[Ruler-commits] r61 - pkg/ruleR/man

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Mon Oct 15 11:38:54 CEST 2012

Author: doebler
Date: 2012-10-15 11:38:54 +0200 (Mon, 15 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 61

corrected some typos in createTest.Rd

Modified: pkg/ruleR/man/createTest.Rd
--- pkg/ruleR/man/createTest.Rd	2012-10-11 07:36:41 UTC (rev 60)
+++ pkg/ruleR/man/createTest.Rd	2012-10-15 09:38:54 UTC (rev 61)
@@ -1,160 +1,159 @@
-%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
-A function to create test with specyfied parameters.
-A function to create test with specyfied parameters.
-createTest(n, dictionary = basicDictionary, start = 1:100, chain = 2, del = c(1, 2, 3), 
- seqlen = 6,exact = NULL, element_range = c(-1000, 1000))
-%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
-  \item{n}{
-how many numeric sequences should be generated (how long the test should be)
-  \item{dictionary}{
-a list of all rules that can be used in generating a test. Every element of this list should be an object of class \code{DictionaryRule}. \cr
-By default dictionary is a \code{basicDictionary} list but such list can be easily created by user. 
-  \item{start}{
-a vector specifying the allowed range for starting values. Default range is 1:100
-  \item{chain}{
-How many rules can be combined together (nested) at one time. By default \code{chain=2}
-  \item{del}{
-refers only to \code{DoubleRules}. Specifies which elements (1-firstRule,2-secondRule,\cr 3-nextSingle) should be generated. 
-By default all three arguments are generated.
-  \item{seqlen}{
-how long a numeric sequence should be. \cr if it is a \code{numeric} every numeric sequence in a test will have the same length.
-  \item{exact}{
-which rules from \code{dictionary} should be used to create certain items. You can define it for every item in a form of list.
-By default it is all rules from defined \code{dictionary}.
-  \item{element_range}{
-what maximum and minimum size of elements are allowed in numeric sequence. It should be a vector of two numeric elements - first one specifying minimal values, second maximum values. If you want to define it separately for every numeric sequence it must be a list of two-element vectors.
-By default elements larger than 1000 and smaller than -100 are not allowed in numeric sequences.
-If program is unable to generate numeric sequence which is not constant or unique with the parameters given, it will return a list of NA's
-instead of numeric sequence and \code{IdenSingleRule} as a rule used to produce it
-Function returns a list of numeric sequences \code{[[1]]} and a list of rules to create them \code{[[2]]}. 
-%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
-%%  ~~who you are~~
-%%  ~~further notes~~
-%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
- \code{\link{basicDictionary}},\code{\link{createDictRule}}, \code{\linkS4class{DoubleRule}},\code{\linkS4class{SingleRule}}
-# example 1
-m<-createTest(4) #generate a Test consisting of 4 items (all settings default)
-m[[1]] # a list of items (numeric sequences)
-m[[2]] # a list of rules used to create those items 
-#If your rule looks like this:
-#name: MultConstSingleRule, constant value:  2
-#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  14
-#name: DigSumSingleRule
-#name: IdenSingleRule
-#it means that you should take the sum of digits of a number, 
-#add 14 and multiply the result by 2
-#If your rule looks like this:
-#name: DigSumSingleRule
-#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  -14
-#name: IdenSingleRule
-#name: MultConstSingleRule, constant value:  -12
-#name: DigSumSingleRule
-#name: IdenSingleRule
-#name: DigSumSingleRule
-#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  -8
-#name: IdenSingleRule
-#(a) it means that you should add a constant -14 to 
-#the first element of numeric sequence and take digitsum of the result
-#(b) take a digitsum from the second element of numeric sequence and multiply it by -12
-#that multiply (a) and (b)
-# in the end add -8 to the result and take the sum of digits from your calculations
-# example 2
-# generating 4 sequences of length respectively  4,5,6,7, all startuing with 1
-# as above, but with starting values from range 7:10
-# first sequence should have starting elements from range 1:10, 
-#second sequence should start with 1, thirs sequence should have 
-#starting element from range 15:17, fourth sequence should have 
-#starting element 4
-m<-createTest(5,chain=0) # only one rule can be used to create every numeric sequence
-#the first sequence will be generated using only one rule, 
-#the second using two rules combined (one rule nested)
-# example 3
-#"AddConstSingleRule" with constant value between -10 to 10
-#"MultConstSingleRule" with constant value 2
-ddd5<-createDictRule(5) #"AddDoubleRule"
-ddd6<-createDictRule(6) #"MultDoubleRule"
-# I want to use only those rules in my test
-# a test using only rules from Mydict list
