[Sciviews-commits] r382 - in pkg: . svDialogs svDialogs/R svDialogs/man svDialogstcltk svDialogstcltk/R svDialogstcltk/inst svDialogstcltk/man svGUI svGUI/R svGUI/man svHttp svHttp/R svHttp/inst svHttp/man svKomodo svKomodo/R svKomodo/inst svKomodo/man svMisc/R svSocket/man svWidgets tcltk2

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Aug 1 01:05:47 CEST 2011

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2011-08-01 01:05:46 +0200 (Mon, 01 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 382

   pkg/tcltk2/tcltk2 tk2icoReplacement.R
Major refactoring: svGUI function now in svHttp or svKomodo. New functions in svGUI to manage GUIs. Functions in svDialogs also changed and code placed in svDialogstcltk.

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2011-07-26 07:22:23 UTC (rev 381)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/DESCRIPTION	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Package: svDialogs
 Type: Package
 Title: SciViews GUI API - Dialog boxes
-Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), tcltk
-Imports: svMisc
+Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), svGUI (>= 0.9-52), tcltk, svMisc
+SystemRequirements: TODO!!!
 Description: Rapidly construct dialog boxes for your GUI, including an automatic
   function assistant
-Version: 0.9-43
-Date: 2010-09-25
+Version: 0.9-44
+Date: 2011-07-29
 Author: Philippe Grosjean
 Maintainer: Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org>
 License: GPL-2

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2011-07-26 07:22:23 UTC (rev 381)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NAMESPACE	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -1,30 +1,46 @@
-import(tcltk, svMisc)
+# To be eliminated, except for svGUI
+import(tcltk, svMisc, svGUI)
+       dlgDir,
+       dlgInput,
+       dlgList,
+       dlgMessage,
+       #dlgOpen,
+       #dlgSave,
+       # To be reworked
+       display,
-       guiDlgAssistant,
-       guiDlgColor,
-       guiDlgDir,
-       guiDlgDoubleList,
-       guiDlgFont,
-       guiDlgFormula,
-       guiDlgGraphOptions,
-       guiDlgGrid,
-       guiDlgInput,
-       guiDlgItemSel,
-       guiDlgList,
-       guiDlgMessage,
-       guiDlgOpen,
-       guiDlgOptions,
-       guiDlgProgress,
-       guiDlgSave,
-       guiDlgText,
-       guiDlgVarSel,
-       guiDlgView,
+       guiEval,
+# To be eliminated
 S3method(display, guiDlg)
+S3method(dlgDir, gui)
+S3method(dlgDir, textCLI)
+S3method(dlgDir, nativeGUI)
+S3method(dlgInput, gui)
+S3method(dlgInput, textCLI)
+S3method(dlgInput, nativeGUI)
+S3method(dlgList, gui)
+S3method(dlgList, textCLI)
+S3method(dlgList, nativeGUI)
+S3method(dlgMessage, gui)
+S3method(dlgMessage, textCLI)
+S3method(dlgMessage, nativeGUI)
+#S3method(dlgOpen, gui)
+#S3method(dlgOpen, textCLI)
+#S3method(dlgOpen, nativeGUI)
+#S3method(dlgSave, gui)
+#S3method(dlgSave, textCLI)
+#S3method(dlgSave, nativeGUI)

Modified: pkg/svDialogs/NEWS
--- pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2011-07-26 07:22:23 UTC (rev 381)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/NEWS	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -1,5 +1,25 @@
 = svDialogs News
+== Changes in svDialogs 0.9-44
+* The guiDlgXXX() functions are reworked into S3 methods and their interface
+  changes. To avoid any confusion, they are renamed dlgXXX().
+* dlgMessage() is reworked into native dialog box, but it looses a couple
+  of options during the process (title, icon, parent). The previous code is now
+  moved to svDialogs.tcltk.
+* dlgInput() is reworked the same way, and it looses the 'parent' argument that
+  was not implemented yet, anyway, and the 'title' argument that is now always
+  "question" in order to match winDialogString() function for Windows.
+* dlgList() is also refactored that way. Its interface is completely changed
+  to better match the arguments of select.list() and to make it a direct
+  replacement for that function.
