[Rquantlib-commits] r332 - pkg/QuantLib/demo

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Mon Jun 3 02:42:49 CEST 2013

Author: edd
Date: 2013-06-03 02:42:48 +0200 (Mon, 03 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 332

new bonds.R derived from bonds.py in the Python examples for QuantLib's SWIG bindings
new bates.R model demo by Klaus (as emailed to me)

Added: pkg/QuantLib/demo/bates.R
--- pkg/QuantLib/demo/bates.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/QuantLib/demo/bates.R	2013-06-03 00:42:48 UTC (rev 332)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+## Bates mode demo by Klaus Spanderen
+todaysDate <- Date(18, "May", 2013)
+settlementDate <- Date(18, "May", 2013)
+riskFreeRate <- YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(settlementDate, 0.01, Actual365Fixed()))
+dividendYield <-  YieldTermStructureHandle(FlatForward(settlementDate, 0.04, Actual365Fixed()))
+underlying <- QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(100))
+bsProcess <- BlackScholesMertonProcess(underlying, dividendYield, riskFreeRate,
+                                       BlackVolTermStructureHandle(
+                                           BlackConstantVol(todaysDate, TARGET(),
+                                                            QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(0.25)),
+                                                            Actual365Fixed())))
+strikes <- seq(20, 200, length=30)
+maturities <- seq(0.25, 2, length=30)
+g <- expand.grid(strikes=strikes, maturities=maturities)
+batesEngine <- BatesEngine(BatesModel(BatesProcess(
+    riskFreeRate, dividendYield, underlying,
+    0.1, 1.5, 0.25, 0.75, -0.75, 0.75, -0.05, 0.3)), 128)
+impliedVol <- function(strike, maturity) {
+    exercise <- EuropeanExercise(Date(18, "May", 2013) +
+                                 Period(maturity*365, "Days"))
+    payoff <- PlainVanillaPayoff("Call", strike)
+    option <- VanillaOption(payoff, exercise)
+    option$setPricingEngine(option, batesEngine)
+    option$impliedVolatility(option, targetValue=option$NPV(),
+                             process=bsProcess, accuracy=1e-16,
+                             maxEvaluations=100, minVol=0.1,maxVol=5.1)
+g$vol <- mapply(impliedVol, g$strikes, g$maturities)
+newcols <- colorRampPalette(c("grey90", "grey10"))
+print(wireframe(vol ~ strikes*maturities, g,
+                xlab="Strike",ylab="Maturitiy",zlab="Vol",
+                drape=TRUE,col.regions=rainbow(100,end=0.99,alpha=0.9),
+                screen = list(z = -25, x = -65),scale=list(arrows=FALSE)))

