[Sciviews-commits] r46 - komodo komodo/SciViews-K komodo/SciViews-K/content/js komodo/SciViews-K/skin komodo/SciViews-K/templates pkg/svMisc/R pkg/svMisc/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Jul 7 03:38:46 CEST 2008

Author: phgrosjean
Date: 2008-07-07 03:38:43 +0200 (Mon, 07 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 46

   komodo/SciViews-K/templates/SciViews-K 0.6.3.kpz
SciViews-K modified for an easier installation

Modified: komodo/.DS_Store
(Binary files differ)

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/.DS_Store
(Binary files differ)

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/content/js/sciviews.js
--- komodo/SciViews-K/content/js/sciviews.js	2008-07-06 13:30:08 UTC (rev 45)
+++ komodo/SciViews-K/content/js/sciviews.js	2008-07-07 01:38:43 UTC (rev 46)
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
 // sv.version; // Get current SciViews-K version (major.minor)
 // sv.release; // The release (bug fixes). Full version is "version.release"
+// sv.showVersion; // Do we display version in an alert() box or just set it?
 // sv.checkVersion(version); // Check if the OpenKore extension version is fine
+// sv.checkToolbox(); // Check that the correct SciViews-K toolbox is installed
 // Various functions defined in the 'sv' namespace directly
 // sv.getText(); // Get current selection, or word under the cursor
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@
 	sv = {
 		// TODO: set this automatically according to the plugin version
 		version: 0.6,
-		release: 0,
+		release: 3,
+		showVersion: true,
 		checkVersion: function(version) {
 			if (this.version < version) {
 				var title = "SciViews-K"
@@ -383,3 +386,55 @@
 		} finally { scimoz.readOnly = ro; }
 	} catch(e) { alert("problems clearing the Command Output pane\n"); }
+sv.checkToolbox = function() {
+    try {
+		var pkg = ko.interpolate.interpolateStrings("%(path:hostUserDataDir)");
+		pkg += "/XRE/extensions/sciviewsk at sciviews.org/templates/SciViews-K.kpz";
+		var partSvc = Components.classes["@activestate.com/koPartService;1"]
+			.getService(Components.interfaces.koIPartService);
+		var SciViewsK_folders = partSvc.getParts("folder", "name", "SciViews-K",
+			"*", partSvc.currentProject, new Object());
+		if (SciViewsK_folders.length == 0) {
+			// The SciViews-K toolbox is not installed yet... do it now
+			ko.toolboxes.importPackage(pkg);
+		} else {
+			// First, eliminate all SciViews-K toolboxes that are too old
+			var VersionMacro;
+			var SciViewsK_folder;
+			sv.showVersion = false;
+			for (var i = 0; i < SciViewsK_folders.length; i++) {
+				SciViewsK_folder = SciViewsK_folders[i];
+				VersionMacro = SciViewsK_folder.getChildWithTypeAndStringAttribute(
+					"macro", "name", "Version", true);
+				if (VersionMacro) {
+					ko.projects.executeMacro(VersionMacro);
+					if (SciViewsKtoolboxVersion < sv.version) {
+						// This toolbox is too old for our extension
+						ko.toolboxes.user.removeItem(SciViewsK_folder, true);
+					}
+				} else {
+					// Probably a corrupted SciViews-K toolbox => eliminate it
+					ko.toolboxes.user.removeItem(SciViewsK_folder, true);
+				}
+			}
+			// Recheck how many SciViews-K toolboxes are left
+			SciViewsK_folders = partSvc.getParts("folder", "name", "SciViews-K",
+				"*", partSvc.currentProject, new Object());
+			if (SciViewsK_folders.length == 0) {
+				// Install the new one now
+				ko.toolboxes.importPackage(pkg);
+			} else if (SciViewsK_folders.length > 1) {
+				// There are duplications, keep only last one
+				for (var i = 0; i < (SciViewsK_folders.length - 1); i++) {
+					SciViewsK_folder = SciViewsK_folders[i];
+					ko.toolboxes.user.removeItem(SciViewsK_folder, true);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} catch(e) { alert(e); }
+	finally { sv.showVersion = true; }
+// Ensure we check the toolbox is installed once the extension is loaded
+addEventListener("load", sv.checkToolbox, false);
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/sciviewsk-0.6.3-ko.xpi
(Binary files differ)

