[Sciviews-commits] r107 - in pkg/svMisc: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Feb 3 14:28:53 CET 2009

Author: prezez
Date: 2009-02-03 14:28:52 +0100 (Tue, 03 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 107

added "raw" option to "print.objList" (to produce output for object browser).
man page updated accordingly.

Modified: pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R
--- pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R	2009-01-28 19:46:00 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R	2009-02-03 13:28:52 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -1,290 +1,292 @@
-"objList" <-
-function (id = "default", envir = .GlobalEnv, object = NULL, all.names = FALSE,
-pattern = "", group = "", all.info = FALSE, sep = "\t", path = NULL, compare = TRUE, ...)
-	# Make sure that id is character
-	id <- as.character(id)[1]
-	if (id == "") id <- "default"
-	# Format envir as character (use only first item provided!)
-	if (!is.environment(envir)){
-		envir <- tryCatch(as.environment(envir), error = function(e) NULL)
-		if (is.null(envir) || inherits(envir, "try-error")) {
-			envir <- NULL
-			ename <- ""
-		} else {
-			ename <- if (is.null(attr(envir, "name"))) ".GlobalEnv" else attr(envir, "name")
-		}
-	} else {
-		ename <- deparse(substitute(envir))
-	}
-	# Object to return in case of empty data
-	Nothing <- data.frame(Envir = character(0), Name = character(0),
-		Dims = character(0), Group = character(0), Class = character(0),
-		Recursive = logical(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-	if (!all.info) Nothing <- Nothing[, -1]
-	attr(Nothing, "all.info") <- all.info
-	attr(Nothing, "envir") <- ename
-	attr(Nothing, "object") <- object
-	attr(Nothing, "class") <- c("objList", "data.frame")
-	if (is.null(envir))
-		return(Nothing)
-	if (!missing(object) && is.character(object) && object != "") {
-		res <- lsObj(envir = envir, objname = object)
-	} else {
-		# Get the list of objects in this environment
-		Items <- ls(envir = envir, all.names = all.names, pattern = pattern)
-		if (length(Items) == 0) {
-			return(Nothing)
-		}
-		# Get characteristics of all objects
-		"describe" <- function (name, all.info = FALSE)
-		{
-			# get a vector with five items:
-			# Name, Dims, Group, Class and Recursive
-			obj <- envir[[name]]
-			res <- c(
-				Name = name,
-				Dims = if (is.null(Dim <- dim(obj))) length(obj) else
-					paste(Dim, collapse = "x"),
-				Group = mode(obj),
-				Class = class(obj)[1],
-				Recursive = is.recursive(obj) || mode(obj) == "S4"
-			)
-			return(res)
-		}
-		res <- data.frame(t(sapply(Items, describe, all.info = all.info)),
-			stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-	}
-	if (NROW(res) == 0)
-		return(Nothing)
-	if (isTRUE(all.info))
-		res <- cbind(Envir = ename, res)
-	vMode <- Groups <- res$Group
-	vClass <- res$Class
-	# Recalculate groups into meaningful ones for the object explorer
-	# 1) Correspondance of typeof() and group depicted in the browser
-	#{{
-	Groups[Groups %in% c("name", "environment", "promise", "language", "char",
-		"...", "any", "(", "call", "expression", "bytecode", "weakref",
-		"externalptr")] <- "language"
-	Groups[Groups == "pairlist"] <- "list"
-	# 2) All Groups not being language, function or S4 whose class is
-	#    different than typeof are flagged as S3 objects
-	Groups[!(Groups %in% c("language", "function", "S4")) & vMode != vClass] <- "S3"
-	# 3) Integers of class factor become factor in group
-	Groups[vClass == "factor"] <- "factor"
-	# 4) Objects of class 'data.frame' are also group 'data.frame'
-	Groups[vClass == "data.frame"] <- "data.frame"
-	# 5) Objects of class 'Date' or 'POSIXt' are of group 'DateTime'
-	Groups[vClass == "Date" | vClass == "POSIXt"] <- "DateTime"
-	# Reaffect groups
-	res$Group <- Groups
-	# Possibly filter according to group
-	if (!is.null(group) && group != "")
-		res <- res[Groups == group, ]
-	#}}
-	# Determine if it is required to refresh something
-	Changed <- TRUE
-	if (compare) {
-		allList <- getTemp(".guiObjListCache", default = list())
-		if (identical(res, allList[[id]])) Changed <- FALSE else {
-			# Keep a copy of the last version in TempEnv
-			allList[[id]] <- res
-			assignTemp(".guiObjListCache", allList)
-		}
-	}
-	# Create the 'objList' object
-	attr(res, "all.info") <- all.info
-	attr(res, "envir") <- ename
-	attr(res, "object") <- object
-	attr(res, "class") <- c("objList", "data.frame")
-	if (is.null(path)) { # Return results or "" if not changed
-		return(if (Changed) res else Nothing)
-	} else if (Changed) { # Write to files in this path
-		return(write.objList(res, path = path, sep = sep, ...))
