[Ruler-commits] r69 - in pkg/ruleR: . R inst/doc man
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Wed Dec 4 11:23:30 CET 2013
Author: doebler
Date: 2013-12-04 11:23:29 +0100 (Wed, 04 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 69
tidy up .Rd files, so package could be built to work on vignette.
Modified: pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION 2012-10-21 21:28:30 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/ruleR/DESCRIPTION 2013-12-04 10:23:29 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
Package: ruleR
Type: Package
Title: generating numeric sequence items for intelligence tests
-Version: 1.0
-Date: 2012-07-31
+Version: 0.1
+Date: 2013-12-04
Author: Maria Rafalak(Polish Psychological Tests Laboratory), Philipp Doebler (University of Muenster)
Maintainer: Maria Rafalak <m.rafalak at practest.com.pl>
Description: This package helps to generate items for intelligence tests. Items are number sequences and are generated according to the implemented basic rules. Those rules can be easily combined either by a user or automatically. The package generates also 'noise answers' (distractors) helpful in creating items with specified response options.
Modified: pkg/ruleR/R/ruleR_upgraded_final.R
--- pkg/ruleR/R/ruleR_upgraded_final.R 2012-10-21 21:28:30 UTC (rev 68)
+++ pkg/ruleR/R/ruleR_upgraded_final.R 2013-12-04 10:23:29 UTC (rev 69)
@@ -1,825 +1,825 @@
- representation = representation(previousRule="SingleRule",description="character"),
- S3methods=TRUE)
-calculateSpecific <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
- return(y)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="SingleRule", y="numeric"),
- function(x,y){
- return(y)
- })
-#[0] IDENTICAL FUNCTION (input=output) used in random sequence generation
- function(x,y){
- return(y)
- })
- contains="SingleRule",
- representation(constantVal="numeric"),
- prototype(previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),description="Add"),
- S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="AddConstSingleRule", y="numeric"),
- function(x,y){
- return(x at constantVal+y)
- })
- contains="SingleRule",
- representation(constantVal="numeric"),
- prototype(previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"), description="Multiply by "),
- S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="MultConstSingleRule", y="numeric"),
- function(x,y){
- return(x at constantVal*y)
- })
-digits <- function(x) {
- x<-abs(x)
- if(length(x) > 1 ) {
- lapply(x, digits)
- } else {
- n <- nchar(x)
- rev( x %/% 10^seq(0, length.out=n) %% 10 )
- }
- contains="SingleRule",
- representation(description="character"),
- prototype(description="Take the sum of digits ",previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule")),
- S3methods=TRUE)
- function(x,y){
- if(length(y) == 1){return(sum(digits(y))) ## only for one argument
- }else{
- return(unlist(lapply(digits(y),sum)))} ## properly vectorized
- })
-# setClass("NegativeSingleRule", contains="SingleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-# setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="NegativeSingleRule",y="numeric"),
-# function(x,y){
-# return(-y)
-# })
-calculate <- function(x,y,z=NULL){
- return(y)
-setMethod("calculate",signature(x="SingleRule", y="numeric"), #both [1] and [2] inherit from class 'SingleRule'
- function(x, y){
- result<-y
- if(!is.null(x at previousRule)){ # if there are some rules nested inside 'x'
- result <- calculate(x at previousRule,result)
- }
- return(calculateSpecific(x,result)) # if there are no more nested functions, execute
- })
-# firstRule - operations to be executed at the first element of the numeric sequence (it is an object of class 'SingleRule')
-# secondRule - operations to be executed at the second element of the numeric sequence (it is an object of class 'SingleRule')
-# nextSingle - operation to be executed at the result of function DoubleRule
- representation = representation(firstRule="SingleRule", secondRule="SingleRule",nextSingle="SingleRule"),
- prototype(firstRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),secondRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),nextSingle=new("IdenSingleRule")),
- S3methods=TRUE)
- contains="DoubleRule",
- representation(description="character"),
- prototype(firstRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),secondRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),nextSingle=new("IdenSingleRule"), description="Add two previous elements"),
- S3methods=TRUE)
- signature(x="AddDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
- function(x,y,z){
- return(y+z)
- })
- contains="DoubleRule",
- representation(description="character"),
- prototype(firstRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),secondRule=new("IdenSingleRule"),nextSingle=new("IdenSingleRule"), description="Multiply two previous elements"),
- S3methods=TRUE)
-setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="MultDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
- function(x,y,z){
- return(y*z)
- })
-# setClass("SubsDoubleRule",contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-# setMethod("calculateSpecific",signature(x="SubsDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-# function(x,y,z){
-# return(y-z)
-# })
-#prevent from dividing by zero !!!