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/skin/sciviewsk_console.css
--- komodo/SciViews-K/skin/sciviewsk_console.css	2008-07-06 13:30:08 UTC (rev 45)
+++ komodo/SciViews-K/skin/sciviewsk_console.css	2008-07-07 01:38:43 UTC (rev 46)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  font-family: Courier new, monospace;
+  font-family: Monaco, "Courier new", monospace;
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
   border-top: 1px solid #666666 ;
   color: blue;
-  font-family:Courier New, monospace;
+  font-family: Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;
-  font-family:Courier New, monospace;
+  font-family: Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;
   margin-bottom: 10px;
   margin-top: 0px;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   border-left: none;
-  font-family: Courier New, monospace;
+  font-family: Monaco, "Courier New", monospace;
   font-weight: bold;
   background-color: #dddddd ;

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/.DS_Store
(Binary files differ)

Modified: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/.Rprofile
--- komodo/SciViews-K/templates/.Rprofile	2008-07-06 13:30:08 UTC (rev 45)
+++ komodo/SciViews-K/templates/.Rprofile	2008-07-07 01:38:43 UTC (rev 46)
@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
 ### SciViews install begin ###
 # SciViews-R installation and startup for running R with Komodo/SciViews-K
-# Merge this with your .Rprofile file in your home directory to configure
-# R automatically at startup
+# Version 0.6.3, 2008-07-06 Ph. Grosjean (phgrosjean at sciviews.org)
 # Make sure we don't process this twice in case of duplicate items in .Rprofile
 if (!exists(".SciViewsReady", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
 	.SciViewsReady <- FALSE
-	minVersion <- c(R = "2.7.0", svMisc = "0.9-42", svSocket = "0.9-41", svGUI = "0.9-42")
+	minVersion <- c(R = "2.7.0", svMisc = "0.9-44", svSocket = "0.9-41", svGUI = "0.9-42")
+	# Get environment variables
+	args <- commandArgs()
 	# Configure socket client/server
-	options(ko.serve = 8888)		# Port used by the R socket server
-	options(ko.host = "localhost")	# Machine where Komodo is running (local only for the moment)
-	options(ko.port = 7052)			# Port used by the Komodo socket server
-	options(ko.id = "R")			# The id used for this R kernel in Komodo
-	options(ko.activate = FALSE)		# Do we start/activate Komodo at startup?
-	# Note: set ko.activate to TRUE causes problems currently!
+	par <- args[grep("^--ko.serve=", args)]
+	if (length(par) == 0) par <- 8888 else par <- as.integer(sub("^--ko.serve=", "", par))
+	options(ko.serve = par)			# Port used by the R socket server
+	par <- args[grep("^--ko.host=", args)]
+	if (length(par) == 0) par <- "localhost" else par <- sub("^--ko.host=", "", par)
+	options(ko.host = par)			# Machine where Komodo is running (local only for the moment)
+	par <- args[grep("^--ko.port=", args)]
+	if (length(par) == 0) par <- 7052 else par <- as.integer(sub("^--ko.port=", "", par))
+	options(ko.port = par)			# Port used by the Komodo socket server
+	par <- args[grep("^--ko.id=", args)]
+	if (length(par) == 0) par <- "R" else par <- sub("^--ko.id=", "", par)
+	options(ko.id = par)			# The id used for this R kernel in Komodo
+	rm(par)
 	# Load main R packages
 	res <- require(methods, quietly = TRUE)
@@ -71,51 +80,75 @@
 			cat("R is too old for this version of SciViews, please, upgrade it\n")
 		} else {
 			# Load packages svMisc, svSocket & svGUI (possibly after installing
-			# or upgrading them). User is supposed to have agreed
+			# or upgrading them). User is supposed to agree with this install
+			# from the moment he tries to start and configure R from Komodo Edit
+			ext <- switch(.Platform$pkgType,
+				mac.binary = "\\.tgz",
+				win.binary = "\\.zip",
+				"\\.tar.gz")
 			## svMisc
+			file <- dir(pattern = paste("svMisc", ext, sep = ".+"))
+			file <- sort(file)[length(file)]	# Keep oldest one
 			desc <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "svMisc")
 			if (desc == "") {