-	} else {
-		return(Nothing) # Not changed
-	}
-"write.objList" <-
-function (x, path, sep = "\t", ...)
-	id <- attr(x, "id")
-	ListF <- file.path(path, sprintf("List_%s.txt", id))
-	ParsF <- file.path(path, sprintf("Pars_%s.txt", id))
-	write.table(as.data.frame(x), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
-		sep = sep, quote = FALSE, file = ListF)
-	# Write also in the Pars_<id>.txt file in the same directory
-	cat(sprintf("envir=%s\nall.names=%s\npattern=%s\ngroup=%s",
-		attr(x, "envir"), attr(x, "all.names"), attr(x, "pattern"),
-		attr(x, "group")), file = ParsF, append = FALSE)
-	return(invisible(ListF))
-"print.objList" <-
-function (x, sep = NA, eol = "\n", header = !attr(x, "all.info"), ...)
-	if (!inherits(x, "objList"))
-		stop("x must be an 'objList' object")
-	if (NROW(x) > 0) {
-		cat("Objects list:\n")
-		if (header) {
-            header.sep <- if (is.na(sep)) " = " else "="
-		    cat("Environment", attr(x, "envir"), sep = header.sep)
-                    cat("\n")
-		    cat("Object", if (is.null(attr(x, "object"))) "" else
-			    attr(x, "object"), sep = header.sep)
-                    cat("\n")
-		}
-		if (is.na(sep)) {
-			print(as.data.frame(x))
-		} else if (!is.null(nrow(x)) && nrow(x) > 0) {
-			write.table(x, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = sep,
-				eol = eol, quote = FALSE)
-		}
-	} else {
-		cat("An empty objects list\n")
-	}
-	return(invisible(x))
-# called by objList when object is provided
-# TODO: simplify, possibly merge lsObj.S4 into lsObj
-"lsObj" <-
-function (objname, envir, ...)