-# setClass("DivDoubleRule",contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-# setMethod("calculateSpecific",
-# signature(x="DivDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-# function(x,y,z){
-# if(z!=0){return(y%/%z)
-# }else{return(0)}})
-# #[5] MODULO (Philipp)
-# setClass("ModuloDoubleRule",contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-# setMethod("calculateSpecific",
-# signature(x="ModuloDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-# function(x,y,z){
-# return(y%%z)
-# })
-# setClass("ExpDoubleRule", contains="DoubleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
-# setMethod("calculateSpecific",
-# signature(x="ExpDoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
-# function(x,y,z){
-# return(y^z)
-# })
-setMethod("calculate",signature(x="DoubleRule", y="numeric", z="numeric"),
- function(x, y, z){
- firstArg <- y #first element of the sequence
- secondArg <-z #second element of the sequence
- if(!is.null(x at firstRule)){ #if there are some rules nested inside
- firstArg <- calculate(x at firstRule,firstArg) #execute first single-argument rule
- }
- if(!is.null(x at secondRule)){
- secondArg <- calculate(x at secondRule,secondArg) #execute second single-argument rule
- }
- result<-calculateSpecific(x,firstArg, secondArg) #if there are no more nested rules, execute
- if(!is.null(x at nextSingle)){
- result<-calculate(x at nextSingle, result)
- }
- return(result)
- })
-# ---------------------------INTERTWINED RULES ----------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------- different fules for odd and different for even element of numeric sequence -------------
- representation = representation(odd_rule="SingleRule",even_rule="SingleRule"),
- S3methods=TRUE)
-#----------------------------------------------------generating sequences--------------------------------------------
-#a list of single rules
-#a list of double rules
-# 'a1' is an index from table SingleRule (default a=NULL) //if 'a' is NULL it will be generated
-# 'n' how many rules are to be nested (default=NULL menas that I want to generate it automatically let's say from c(0,1,2)
-# n=0 would mean that I want to create just one rule with nothing nested inside)
-# 'cv1' is a constant value
-# '...' if I would like to add some rules nested I can provide their parameters cv must be always supplied #9even if the function doesn't require that
- p<-list(...)#arguments for nesting other functions
- p<-unlist(p)
- if(is.null(a1)) {a1<-sample(2:length(singleRules),1)} #generate 'a' if no is supplied (we don't want to generate a=1 because it is identical function)
- if(is.null(cv1)) {cv1<-sample(-100:100,1)} # generate a constant value if no is supplied
- if(is.null(n)){n<-sample(c(0,1,2),1,prob=c(3/6,2/6,1/6)) #nesting more than two rules would be impossible to guess
- k<-1:length(singleRules) #preventing nesting the same rules of the same class together
- r<-sample(k[-a1],n,replace=FALSE)#generating rules to be nested
- co<-sample(1:100,n) # generating constant values for nested rules
- p<-as.vector(rbind(r,co))
- } # generate 'n' if it is set as null with different probabilities
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(singleRules[[a1]])){m<-new(singleRules[[a1]],constantVal=cv1,previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"))
- }else{m<-new(singleRules[[a1]],previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule"))}
- if(n!=0) {k<-createSR(p[[1]],p[[2]],n-1,p[-c(1,2)])
- m at previousRule<-k}#else{m at previousRule<-new("IdenSingleRule")}
- return(m)
-# 'a' is index from a list of DoubleRules
-#'fr' firstRule argument of an object of class doubleRule