-				cat("Trying to install missing package 'svMisc'\n")
-				install.packages("svMisc", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
-				res <- require(svMisc, quietly = TRUE)
+				cat("Installing missing package 'svMisc'\n")
+				if (length(file)) {
+					install.packages(file, repos = NULL) # or use "http://R-Forge.R-project.org"
+					res <- require(svMisc, quietly = TRUE)
+				} else res <- FALSE
 			} else { # Check version
 				if ((compareVersion(packageDescription("svMisc", fields = "Version"),
 					minVersion["svMisc"]) < 0)) {
-					cat("Trying to update package 'svMisc'\n")
-					install.packages("svMisc", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
-				}
-				res <- require(svMisc, quietly = TRUE)
+					cat("Updating package 'svMisc'\n")
+					if (length(file)) {
+						install.packages(file, repos = NULL)
+						res <- require(svMisc, quietly = TRUE)
+					} else res <- FALSE
+				} else res <- require(svMisc, quietly = TRUE)
 			## svSocket
+			file <- dir(pattern = paste("svSocket", ext, sep = ".+"))
+			file <- sort(file)[length(file)]	# Keep oldest one
 			desc <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "svSocket")
 			if (desc == "") {
-				cat("Trying to install missing package 'svSocket'\n")
-				install.packages("svSocket", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
-				res[2] <- require(svSocket, quietly = TRUE)
+				cat("Installing missing package 'svSocket'\n")
+				if (length(file)) {
+					install.packages(file, repos = NULL)
+					res[2] <- require(svSocket, quietly = TRUE)
+				} else res[2] <- FALSE
 			} else { # Check version
 				if ((compareVersion(packageDescription("svSocket", fields = "Version"),
 					minVersion["svSocket"]) < 0)) {
-					cat("Trying to update package 'svSocket'\n")
-					install.packages("svSocket", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
-				}
-				res[2] <- require(svSocket, quietly = TRUE)
+					cat("Updating package 'svSocket'\n")
+					if (length(file)) {
+						install.packages(file, repos = NULL)
+						res[2] <- require(svSocket, quietly = TRUE)
+					} else res[2] <- FALSE
+				} else res[2] <- require(svSocket, quietly = TRUE)
 			## svGUI
+			file <- dir(pattern = paste("svGUI", ext, sep = ".+"))
+			file <- sort(file)[length(file)]	# Keep oldest one
 			desc <- system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "svGUI")
+			res[3] <- TRUE
 			if (desc == "") {
-				cat("Trying to install missing package 'svGUI'\n")
-				install.packages("svGUI", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
+				cat("Installing missing package 'svGUI'\n")
+				if (length(file)) {
+					install.packages(file, repos = NULL)
+				} else res[3] <- FALSE
 			} else { # Check version
 				if ((compareVersion(packageDescription("svGUI", fields = "Version"),
 					minVersion["svGUI"]) < 0)) {
-					cat("Trying to update package 'svGUI'\n")
-					install.packages("svGUI", repos = "http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
+					cat("Updating package 'svGUI'\n")
+					if (length(file)) {
+						install.packages(file, repos = NULL)
+					} else res[3] <- FALSE
-			rm(desc)
+			rm(desc, ext, file)
 			# Try starting the R socket server
 			if (inherits(try(startSocketServer(port = getOption("ko.serve")),
@@ -125,27 +158,11 @@
 				cat("Solve the problem, then type: require(svGUI)\n")
 			} else {
 				# Finally, load svGUI
-				res[3] <- require(svGUI, quietly = TRUE)
+				if (res[3]) res[3] <- require(svGUI, quietly = TRUE)
 				if (all(res)) {
 					cat("R is SciViews ready!\n")
 					.SciViewsReady <- TRUE
-					if (is.null(getOption("ko.id"))) options(ko.id = "R")	# Default
-					# Do we (re)activate Komodo now?
-					koact <- getOption("ko.activate")
-					if (is.null(koact)) koact <- FALSE
-					if (koact[1]) {
-						if ((.Platform$pkgType == "mac.binary")) {
-							Res <- system("osascript -e 'tell application \"Komodo\" to activate'",
-								intern = TRUE)
-							rm(Res)
-						}	### TODO: the same under Windows and Linux
-						# Indicate to Komodo that R is ready
