[Ruler-commits] r22 - pkg
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Mon Jul 30 00:37:21 CEST 2012
Author: merysionek
Date: 2012-07-30 00:37:20 +0200 (Mon, 30 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 22
a function to generate automatically items (starting numbers, rules + checking)
Modified: pkg/New.R
--- pkg/New.R 2012-07-27 16:12:25 UTC (rev 21)
+++ pkg/New.R 2012-07-29 22:37:20 UTC (rev 22)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
setClass("NegativeSingleRule", contains="SingleRule",S3methods=TRUE)
@@ -256,7 +256,8 @@
#a list of single rules
-singleRules<-list(list(ruleName="AddConstSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule","constantVal"), argumentType= c("SingleRule","numeric")),
+singleRules<-list(list(ruleName="IdenSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule"), argumentType= c("SingleRule")),
+list(ruleName="AddConstSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule","constantVal"), argumentType= c("SingleRule","numeric")),
list(ruleName="MultConstSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule","constantVal"), argumentType= c("SingleRule","numeric")),
list(ruleName="SubsConstSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule","constantVal"), argumentType= c("SingleRule","numeric")),
list(ruleName="DigSumSingleRule",argumentName=c("previousRule"), argumentType= c("SingleRule")),
@@ -278,53 +279,29 @@
# '...' if I would like to add some rules nested I can provide their parameters cv must be always supplied #9even if the function doesn't require that
- p<-list(...) #arguments for nesting other functions
+ p<-list(...)#arguments for nesting other functions
+ p<-unlist(p)
#if(!is.null(n) && length(p)!=2*n) stop (paste("parameters of functions to be nested do not match n=",n))
- if(is.null(a1)) {a1<-sample(1:length(singleRules),1)} #generate 'a' if no is supplied
+ #for(i in seq(1,length(p),by=2)){if(k[i]>length(p)) stop (paste("List of rules is shorter than ",k[i]))}
+ if(is.null(a1)) {a1<-sample(2:length(singleRules),1)} #generate 'a' if no is supplied (we don't want to generate a=1 because it is identical function)
if(is.null(cv1)) {cv1<-sample(1:100,1)} # generate a constant value if no is supplied
- if(is.null(n)){n<-sample(c(0,1,2),1,prob=c(3/6,2/6,1/6))
+ if(is.null(n)){n<-sample(c(0,1,2),1,prob=c(3/6,2/6,1/6)) #nesting more than two rules would be impossible to guess
} # generate 'n' if it is set as null with different probabilities
- print(paste("a1:",a1))
- print(paste("cv1:",cv1))
- print(paste("n:",n))
- print(p)
- print("-------------")
if("constantVal"%in%singleRules[[a1]]$argumentName){m<-new(singleRules[[a1]]$ruleName,constantVal=cv1)} else{m<-new(singleRules[[a1]]$ruleName)}
- #m<-new(singleRules[[a1]]$ruleName,constantVal)
+ if(n!=0) {createSR(p[[1]],p[[2]],n-1,p[-c(1,2)]); m at previousRule<-k
+ }else{return(m)}
- if(n!=0) {a1<-p[[1]];cv1<-p[[2]];n=n-1;k<-createSR(a1,cv1,n,unlist(p[-c(1,2)])); m at previousRule<-k
- }else{return(m)}# if there are some more rules to be nested
-# # # A FUNCTION TO CREATE A DOUBLE RULE (a single one)
-# #
-# # #'a' is an index of the rule on doubleRules list
-# # createDR<-function(a=NULL){
-# # if(!is.null(a) && a>length(doubleRules)) stop (paste("The list of doublrRules is shoreter than ",a, ".Please specify 'a' value, which is smaller than or equal to",length(doubleRules)))
-# # if(is.null(a)) {a<-sample (1:length(doubleRules),1)}
-# # a<-round(a) # 'a' needs to be an integer
-# #
-# # p<-new(doubleRules[[a]]$ruleName)
-# # return(p)
-# # }
# A FUNCTION TO COMBINE DOUBLE RULES - it generates all parameters automatically
# 'a' is index from a list of DoubleRules
@@ -332,17 +309,12 @@
#'sr' secondRule argument of an object of class doubleRule
#'ns' nextSingle argument of an object of class doubleRule
