[Rsiena-help] cross-network effects

Ruth M. Ripley ruth at stats.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jul 9 19:53:00 CEST 2010

Dear Guido,

Composition change is related to the node set not the network, so you 
should be able to include one for each node set. I doubt this has been 
extensively tested, so do let me know if you have problems.



On Fri, 9 Jul 2010, Guido Conaldi wrote:

> Dear Ruth,
> Can I also specify two different composition change lists for the two
> dependent networks?
> Regards,
> Guido
> On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 23:05 +0100, Ruth M. Ripley wrote:
>> Dear Guido,
>> Basically, create the networks as normal, defining the node sets because
>> you have a two-mode network. Then include both networks in the call to
>> sienaDataCreate().
>> eg
>> friends1 <- as.matrix(read.table('friends_1.net'))
>> friends2 <- as.matrix(read.table('friends_2.net'))
>> projects1 <- as.matrix(read.table('projects1_r.net'))
>> projects2 <- as.matrix(read.table('projects2_r.net'))
>> friendship <- sienaNet(array(c(friends1, friends2), dim=c(75, 75, 2)),
>> nodeSet="Friends")
>> projects <- sienaNet(array(c(projects1, projects2), dim=c(75, 60, 2)),
>> type='bipartite', nodeSet=c('Friends', 'Projs'))
>> Friends <- sienaNodeSet(75, 'Friends')
>> Projs <- sienaNodeSet(60, 'Projs')
>> mydata <- sienaDataCreate(friendship, projects, nodeSets=list(Friends, Projs))
>> myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
>> If you are using the siena01gui, just include two networks in the session.
>> Please let me know if this is not clear or it does not work (I adapted it
>> so it is possible there are typos!).
>> Regards,
>> Ruth
>> On Thu, 8 Jul 2010, Guido Conaldi wrote:
>>> I experimented a bit and including a new siena network object referring
>>> to one for my original node sets in my siena object seems to give me the
>>> cross-network effects I was looking for.
>>> Is this what one is supposed to do to include multiple dependent
>>> networks in RSiena?
>>> Regards,
>>> Guido
>>> On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 18:41 +0200, Guido Conaldi wrote:
>>>> Dear Ruth,
>>>> I read ยง5.4 of RSiena manual about 'Cross-network effects for dynamics
>>>> of multiple networks', however it is not clear to me how can I specify a
>>>> second dependent network. In my case this would be a 1-mode network, the
>>>> first being a 2-mode network. Could you please give me an hint?
>>>> Thank you in advance (and also for all the work you are doing,
>>>> especially on 2-mode networks)
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Guido
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