-						koCmd('ko.statusBar.AddMessage("<<<data>>>", "R", 10000, true);',
-							data = paste("'", getOption("ko.id"), "' (R ", R.Version()$major, ".",
-							R.Version()$minor, ") connected", sep = ""))
-					}
-					rm(koact)
 				} else {
 					cat("R is not SciViews ready, install latest svMisc, svSocket & svGUI packages\n")
@@ -153,17 +170,87 @@
-	# Clean up .GlobalEnv
-	rm(minVersion, res)
 	# Make sure Komodo is started now
-	# Note: in Mac OS X, you have to create the symbolic link manually as explained in the Komodo Help with:
+	# Note: in Mac OS X, you have to create the symbolic link manually as explained
+	# in the Komodo Help with:
 	# sudo ln -s "/Applications/Komodo Edit.app/Contents/MacOS/komodo" /usr/local/bin/komodo
-	# Or the script will complain with: /bin/sh: line 1: komodo: command not found.
-	system("komodo", wait = FALSE)
+	# You must issue something similar too under Linux (see Komodo installation guide)
+	# Or the script will complain.
-	# Make sure to use Komodo as your R editor
+	## Don't need this here, since R is supposed to be started from within Komodo!
+	#system("komodo", wait = FALSE)
+	# Look if and where komodo is installed
+	if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
+		Komodo <- "/usr/local/bin/komodo"
+		# Check that this file exists
+		if (!file.exists(Komodo)) {
+			# File not found, display a message with missing link
+			Komodo <- NULL
+			# TODO: look why I can't find Komodo on Linux Ubuntu
+			#cat("Komodo is not found by R. Please, follow instructions at\n",
+			#	"http://www.sciviews.org/SciViews-K to install it correctly.\n",
+			#	"In particular, you must create a symbolic link in /user/local/bin:\n",
+			#	"sudo ln -s <KomodoBinLocation>/komodo /usr/local/bin/komodo\n",
+			#	"otherwise, R cannot find it!\n")
+		} else {
+			# Change the editor and the pager to Komodo
+			options(editor = Komodo)
+			#TODO: we need something else here: options(pager = Komodo)
+		}
+	} else {
+		# TODO: this does not seem to work, becasue the path with spaces is not recognized?
+		Komodo <- "komodo"	# On Windows, 'komodo' should be enough
+		owarn <- getOption("warn")
+		options(warn = -1)
+		res <- try(system(Komodo, wait = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
+		if (res == -1) {
+			Komodo <- NULL
+		#	cat("R cannot find Komodo. Please, make sure you install it correctly\n",
+		#		"You can find it at http://www.activestate.com/Products/komodo_edit.\n")
+		} else {
+			# Change the editor and the pager to Komodo
+			options(editor = Komodo)
+			#TODO: we need something else here: options(pager = Komodo)
+		}
+		options(warn = owarn)
+		rm(owarn)
+	}
+	rm(minVersion, res)
+	# Change the working directory to the users working dir (by default) or to
+	# the directory that is specified in --dir=
+	dir <- args[grep("^--dir=", args)]
+	if (length(dir) == 0) {
+		dir <- "~"	# Use home directory as default one
+	} else dir <- sub("^--dir=", "", dir)
+	setwd(dir)
+	# Do we load .RData and .Rhistory?
+	if (!"--no-restore" %in% args && !"--no.restore-data" %in% args)
+		if (file.exists(".RData")) load(".RData")
+	if (!"--no-restore" %in% args && !"--no.restore-history" %in% args)
+		if (file.exists(".Rhistory")) loadhistory()
+	# Do we reactivate Komodo now?
+	koact <- getOption("ko.activate")
+	if (is.null(koact)) {
+		koact <- "--ko-activate" %in% args
+		options(ko.activate = koact)
+	}
+	if (.SciViewsReady && isTRUE(koact)) {
+		if ((.Platform$pkgType == "mac.binary")) {
+			system("osascript -e 'tell application \"Komodo\" to activate'",
+				intern = TRUE)
+		} else if (!is.null(Komodo)) {
+			# TODO: The following start komodo if not started yet, but does not activate it!
+			system(Komodo, wait = FALSE)
+		}
+		# Indicate to Komodo that R is ready
+		koCmd('ko.statusBar.AddMessage("<<<data>>>", "R", 10000, true);',
+			data = paste("'", getOption("ko.id"), "' (R ", R.Version()$major, ".",
+			R.Version()$minor, ") connected", sep = ""))
+	}
+	rm(koact, Komodo, args, dir)
 ### SciViews install end ###
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/SciViews-K 0.6.3.kpz
(Binary files differ)

