[Rquantlib-devel] Is DiscountCurve() supposed to work?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Wed Oct 29 15:49:19 CET 2014
On 29 October 2014 at 15:22, Benjamin J. J. Voigt wrote:
| I have tried a few things on the segmentation fault.
| It's a little hard to understand what is really going on because I am not shown
| much information about where the error occurred. So far I have identified a few
| conditions when things apparently do cause an error:
| 1. No call to setEvaluationDate() supplied
| 2. The setEvaluationDate() date is not exactly the same date as the trade date
| 3. The tradeDate, and therefore the setEvaluationDate(), are set to a
| non-business day
| 4. The times argument goes right up to the time for which rates are provided
| e.g., a 15y swap rate is provided and times is defined as seq(0,15,0.1). It
| seems a save way to do this is to provide _at least_ one more rate beyond the
| times interval, i.e., seq(0,14,0.1) with a 15y swap rate defined
Excellent work.
| I am catching these conditions now.
Yes, we surely need to in the R interface, and for the more fundamental
questions of what is computed we can go to the quantlib-dev list.
This is really exciting. With your help, and Michele's help, we are now finally
overhauling the fixed income parts. This was overdue.
| Regards,
| Ben
| On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 4:12 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org> wrote:
| On 29 October 2014 at 03:52, Benjamin J. J. Voigt wrote:
| | Hi,
| |
| | the code is take from here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22226195/
| | discountcurve-example-not-working-on-rquantlib
| | and I ran with recent (2h old as per time of writing) GH. It results in a
| | segfault all the time no matter wether its in RStudio, command line R or
| the
| | Mac R GUI.
| Ok. I am in the middle of something else so I can help you with this ...
| | But, the good thing is, the example(DiscountCurve) on the GH sources
| worked. So
| | I will look at that code instead. Thank you!
| ... that is exactly what I would do.
| My first instinct always is to a) get something in 'pure' QuantLib working
| and b) once that is done add the Rcpp/RQuantLib layer. By separating the
| two
| steps I find it easier to make progress.
| | Regards,
| | Ben
| |
| | P.S.: Happy to test some more, but do you rather take findings on the
| list or
| | as tickets?
| I am old school and tend to favour the list, but I am also getting used to
| having to respond to issue tickets at GH. Most folks seem to prefer the
| latter. I guess overall I don;t have a strong preference either. More
| important to get progress on code...
| Dirk
| |
| | On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 3:32 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
| wrote:
| |
| |
| | On 29 October 2014 at 02:50, Benjamin J. J. Voigt wrote:
| | | Hi,
| | |
| | | running the following example (mac 10.9.*) I get a crash, both on
| stable
| | and
| | | github sources. Is there a known reason for this and how do I
| prevent the
| | | error?
| | |
| | | R-Code:
| | | savepar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 3))
| | |
| | | params <- list(tradeDate = c(2, 15, 2002), settleDate = c(2,
| | | 19, 2002), dt = 0.01, interpWhat = "discount", interpHow =
| | "loglinear")
| | |
| | | tsQuotes <- list(d1w = 0.0382, d1m = 0.0372, fut1 = 96.2875,
| | | fut2 = 96.7875, fut3 = 96.9875, fut4 = 96.6875, fut5 = 96.4875,
| | | fut6 = 96.3875, fut7 = 96.2875, fut8 = 96.0875, s3y = 0.0398,
| | | s5y = 0.0443, s10y = 0.05165, s15y = 0.055175)
| | |
| | | times <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
| | |
| | | DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| |
| | Can you detail where you got this from / what you changed? Because
| Gmail
| | insists on inserting garbage into text this is a little tedious for
| me.
| |
| | When I run your code against current GH sources, I get an error on
| input:
| | R> params <- list(tradeDate = c(2, 15, 2002),
| | + settleDate = c(2, 19, 2002),
| | + dt = 0.01,
| | + interpWhat = "discount",
| | + interpHow = "loglinear")
| | R> tsQuotes <- list(d1w = 0.0382, d1m = 0.0372, fut1 = 96.2875,
| | + fut2 = 96.7875, fut3 = 96.9875, fut4 = 96.6875,
| fut5 =
| | 96.4875,
| | + fut6 = 96.3875, fut7 = 96.2875, fut8 = 96.0875,
| s3y =
| | 0.0398,
| | + s5y = 0.0443, s10y = 0.05165, s15y = 0.055175)
| | R> times <- seq(0, 10, 0.1)
| | R> DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| | Error: expecting a single value
| | R>
| |
| |
| | Now, there was a (very recent) conversation with Luigi (upstream at
| QL)
| | which
| | we had, as I recall, mostly in an issue ticket at GH. That revealed
| two
| | sources of trouble: I had the wrong date, and a bad tenor -- removing
| the
| | s2y
| | point leads to better / stabler results.
| |
| | With that I (finally!!) reenable the discount curve examples. So from
| | current
| | GitHub sources you once again get a meaning 3 x 3 grid of plots. An
| example
| | is below, this of course does not include the chart (which I could
| email
| | you...) but you get a hint of the final values of curves via str()
| below.