+* dlgDir() is completely rewritten, as well as, dlgOpen() and dlgSave().
 == Changes in svDialogs 0.9-43
 * tcltk R package is moved from depends to imports.

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgDir.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgDir.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgDir.R	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+## Define the S3 method
+dlgDir <- function (default = getwd(), message, ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	if (!gui$startUI("dlgDir", call = match.call(), default = default,
+		msg = "Displaying a modal dir selection dialog box",
+		msg.no.ask = "A modal dir selection dialog box was by-passed"))
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	## Check and rework main arguments and place them in gui$args
+	if (!is.null(default) && !inherits(default, "character") &&
+		length(default) != 1)
+        stop("'default' must be a length 1 character string or NULL")
+	if (is.null(default)) default <- getwd()
+    if (file.exists(default)) {
+        if (!file.info(default)$isdir)
+            stop("'default' must be a directory, not a file!")
+    }
+	default <- path.expand(default)
+	## Under Windows, it uses \\ as separator, although .Platform$file.sep
+	## is now / (tested in R 2.11.1) => replace it
+	if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
+		default <- gsub("\\\\", "/", default)
+	if (missing(message) || message == "") message <- "Choose a directory" else
+		message <- paste(message, collapse = "\n")
+	gui$setUI(args = list(default = default, message = message))
+	## ... and dispatch to the method
+	UseMethod("dlgDir", gui)
+## Used to break the chain of NextMethod(), searching for a usable method
+## in the current context
+dlgDir.gui <- function (default = getwd(), message, ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	msg <- paste("No workable method available to display a dir selection dialog box using:",
+		paste(guiWidgets(gui), collapse = ", "))
+	gui$setUI(status = "error", msg = msg, widgets = "none")
+	stop(msg)
+## The pure textual version used a fallback in case no GUI could be used
+dlgDir.textCLI <- function (default = getwd(), message, ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "textCLI")
+	## Ask for the directory
+	res <- readline(paste(gui$args$message, " [", gui$args$default, "]: ",
+		sep = ""))
+	if (res == "") res <- gui$args$default else res <- res
+	## To get the same behaviour as the GUI equivalents, we must make sure
+	## it is a directory, or try to create it (possibly recursively, if it
+	## does not exist). Also return absolute path
+	if (file.exists(res)) {
+		## Check that this is a directory, not a file!
+		if (!file.info(res)$isdir) {
+			warning(res, " is not a directory")
+			res <- character(0) # Same as if the user did cancel the dialog box
+		}
+	} else {
+		## The directory does not exists, try to create it now...
+		dir.create(res, recursive = TRUE)
+		if (!file.exists(res) || !file.info(res)$isdir) {
+			warning("Error while creating the directory ", res)
+			res <- character(0)
+		}
+	}
+	if (length(res)) res <- normalizePath(res)
+	gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+	return(invisible(gui))
+## The native version of the input box
+dlgDir.nativeGUI <- function (default = getwd(), message, ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "nativeGUI")
+	## A 'choose a directory' dialog box
+    ## It almost follows the conventions of tkchooseDirectory()
+    ## The argument default indicates the initial directory
+    ## If cancelled, then return character(0)
+    ## This dialog box is always modal
+	##
+	## It is a replacement for choose.dir(), tk_choose.dir() & tkchooseDirectory()
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = .winDlgDir(gui$args$default, gui$args$message),
+		Darwin = .macDlgDir(gui$args$default, gui$args$message),
+		.unixDlgDir(gui$args$default, gui$args$message)
+	)
+	## Do we need to further dispatch?
