[Sciviews-commits] r30 - pkg/svMisc/R

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Tue Jul 1 01:06:02 CEST 2008

Author: romain
Date: 2008-07-01 01:06:01 +0200 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 30

initial version (a bit slow)

Added: pkg/svMisc/R/CompletePlus.R
--- pkg/svMisc/R/CompletePlus.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/svMisc/R/CompletePlus.R	2008-06-30 23:06:01 UTC (rev 30)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+CompletePlus <- function (linebuffer, cursorPosition = nchar(linebuffer), minlength = 2 ) {
+    utils:::.assignLinebuffer(linebuffer)
+    utils:::.assignEnd(cursorPosition)
+    utils:::.guessTokenFromLine()
+    token <- utils:::.CompletionEnv[["token"]]
+    if (nchar(token, type = "chars") < minlength) return(invisible(NULL))
+    utils:::.completeToken()
+    comps <- utils:::.retrieveCompletions()
+    out <- matrix( "", nrow = length(comps), ncol = 2 )
+    out[,1] <- comps
+    ### deal with packages (completions ending with ::)
+    if(length(test.pack <- grep("::", comps) )){
+      out[ test.pack,2] <- sapply( sub("::", "", comps[test.pack]), packageDescription, fields = "Description"  ) 
+    }
+    ### deal with argument completions (ending with =)
+    if(length(test.arg <- grep("=", comps) )){
+      arg <- sub("=$", "", comps[test.arg] )
+      fguess <- utils:::.CompletionEnv[["fguess"]]
+      pack <- sub( "^package:", "", find( fguess )[1] )
+      if(pack == ".GlobalEnv" ) {
+        out[ test.arg,2] <- ""
+      } else{
+        out[ test.arg,2] <- paste( "[", fguess, "] ", .extract_argument_description( pack, fguess, arg), sep = "" )
+      }
+    }
+    ### TODO: do not know what to do with these
+    test.others <- grep(" ", comps)
+    # TODO: are there other kind of completions I miss here
+    ### deal with function completions
+    test.fun <- setdiff( 1:length(comps), c(test.arg, test.pack, test.others) )
+    if( length(test.fun) ){
+      funs     <- comps[test.fun]
+      packs    <- sub( "^package:", "", sapply( funs , find ) )
+      desc.fun <- rep( "", length(packs) )
+      for( pack in unique(packs) ){
+        if( pack != ".GlobalEnv" ){
+          dir <- .find.package(pack)
+          rds <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "Rd.rds")
+          rd.data <- .readRDS(rds)
+          funInThisPack <- funs[ packs == pack ]
+          desc.fun[ packs == pack ] <- sapply( funInThisPack, function(x){
+            index <- which( sapply( rd.data$Aliases, function(y) any(x %in% y) ) )
+            rd.data$Title[ index ]
+          })
+        }
+      }
+      out[ test.fun, 2 ] <- desc.fun
+    }
+    out
+.extract_argument_description <- function( package, fun, arg, lib.loc = NULL){
+  dir <- .find.package(package, lib.loc)
+  rds <- file.path(dir, "Meta", "Rd.rds")
+  if (file_test("-f", rds)) {
+    rd.data <- .readRDS(rds)
+    index <- which( sapply( rd.data$Aliases, function(x) any(fun %in% x) ) )
+    if( length(index) == 1){
+      rdfile <- rd.data$File[index]
+      rddb <- tools:::Rd_db( package = package)
+      rdcontent <- paste( rddb[ basename(names(rddb)) == rdfile ][[1]], collapse = "\n" )
+      arguments <- .get_Rd_arguments_table( rdcontent )
+      arguments[ sapply( arg, function(x) which(arguments[,1] == x  )), 2 ]
+      # TODO: do some error handling
+    } else {
+      rep( "", length(arg) )
+    }
+  } else {
+    rep( "", length(arg))
+  }
+.get_Rd_arguments_table <-  function (txt) {
+    txt <- tools:::get_Rd_section(txt, "arguments")
+    tab <- get_Rd_items_table(txt)
+    txt <- tab[,1]
+    if (!length(txt)) 
+        return(character())
+    txt <- gsub("\\\\l?dots", "...", txt)
+    txt <- sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", txt)
+    txt <- sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", txt)
+    txt <- gsub("\\\\_", "_", txt)
+    tab[,1] <- txt
+    tab
+get_Rd_items_table <- function (txt) {
+    out <- character() # item names
+    desc <- character() # item descriptions
+    if (length(txt) != 1L) 
+        stop("argument 'txt' must be a character string")
+    pattern <- "(^|\n)[[:space:]]*\\\\item\\{"
+    while ((pos <- regexpr(pattern, txt)) != -1L) {
+        txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1L)
+        if ((pos <- tools:::delimMatch(txt)) == -1L) 
+            stop(gettextf("unmatched \\item name in '\\item{%s'", 
+                sub("\n.*$", "", txt)), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
+        newout <- strsplit( substring(txt, pos + 1L, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2L), " *, *" )[[1]]
+        out <- c(out, newout)
+        txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
+        if ((pos <- regexpr("^[[:space:]]*\\{", txt)) == -1L) 
+            stop(gettextf("no \\item description for item '%s'", 
+                out[length(out)]), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
+        txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 1L)
+        if ((pos <- tools:::delimMatch(txt)) == -1L) 
+            stop(gettextf("unmatched \\item description for item '%s'", 
+                out[length(out)]), domain = NA, call. = FALSE)
+        desc <- c( desc, rep( substring(txt, 2L, pos + attr(pos, "match.length") - 2L), length(newout) ) )
+        txt <- substring(txt, pos + attr(pos, "match.length"))
+    }
+    cbind( out, desc )

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