| |
| | R> library(RQuantLib)
| | R> example(DiscountCurve)
| |
| | DscntCR> savepar <- par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar=c(4,4,2,0.5))
| |
| | DscntCR> ## This data is taken from sample code shipped with QuantLib
| 0.9.7
| | DscntCR> ## from the file Examples/Swap/swapvaluation
| | DscntCR> params <- list(tradeDate=as.Date('2004-09-20'),
| | DscntC+ settleDate=as.Date('2004-09-22'),
| | DscntC+ dt=.25,
| | DscntC+ interpWhat="discount",
| | DscntC+ interpHow="loglinear")
| |
| | DscntCR> setEvaluationDate(as.Date("2004-09-20"))
| | [1] TRUE
| |
| | DscntCR> ## We get numerical issue for the spline interpolation if we
| add
| | DscntCR> ## any on of these three extra futures -- the original
| example
| | DscntCR> ## creates different curves based on different deposit, fra,
| | futures
| | DscntCR> ## and swap data
| | DscntCR> ## Removing s2y helps, as kindly pointed out by Luigi
| Ballabio
| | DscntCR> tsQuotes <- list(d1w = 0.0382,
| | DscntC+ d1m = 0.0372,
| | DscntC+ d3m = 0.0363,
| | DscntC+ d6m = 0.0353,
| | DscntC+ d9m = 0.0348,
| | DscntC+ d1y = 0.0345,
| | DscntC+ fut1=96.2875,
| | DscntC+ fut2=96.7875,
| | DscntC+ fut3=96.9875,
| | DscntC+ fut4=96.6875,
| | DscntC+ fut5=96.4875,
| | DscntC+ fut6=96.3875,
| | DscntC+ fut7=96.2875,
| | DscntC+ fut8=96.0875,
| | DscntC+ # s2y = 0.037125,
| | DscntC+ s3y = 0.0398,
| | DscntC+ s5y = 0.0443,
| | DscntC+ s10y = 0.05165,
| | DscntC+ s15y = 0.055175)
| |
| | DscntCR> times <- seq(0,10,.1)
| |
| | DscntCR> # Loglinear interpolation of discount factors
| | DscntCR> curves <- DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| |
| | DscntCR> plot(curves,setpar=FALSE)
| | Hit <Return> to see next plot:
| |
| | DscntCR> # Linear interpolation of discount factors
| | DscntCR> params$interpHow="linear"
| |
| | DscntCR> curves <- DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| |
| | DscntCR> plot(curves,setpar=FALSE)
| |
| | DscntCR> # Spline interpolation of discount factors
| | DscntCR> params$interpHow="spline"
| |
| | DscntCR> curves <- DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| |
| | DscntCR> plot(curves,setpar=FALSE)
| |
| | DscntCR> par(savepar)
| | R> str(curves)
| | List of 7
| | $ times : num [1:101] 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 ...
| | $ discounts : num [1:101] 1 0.996 0.993 0.989 0.984 ...
| | $ forwards : num [1:101] 0.0367 0.0404 0.0404 0.0287 0.0275 ...
| | $ zerorates : num [1:101] 0.0392 0.0376 0.0368 0.0379 0.0402 ...
| | $ flatQuotes: logi FALSE
| | $ params :List of 5
| | ..$ tradeDate : Date[1:1], format: "2004-09-20"
| | ..$ settleDate: Date[1:1], format: "2004-09-22"
| | ..$ dt : num 0.25
| | ..$ interpWhat: chr "discount"
| | ..$ interpHow : chr "spline"
| | $ table :'data.frame': 5479 obs. of 2 variables:
| | ..$ date : Date[1:5479], format: "2004-09-22" "2004-09-23"
| | "2004-09-24" "2004-09-25" ...
| | ..$ zeroRates: num [1:5479] 0.0392 0.0392 0.0392 0.0392 0.0392 ...
| | - attr(*, "class")= chr "DiscountCurve"
| | R>
| |
| |
| | So very much no segfault here on the default example.
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | | R-Error:
| | | *** caught segfault ***
| | | address 0x20, cause 'memory not mapped'
| | |
| | | Traceback:
| | | 1: .Call("RQuantLib_discountCurveEngine", PACKAGE = "RQuantLib",
| | rparams,
| | | tslist, times)
| | | 2: discountCurveEngine(params, tsQuotes, times)
| | | 3: DiscountCurve.default(params, tsQuotes, times)
| | | 4: DiscountCurve(params, tsQuotes, times)
| | |
| | |
| | | I am not in a hurry, just might need to think of doing this on my
| own,
| | but
| | | pricing bonds on a flat curve is not quite what regular users would
| like
| | to do
| | | when thinking about QuantLib.
| |
| | We've just overcome this.
| |
| | RQuantLib is coming together. I did a bunch of work in the summer,
| then got
| | sidetracked with travel and conferences and getting back to it.
| Michele
| | helped with two excellent pull requests, and I think we are getting
| ready
| | for
| | a new release. The testing you are doing here is very welcome.
| |
| | Cheers, Dirk
| |
| | |
| | | Happy to provide more details if required.
| | |
| | | Regards,
| | | Ben
| | |
| | | --
| | | Ben
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| |
| | --
| | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Ben
| --
| http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org
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