Added: pkg/QuantLib/demo/bonds.R
--- pkg/QuantLib/demo/bonds.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/QuantLib/demo/bonds.R	2013-06-03 00:42:48 UTC (rev 332)
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+## bonds.R -- following what bonds.py does for the QuantLib bindings for Python
+## global data
+calendar <- TARGET()
+settlementDate <- Date(18, "September", 2008)
+settlementDate <- Calendar_adjust(calendar, settlementDate)
+fixingDays <- 3
+settlementDays <- 3
+todaysDate <- Calendar_advance(calendar, settlementDate, -fixingDays, "Days")
+#Settings_setEvaluationDate(Settings_instance(),  todaysDate)
+cat('Today :'); print(todaysDate)
+cat('Settlement Date: '); print(settlementDate)
+## market quotes
+## constructing bond yield curve
+zcQuotes <- list(rates=c(0.0096, 0.0145, 0.0194),
+                 tenor=c(Period(3, "Months"),
+                 Period(6, "Months"),
+                 Period(1, "Years")))
+zcBondsDayCounter <- Actual365Fixed()
+bondInstruments <- RateHelperVector()
+for (i in 1:3) {
+    r <- zcQuotes[["rates"]][i]
+    tenor <- zcQuotes[["tenor"]][[i]]
+    drh <- DepositRateHelper(QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(r)),
+                             tenor,
+                             fixingDays,
+                             calendar,
+                             "ModifiedFollowing",
+                             TRUE,
+                             zcBondsDayCounter)
+    RateHelperVector_push_back(bondInstruments, drh)
+#cat("Zeros done\n")
+## setup bonds
+redemption <- 100.0
+numberOfBonds <- 5
+bondQuotes <- list(list(Date(15,"March",2005),
+                        Date(31,"August",2010),
+                        0.02375, 100.390625),
+                   list(Date(15,"June",2005),
+                        Date(31,"August",2011),
+                        0.04625, 106.21875),
+                   list(Date(30,"June",2006),
+                        Date(31,"August",2013),
+                        0.03125, 100.59375),
+                   list(Date(15,"November",2002),
+                        Date(15,"August",2018),
+                        0.04000, 101.6875),
+                   list(Date(15,"May",1987),
+                        Date (15,"May",2038),
+                        0.04500, 102.140625)
+                   )
+# Definition of the rate helpers
+for (i in 1:5) {
+    issueDate <- bondQuotes[[i]][[1]]
+    maturity <- bondQuotes[[i]][[2]]
+    couponRate <- bondQuotes[[i]][[3]]
+    marketQuote <- bondQuotes[[i]][[4]]
+    schedule <- Schedule(issueDate, maturity, Period("Semiannual"),
+                         UnitedStates("GovernmentBond"),
+                         "Unadjusted", "Unadjusted",
+                         copyToR(DateGeneration(), "Backward"),
+                         FALSE)
+    vec <- DoubleVector(1)
+    vec[1] <- couponRate
+    bh <- FixedRateBondHelper(QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(marketQuote)),
+                              settlementDays,
+                              100.0,
+                              schedule,
+                              vec,
+                              ActualActual("Bond"),
+                              "Unadjusted",
+                              redemption,
+                              issueDate)
+    RateHelperVector_push_back(bondInstruments, bh)
+termStructureDayCounter <-  ActualActual("ISDA")
+# not needed as defined in the interface file:  tolerance = 1.0e-15
+bondDiscountingTermStructure <- PiecewiseFlatForward(settlementDate,
+                                                     bondInstruments,
+                                                     termStructureDayCounter)
+#cat("Bond Discounting TermStructure set\n")
+# Building of the Libor forecasting curve
+# deposits
+dQuotes <- list(list(0.043375,  Period(1,"Weeks")),
+                list(0.031875,  Period(1,"Months")),
+                list(0.0320375, Period(3,"Months")),
+                list(0.03385,   Period(6,"Months")),
+                list(0.0338125, Period(9,"Months")),
+                list(0.0335125, Period(1,"Years")))
+sQuotes <- list(list(0.0295, Period(2,"Years")),
+                list(0.0323, Period(3,"Years")),
+                list(0.0359, Period(5,"Years")),
+                list(0.0412, Period(10,"Years")),
+                list(0.0433, Period(15,"Years")))
+## deposits
+depositDayCounter <- Actual360()
+depoSwapInstruments <- RateHelperVector()
+for (i in 1:length(dQuotes)) {
+    rate  <- dQuotes[[i]][[1]]
+    tenor <- dQuotes[[i]][[2]]
+    drh <- DepositRateHelper(QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(rate)),
+                             tenor, fixingDays,
+                             calendar, "ModifiedFollowing",
+                             TRUE, depositDayCounter)
+    RateHelperVector_push_back(depoSwapInstruments, drh)
+## swaps
+swFixedLegFrequency <- "Annual"
+swFixedLegConvention <- "Unadjusted"
+swFixedLegDayCounter <- Thirty360("European")
+swFloatingLegIndex <- Euribor6M()
+forwardStart <- Period(1,"Days")
+for (i in 1:length(sQuotes)) {
+    rate  <- sQuotes[[i]][[1]]
+    tenor <- sQuotes[[i]][[2]]
+    srh <- SwapRateHelper(QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(rate)), tenor,
+                          calendar, swFixedLegFrequency,
+                          swFixedLegConvention, swFixedLegDayCounter,
+                          swFloatingLegIndex, QuoteHandle(),forwardStart)
+    RateHelperVector_push_back(depoSwapInstruments, srh)
+#cat("Deposit + Swap TermStructure set\n")
+depoSwapTermStructure <- PiecewiseFlatForward(settlementDate, depoSwapInstruments,
+                                              termStructureDayCounter)
+## Term structures that will be used for pricing:
+## the one used for discounting cash flows