-#'sr' secondRule argument of an object of class doubleRule
-#'ns' nextSingle argument of an object of class doubleRule
- if(!is.null(a) && a>length(doubleRules)) stop (paste("The list of doubleRules is shorter than ",a, ".Please specify 'a' value, which is smaller than or equal to",length(doubleRules)))
- if(!inherits(fr,"SingleRule") && !is.null(fr))stop(paste("'fr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
- if(!inherits(sr,"SingleRule") && !is.null(sr))stop(paste("'sr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
- if(!inherits(ns,"SingleRule") && !is.null(ns))stop(paste("'ns' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
- if(is.null(fr)) fr<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.5,0.5))[[1]]# firstRule is chosen from an automatically generated SingleRule or identical rule returning the input
- if(is.null(sr)) {sr<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.3,0.7))[[1]] #because adding more and more rules makes the rule very difficult I would generate identical function with greater probability
- }
- if(is.null(ns)) ns<-sample(c(createSR(),new("IdenSingleRule")),1,prob=c(0.3,0.7))[[1]]
- if(is.null(a)) a<-sample(1:length(doubleRules),1) #generate an index of a doubleRule from the list of doubleRules
- a<-doubleRules[[a]]
- p<-new(a,firstRule=fr, secondRule=sr,nextSingle=ns)
- return(p)
- }
-# 'seqlen' is the length of the numeric sequence (default value is 6)
-# 'start' - range from which starting values are generated
- {
- return(a)}
- function(start,rule,seqlen){
- if(length(start)==1){ #generating starting elements of numeric sequence
- x1<-start;x2<-start
- }else{
- start<-sample(start,2)
- x1<-start[1]
- x2<-start[2]
- }
- k<-list()
- k[1]=x1
- for(i in 2:seqlen){
- k[i]<-calculate(x=rule,y=k[[i-1]])
- }
- return(list(k,rule))
- })
- function(start,rule,seqlen){
- if(length(start)==1){ #generating starting elements of numeric sequence
- x1<-start;x2<-start
- }else{
- start<-sample(start,2)
- x1<-start[1]
- x2<-start[2]
- }
- k<-list()
- k[1]=x1
- k[2]=x2
- for(i in 3:seqlen){
- k[i]<-calculate(x=rule,y=k[[i-2]],z=k[[i-1]])
- }
- return(list(k,rule))
- })
- function(start,rule,seqlen){
- odd_list<-sequenceR(start=start,rule=rule at odd_rule,seqlen=seqlen%/%2)[[1]]
- even_list<-sequenceR(start=start,rule=rule at even_rule,seqlen=seqlen%/%2)[[1]]
- k<-unlist(mapply(c,odd_list, even_list, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
- if(seqlen%%2==1)k<-c(k,calculate(rule at odd_rule,k[[length(k)-1]]))#if sequence length is an odd number
- return(list(as.list(k),rule))
- })
-# checking if a vector is in any row of the matrix
-#'mx' is a matrix in which I am searching
-#'vec' is a vector which is being checked
-# result TRUE means that there is already such vector in the matrix
- return(any(apply(mx, 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), vec)))
- }
-# it returns '0' when teh sequence is constant and '1' when the sequence is not constant
-# a function examines three last elements of a sequence, so even sequences like 27,9,9,9,9 ... are excluded
- if(length(x)%%2==1){m<-length(x)-1}else{m=length(x)}
- for(j in 1:(m/2-1)){
- if(identical(x[c((m-j):m)],x[c((m-2*j-1):(m-j-1))])){return(0);break
- }else{if(x[[m]]==x[[m-1]])return(0);break}
- }
- return(1)}
-#------function to print objects of class SingleRule and DoubleRule---------
-# #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# print.SingleRule<-function(x){
-# pr<-function(x){
-# cat(paste("\nname:", class(x)[1]))
-# if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(x)) {cat(paste(", constant value: ", x at constantVal))}
-# }
-# pr(x)
