "to activate"
+	} else {
+		## Make sure to quote "
+		action <- gsub('"', '\\\\"', action)
+		## Also replace \n, \r and \t
+		action <- gsub('\n', '\\\\\\\\n', action)
+		action <- gsub('\r', '\\\\\\\\r', action)
+		action <- gsub('\t', '\\\\\\\\t', action)
+		if (app == "\"Terminal\"") {
+			cmd <- paste("to do script \"", action, "\" in window 1", sep = "")	
+		} else {
+			cmd <- paste("to cmd \"", action, "\"", sep = "")
+		}
+	}
+	## Compile applescript item
+	system(paste("osacompile -e 'tell application ", app, " ", cmd,
+		"' -o \"", itemname, ".app\"", sep = ""), ignore.stdout = TRUE,
+		ignore.stderr = TRUE)
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.macMenuDel <- function (menuname)
+    ## Unlink does not like ~ => change working dir first
+    odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    setwd(.macMenuFolder())
+    unlink(menuname, recursive = TRUE)
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.macMenuDelItem <- function (menuname, itemname)
+    ## Unlink does not like ~ => change working dir first
+    odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    setwd(file.path(.macMenuFolder()))
+	unlink(file.path(".", menuname, paste(itemname, "app", sep = ".")),
+		recursive = TRUE) 
+    return(invisible(NULL))    
+## Linux/Unix version
+## Explanation: to run this, you need to install xvkbd and file-browser-applet
+## for Gnome. Under Ubuntu, you make:
+## sudo apt-get install file-browser-apple
+## sudo apt-get install xvkbd
+## You need to log out and in again to make the applet available
+## Then, you need to install and configure a file browser applet in a panel
+## right-click in a panel, select 'add to Panel...' and drag&drop a 'File Browser'
+## Right-click on the file browser and select 'Preferences'. In the preference
+## box, eleminate the default entry (Home) and add all subdirectories from
+## ~/Scripts/Applications/R. You can access R menus from there, and it sends
+## corresponding commands to the focused window (e.g., a terminal running R)
+## TODO: find a similar item for KDE and new Ubuntu unity interface!
+## winMenuAdd(), winMenuAddItem(), winMenuDel() and winMenuDelItem() already
+## defined for windows RGui, but need a substitution for Rterm!
+.unixMenuFolder <- function ()
+	## Get the root folder for the R menus
+	return(getOption("menuFolder", default = "~/R/R menu"))
+.unixMenuClear <- function () {
+    ## To be called when svDialogs package loads: make sure to zap all
+    ## custom menu items that may have been previously defined
+    ## (also call it when the package closes)
+    odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    res <- try(setwd(.unixMenuFolder()), silent = TRUE)
+	if (inherits(res, "try-error")) {
+		## The directory does not exists yet... create it!
+		dir.create(.uniMenuFolder(), recursive = TRUE)
+	} else {
+		## The directory already exists... clear it now
+		setwd("..")
+		folder <- file.path(".", basename(.unixMenuFolder()))
+		unlink(folder, recursive = TRUE)
+	}
+	dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
+    ## Now, I can assume that the dir is created and is empty
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.unixMenuAdd <- function (menuname) {
+    ## I just need to create (recursively) the directories
+    dir.create(file.path(.unixMenuFolder(), menuname),
+		showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.unixMenuAddItem <- function (menuname, itemname, action) {
+    ## Make sure that the dir is created
+    .unixMenuAdd(menuname)
+    ## Add an executable file in it with 'itemname' name
+    ## and containing: xvkbd -text "action\r" except if action is "none"
+    cmdFile <- file.path(.unixMenuFolder(), menuname, itemname)
+	if (action == "none") {
+		cat("\n", file = cmdFile)
+    } else {
+		## Make sure to quote "
+		action <- gsub('"', '\\\\"', action)
+		## Also replace \n, \r and \t (and wait 200ms between lines)
+		action <- gsub('\n', '\\\\r\\\\D2', action)
+		action <- gsub('\r', '\\\\r\\\\D2', action)
+		action <- gsub('\t', '    ', action)
+		cat("xvkbd -text \"", action, "\\r\"\n", sep = "", file = cmdFile)
+    }
+    ## Make this file executable
+    Sys.chmod(cmdFile, mode = "755")
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.unixMenuDel <- function (menuname) {
+    ## Unlink does not like ~ => change working dir first
+    odir <- getwd()
+    on.exit(setwd(odir))
+    setwd(.unixMenuFolder())
+    unlink(menuname, recursive = TRUE)
+    return(invisible(NULL))
+.unixMenuDelItem <- function (menuname, itemname) {
+    ## Unlink does not like ~ => change working dir first
+    path <- file.path(.unixMenuFolder(), menuname)
+    if (file.exists(path) && file.info(path)$isdir) {
+		odir <- getwd()
+		on.exit(setwd(odir))
+		setwd(path)
+		unlink(itemname)
+    }
+    return(invisible(NULL))    