+discountingTermStructure <- RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle()
+## the one used for forward rate forecasting
+forecastingTermStructure <- RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle()
+##        BONDS TO BE PRICED           #
+## common data
+faceAmount <- 100
+## pricing engine
+bondEngine <- DiscountingBondEngine(discountingTermStructure)
+## zero coupon bond
+zeroCouponBond <- ZeroCouponBond(settlementDays,
+                                 UnitedStates("GovernmentBond"),
+                                 faceAmount,
+                                 Date(15,"August",2013),
+                                 "Following",
+                                 116.92,
+                                 Date(15,"August",2003))
+Instrument_setPricingEngine(zeroCouponBond, bondEngine)
+## fixed 4.5% US Treasury note
+fixedBondSchedule <- Schedule(Date(15, "May", 2007),
+                              Date(15, "May",2017), Period("Semiannual"),
+                              UnitedStates("GovernmentBond"),
+                              "Unadjusted", "Unadjusted",
+                              copyToR(DateGeneration(), "Backward"), FALSE)
+vec <- DoubleVector()
+DoubleVector_push_back(vec, 0.045)
+fixedRateBond <- FixedRateBond(settlementDays,
+                               faceAmount,
+                               fixedBondSchedule,
+                               vec,  ##[0.045],
+                               ActualActual("Bond"),
+                               "ModifiedFollowing",
+                               100.0, Date(15, "May", 2007))
+Instrument_setPricingEngine(fixedRateBond, bondEngine)
+## Floating rate bond (3M USD Libor + 0.1%)
+## Should and will be priced on another curve later...
+liborTermStructure <- RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle()
+libor3m <- USDLibor(Period(3,"Months"),liborTermStructure)
+Index_addFixing(libor3m, Date(17, "July", 2008), 0.0278625)
+floatingBondSchedule <- Schedule(Date(21, "October", 2005),
+                                 Date(21, "October", 2010), Period("Quarterly"),
+                                 UnitedStates("NYSE"),
+                                 "Unadjusted", "Unadjusted",
+                                 copyToR(DateGeneration(), "Backward"), TRUE)
+gearings <- DoubleVector()
+DoubleVector_push_back(gearings, 1.0)
+spreads <- DoubleVector()
+DoubleVector_push_back(spreads, 0.001)
+floatingRateBond <- FloatingRateBond(settlementDays,
+                                     faceAmount,
+                                     floatingBondSchedule,
+                                     libor3m,
+                                     Actual360(),
+                                     "ModifiedFollowing",
+                                     2,
+                                     gearings,            #[1.0],   # Gearings
+                                     spreads,             #[0.001], # Spreads
+                                     DoubleVector(),      #[],      # Caps
+                                     DoubleVector(),      #[],      # Floors
+                                     TRUE,    # Fixing in arrears
+                                     100.0,
+                                     Date(21, "October", 2005))
+Instrument_setPricingEngine(floatingRateBond, bondEngine)
+## coupon pricers
+pricer <- BlackIborCouponPricer()
+## optionlet volatilities
+volatility <- 0.0
+vol <- ConstantOptionletVolatility(settlementDays,
+                                   calendar,
+                                   "ModifiedFollowing",
+                                   volatility,
+                                   Actual365Fixed())
+IborCouponPricer_setCapletVolatility(pricer, OptionletVolatilityStructureHandle(vol))
+setCouponPricer(Bond_cashflows(floatingRateBond), pricer)
+## Yield curve bootstrapping
+RelinkableQuoteHandle_linkTo(forecastingTermStructure, depoSwapTermStructure)
+RelinkableQuoteHandle_linkTo(discountingTermStructure, bondDiscountingTermStructure)
+## We are using the depo & swap curve to estimate the future Libor rates
+RelinkableQuoteHandle_linkTo(liborTermStructure, depoSwapTermStructure)
+df <- data.frame(zeroCoupon=c(Instrument_NPV(zeroCouponBond),
+                   Bond_cleanPrice(zeroCouponBond),
+                   Bond_dirtyPrice(zeroCouponBond),
+                   Bond_accruedAmount(zeroCouponBond),
+                   NA,
+                   NA),
+                 fixedRate=c(Instrument_NPV(fixedRateBond),
+                   Bond_cleanPrice(fixedRateBond),
+                   Bond_dirtyPrice(fixedRateBond),
+                   Bond_accruedAmount(fixedRateBond),
+                   Bond_previousCouponRate(fixedRateBond),
+                   Bond_nextCouponRate(fixedRateBond)),
+                 floatingRate=c(Instrument_NPV(floatingRateBond),
+                   Bond_cleanPrice(floatingRateBond),
+                   Bond_dirtyPrice(floatingRateBond),
+                   Bond_accruedAmount(floatingRateBond),
+                   Bond_previousCouponRate(floatingRateBond),
+                   Bond_nextCouponRate(floatingRateBond)),
+                 row.names=c("NPV", "Clean Price", "Dirty Price",
+                 "Accrued Amount", "Previous Coupon", "Next Coupon"))
+# Other computations
+cat("\nSample indirect computations (for the floating rate bond):\n")
+cat("Yield to Clean Price: ")
+yld <- Bond_yield(floatingRateBond, Actual360(), "Compounded", "Annual")
+cleanPrice <- Bond_cleanPrice(floatingRateBond, yld, Actual360(), "Compounded", "Annual", settlementDate)
+cat("Clean Price to Yield: ")
+yld <- Bond_yield(floatingRateBond, cleanPrice, Actual360(), "Compounded", "Annual",settlementDate)

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