-# if(!class(x at previousRule)=="SingleRule"){x<-x at previousRule; print(x)}
-# }
-# print.DoubleRule<-function(x){
-# x1=x
-# cat(class(x1)[1])
-# if("firstRule"%in%slotNames(x)){cat("\n FIRST RULE:"); x<-x at firstRule;print.SingleRule(x)}
-# x=x1
-# if("secondRule"%in%slotNames(x)){cat("\n SECOND RULE:"); x<-x at secondRule;print.SingleRule(x)}
-# x=x1
-# if("nextSingle"%in%slotNames(x)){cat("\n NEXT SINGLE:"); x<-x at nextSingle;print.SingleRule(x)}
-# }
-#------------------------------------------------NEW APPROACH---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-setClassUnion(name="Rule", members=c("SingleRule","DoubleRule"))
-setClassUnion(name="vecORnull", members=c("vector","NULL"))
-# 'range' of constant value user want to use (it can be a vector (ex. sequence with min value, max value and step))
-setClassUnion(name="Rule", members=c("SingleRule","DoubleRule"))
-setClassUnion(name="vecORnull", members=c("vector","NULL"))
-#make a list of objects of class DirectRules and send the list to createItems function and name it as you wish
-#'range' for constant Value parameter// can be a vector ie. seq(3,5,by=.1) or a single numeric value
-#'index' - index of the rule in the basic rules list - it can be a list or a simple element
- if(inherits(index,"SingleRule")){rule<-index;if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(index)){range=index at constantVal}else{range=NULL}}
- if(inherits(index,"DoubleRule")){rule<-index;range=NULL}
- if(class(index)=="numeric"){#you specify rule from the table c(singleRules,doubleRules)
- if(index>length(c(singleRules,doubleRules)))stop("supplied index is larger than available list of rules")
- if(index<=length(singleRules)){
- rule<-createSR(a1=index,cv1=0,n=0,previousRule=new("IdenSingleRule")) #create a singleRule
- }else{rule<-createDR(a=(index-length(singleRules)),
- fr=new("IdenSingleRule"),
- sr=new("IdenSingleRule"),
- ns=new("IdenSingleRule"))
- range=NULL}#create a double rule basing on index value
- }
- range=as.vector(range)
- b<-new("DictionaryRule", rule=rule, range=range)
- return(b)
- }
-#GENERATE CV - function generating a constant value out of a given range
-#function generatin constantVal for singleRules from specyfied range
-#'x' an object of class DictionaryRule
- if(length(x at range)==1)x at range<-rep(x at range,2)
- cv<-sample(x at range,1)
- return(cv)}#generating a constant Value for the first rule (if it needs one)
-#NEST - function nesting rules
-#'chain' - how many rules I am allowed to nest
-#'dict_single' - a list of available singleRules
-#'a' exterior rule - object of class SingleRule
- # if you want to nest more functions than there are available in dict_single list
- if(chain>length(dict_single))chain<-length(dict_single)
- if(chain!=0){
- p<-sample(1:length(dict_single),1)
- k<-dict_single[[p]]@rule
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(k))k at constantVal<-generate_cv(dict_single[[p]])
- a at previousRule<-k
- chain=chain-1
- dict_single<-dict_single[-p] #there is no point on nesting several same singleRules
- k<-nest(chain,dict_single,k)
- a at previousRule<-k
- }
- return(a)
-#SPLIT DICT - function getting a list of SingleRules
-#a function to split itemDictionary into
-#two list - first one containing only SingleRules and the second only doubleRules
-#'type'=1 singlerules, type=2 doubleRules
- lista<-list()
- if(type==1){b<-"SingleRule"}else{b<-"DoubleRule"}
- for(i in 1:length(itemDictionary)){
- if(inherits(itemDictionary[[i]]@rule,b))lista<-c(lista,itemDictionary[[i]])
- }
- return(lista)
-#GENERATE RULE - function returning a rule form itemDictionary
-#'items' list of already generated items