+	if (is.null(res)) NextMethod("dlgDir", gui) else {
+		gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	}
+## Windows version
+.winDlgDir <- function (default = getwd(), message = "")
+	res <- choose.dir(default = default, caption = message)
+    if (is.na(res)) res <- character(0) else res <-  gsub("\\\\", "/", res)
+	return(res)
+## Mac OS X version
+.macDlgDir <- function (default = getwd(), message = "")
+    ## Display a modal directory selector with native Mac dialog box
+	if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") app <- "(name of application \"R\")" else
+		app <- "\"Terminal\""
+	## Avoid displaying warning message when the user clicks on 'Cancel'
+	owarn <- getOption("warn")
+	on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+	options(warn = -1)
+	if (message == "") mcmd <- "" else mcmd <- paste("with prompt \"",
+		message, "\" ", sep = "")
+	cmd <- paste("-e 'tell application ", app,
+		" to set foldername to choose folder ", mcmd, "default location \"",
+		default , "\"' -e 'POSIX path of foldername'", sep = "")
+	## For some reasons, I cannot use system(intern = TRUE) with this in R.app/R64.app
+	## (deadlock situation?), but I can in R run in a terminal. system2() also
+	## works, but this preclue of using svDialogs on R < 2.12.0.
+	## The hack is thus to redirect output to a file, then, to read the content
+	## of that file and to desctroy it
+	tfile <- tempfile()
+	on.exit(unlink(tfile))
+	res <- try(system(paste("osascript", cmd, ">", tfile), wait = TRUE,
+		intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
+	if (inherits(res, "try-error") || !length(res)) return(character(0))
+	if (res > 0) return(character(0)) # User cancelled input
+	res <- readLines(tfile)
+	#res <- sub("^text returned:", "", res)
+	#res <- sub(", button returned:.*$", "", res)
+	#res <- paste(res, collapse = " ")
+	return(res)	
+## Linux/Unix version
+.unixDlgDir <- function (default = getwd(), message = "")
+    ## zenity must be installed on this machine!
+    if (Sys.which("zenity") == "") return(NULL)
+    ## Avoid displaying warning message in case user clicks on Cancel
+    owarn <- getOption("warn")
+    on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+    options(warn = -1)
+    ## Use zenity to display the directory selection
+	## There is no message area here, but one can set the title
+	if (message == "") {
+		message <- "Choose a directory" # Default message
+	} else {
+		## Determine if the message is multiline...
+		if (regexpr("\n", message) > 0) {
+			## Try to use a notification instead
+			if (Sys.which("notify-send") != "") {
+				system(paste("notify-send --category=\"R\"",
+					" \"R message\" \"", message, "\"", sep = ""), wait = FALSE)
+				message <- "Choose folder"			
+			} # Else the wole message cannot be displayed!!
+		}
+	}
+    msg <- paste("zenity --file-selection --title=\"", message,
+	"\" --directory --filename=\"", default, "\"", sep = "")
+    res <- system(msg, intern = TRUE)
+    return(res)	

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgInput.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgInput.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgInput.R	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+## Define the S3 method
+dlgInput <- function (message = "Enter a value",
+default = "", ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	if (!gui$startUI("dlgInput", call = match.call(), default = default,
+		msg = "Displaying a modal input dialog box",
+		msg.no.ask = "A modal input dialog box was by-passed"))
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	## Check and rework main arguments and place them in gui$args
+	if (is.null(message) || !inherits(message, "character"))
+        stop("'message' must be a character string!")
+	message <- paste(message, collapse = "\n")
+    if (is.null(default)) default <- "" else {
+        if (!inherits(default, "character") || length(default) != 1)
+            stop("'default' must be a unique character string or NULL!")
+    }
+	gui$setUI(args = list(message = message, default = default))
+	## ... and dispatch to the method
+	UseMethod("dlgInput", gui)
+## Used to break the chain of NextMethod(), searching for a usable method
+## in the current context
+dlgInput.gui <- function (message = "Enter a value",
+default = "", ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	msg <- paste("No workable method available to display an input dialog box using:",
+		paste(guiWidgets(gui), collapse = ", "))
+	gui$setUI(status = "error", msg = msg, widgets = "none")
+	stop(msg)
+## The pure textual version used a fallback in case no GUI could be used
+dlgInput.textCLI <- function (message = "Enter a value",
+default = "", ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "textCLI")
+	## Ask for the input with readline()
+	res <- readline(paste(gui$args$message,
+		" [", gui$args$default, "]: ", sep = ""))
+	if (res == "") res <- gui$args$default
+	gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+	return(invisible(gui))
+## The native version of the input box
+dlgInput.nativeGUI <- function (message = "Enter a value",
+default = "", ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "nativeGUI")
+	## A simple text input box using native window
+	## Return either a string, or character(0) if 'Cancel' clicked
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = .winDlgInput(gui$args$message, gui$args$default),
+		Darwin = .macDlgInput(gui$args$message, gui$args$default),
+		.unixDlgInput(gui$args$message, gui$args$default)
+	)
+	## Do we need to further dispatch?