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/svDialogs-internal.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/svDialogs-internal.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/svDialogs-internal.R	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.onLoad <- function (lib, pkg)
+	## Clear menus
+	.menuClear()
+.onUnload <- function (libpath)
+	## Clear menus again
+	.menuClear()
+.packageName <- "svDialogs"

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/TODO
--- pkg/svDialogs/TODO	2011-12-11 18:22:17 UTC (rev 410)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/TODO	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
 * Translation into different languages.
-* Control the terminal (where R runs) using osascript:
-  osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" to do script %s'
 * Rename .GUI .UI, make UI() and use it instead? object name is UI. setUI(),
   getUI(), startUI(), endUI(), and should they really be generic functions?

Added: pkg/svDialogs/man/menu.Rd
--- pkg/svDialogs/man/menu.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/man/menu.Rd	2011-12-11 19:39:50 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+\title{ Manage custom R menus }
+  Create, populate and rework custom R menus.
+menuAddItem(menuname, itemname, action)
+menuDelItem(menuname, itemname)
+  \item{menuname}{ a character string naming a menu. }
+  \item{itemname}{ a character string naming a menu item on an existing menu. }
+  \item{action}{ a character string describing the action when that menu is
+    selected, or \code{"none"} for no action. }
+  On Windows, the function manages custom menus in RGui the same way as
+  \code{winMenuAdd()} and similar function do. Menus are added to the right
+  and new menu entries are added to the bottom of the menu. It is currently
+  not possible to add menus for Rterm.exe under Windows.
+  On Mac OS X, AppleScript custom application folder is used by default. It
+  can be used only with R.app and you can access it through Mac script menu
+  displayed in menu bar (to activate it, open Utilities -> AppleScript editor,
+  then, go to Preferences... and check 'Show script menu in menu bar'). Custom
+  R menus will be visible as folders in this menu bar item only when R.app or
+  R64.app is the formost application. there is an alternate interface using the
+  XMenu menu bar applet. It works with both R.app and R run in a terminal, but
+  you have to install and customize it first. Install XMenu from
+  http://xmenu.en.softonic.com/mac. You should use the custom commands only for
+  R custom menus, because svDialogs will erase everything in it everytime the
+  package starts!
+  Configure XMenu to display only User-Defined items, and name it \"R\". Select
+  \"Folders before files\". For icons, best rendering is obtained with \"None,
+  Big font\". For menu titles, select \"Text\" for entries that look like real
+  menus. Be sure to check also "Start at login". Selection of XMenu instead of
+  AppleScript menus is not automatic, but it can be enabled in two different
+  ways: (1) by entering \code{option(useXMenu = TRUE)}, or by placing a \"R\"
+  file or folder in '~/Library/Application Support/XMenu'.
+  On Unix/Linux, under Gnome, you must install xvkbd and the file-browser-applet
+  for Gnome. Under Ubuntu, you make:
+  sudo apt-get install file-browser-apple
+  sudo apt-get install xvkbd
+  You need to log out and in again to make the applet available. Then, you need
+  to install and configure a file browser applet in a panel right-click in a
+  panel, select 'add to Panel...' and drag&drop a 'File Browser'. Right-click on
+  the file browser and select 'Preferences'. In the preference box, eliminate
+  the default entry (Home) and add all subdirectories from

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sciviews -r 411

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