-#'itemDictionary' list of objects of class "DictionaryRule" allowed in creating numeric sequence
-#'chain' showing how many rules I can combine
-#'del' which slots in doubleRules can be modyfied(1-only first,2-only second, 3-only next,c(1,2,3) all)
-#'start' - range for starting values that user can specify (it can be a single value or a vector specifying the range)
- if(class(itemDictionary)!="list")stop("itemDictionary must be of class 'list'")
- h<-sample(1:length(itemDictionary),1)#generate index of a rule of itemDictionary list
- a<-itemDictionary[[h]]@rule #craeting the outer singleRule
- #if we are dealing with single rules
- if(inherits(a,"SingleRule")){ #if the first generated rule is of class SingleRule
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(a)){
- cv<-generate_cv(itemDictionary[[h]])
- a at constantVal<-cv #generating a constant value for the outer rule
- }
- itemDictionary<-itemDictionary[-h]#nesting the same singleRules doesn't make sense so remove the rule from the list
- if(length(itemDictionary)>0){dict_single<-split_dict(itemDictionary,1)
- a<-nest(chain,dict_single,a)
- }else{dict_single<-NULL
- a<-a}
- }else{#if we are dealing with Double Rules
- chain0<-chain
- dict_single0<-split_dict(itemDictionary,1)
- if(1%in%del){chain<-chain0
- dict_single<-dict_single0
- h<-sample(1:length(dict_single),1)#generate index of a rule of itemDictionary list
- b<-dict_single[[h]]@rule #first nested function
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(b))b at constantVal<-generate_cv(dict_single[[h]])
- dict_single<-dict_single[-h]
- chain=chain-1
- if(chain>=1){a at firstRule<-nest(chain,dict_single,b)}else{a at firstRule<-b}
- }
- if(2%in%del){chain<-chain0
- dict_single<-dict_single0
- h<-sample(1:length(dict_single),1)#generate index of a rule of itemDictionary list
- b<-dict_single[[h]]@rule #first nested function
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(b))b at constantVal<-generate_cv(dict_single[[h]])
- dict_single<-dict_single[-h]
- chain=chain-1
- if(chain>=1){a at secondRule<-nest(chain,dict_single,b)}else{a at secondRule<-b}
- }
- if(3%in%del){chain<-chain0
- dict_single<-dict_single0
- h<-sample(1:length(dict_single),1)#generate index of a rule of itemDictionary list
- b<-dict_single[[h]]@rule #first nested function
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(b))b at constantVal<-generate_cv(dict_single[[h]])
- dict_single<-dict_single[-h]
- chain=chain-1
- if(chain>=1){a at nextSingle<-nest(chain,dict_single,b)}else{a at nextSingle<-b}
- }
- }
- return(a)
-#CHECK - function checking if generated sequence is constant, or has elements greater/smaller than the limit
-#'result' - numeric sequence that I want to check
-#function would check for duplicates, constant/cyclic
-#I compare result with elements of list items that have the same length as 'result'
-# 'element_range' maximum and minimum values of elements of the numeric sequence
- if(class(items)!="list")stop("items must be a list")
- max_val<-max(element_range)
- min_val<-min(element_range)
- #getting elements of list 'items' that have the same length as 'result'
- to_compare<-list()
- for(i in 1:length(items)){
- if(length(items[[i]])==length(result))to_compare<-c(to_compare,items[i])
- }
- if(length(to_compare)!=0){to_compare<-matrix(unlist(to_compare),length(to_compare),length(result),byrow=TRUE)
- }else{to_compare<-matrix(NA,1,length(result))}
- if(any(is.na(result))|| max(unlist(result))>max_val || min(unlist(result))< min_val||conCheck(result)==0 ||duplicate(to_compare,unlist(result))){
- return(0)}else{return(1)}
-# VALIDATION FUNCTION - function saving new items on a list if they are unique and not constant etc.