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/SciViews-K.kpz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/SciViews-K.kpz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.tar.gz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.tgz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.tgz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.zip
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svGUI_0.9-42.zip
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.tar.gz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.tgz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.tgz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.zip
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svMisc_0.9-44.zip
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.tar.gz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.tar.gz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.tgz
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.tgz
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.zip
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: komodo/SciViews-K/templates/svSocket_0.9-41.zip
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/svMisc/R/descFun.R
--- pkg/svMisc/R/descFun.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svMisc/R/descFun.R	2008-07-07 01:38:43 UTC (rev 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+descFun <-
+function (fun, package, lib.loc = NULL) {
+	fun <- as.character(fun)
+	if (length(fun) == 0) return("")
+	# Get the description associated with this Topic
+	AllTopics <- eval(parse(text = paste("library(help =", package, ")")))$info[[2]]
+	if (length(AllTopics) == 0) return("")
+	res <- character()
+	for (i in 1:length(fun)) {
+		paths <- sapply(.find.package(package, lib.loc, verbose = FALSE),
+			function(p) index.search(fun[i], p, "AnIndex", type = "help"))
+		# Topic is the entry that contains the description
+		Topic <- basename(paths[paths != ""])[1]
+		# Get the first line of the description
+		FirstLine <- (1:length(AllTopics))[regexpr(paste("^", Topic, " ",
+			sep = ""), AllTopics) > -1]
+		# If not found, try with fun[i]
+		if (length(FirstLine) == 0) {
+			Topic <- fun[i]
+			FirstLine <- (1:length(AllTopics))[regexpr(paste("^", Topic, " ",
+				sep = ""), AllTopics) > -1]
+		}
+		if (length(FirstLine) == 0) {
+			res[i] <- ""	# Not found (should never happen?)
+		} else {
+			# Eliminate everything before this line
+			Topics <- AllTopics[FirstLine[1]:length(AllTopics)]
+			# We may have several lines of description: keep them all
+			isSpace <- (regexpr("^ ", Topics) == -1)
+			isDesc <- (cumsum(isSpace) == 1)
+			Topics[1] <- sub(paste("^", Topic, sep = ""), "", Topics[1])
+			# Get the description and return it
+			res[i] <- paste(sub("^ +", "", Topics[isDesc]), collapse = " ")
+		}
+	}
+	# Add names to this vector and return it
+	names(res) <- fun
+	return(res)
+descArgs <-
+function (fun, args = NULL, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL) {
+	# Start from the text version of the online help instead of the .Rd file
+	if (is.null(package)) {
+		File <- as.character(help(fun,
+			lib.loc = lib.loc, chmhelp = FALSE, htmlhelp = FALSE))
+	} else {
+		File <- as.character(help(fun, package = parse(text = package),
+			lib.loc = lib.loc, chmhelp = FALSE, htmlhelp = FALSE))
+	}
+	if (length(File) == 0) return(rep("", length(args)))
+	# Read content of the text file
+	Data <- scan(File, what = character(), sep ="\n", quiet = TRUE)
+	# Get the Arguments: section
+	argsStart <- (1:length(Data))[Data == "_\bA_\br_\bg_\bu_\bm_\be_\bn_\bt_\bs:"]
+	if (length(argsStart) == 0)	# Not found
+		return(rep("", length(args)))
+	# Eliminate everything before this section
+	Data <- Data[(argsStart[1] + 1):length(Data)]
+	# Check where next section starts
+	nextSection <- (1:length(Data))[regexpr("^_\\b", Data) > -1]
+	if (length(nextSection) > 0)	# Cut everything after this section
+		Data <- Data[1:(nextSection[1] - 1)]
+	# Split description by arguments. Looks like: "^ *argument[, argument]: " + desc
+	argsFirstLine <- regexpr("^ *[a-zA-Z0-9_., ]+: .*$", Data) > -1
+	argsNames <- sub("^ *([a-zA-Z0-9_., ]+): .*$", "\\1", Data[argsFirstLine])
+	# Try to detect false argsNames, when ":" occurs in description
+	isArgs <- (regexpr("[^,] ", argsNames) == -1)
+	argsFirstLine[argsFirstLine] <- isArgs
+	argsNames <- argsNames[isArgs]
+	# Get the argument description
+	argsDesc <- sub("^ *(.*)$", "\\1", Data)
+	argsDesc[argsFirstLine] <- sub("^[a-zA-Z0-9_., ]+: (.*)$", "\\1",
+		argsDesc[argsFirstLine])
+	# Create a character vector with the successive argument descriptions
+	res <- tapply(argsDesc, cumsum(argsFirstLine), paste, collapse = " ")
+	res <- as.vector(res)
+	# Create multiple entries for "arg1, arg2, ..."
+	argsNames <- strsplit(argsNames, ", ")
+	Times <- sapply(argsNames, length)
+	res <- rep(res, Times)
+	names(res) <- unlist(argsNames)
+	# If args is not NULL, filter according to provided arguments
+	if (!is.null(args)) {
+		res <- res[as.character(args)]
+		# If arg names do not exists, return NA -> replace by ""
+		names(res) <- args
+		res[is.na(res)] <- ""
+	}
+	return(res)