+	if (is.null(res)) NextMethod("dlgInput", gui) else {
+		gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	}
+## Windows version
+.winDlgInput <- function (message, default)
+	res <- winDialogString(message = message, default = default)
+    if (is.null(res)) res <- character(0)
+	return(res)
+## Mac OS X version
+.macDlgInput <- function (message, default)
+    ## Display a modal message with native Mac dialog box
+	if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") app <- "(name of application \"R\")" else
+		app <- "\"Terminal\""
+	## Avoid displaying warning message when the user clicks on 'Cancel'
+	owarn <- getOption("warn")
+	on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+	options(warn = -1)
+	cmd <- paste("-e 'tell application ", app,
+		" to display dialog \"", message, "\" default answer \"", default,
+		"\" with title \"Question\" buttons {\"Cancel\",\"OK\"} cancel button 1",
+		" default button 2'", sep = "")
+	## For some reasons, I cannot use system(intern = TRUE) with this in R.app/R64.app
+	## (deadlock situation?), but I can in R run in a terminal. system2() also
+	## works, but this preclue of using svDialogs on R < 2.12.0.
+	## The hack is thus to redirect output to a file, then, to read the content
+	## of that file and to desctroy it
+	tfile <- tempfile()
+	on.exit(unlink(tfile))
+	res <- try(system(paste("osascript", cmd, ">", tfile), wait = TRUE,
+		intern = FALSE, ignore.stderr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
+	if (inherits(res, "try-error") || !length(res)) return(character(0))
+	if (res > 0) return(character(0)) # User cancelled input
+	res <- readLines(tfile)
+	res <- sub("^text returned:", "", res)
+	res <- sub(", button returned:.*$", "", res)
+	res <- paste(res, collapse = " ")
+	return(res)
+## Linux/Unix version
+.unixDlgInput <- function (message, default) 
+    ## zenity must be installed on this machine!
+    if (Sys.which("zenity") == "") return(NULL)
+    ## Avoid displaying warning message in case user clicks on Cancel
+    owarn <- getOption("warn")
+    on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+    options(warn = -1)
+    ## Use zenity to display the prompt box
+    msg <- paste("zenity --entry --title=\"Question\" --text=\"", message,
+	"\" --entry-text=\"", default, "\"", sep = "")
+    res <- system(msg, intern = TRUE)
+    return(res)

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgList.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgList.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgList.R	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+## Define the S3 method
+dlgList <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE, title = NULL,
+..., gui = .GUI) {
+	## Check arguments
+	choices <- as.character(choices)
+	if (is.null(choices) || !length(choices)) # Nothing to select
+		return(character(0))
+	preselect <- as.character(preselect)
+	preselect <- preselect[preselect %in% choices]
+	if (!length(preselect)) preselect <- choices[1] # Select first item by default
+	## Start a GUI action... or by-pass it
+	if (!gui$startUI("dlgList", call = match.call(), default = preselect,
+		msg = "Displaying a modal list dialog box",
+		msg.no.ask = "A modal list dialog box was by-passed"))
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	## Further argument checking
+	if (!is.null(multiple) && !is.na(multiple))
+		multiple <- (multiple[1] == TRUE) else multiple <- FALSE
+	if (!is.null(title) && (!is.character(title) || length(title) != 1)) 
+        stop("'title' must be NULL or a length-1 character vector")
+	gui$setUI(args = list(choices = choices, preselect = preselect,
+		multiple = multiple, title = title))
+	## ... and dispatch to the method
+	UseMethod("dlgList", gui)
+## Used to break the chain of NextMethod(), searching for a usable method
+## in the current context
+dlgList.gui <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL, ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	msg <- paste("No workable method available to display a list dialog box using:",
+		paste(guiWidgets(gui), collapse = ", "))
+	gui$setUI(status = "error", msg = msg, widgets = "none")
+	stop(msg)
