[Sciviews-commits] r76 - pkg/svMisc/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Nov 25 16:19:06 CET 2008

Author: romain
Date: 2008-11-25 16:19:06 +0100 (Tue, 25 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 76

modified so that the objList function returns an object and added a print.objList function that prints as before

Modified: pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R
--- pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R	2008-11-19 16:19:44 UTC (rev 75)
+++ pkg/svMisc/R/objList.R	2008-11-25 15:19:06 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -1,126 +1,136 @@
-"objList" <-
-function(id = "default", envir = .GlobalEnv, object = "", all.names = FALSE,
-pattern = "", group = "", all.info = FALSE, sep = "\t", path = NULL,
-compare = TRUE) {
-    # Make sure that id is character
-    id <- as.character(id)[1]
-    if (id == "") id <- "default"
+NOTHING <- data.frame( Envir=character(), Name=character(), Dims=character(), 
+	Group=character(), Class = character(), Recursive = logical(), 
+	stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+class( NOTHING ) <- c( "objList", "data.frame" ) 
+"objList" <- function(id = "default", envir = .GlobalEnv, object = "", all.names = FALSE,
+pattern = "", group = "", all.info = FALSE, path = NULL, compare = TRUE) {
+  # Make sure that id is character
+  id <- as.character(id)[1]
+  if (id == "") id <- "default"
 	# Format envir as character (use only first item provided!)
-	if (is.environment(envir)) envir <- deparse(substitute(envir))
-	if (is.numeric(envir)) envir <- search()[envir[1]]
-	envir <- as.character(envir)[1]
-	# Get the current position in the search path for envir
-	pos <- match(envir, search(), nomatch = -1)
-	if (pos < 1) {
-		pos <- 1		# NOT FOUND, return nothing
-		Changed <- FALSE
-	} else {			# Environment found
-		if (object == "") {
-		# Get the list of objects in this environment
-			Items <- ls(pos = pos, all.names = all.names, pattern = pattern)
-			if (length(Items) == 0) if (all.info) {
-				return(invisible(data.frame(Name = character(), Dims = character(),
-					Group = character(), Class = character(),
-					Recusive = logical(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
-			} else {
-				return(data.frame(Envir = character(), Name = character(),
-					Dims = character(), Group = character(), Class = character(),
-					Recusive = logical(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))				
-			}
-			# Get characteristics of all objects
-			"describe" <- function(name, pos = ".GlobalEnv", all.info = FALSE) {
-				# get a vector with five items:
-				# Name, Dims, Group, Class and Recursive
-				obj <- get(name, pos = pos)
-				res <- c(
-					Name = name,
-					Dims = if (is.null(Dim <- dim(obj))) length(obj) else
-						paste(Dim, collapse = "x"),
-					Group = typeof(obj),
-					Class = class(obj)[1],
-					Recursive = !inherits(obj, "function") && is.recursive(obj))
-				if (all.info) res <- c(Envir = pos, res)	
-				return(res)
-			}
-			res <- data.frame(t(sapply(Items, describe, pos = envir,
-				all.info = all.info)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
-			# Recalculate groups into meaningful ones for the object explorer
-			# 1) Correspondance of typeof() and group depicted in the browser
-			GrpTable <- c(
-				"NULL", 	"language", "list",		  "function",   "language",
-				"language",	"language", "function",   "function",	"language",
-				"logical",	"numeric",	"numeric",	  "complex",	"character",
-				"language", "language",	"language",	  "list",		"language",
-				"S4",		"language", "raw",		  "language")
-			names(GrpTable) <- c(
-				"NULL", 	"symbol", 	"pairlist",	  "closure", 	"environment",
-				"promise",	"language",	"special", 	  "builtin", 	"char",
-				"logical", 	"integer",	"double", 	  "complex", 	"character",
-				"...",		"any", 		"expression", "list", 		"bytecode",
-				"S4", 		"weakref", 	"raw", 	  	  "externalptr")
-			Groups <- GrpTable[res$Group]	
-			# 2) All Groups not being language, function or S4 whose class is
-			#    different than typeof are flagged as S3 objects
-			Filter <- !(Groups %in% c("language", "function", "S4"))
-			Groups[Filter][res$Group[Filter] != res$Class[Filter]] <- "S3"
-			# 3) Special case for typeof = double and class = numeric
-			Groups[res$Group == "double"] <- "numeric"
-			# 4) integers of class factor become factor in group
-			Groups[res$Class == "factor"] <- "factor"
-			# 5) Objects of class 'data.frame' are also group 'data.frame'
-			Groups[res$Class == "data.frame"] <- "data.frame"
-			# 6) Objects of class 'Date' or 'POSIXt' are of group 'DateTime'
-			Groups[res$Class == "Date"] <- "DateTime"
-			Groups[res$Class == "POSIXt"] <- "DateTime"
-			# Reaffect groups
-			res$Group <- Groups
-			# Possibly filter according to group
-			if (!is.null(group) && group != "") res <- res[Groups == group, ]
-			# Transform into a character vector
-			res <- apply(res, 1, paste, collapse = sep)
-			# Determine if it is required to refresh something
-			Changed <- TRUE
-			if (compare) {