-	obj <- try(eval(parse(text = objname)), silent = TRUE)
-	if (inherits(obj, "try-error"))
-		return(NULL)
-	if (mode(obj) == "S4") {
-		ret <- lsObj.S4(obj, objname)
-	} else if (is.function(obj)) {
-		ret <- lsObj.function(obj, objname)
-	} else {	# S3
-		if (!(mode(obj) %in% c("list", "pairlist")) || length(obj) == 0)
-			return(NULL)
-		itemnames <- fullnames <- names(obj)
-		if (is.null(itemnames)) {
-			itemnames <- seq_along(obj)
-			fullnames <- paste(objname, "[[", seq_along(obj), "]]", sep = "")
-		} else {
-			w.names <- itemnames != ""
-			.names <- itemnames[w.names]
-			nsx <- .names != make.names(.names) # non-syntactic names
-			.names[nsx] <- paste("`", .names[nsx], "`", sep = "")
-			fullnames[w.names] <- paste (objname, "$", .names, sep = "")
-			fullnames[!w.names] <- paste(objname, "[[",
-				seq_along(itemnames)[!w.names], "]]", sep = "")
-		}
-		ret <- t(sapply(seq_along(obj), function (i) {
-			x <- obj[[i]]
-			d <- dim(x)
-			if (is.null(d)) d <- length(x)
-			ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), mode(x), class(x)[1],
-				is.function(x) || (is.recursive(x) && !is.language(x) && sum(d) != 0)
-			)
-			return(ret)
-		}))
-		ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-	}
-	if (!is.null(ret))
-		names(ret) <- c("Name", "Full.name", "Dims/default", "Group", "Class",
-			"Recursive")
-	return (ret)
-# called by lsObj
-"lsObj.function" <-
-function (obj, objname = deparse(substitute(obj)))
-	#  formals(obj) returns NULL if only arg is ..., try: formals(expression)
-	obj <- formals(args(obj))
-	objname <- paste("formals(args(", objname, "))", sep = "")
-	if(length(obj) == 0)
-		return(NULL)
-	itemnames <- fullnames <- names(obj)
-	nsx <- itemnames != make.names(itemnames) # non-syntactic names
-	itemnames[nsx] <- paste("`", itemnames[nsx], "`", sep = "")
-	fullnames <- paste(objname, "$", itemnames, sep = "")
-	ret <- t(sapply (seq_along(obj), function (i) {
-		x <- obj[[i]]
-		lang <- is.language(obj[[i]])
-		o.class <- class(obj[[i]])[1]
-		o.mode <- mode(obj[[i]])
-		d <- deparse(obj[[i]])
-		if (lang && o.class == "name") {
-			o.class <- ""
-			o.mode <- ""
-		}
-		ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), o.class,	o.mode, FALSE)
-		return(ret)
-	}))
-	ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-	return (ret)
-# called by lsObj in S4 case
-"lsObj.S4" <-
-function (obj, objname = deparse(substitute(obj)))
-	itemnames <- fullnames <- slotNames(obj)
-	nsx <- itemnames != make.names(itemnames)
-	itemnames[nsx] <- paste("`", itemnames[nsx], "`", sep = "")
-	fullnames <- paste(objname, "@", itemnames, sep = "")
-	ret <- t(sapply(itemnames, function (i) {
-		x <- slot(obj, i)
-		d <- dim(x)
-		if (is.null(d)) d <- length(x)
-		ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), mode(x), class(x)[1],
-			is.function(x) || (is.recursive(x) && !is.language(x) && sum(d) != 0))
-	}))
-	ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-	return(ret)
+"objList" <-
+function (id = "default", envir = .GlobalEnv, object = NULL, all.names = FALSE,
+pattern = "", group = "", all.info = FALSE, sep = "\t", path = NULL, compare = TRUE, ...)
+	# Make sure that id is character
+	id <- as.character(id)[1]
+	if (id == "") id <- "default"
+	# Format envir as character (use only first item provided!)
