[Ruler-commits] r13 - pkg
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Tue Jul 17 17:27:06 CEST 2012
Author: merysionek
Date: 2012-07-17 17:27:05 +0200 (Tue, 17 Jul 2012)
New Revision: 13
Added: pkg/proba12.R
--- pkg/proba12.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/proba12.R 2012-07-17 15:27:05 UTC (rev 13)
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+#a class for creating starting items
+setClass("Item", representation(first="numeric", second="numeric"),S3methods=TRUE)
+#a function creating object of class "Item"
+ name<-new("Item", first=first, second=second)
+ return(name)
+ }
+#creating a class describing the rules (S4 class)
+setClass("Rule", representation(ruleName="character",ruleBody="function"),S3methods=TRUE)
+createRule<-function(insertedRule){ #a function creating objects of class 'Rule'
+ #the rule needs to have two arguments x - for class Item and y of class numeric !!!!!
+ #the rule has to return objects of class "Item" !!!!!
+ name<-new("Rule", ruleName=as.character(match.call(insertedRule)$x),ruleBody=insertedRule )
+ return(name)
+ }
+#ADD [1]
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("x argument must be an object of Item class")
+ if(class(y)!="numeric") stop("y argument must be an object of numeric class")
+ if(y<0) stop("y argument must be greater than or equal to 0")
+ if(y==0){ # this means I want to add two previous numbers of the sequence
+ a<-new("Item", first=x at second, second=(x at first+x@second))
+ return(a)
+ } else # this means that I want to add a constant to a previous number
+ {
+ a<-new("Item",first=x at first+y)
+ return(a)
+ }
+ }
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("'x' argument must be an object of Item class")
+ if(class(y)!="numeric") stop ("'y' argument must be of type numeric")
+ if(x at first<y)stop (paste(deparse(substitute(x)), "<", deparse(substitute(y))," ;sorry - no negative numbers allowed"))
+ stopifnot(y >= 0) # prevents from generatng constant sequence
+ if(y==0){# this means I want to substract one the second one from the first one
+ a<-new("Item",first=x at second, second=(x at first-x@second))
+ return(a)
+ } else { # this means I want to substract the constant value of 'y'
+ a<-new("Item", first=x at first-y)
+ return(a)
+ }
+ }
+#a function transforming number into digits (from: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-March/270786.html )
+digits <- function(x) {
+ if(length(x) > 1 ) {
+ lapply(x, digits)
+ } else {
+ n <- nchar(x)
+ rev( x %/% 10^seq(0, length.out=n) %% 10 )
+ }
+ }
+digSum<-function(x){ #still this function returns an object of class 'Item'
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop ("'x' argument must be an object of Item class")
+ if(x at first<10) stop("first element of an object is less than 10")
+ m=digits(x at first) #a number is transformed into digits
+ suma=sum(m) #sum of digits
+ a<-new("Item", first=suma)
+ return(a)
+ }
+mult <-function(x,y=0){
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("'x' argument must be an object of Item class")
+ if(class(y)!="numeric") stop ("'y' argument must be of type numeric")
+ if(y==1) stop ("'y' must be different than 1")
+ if(y==0){# this means I want to multiply two previous numbers of the sequence
+ a<-new("Item",first=x at second, second=(x at first*x at second))
+ return(a)
+ } else { # this means I want to multiply previous number by a constant
+ a<-new("Item", first=x at first*y)
+ return(a)
+ }
+ }
+neg<-function(x){ #still it returns an object of class 'Item'
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop ("'x' argument must be an object of Item class")
+ if(x at first==0) stop("first element cannot be a zero")
+ a<-new("Item", first=-x at first)
+ return(a)
+ }
+# function which is not transforming anything (used as a default in combining different rules together)
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop ("'x' argument must be an object of Item class")
+ return(x) #so this function returns object of class 'Item'
+ }
+#this functions enables to combine two rules
+#'x' is an object if class 'Item' to which rules apply
+#'fun1' is a function to be applied to the item
+# y1 is a constant to applied into first rule (fun1). Its default value is 0
+#'fun2' is the second function. It will be applied to a result of the first function (fun1)
+#'fun2' is by default a identical function (it returns the same thing it gets as an argument)
+#'y2' is a constant that can be applied to the second function (fun2). By default y1=y2
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("'x' argument must be an object of class Item")
+ if(length(formals(fun1))==2){ # because not all functions have two arguments
+ bbb<-fun1(x,y1)
+ }else{bbb<-fun1(x)}
+ if(length(formals(fun2))==2){# because not all functions have two arguments
+ ccc<-fun(bbb,y2)
+ } else{ccc<-fun2(bbb)}
+ return(ccc)
+ }
+#'n' is the length of generated sequence (by default it is 6)
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("'x' argument must be an object of class Item")
+ if(class(n)!="numeric") stop("length'n' argument must be numeric")
+ k<-list() # a linst in which I will store a number sequence
+ k[1]=x at first
+ for(i in 2:n){
+ ccc<-combine(x,fun1,y1=0,fun2=iden,y2=y1)
+ k[i]<-ccc at first
+ x<-ccc
+ }
+ return(k)
+ }
+# a function to generate a number sequence.
