[Rsiena-help] error including interaction effect

Bob Faris rwfaris at ucdavis.edu
Sun Jan 3 17:59:22 CET 2016

Hello all, I'm relatively new to R and Siena and am analyzing coevolution
data on drinking and friendship, with a focus on how depression moderates
this process. I have been able to include an interaction term between ego's
level of depression (as a time varying covariate) and alter's drinking in
the network function, but when I try to include a parallel interaction
between ego's depression and alters' average drinking (avAlt, which is
included in the effects list) on the behavior function, I get an
error.  I suspect
it's something trivial, but I haven't been able to find a way to get around
it and would be deeply grateful for any assistance.

Here's the code

> myCoEvolutionEff <- includeInteraction(myCoEvolutionEff,
                                        name = "drinkingbeh", effFrom,

Error in includeInteraction(myCoEvolutionEff, name = "drinkingbeh",
effFrom,  :
  Second effect not found

Thanks in advance,
Bob​ Faris

Robert Faris, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
University of California at Davis
2247 Social Sciences and Humanities
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Cell:  510-221-8876
Fax 530-752-0783
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