+## The pure textual version used a fallback in case no GUI could be used
+dlgList.textCLI <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL, ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "textCLI")
+	## Ask a selection in a textual menu
+	choices <- gui$args$choices
+	multiple <- gui$args$multiple
+	res <- select.list(choices = choices, preselect = gui$args$preselect,
+		multiple = multiple, title = gui$args$title, graphics = FALSE)
+    ## When multiple is FALSE and user cancelled, returns "" instead of
+	## character(0) => change this for consistency
+	if (!multiple && res == "" && !"" %in% choices)
+		res <- character(0)
+	res$gui <- res
+	return(invisible(gui))
+## The native version of the list box
+dlgList.nativeGUI <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL, ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "nativeGUI")
+	## This is a simple 'select in the list' dialog box
+    ## It follows the syntax of the select.list() function
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = .winDlgList(gui$args$choices, gui$args$preselect,
+			gui$args$multiple, gui$args$title),
+		Darwin = .macDlgList(gui$args$choices, gui$args$preselect,
+			gui$args$multiple, gui$args$title),
+		.unixDlgList(gui$args$choices, gui$args$preselect,
+			gui$args$multiple, gui$args$title)
+	)
+	## Do we need to further dispatch?
+	if (is.null(res)) NextMethod("dlgList", gui) else {
+		gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	}
+## Windows version
+## select.list() does not have exactly the same behaviour, or native look&feel
+## on all R programs => redefine it here to make it more homogeneous
+.winDlgList <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL)
+	## To get the same behaviour as under Mac and Linux, that is, to return
+	## character(0) when the user clicks on 'Cancel'
+	res <- select.list(choices = choices, preselect = preselect,
+		multiple = multiple, title = title, graphics = TRUE)
+	if (length(res) == 1 && res == "") return(character(0)) else return(res)
+## Mac OS X version
+.macDlgList <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL)
+	if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") { # Use the R(64).app list box
+		## Same as select.list(), but force graphics to TRUE
+		## and always do preselection (first element) to match behaviour
+		## under Windows
+		if (is.null(preselect) || !any(preselect %in% choices))
+			preselect <- choices[1]
+		return(select.list(choices = choices, preselect = preselect,
+			multiple = multiple, title = title, graphics = TRUE))
+	} else { # Probably run from terminal, use osascript to display the list box
+		## Make sure to keep only first preselection if !multiple
+		if (!multiple) preselect <- preselect[1]
+		## Format preselect into a single character string
+		sel <- paste('"', preselect, '  "', sep = "", collapse = ",")
+		## Format choices in a single string
+		items <- paste('"', choices, '  "', sep = "", collapse = ",")
+		## Default title
+		if (is.null(title)) if (multiple) title <- "Select one or more" else
+			title <- "Select one"
+		## Avoid displaying warning message when the user clicks on 'Cancel'
+		owarn <- getOption("warn")
+		on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+		options(warn = -1)
+		cmd <- paste("-e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to choose from list {",
+			items, "} with title \"Make your selection\" with prompt \"", title,
+			"\" multiple selections allowed ", multiple, " default items {",
+			sel, "}'", sep = "")
+		#res <- system2("osascript", cmd, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, wait = TRUE)
+		res <- system(paste("osascript", cmd), intern = TRUE, wait = TRUE)
+		if (res == "false") {
+			return(character(0))
+		} else {
+			res <- unlist(strsplit(sub("  $", "", res), "  , ", fixed = TRUE))
+			return(res)
+		}
+	}
+## Linux/Unix version
+.unixDlgList <- function (choices, preselect = NULL, multiple = FALSE,
+title = NULL) {
+    ## We don't use the ugly (on Linux) Tk version tk_select.list()
+    ## In zenity, the normal list mode do not allow for preselections
+    ## => switch to --checklist (multiple) or --radiolist (single) in this case
+    ## Make sure that we have at least one preselection