+	if (!is.environment(envir)){
+		envir <- tryCatch(as.environment(envir), error = function(e) NULL)
+		if (is.null(envir) || inherits(envir, "try-error")) {
+			envir <- NULL
+			ename <- ""
+		} else {
+			ename <- if (is.null(attr(envir, "name"))) ".GlobalEnv" else attr(envir, "name")
+		}
+	} else {
+		ename <- deparse(substitute(envir))
+	}
+	# Object to return in case of empty data
+	Nothing <- data.frame(Envir = character(0), Name = character(0),
+		Dims = character(0), Group = character(0), Class = character(0),
+		Recursive = logical(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	if (!all.info) Nothing <- Nothing[, -1]
+	attr(Nothing, "all.info") <- all.info
+	attr(Nothing, "envir") <- ename
+	attr(Nothing, "object") <- object
+	attr(Nothing, "class") <- c("objList", "data.frame")
+	if (is.null(envir))
+		return(Nothing)
+	if (!missing(object) && is.character(object) && object != "") {
+		res <- lsObj(envir = envir, objname = object)
+	} else {
+		# Get the list of objects in this environment
+		Items <- ls(envir = envir, all.names = all.names, pattern = pattern)
+		if (length(Items) == 0) {
+			return(Nothing)
+		}
+		# Get characteristics of all objects
+		"describe" <- function (name, all.info = FALSE)
+		{
+			# get a vector with five items:
+			# Name, Dims, Group, Class and Recursive
+			obj <- envir[[name]]
+			res <- c(
+				Name = name,
+				Dims = if (is.null(Dim <- dim(obj))) length(obj) else
+					paste(Dim, collapse = "x"),
+				Group = mode(obj),
+				Class = class(obj)[1],
+				Recursive = is.recursive(obj) || mode(obj) == "S4"
+			)
+			return(res)
+		}
+		res <- data.frame(t(sapply(Items, describe, all.info = all.info)),
+			stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	}
+	if (NROW(res) == 0)
+		return(Nothing)
+	if (isTRUE(all.info))
+		res <- cbind(Envir = ename, res)
+	vMode <- Groups <- res$Group
+	vClass <- res$Class
+	# Recalculate groups into meaningful ones for the object explorer
+	# 1) Correspondance of typeof() and group depicted in the browser
+	#{{
+	Groups[Groups %in% c("name", "environment", "promise", "language", "char",
+		"...", "any", "(", "call", "expression", "bytecode", "weakref",
+		"externalptr")] <- "language"
+	Groups[Groups == "pairlist"] <- "list"
+	# 2) All Groups not being language, function or S4 whose class is
+	#    different than typeof are flagged as S3 objects
+	Groups[!(Groups %in% c("language", "function", "S4")) & vMode != vClass] <- "S3"
+	# 3) Integers of class factor become factor in group
+	Groups[vClass == "factor"] <- "factor"
+	# 4) Objects of class 'data.frame' are also group 'data.frame'
+	Groups[vClass == "data.frame"] <- "data.frame"
+	# 5) Objects of class 'Date' or 'POSIXt' are of group 'DateTime'
+	Groups[vClass == "Date" | vClass == "POSIXt"] <- "DateTime"
+	# Reaffect groups
+	res$Group <- Groups
+	# Possibly filter according to group
+	if (!is.null(group) && group != "")
+		res <- res[Groups == group, ]
+	#}}
+	# Determine if it is required to refresh something
+	Changed <- TRUE
+	if (compare) {
+		allList <- getTemp(".guiObjListCache", default = list())
+		if (identical(res, allList[[id]])) Changed <- FALSE else {
+			# Keep a copy of the last version in TempEnv
+			allList[[id]] <- res
+			assignTemp(".guiObjListCache", allList)
+		}
+	}
+	# Create the 'objList' object
+	attr(res, "all.info") <- all.info
+	attr(res, "envir") <- ename
+	attr(res, "object") <- object
+	attr(res, "class") <- c("objList", "data.frame")
+	if (is.null(path)) { # Return results or "" if not changed
+		return(if (Changed) res else Nothing)
+	} else if (Changed) { # Write to files in this path
+		return(write.objList(res, path = path, sep = sep, ...))
+	} else {
+		return(Nothing) # Not changed
+	}
+"write.objList" <-
+function (x, path, sep = "\t", ...)
+	id <- attr(x, "id")
+	ListF <- file.path(path, sprintf("List_%s.txt", id))
+	ParsF <- file.path(path, sprintf("Pars_%s.txt", id))
+	write.table(as.data.frame(x), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
+		sep = sep, quote = FALSE, file = ListF)
+	# Write also in the Pars_<id>.txt file in the same directory
+	cat(sprintf("envir=%s\nall.names=%s\npattern=%s\ngroup=%s",
+		attr(x, "envir"), attr(x, "all.names"), attr(x, "pattern"),
+		attr(x, "group")), file = ParsF, append = FALSE)
+	return(invisible(ListF))
+"print.objList" <-
+function (x, sep = NA, eol = "\n", header = !attr(x, "all.info"), raw.output = !is.na(sep), ...)