if(!is.null(a) && a>length(doubleRules)) stop (paste("The list of doublrRules is shoreter than ",a, ".Please specify 'a' value, which is smaller than or equal to",length(doubleRules)))
- if(!inheritsm(fr,"singleRule") && !is.null(fr))stop(paste("'fr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
+ if(!inherits(fr,"singleRule") && !is.null(fr))stop(paste("'fr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
if(!inherits(sr,"singleRule") && !is.null(sr))stop(paste("'sr' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
if(!inherits(ns,"singleRule") && !is.null(ns))stop(paste("'ns' argument must inherit from class singleRule"))
if(is.null(a)) a<-sample(1:length(doubleRules),1) #generate an index of a doubleRule from the list of doubleRules
@@ -357,110 +329,113 @@
+# 'n' is the length of the numeric sequence (default value is 6)
+# 'x1', 'x2' are the first elements of the numeric sequence (you don't always need 'x2')
+ if(inherits(rule,"DoubleRule") && is.null(x2)) stop (" If you want to use a DoubleRoule you need to specify x2")
+ if(class(x1)!="numeric" ||(class(x2)!="NULL" && class(x2)!="numeric")) stop ("arguments 'x1', 'x2' must be of type 'numeric'.")
+ if(!inherits(rule,"SingleRule") && !inherits(rule,"DoubleRule")) stop ("'rule' argument must inherit from 'SingleRule' or 'DoubleRule' class")
+ if(n<3) stop("sequence must be longer than 3")
+ k<-list()
+ k[1]=x1
+ if(inherits(rule,"SingleRule")){
+ for(i in 2:n){
+ k[i]<-calculate(x=rule,y=k[[i-1]])
+ }
+ }else{
+ k[2]=x2
+ for(i in 3:n){
+ k[i]<-calculate(x=rule,y=k[[i-2]],z=k[[i-1]])
+ }
+ }
+ return(list(k,rule))
+ }
+# checking if a vector is in any row of the matrix
+#'mx' is a matrix in which I am searching
+#'vec' is a vector which is being checked
+# result TRUE means that there is already such vector in the matrix
+ return(any(apply(mx, 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), vec)))
+ }
+# it returns '0' when teh sequence is constant and '1' when the sequence is not constant
+# a function examines three last elements of a sequence, so even sequences like 27,9,9,9,9 ... are excluded
+ if(class(seq)!="list") stop("sequence must be of type 'list'")
+ m<-length(seq)
+ if(identical(seq[m],seq[m-1]) && identical(seq[m],seq[m-2]) ) {return(0)} else {return(1)}
+ }
+# checking whether the sequence is not constant, numbers are not greater than 1000 or no lesser than -1000
+ x1<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) #generate the first element of numeric sequence
+ x2<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) # generate the second element of numeric sequence
+ m<-sample(c(1,2),1) #if m=1 I will create a singleRule, if m=2 rule will be a combination of singleRules, if m=3 rule is a doubleRule
+ if(m==1){rule<-createSR()} else{rule<-createDR()} # if m=1 create singleRule else create doubleRulr
+ result<-sequence(x1,x2,rule,n=seqlen)[[1]]
+ fun<-sequence(x1,x2,rule,n=seqlen)[[2]]
+ if(conCheck(result)==0 || result[length(result)]>1000 || result[length(result)]< -1000||duplicate(mx=items,vec=unlist(result[[1]])))
+ {check(seqlen,items)} else{return(list(result,fun))}
+ }
+# random
+# 'seqlen' specyfies how long should a single sequence be
+# 'testlen' specyfies how many sequences (item positions) are there to be in a test
+ items<-matrix(NA,testlen,seqlen) #I will store generated items in a matrix
+ rules<- list() # I will keep the rules on a list
+ for(i in 1:testlen){
+ b<-check(seqlen,items)
+ items[i,]<-unlist(b[[1]])
+ rules[i]<-b[2]
+ }
+ return(list(items,rules))
+ }
-# # 'n' is the length of the numeric sequence (default value is 6)
-# # 'x1', 'x2' are the first elements of the numeric sequence (you don't always need 'x2')
-# sequence<-function(x1,x2=NULL,rule,n=6){
-# if(inherits(rule,"DoubleRule") && is.null(x2)) stop (" If you want to use a DoubleRoule you need to specify x2")
-# if(class(x1)!="numeric" ||(class(x2)!="NULL" && class(x2)!="numeric")) stop ("arguments 'x1', 'x2' must be of type 'numeric'.")