+    if (multiple) {
+		kind <- "--checklist --column=\"Pick\" --column=\"Item\" --multiple"
+	} else {
+		kind <- "--radiolist --column=\"Pick\" --column=\"Item\""
+	}
+	## Make sure only one item is preselected if multiple is FALSE (keep first one)
+    if (!multiple) preselect <- preselect[1]
+	## Create a string with TRUE/FALSE item alternated
+    sel <- choices %in% preselect
+    items <- paste(sel, ' "', choices, '"', sep = "", collapse = " ")
+    ## Default title
+    if (is.null(title)) if (multiple) title <- "Select one or more" else
+	title <- "Select one"
+    ## Avoid warning when user clicks on 'Cancel'
+    owarn <- getOption("warn")
+    on.exit(options(warn = owarn))
+    options(warn = -1)
+    ## Construct the command to send to zenity
+    cmd <- paste("zenity --list --text=\"", title, "\" ", kind,
+	" --hide-header --title=\"Make your choice\" --separator=\"@@@\" --height=",
+	80 + 25 * length(choices), " ", items, sep = "")
+    res <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
+    res <- unlist(strsplit(res, "@@@", fixed = TRUE))
+    if (is.null(res)) return(character(0)) else return(res)

Added: pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgMessage.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgMessage.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/dlgMessage.R	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+## Define the S3 method
+dlgMessage <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+"yesnocancel"), ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	if (!gui$startUI("dlgMessage", call = match.call(), default = "ok",
+		msg = "Displaying a modal message dialog box",
+		msg.no.ask = "A modal message dialog box was by-passed"))
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	## Check and rework main arguments and place them in gui$args
+    if (missing(message) || !inherits(message, "character"))
+        stop("'message' must be a character string!")
+    message <- paste(message, collapse = "\n")
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+	gui$setUI(args = list(message = message, type = type))
+	## ... and dispatch to the method
+	UseMethod("dlgMessage", gui)
+## Used to break the chain of NextMethod(), searching for a usable method
+## in the current context
+dlgMessage.gui <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+"yesnocancel"), ..., gui = .GUI) {
+	msg <- paste("No workable method available to display a message dialog box using:",
+		paste(guiWidgets(gui), collapse = ", "))
+	gui$setUI(status = "error", msg = msg, widgets = "none")
+	stop(msg)
+## The pure textual version used a fallback in case no GUI could be used
+dlgMessage.textCLI <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+"yesnocancel"), ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "textCLI")	
+	## Display the message and wait for user action
+	if (gui$args$type == "ok") {
+        readline(paste(gui$args$message, "\n(hit ENTER to continue) ", sep = ""))
+		res <- "ok"
+    } else {
+        ## Use a non-graphical select.list() for the others
+        choices <- switch(gui$args$type,
+            okcancel = c("ok", "cancel"),
+            yesno = c("yes", "no"),
+            yesnocancel = c("yes", "no", "cancel")
+        )
+        res <- select.list(choices, title = gui$ask$message, graphics = FALSE)
+        if (res == "" && type != "yesno") res <- "cancel"
+        if (res == "") res <- "no" # Selection of 0 with yes/no => no
+	}
+	gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+	return(invisible(gui))
+## The native version of the message box
+dlgMessage.nativeGUI <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+"yesnocancel"), ..., gui = .GUI)
+	gui$setUI(widgets = "nativeGUI")
+	## A simple message box
+    ## type can be 'ok' (info), 'okcancel', 'yesno', 'yesnocancel' (question)
+    ## This dialog box is always modal
+    ## Returns invisibly a character with the button that was pressed
+	res <- switch(Sys.info()["sysname"],
+		Windows = .winDlgMessage(gui$ask$message, gui$ask$type),
+		Darwin = .macDlgMessage(gui$ask$message, gui$ask$type),
+		.unixDlgMessage(gui$ask$message, gui$ask$type)
+	)
+	## Do we need to further dispatch?
