[Rsiena-help] Interacting two effects in models of multiple networks

Tom Snijders tom.snijders at nuffield.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jan 5 09:17:30 CET 2018

Dear Bob,

(By the way: for this type of question, the Siena-Stocnet list
is more appropriate).
I think that, depending on directionality, the effects from, sharedIn, closure, or fromMutual might be appropriate. (Note: this is not an interaction, it’s a regular effect).

Best regards,

Tom A.B. Snijders
Professor of Statistics and Methodology
Department of Sociology, University of Groningen
Emeritus Fellow, Nuffield College, University of Oxford
Associate Member, Dept. of Statistics, University of Oxford

From: rsiena-help-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org [mailto:rsiena-help-bounces at lists.r-forge.r-project.org] On Behalf Of Bob Faris
Sent: 04 January 2018 19:11
To: rsiena-help at lists.r-forge.r-project.org
Subject: [Rsiena-help] Interacting two effects in models of multiple networks

Hi all, I am estimating RSiena models of multiple (binary, one-mode, two-wave) networks and have a significant positive effect from a tie in the W network (allegiance) to a tie in the X (exports) network (the "crprod" effect). What I'd like to test is an interaction between shared W partners (something like gwespFBMix) and the direct W tie on the X tie--in other words, does allegiance (W) lead to exports (X) more often when there are more shared allies?

Here's the script, thanks in advance!

exports <- sienaNet(array(c(exports1978,exports1979), dim=c(91,91,2)))

ally  <- sienaNet(array(c(ally1978,ally1979), dim=c(91,91,2)))

data.1978 <- sienaDataCreate(exports,ally)

effects.1978 <- getEffects(data.1978)

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,transTrip,cycle3,


effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,transTrip,cycle3,


effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,crprod,name="ally",interaction1="exports")

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,crprod,name="exports",interaction1="ally")

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,crprodRecip,name="ally",interaction1="exports")

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,crprodRecip,name="exports",interaction1="ally")

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,gwespFBMix,name="ally",interaction1="exports")

effects.1978 <- includeEffects(effects.1978,gwespFBMix,name="exports",interaction1="ally")


Alg.1978 <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = 'net1978', seed=123 )

ans.1978 <- siena07(Alg.1978, data = data.1978, effects = effects.1978)

Robert Faris, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of California at Davis
2247 Social Sciences and Humanities
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Cell:  510-221-8876
Fax 530-752-0783
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