-# if(!inherits(rule,"SingleRule") && !inherits(rule,"DoubleRule")) stop ("'rule' argument must inherit from 'SingleRule' or 'DoubleRule' class")
-# if(n<3) stop("sequence must be longer than 3")
-# k<-list()
-# k[1]=x1
-# if(inherits(rule,"SingleRule")){
-# for(i in 2:n){
-# k[i]<-calculate(x=rule,y=k[[i-1]])
-# }
-# }else{
-# k[2]=x2
-# for(i in 3:n){
-# k[i]<-calculateDouble(x=rule,y=k[[i-2]],z=k[[i-1]])
-# }
-# }
-# return(k)
-# }
-# # checking if a vector is in any row of the matrix
-# #'mx' is a matrix in which I am searching
-# #'vec' is a vector which is being checked
-# # result TRUE means that there is already such vector in the matrix
-# duplicate<-function(mx,vec){
-# return(any(apply(mx, 1, function(x, want) isTRUE(all.equal(x, want)), vec)))
-# }
-# # it returns '0' when teh sequence is constant and '1' when the sequence is not constant
-# # a function examines three last elements of a sequence, so even sequences like 27,9,9,9,9 ... are excluded
-# conCheck<-function(seq){
-# if(class(seq)!="list") stop("sequence must be of type 'list'")
-# m<-length(seq)
-# if(identical(seq[m],seq[m-1]) && identical(seq[m],seq[m-2]) ) {return(0)} else {return(1)}
-# }
-# # checking whether the sequence is not constant, numbers are not greater than 1000 or no lesser than -1000
-# check<-function(seqlen,items){
-# x1<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) #generate the first element of numeric sequence
-# x2<-as.numeric(sample(1:100,1)) # generate the second element of numeric sequence
-# m<-sample(c(1,2,3),1) #if m=1 I will create a singleRule, if m=2 rule will be a combination of singleRules, if m=3 rule is a doubleRule
-# if(m==1){rule<-createSR()} else{
-# if(m==2){rule<-combineSR(createSR(),createSR())} else {rule<-combineDR()}}
-# result<-sequence(x1,x2,rule,n=seqlen)
-# if(conCheck(result)==0 || result[length(result)]>1000 || result[length(result)]< -1000||duplicate(mx=items,vec=result)){check(seqlen,items)} else{return(result)}
-# }
-# # random
-# # 'seqlen' specyfies how long should a single sequence be
-# # 'testlen' specyfies how many sequences (item positions) are there to be in a test
-# automaticTest<-function(testlen,seqlen=6){
-# items<-matrix(NA,testlen,seqlen) #I will store generated items in a matrix
-# rules<- list() # I will keep the rules on a list
-# for(i in 1:testlen){
-# items[i,]<- unlist(check(seqlen,items))
-# }
-# return(items)
-# }
# # p<-new("DigSumSingleRule")
# # g<-new("AddDoubleRule", firstRule=p, secondRule=p, nextSingle=p)
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