+# I will print only attributes 'first' for objects of class 'Item'
+# I used function 'round' to
+#przy generacji ciagu bede wyswietlac tylko parametry 'first' kolejnych elementow listy
+#przy generowaniu ciagow o zadanej dlugosci zaokraglaj wartosci length funkcja 'round'
+ if(class(x)!="Item") stop("'x' argument must be an object of class Item")
+ #if(class(rule)!="Rule") stop("'rule' argument must be of class 'Rule'")
+ if(class(length)!="numeric") stop("'length' argument must be numeric")
+ if(length<4||length > 10) stop("'length' argument greater than 10 or smaller than 3")
+ y<-const #not every function uses 'constant' parameter (if they dont this parameter is set 0)
+ k<-list() # a list containing objects of class "Item" necessary to generate a sequence
+ m<-list() # a list containing only numbers for generating the sequence
+ k[[1]]=x
+ m[1]=k[[1]]@first
+ #print(k[[1]]@first)
+ for (i in 2:(round(length,0))){
+ k[[i]]=rule at ruleBody(k[[i-1]],y)
+ m[i]=(k[[i]]@first)
+ }
+ return(unlist(m))
+ }
+# transforming sequence into integer
+as.numeric(unlist(k)) # where k is a list generated by function generate
+# checkList is a list in which I store objects of class 'Rule'- there are 6 defult rules there.
+# It stores rulenames [[1]], rylebody [[2]], and [[3]]sample sequence generated for object of class 'Item' first=17, second=20 and constant=1
+# A function checkRule checks whether an object of class 'Rule' is already on the list
+functions=list(createRule(add), createRule(subs), createRule(mult), createRule(digSum), createRule(neg)) #the default list of basic rules
+createCL<-function(){ # a function creating a checklist
+ fnames<-list()
+ body<-list()
+ checkGen<-list()
+ checkList<<-list(fnames,body,checkGen)
+ for(i in 1:length(functions)){
+ checkList[[1]][i]<-functions[[i]]@ruleName
+ checkList[[2]][[i]]<-functions[[i]]@ruleBody
+ checkList[[3]][[i]]<-generate(createItem(17,20),functions[[i]],1)
+ }
+ return(checkList)
+ }
+ if(class(rule)!="Rule")stop("'rule' argument must be an object of class Rule")
+ cl<-createCL() # an up-to-date checkList
+ z=0 #z=0 means that there are no conflicts
+ if(rule at ruleName%in%unlist(cl[[1]])) {z=1 #checking the uniquness of rule name
+ return(list(z,"your rule has the same name as an existing rule"))
+ break
+ }
+ for(i in 1:length(cl[[2]])){
+ if(identical(generate(createItem(17,20),rule,1), cl[[3]][[i]])){
+ z=1
+ return(list(z,"your rule gives the same number sequence as an existing rule"))
+ break
+ }
+ if(identical(rule at ruleBody, cl[[2]][[i]])) {
+ z=1
+ return(list(z,"your rule has the same body as an existing rule"))
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return(z=0)
+ }
+ m<-checkRule(rule)
+ if(m[[1]]==0) {# it means that NO conflicts have occured
+ functions[[length(functions)+1]]<<-rule
+ print(paste("Your rule named", rule at ruleName, "successfully added to rule list at [[",length(functions),"]]"))
+ } else {
+ print(paste("Sorry, the following conflict occured: '",m[[2]],"'. Your rule '",rule at ruleName, "'could not be added to the lust of rules"), sep="")
+ }
+ }
+#------------------------------------------------- checking the uniquness of generated sequences -------------------
+# #Now I will create a matrix to store the generated number sequences in format created by storageTransf function
+# #After generating a new sequence the program will check whether such combination already exists in this matrix.
+# #If it does - there will be an error.
+# uniqGen<-function(nseq){ #nseq is a new sequence produced by function 'generate'
+# testItems<-matrix("020010030040070110",1,1) # a matrix containing generated number sequences(initial matrix has one column and one row)
+# k=storageTransf(nseq)
+# if(!k%in%testItems) { testItems=rbind(NA,testItems)#if new sequence is not present in a matrix, add it to the matrix in the last
+# testItems[nrow(testItems),1]=k #saving new generation in the last row of the matrix
+# } else stop ("Such generation already exists")
+# return(testItems)
+# }
+# this function need exception handling, because it sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't
+# check whether the number sequence is not constant!
+randSeq<-function(){ f<-sample(c(1:99), 1,replace = T) # argument 'first' for object from class "Item" generated from between 1 and 99. All numers are chosen at the same probability
+ s<-sample(c(1:99,0), 1, prob = c(rep(0.3/99,99),0.7), replace = T) # argument 'second' for object from class "Item" generated from between . Zero should be chosen with greater probability
+ co<-sample(c(1:50,0), 1,prob = c(rep(0.5/50,50),0.5), replace = T) # generating a constant for functions that would use it
+ #print(paste("constant: ",co))
+ iii<-createItem(first=f,second=s) #creating an item named 'iii' where first=f and second=s
+ #print(iii)
+ fun<-sample(1:length(functions),1) #generating function from the list of functions and evaluating it by its name
+ #print(fun)
+ #seq<-generate(iii,functions[[fun]],co)
+ tryCatch({ result=list(seq=generate(iii,functions[[fun]],co),item=iii,findex=fun,constant=co)
+ return(result)
+ }, error=function(e){randSeq()} ) #catching the errors
+ }
+# noise<-function(seq,n){ #generating wrong answers (to choose), 'n' specyfies how many answers you want to create
+# #if(class(rule)!="Sequence")stop("'seq' argument must be an object of class Sequence")
+# k<-c(findex)
+# m=n # numerator
+# functions=functions[-seq$k] #all the rules exept the one used to generate a sequence
+# print(functions)
+# b<-sample(1:length(functions),1)
+# print(b)
+# tryCatch({ result=generate(seq$item,functions[[b]],seq$constant)
+# return(result[length(result)])
+# }, error=function(e){noise(seq)} ) #catching the errors
+# }
+# creating a session (generating several number sequences, saving them in a matrix and checking whether such a sequence already exists)
+# n - means how many sequences you want to generate
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