-				allList <- getTemp(".guiObjListCache", default = list())
-				if (identical(res, allList[[id]])) Changed <- FALSE else {
-					# Keep a copy of the last version in TempEnv
-					allList[[id]] <- res
-					assignTemp(".guiObjListCache", allList)
-				}
-			}
+	if (!is.environment(envir)){
+		if( is.numeric(envir) ){
+			ename <- search( envir[1] )
+			envir <- as.environment( envir[1] )
+		} else if( is.character( envir ) ){
+			envir <- as.environment( match( ename <- envir[1], search() ) )
 		} else {
-			# Get components of object (first level only for the moment)
-			### TODO: report components of objects...
-			Changed <- FALSE
+			return( NOTHING )
+	} else{
+		ename <- deparse( substitute( envir ) )
+	# Get the list of objects in this environment
+	Items <- ls(envir=envir, all.names = all.names, pattern = pattern)
+	if (length(Items) == 0) {
+		if (all.info) {
+			return(NOTHING)
+		} else {
+			return(NOTHING[,-1])				
+		}
+	}
+	# Get characteristics of all objects
+	"describe" <- function(name, envir=.GlobalEnv, all.info = FALSE) {
+		# get a vector with five items:
+		# Name, Dims, Group, Class and Recursive
+		obj <- envir[[ name ]]
+		res <- c(
+			Name = name,
+			Dims = if (is.null(Dim <- dim(obj))) length(obj) else paste(Dim, collapse = "x"),
+			Group = typeof(obj),
+			Class = class(obj)[1],
+			Recursive = !inherits(obj, "function") && is.recursive(obj))
+		if (all.info) res <- c(Envir = as.character(envir), res)	
+		return(res)
+	}
+	res <- data.frame(t(sapply(Items, describe, envir = envir,
+		all.info = all.info)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
+	# Recalculate groups into meaningful ones for the object explorer
+	# 1) Correspondance of typeof() and group depicted in the browser
+	GrpTable <- c(
+		"NULL", 	"language", "list",		  "function",   "language",
+		"language",	"language", "function",   "function",	"language",
+		"logical",	"numeric",	"numeric",	  "complex",	"character",
+		"language", "language",	"language",	  "list",		"language",
+		"S4",		"language", "raw",		  "language")
+	names(GrpTable) <- c(
+		"NULL", 	"symbol", 	"pairlist",	  "closure", 	"environment",
+		"promise",	"language",	"special", 	  "builtin", 	"char",
+		"logical", 	"integer",	"double", 	  "complex", 	"character",
+		"...",		"any", 		"expression", "list", 		"bytecode",
+		"S4", 		"weakref", 	"raw", 	  	  "externalptr")
+	Groups <- GrpTable[res$Group]	
+	# 2) All Groups not being language, function or S4 whose class is
+	#    different than typeof are flagged as S3 objects
+	Filter <- !(Groups %in% c("language", "function", "S4"))
+	Groups[Filter][res$Group[Filter] != res$Class[Filter]] <- "S3"
+	# 3) Special case for typeof = double and class = numeric
+	Groups[res$Group == "double"] <- "numeric"
+	# 4) integers of class factor become factor in group
+	Groups[res$Class == "factor"] <- "factor"
+	# 5) Objects of class 'data.frame' are also group 'data.frame'
+	Groups[res$Class == "data.frame"] <- "data.frame"
+	# 6) Objects of class 'Date' or 'POSIXt' are of group 'DateTime'
+	Groups[res$Class == "Date"] <- "DateTime"
+	Groups[res$Class == "POSIXt"] <- "DateTime"
+	# Reaffect groups
+	res$Group <- Groups
+	# Possibly filter according to group
+	if (!is.null(group) && group != "") res <- res[Groups == group, ]
+	class( res ) <- c( "objList", "data.frame" )
+	# Determine if it is required to refresh something
+	Changed <- TRUE
+	if (compare) {
+		allList <- getTemp(".guiObjListCache", default = list())
+		if (identical(res, allList[[id]])) Changed <- FALSE else {
+			# Keep a copy of the last version in TempEnv
+			allList[[id]] <- res
+			assignTemp(".guiObjListCache", allList)
+		}
+	}
 	if (is.null(path)) { # Return results or "" if not changed
-		if (Changed) return(invisible(res)) else return(invisible(""))
+		if (Changed) return(invisible(res)) else return(invisible(NOTHING))
 	} else if (Changed) { # Write to files in this path
 		# Create file names
 		ListF <- file.path(path, paste("List_", id, ".txt", sep = ""))
 		ParsF <- file.path(path, paste("Pars_", id, ".txt", sep = ""))
 		cat(res, file = ListF, sep = "\n")
 		# Write also in the Pars_<id>.txt file in the same directory
-		cat("pos=", pos, "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF)
-		cat("envir=", search()[pos], "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF, append = TRUE)
+		cat("envir=", ename , "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF, append = TRUE)
 		cat("all.names=", all.names, "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF, append = TRUE)
 		cat("pattern=", pattern, "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF, append = TRUE)
 		cat("group=", group, "\n", sep = "", file = ParsF, append = TRUE)
 	} else return(invisible(FALSE))	# Not changed
+print.objList <- function( x, sep="\t", ...){
+	if( is.null(sep) ){
+		NextMethod( "print" )
+	} else {
+		if( !is.null(nrow(x)) && nrow(x) > 0 ){
+			out <- apply( x, 1, paste, collapse = sep )
+			out
+		} else{
+			""
+		}
+	}

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