+	if (!inherits(x, "objList"))
+		stop("x must be an 'objList' object")
+	if (NROW(x) > 0) {
+		if (!raw.output)
+			cat("Objects list:\n")
+		if (header) {
+			header.fmt <- if (raw.output) "Env=%s\nObj=%s\n" else
+				"\tEnvironment: %s\n\tObject: %s\n"
+			objname <- if (is.null(attr(x, "object"))) {
+				if (raw.output) "" else "<All>"
+				} else attr(x, "object")
+			cat(sprintf(header.fmt,  attr(x, "envir"), objname))
+		}
+		if (is.na(sep)) {
+			print(as.data.frame(x))
+		} else if (!is.null(nrow(x)) && nrow(x) > 0) {
+			write.table(x, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = sep,
+				eol = eol, quote = FALSE)
+		}
+	} else if (!raw.output) {
+		cat("An empty objects list\n")
+	}
+	return(invisible(x))
+# called by objList when object is provided
+# TODO: simplify, possibly merge lsObj.S4 into lsObj
+"lsObj" <-
+function (objname, envir, ...)
+	obj <- try(eval(parse(text = objname)), silent = TRUE)
+	if (inherits(obj, "try-error"))
+		return(NULL)
+	if (mode(obj) == "S4") {
+		ret <- lsObj.S4(obj, objname)
+	} else if (is.function(obj)) {
+		ret <- lsObj.function(obj, objname)
+	} else {	# S3
+		if (!(mode(obj) %in% c("list", "pairlist")) || length(obj) == 0)
+			return(NULL)
+		itemnames <- fullnames <- names(obj)
+		if (is.null(itemnames)) {
+			itemnames <- seq_along(obj)
+			fullnames <- paste(objname, "[[", seq_along(obj), "]]", sep = "")
+		} else {
+			w.names <- itemnames != ""
+			.names <- itemnames[w.names]
+			nsx <- .names != make.names(.names) # non-syntactic names
+			.names[nsx] <- paste("`", .names[nsx], "`", sep = "")
+			fullnames[w.names] <- paste (objname, "$", .names, sep = "")
+			fullnames[!w.names] <- paste(objname, "[[",
+				seq_along(itemnames)[!w.names], "]]", sep = "")
+		}
+		ret <- t(sapply(seq_along(obj), function (i) {
+			x <- obj[[i]]
+			d <- dim(x)
+			if (is.null(d)) d <- length(x)
+			ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), mode(x), class(x)[1],
+				is.function(x) || (is.recursive(x) && !is.language(x) && sum(d) != 0)
+			)
+			return(ret)
+		}))
+		ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	}
+	if (!is.null(ret))
+		names(ret) <- c("Name", "Full.name", "Dims/default", "Group", "Class",
+			"Recursive")
+	return (ret)
+# called by lsObj
+"lsObj.function" <-
+function (obj, objname = deparse(substitute(obj)))
+	#  formals(obj) returns NULL if only arg is ..., try: formals(expression)
+	obj <- formals(args(obj))
+	objname <- paste("formals(args(", objname, "))", sep = "")
+	if(length(obj) == 0)
+		return(NULL)
+	itemnames <- fullnames <- names(obj)
+	nsx <- itemnames != make.names(itemnames) # non-syntactic names
+	itemnames[nsx] <- paste("`", itemnames[nsx], "`", sep = "")
+	fullnames <- paste(objname, "$", itemnames, sep = "")
+	ret <- t(sapply (seq_along(obj), function (i) {
+		x <- obj[[i]]
+		lang <- is.language(obj[[i]])
+		o.class <- class(obj[[i]])[1]
+		o.mode <- mode(obj[[i]])
+		d <- deparse(obj[[i]])
+		if (lang && o.class == "name") {
+			o.class <- ""
+			o.mode <- ""
+		}
+		ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), o.class,	o.mode, FALSE)
+		return(ret)
+	}))
+	ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	return (ret)
+# called by lsObj in S4 case
+"lsObj.S4" <-
+function (obj, objname = deparse(substitute(obj)))
+	itemnames <- fullnames <- slotNames(obj)