Added: pkg/svMisc/man/descFun.Rd
--- pkg/svMisc/man/descFun.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svMisc/man/descFun.Rd	2008-07-07 01:38:43 UTC (rev 46)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+\title{ Get textual help on function or function arguments }
+  Textual help on functions or their arguments is extracted for text online help
+  for a given function. By default, all arguments from the online help are
+  returned for \code{descArgs()}. If the file contains help for several function,
+  one probably get also some irrelevant information. Use of 'args' to limit
+  result is strongly encouraged.
+descFun(fun, package, lib.loc = NULL)
+descArgs(fun, args = NULL, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL)
+  \item{fun}{ A character string with the name of a function (several
+    functions accepted for \code{descFun()} }
+  \item{args}{ Either \code{NULL} (by default) to return the description of all
+    arguments from the corresponding man page, or a character vector with names
+	of the arguments to search for }
+  \item{package}{ A character string with the name of the package that contains
+    \code{fun}, or \code{NULL} for searching in all loaded packages }
+  \item{lib.loc} { A character vector of directory names of \R libraries, or
+    \code{NULL}. The default value of \code{NULL} corresponds to all libraries
+	currently known. If the default is used, the loaded packages are searched
+	before the libraries. }
+  A string with the description of the function or of its arguments. If the man
+  page is not found, a vector of empty strings is returned. Empty strings are
+  also returned for arguments that are not found in the man page.
+\author{ Philippe Grosjean <phgrosjean at sciviews.org> }
+\seealso{ \code{\link{CompletePlus}} }
+descFun("ls", "base")
+descFun("library", "base")
+descArgs("library", args = c("package", "pos"))
+\keyword{ utilities }

Property changes on: pkg/svMisc/man/descFun.Rd
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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