-#rules 1 and 2 can be used to create first numeric sequence, rules 2 and 3 to create second numeric sequence ...
-#the 'exact' list must be of length n
-% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
-% R documentation directory.
-\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
-\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+A function to create a test with specified parameters.
+A function to a create test with specified parameters.
+createTest(n, dictionary = basicDictionary, start = 1:100, chain = 2, del = c(1, 2, 3), 
+ seqlen = 6,exact = NULL, element_range = c(-1000, 1000))
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{n}{
+how many numeric sequences should be generated? (how long the test should be)
+  \item{dictionary}{
+a list of all rules that can be used in generating a test. Every element of this list should be an object of class \code{DictionaryRule}. \cr
+By default dictionary is a \code{basicDictionary} list but such list can be easily created by user. 
+  \item{start}{
+a vector specifying the allowed range for starting values. Default range is 1:100
+  \item{chain}{
+How many rules can be combined together (nested) at one time. By default \code{chain=2}
+  \item{del}{
+refers only to \code{DoubleRules}. Specifies which elements (1-firstRule,2-secondRule,\cr 3-nextSingle) should be generated. 
+By default all three arguments are generated.
+  \item{seqlen}{
+how long should each numeric sequence be? \cr If it is a \code{numeric} every numeric sequence in a test will have the same length.
+  \item{exact}{
+which rules from \code{dictionary} should be used to create certain items? You can define it for every item in a form of list.
+By default it is all rules from defined \code{dictionary}.
+  \item{element_range}{
+what maximum and minimum size of elements are allowed in the numeric sequence? It should be a vector of two numeric elements - first one specifying minimal values, second maximum values. If you want to define it separately for every numeric sequence it must be a list of two-element vectors.
+By default elements larger than 1000 and smaller than -100 are not allowed in numeric sequences.
+If \code{createTest} is unable to generate numeric sequences which are not constant or unique with the parameters given, it will return a list of NA's
+instead of numeric sequence and \code{IdenSingleRule} as a rule used to produce it.
+Function returns a list of numeric sequences \code{[[1]]} and a list of rules to create them \code{[[2]]}. 
+%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
+%%  ~~who you are~~
+%%  ~~further notes~~
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+ \code{\link{basicDictionary}},\code{\link{createDictRule}}, \code{\linkS4class{DoubleRule}},\code{\linkS4class{SingleRule}}
+# example 1
+m<-createTest(4) #generate a Test consisting of 4 items (all settings default)
+m[[1]] # a list of items (numeric sequences)
+m[[2]] # a list of rules used to create those items 
+#If your rule looks like this:
+#name: MultConstSingleRule, constant value:  2
+#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  14
+#name: DigSumSingleRule
+#name: IdenSingleRule
+#it means that you should take the sum of digits of a number, 
+#add 14 and multiply the result by 2
+#If your rule looks like this:
+#name: DigSumSingleRule
+#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  -14
+#name: IdenSingleRule
+#name: MultConstSingleRule, constant value:  -12
+#name: DigSumSingleRule
+#name: IdenSingleRule
+#name: DigSumSingleRule
+#name: AddConstSingleRule, constant value:  -8
+#name: IdenSingleRule
+#(a) it means that you should add a constant -14 to 
+#the first element of numeric sequence and take digitsum of the result
+#(b) take a digitsum from the second element of numeric sequence and multiply it by -12
+#that multiply (a) and (b)
+# in the end add -8 to the result and take the sum of digits from your calculations
+# example 2
+# generating 4 sequences of length respectively  4,5,6,7, all starting with 1
+# as above, but with starting values from range 7:10
+# first sequence should have starting elements from range 1:10, 
+#second sequence should start with 1, thirs sequence should have 
+#starting element from range 15:17, fourth sequence should have 
+#starting element 4
+m<-createTest(5,chain=0) # only one rule can be used to create every numeric sequence
+#the first sequence will be generated using only one rule, 
+#the second using two rules combined (one rule nested)
+# example 3
+#"AddConstSingleRule" with constant value between -10 to 10
+#"MultConstSingleRule" with constant value 2
+ddd5<-createDictRule(5) #"AddDoubleRule"
+ddd6<-createDictRule(6) #"MultDoubleRule"
+# I want to use only those rules in my test
+# a test using only rules from Mydict list
+#rules 1 and 2 can be used to create first numeric sequence, rules 2 and 3 to create second numeric sequence ...
+#the 'exact' list must be of length n
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

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