+	nsx <- itemnames != make.names(itemnames)
+	itemnames[nsx] <- paste("`", itemnames[nsx], "`", sep = "")
+	fullnames <- paste(objname, "@", itemnames, sep = "")
+	ret <- t(sapply(itemnames, function (i) {
+		x <- slot(obj, i)
+		d <- dim(x)
+		if (is.null(d)) d <- length(x)
+		ret <- c(paste(d, collapse = "x"), mode(x), class(x)[1],
+			is.function(x) || (is.recursive(x) && !is.language(x) && sum(d) != 0))
+	}))
+	ret <- data.frame(itemnames, fullnames, ret, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	return(ret)

Modified: pkg/svMisc/man/objBrowse.Rd
--- pkg/svMisc/man/objBrowse.Rd	2009-01-28 19:46:00 UTC (rev 106)
+++ pkg/svMisc/man/objBrowse.Rd	2009-02-03 13:28:52 UTC (rev 107)
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 	path = NULL)
 objSearch(sep = "\t", path = NULL, compare = TRUE)
-\method{print}{objList}(x, sep = NA, eol = "\n", header = !attr(x, "all.info"), \dots)
+\method{print}{objList}(x, sep = NA, eol = "\n", header = !attr(x, "all.info"),
+	raw.output = !is.na(sep), \dots)
 write.objList(x, path, sep = "\t", \dots)
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
   \item{pattern}{ A pattern to match for selecting variables }
   \item{group}{ A group to filter }
   \item{path}{ The path where to write a temporary file with the requested
-    information. Use \code{path = NULL} (default) if you don't pass this
+    information. Set to NULL (default) if you don't pass this
     data to your GUI client by mean of a file }
   \item{regenerate}{ Do we force to regenerate the information? }
   \item{object}{ name of the object selected in the object browser,
@@ -53,17 +54,18 @@
   \item{objects}{ A list with selected items in the object browser }
   \item{all.info}{ Do we return all the information (envir as first column or
     not (by default) }
-  \item{compare}{ If \code{compare == TRUE}, result is compared with last cached
+  \item{compare}{ If TRUE, result is compared with last cached
     value and the client is updated only if something changed }
   \item{sep}{ Separator to use between items (if path is not NULL) }
   \item{x}{ Object returned by \code{objList}}
   \item{eol}{ Separator to use between object entries, default is to list each
 	item in a separate line}
   \item{header}{ If TRUE, two-line header is printed, of the form: \cr
-	\#Environment=environment name \cr
-	\#Object=object name \cr
-	Default is not to print header if all.info is true.
+	Environment=environment name \cr
+	Object=object name \cr
+	Default is not to print header if \code{all.info} is true.
+  \item{raw.output}{If TRUE, a compact, better suited for parsing output is produced}
   \item{\dots}{further arguments, passed to \code{write.table}}
@@ -72,7 +74,8 @@
     where exchange files are stored, in case you exchange data through files.
     You can use a better way to communicate with your GUI (you have to provide
     your code) and disable writing to files by using \code{path = NULL}.
-  \code{objList()} lists objects in a given environment.
+  \code{objList()} lists objects in a given environment, elements of
+    a recursive objects or function arguments.
   \code{objSearch()} lists the search path.
   \code{objClear()} clears any reference to a given object browser.
   \code{objInfo()} computes a tooltip info for a given object.

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