+	if (is.null(res)) NextMethod("dlgMessage", gui) else {
+		gui$setUI(res = res, status = NULL)
+		return(invisible(gui))
+	}
+## Windows version
+.winDlgMessage <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+	res <- winDialog(type = type, message = message)
+	## Rework result to match the other functions
+	if (type == "ok") return(invisible("ok")) else return(tolower(res))
+## Mac OS X version	
+.macDlgMessage <- function (message, type= c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+    ## Display a modal message with native Mac dialog box
+	if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") app <- "(name of application \"R\")" else
+		app <- "\"Terminal\""
+	type <- match.arg(type)
+    buttons <- switch(type,
+		ok = "\"OK\"",
+		okcancel = "\"Cancel\",\"OK\"",
+		yesno = "\"No\",\"Yes\"",
+		yesnocancel = ",\"Cancel\",\"No\",\"Yes\"",
+		stop("type can only be 'ok'n 'okcancel', 'yesno', 'yesnocancel'"))
+	if (type == "ok") {
+		beep <- " -e 'beep'"
+		icon <- "caution"
+		title <- "\"Information\""
+		more <- " default button 1"
+	} else {
+		beep <- ""
+		icon <- "note"
+		title <- "\"Question\""
+		if (type == "yesnocancel")
+            more <- " default button 3 cancel button 1" else
+			if (type == "yesno") more <- " default button 2" else
+			more <- " default button 2 cancel button 1"
+	}
+	cmd <- paste("exit `osascript", beep, " -e 'tell application ", app,
+		" to set dlg to display dialog \"", message, "\" with title ", title,
+		more, " with icon ", icon, " buttons {", buttons,
+		"}' -e 'if button returned of dlg is \"No\" then 2' 2> /dev/null`",
+		sep = "")
+	res <- system(cmd, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE, wait = TRUE)
+	## Decrypt result
+	if (type == "ok")
+		if (res > 0) return(NULL) else return(invisible("ok"))
+	if (res == 2) return("no")
+	if (res == 1) return("cancel")
+	if (type == "okcancel") return("ok") else return("yes")
+## Linux/Unix version
+.unixDlgMessage <- function (message, type = c("ok", "okcancel", "yesno",
+    ## zenity must be installed on this machine!
+    if (Sys.which("zenity") == "") return(NULL)
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    if (type == "ok") {
+        alarm()
+        msg <- paste("zenity --info --text=\"", message,
+            "\" --title=\"Information\"", sep = "")
+        res <- system(msg)
+        if (res > 0) return(NULL) else return(invisible("ok"))
+    } else if (type == "yesnocancel") {
+        type <- "yesno"
+        confirm <- TRUE
+    } else confirm <- FALSE
+    ## Now, we have only "okcancel" or "yesno"
+    if (type == "okcancel") {
+        msg <- paste("zenity --question --text=\"", message,
+            "\" --ok-label=\"OK\" --cancel-label=\"Cancel\" --title=\"Question\"",
+            sep = "")
+        results <- c("ok", "cancel")
+    } else {
+        msg <- paste("zenity --question --text=\"", message,
+            "\" --ok-label=\"Yes\" --cancel-label=\"No\" --title=\"Question\"",
+            sep = "")
+        results <- c("yes", "no")
+    }
+    res <- system(msg)
+    if (res > 1) return(NULL) else res <- results[res + 1]
+    ## Do we ask to continue (if was yesnocancel)?
+    if (confirm) {
+        conf <- system("zenity --question --text=\"Continue?\" --ok-label=\"OK\" --cancel-label=\"Cancel\" --title=\"Confirm\"")
+        if (conf == 1) return("cancel")
+    }
+    return(res)

Deleted: pkg/svDialogs/R/fixedDlg.R
--- pkg/svDialogs/R/fixedDlg.R	2011-07-26 07:22:23 UTC (rev 381)
+++ pkg/svDialogs/R/fixedDlg.R	2011-07-31 23:05:46 UTC (rev 382)
@@ -1,591 +0,0 @@
-guiDlgAssistant <- function (...)
-    ## This is a non modal assistant dialog box... could also display tips
-    ## TODO...
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgColor <- function (...)
-    ## A color selection dialog box
-    ## TODO: a color range selector?