-#'seqlen' - length of numeric sequence
-#items' list of already generated items
-#'itemDictionary' objects of class "DictionaryRule" allowed in creating numeric sequence
-#'chain' showing how many rules I can combine
-#'del' which slots in doubleRules can be modyfied(1-only first,2-only second, 3-only next,c(1,2,3) all)
-#'start' - range for starting values that user can specify (it can be a single value or a vector specifying the range)
-#'number'-iteration counter
- number=number
- rule<-generateRule(itemDictionary,chain,del)
- result<-sequenceR(start=start,rule=rule,seqlen=seqlen)[[1]]
- validation<-check(items,result,element_range)
-if(validation==0){#if the sequence is not unique, tru generating another one (but max. for three times)
- if(number<4) {number=number+1
- val(items=items,rules=rules,itemDictionary=itemDictionary,chain=chain,del=del,start=start,element_range=element_range,seqlen=seqlen,number)
- }else{item<-rep(NA,seqlen)
- rule<-new("IdenSingleRule")
- k<-list(item,rule)
- return(k)
- break
- } # if you failed to generate a unique sequence in 4 attempts- return zero sequence
- }else{item<<-unlist(result)
- rule<-rule
- k<-list(item,rule)
- return(k)
- break
- }
- #'n'- how many items would you like to create
- #'seqlen' - how long would you like your items to be (you can specify different length for every item)
- #'dictionary' - dictionary of rules user would like to use in generating new sequences
- #'chain' - how many rules you want to combine - it can be a range, a list of ranges or a single value
- #'del'- how many of DoubleRule slots I can change
- #'start' - range for starting values that user can specify (it can be a single value or a vector specifying the range)
- #'exact' - which dictionary rules can be applied
- #'element_range' - the range of elements - should be a vector of length 2 specyfying max and min approved element
- if(class(dictionary)!="list")stop("dictionary must be a list")
- if(is.null(exact)){exact0<-rep(list(1:length(dictionary)),length.out=n)
- }else{if(class(exact)=="list"){exact0<-exact}else{exact0<-rep(list(exact),length.out=n)}}
- if(class(start)=="list"){start0<-start}else{start0<-rep(list(start), length.out=n)}
- if(class(chain)=="list"){chain0<-chain}else{chain0<-rep(list(chain), length.out=n)}
- if(class(del)=="list"){del0<-del}else{del0<-rep(list(del), length.out=n)}
- if(class(seqlen)=="list"){seqlen0<-seqlen}else{seqlen0<-rep(list(seqlen), length.out=n)}
- if(class(element_range)=="list"){element_range0<-element_range}else{element_range0<-rep(list(element_range), length.out=n)}
- items<-list(NA) #I will store generated items in a matrix
- rules<- list(NA)
- for(i in 1:n){
- exact<-exact0[[i]]
- start<-start0[[i]]
- chain<-chain0[[i]]
- del<-del0[[i]]
- seqlen<-seqlen0[[i]]
- element_range<-element_range0[[i]]
- itemDictionary<-dictionary[exact] #list of dictionary rules allowed in generating an item
- m<-val(items=items,rules=rules,itemDictionary,chain,del,start,element_range,seqlen,number=0)
- items[[length(items)+1]]<-m[[1]]
- rules[[length(rules)+1]]<-m[[2]]
- }
- return(list(items[-1],rules[-1]))
- }
-#=====PRINTING RULES=================================================================================================================
-setMethod("print",signature(x="SingleRule"), #both [1] and [2] inherit from class 'SingleRule'
- function(x){
- k<-list()
- desc_list<-function(x){
- if(!inherits(x,"IdenSingleRule")){
- if("constantVal"%in%slotNames(x)){k<<-c(k,paste(x at description,x at constantVal)); x<-x at previousRule;desc_list(x)
- }else {k<<-c(k,x at description); x<-x at previousRule;desc_list(x)}
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/ruler -r 69
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