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgDir <- function (title = "Select a directory", dir = getwd(), new = TRUE,
-parent = 0, GUI = getOption("guiWidgets"))
-    ## A 'choose a directory' dialog box
-    ## It almost follows the conventions of tkchooseDirectory()
-    ## The argument dir indicates the initial directory
-    ## The argument new indicates if a new file name can be given
-    ## parent determines which is the parent window... if 0 then system modal
-    ## If cancelled, then return character(0)
-    ## This dialog box is always modal
-    ## Check arguments
-    if (!inherits(title, "character") && length(title) < 1)
-        stop("'title' must be a non empty character string!")
-    title <- title[1]  # Keep only first item for title
-    if (!is.null(new) && !is.na(new)) new <- (new == TRUE) else new <- FALSE
-    if (!inherits(dir, "character"))
-        stop("'dir' must be a character string!")
-    dir <- dir[1]  # Keep only first one, if several are provided
-    ## Check this is a directory (if it exists)
-    if (file.exists(dir)) {
-        if (!file.info(dir)$isdir)
-            stop("'dir' must be a directory, not a file!")
-    } else {
-        if (!new)
-            stop("'dir' must be an existing directory if 'new' == TRUE!")
-    }
-###TO DO: expand abbreviated directories under windows!
-###TO DO: check 'parent'!
-    if (!inherits(GUI, "character") && !is.null(GUI))
-        stop("'GUI' must be a character string or NULL!")
-    if (!is.null(GUI) && GUI != "tcltk") {  # Custom GUI widgets
-        ## Look for a guiDlgDir.<GUI> function
-        fun <- paste("guiDlgDir", GUI, sep=".")
-        if (exists(fun, where = 1, mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)) {
-            res <- get(fun, pos = 1, mode = "function", inherits = TRUE)(
-                title = title, dir = dir, new = new, parent = parent)
-            if (!is.null(res)) {
-                return(res)
-            } else warning("Using default Tcl/tk dialog box instead!")
-        }
-    }
-    ## Otherwise, use the default Tcl/Tk dialog box
-    ## Use tkmessageBox()
-    ## parent argument is defined, but not used yet here...
-    ## should look how to implement it!
-    res <- tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory(initialdir = dir, mustexist = !new,
-        title = title))
-    ## Bug: if new == FALSE and the user indicated a new dir, and then clicked
-    ## 'Cancel', the name of the new dir is returned! => recheck
-    if (!new && !file.exists(res)) res <- character(0)
-    res <- as.character(res)
-    if (res == "") res <- character(0)  # tkchooseDirectory returns "" if cancelled
-    return(as.character(res))
-guiDlgDoubleList <- function (list1, list2, title = "Select", default1 = "",
-default2 = "", multi = c(TRUE, TRUE), new = c(FALSE, FALSE), sort = c(TRUE, TRUE),
-transfer = FALSE, parent = 0, GUI = getOption("guiWidgets"))
-    ## A 'dual list' dialog box. This list serves two purposes:
-    ## 1) select elements in the first list and place them in the second list
-    ##    (transfer = TRUE)
-    ## 2) make a double selection in two separate lists
-    ## This dialog box is always modal
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgFont <- function (...)
-    ## A font selector dialog box
-    ## TODO...
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgFormula <- function (...)
-    ## This dialog box helps to create S language formulas
-    ## R Commander has something like that in glm dialog box. Look with John Fox
-    ## for permission to reuse it
-    ## TODO...
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgGraphOptions <- function (...)
-    ## A graph options dialog box
-    ## Idem as guiDlgOptions, but specific to graph parameters? Or is it possible
-    ## to reuse guiDlgOptions?
-    ## TODO...
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgGrid <- function (table, title = deparse(substitute(table)), edit = TRUE,
-edit.vars = TRUE, add.vars = TRUE, add.rows = TRUE, parent = -1,
-GUI = getOption("guiWidgets"))
-    ## A 'grid' display of a one or two dimensional table (vector, matrix,
-    ## data.frame)
-    ## It is similar to the data editor in Rgui, but can be non modal (parent = -1)
-    ## and can be used just to display the content of a table
-    ## TODO: possibly tabbed presentation?
-    stop("Not yet implemented!")
-guiDlgInput <- function (message = "Enter a value", title = "Input",

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/sciviews -r 382

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