[Rquantlib-commits] r178 - in papers: . user2010
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Fri Feb 26 16:31:50 CET 2010
Author: edd
Date: 2010-02-26 16:31:50 +0100 (Fri, 26 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 178
user2010 abstract draft
Added: papers/user2010/abstract.tex
--- papers/user2010/abstract.tex (rev 0)
+++ papers/user2010/abstract.tex 2010-02-26 15:31:50 UTC (rev 178)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
+\author{Dirk Eddelbuettel\\{\small \url{edd at debian.org}}
+ \and Khanh Nguyen\\{\small \url{knguyen at cs.umb.edu}}}
+\title{\pkg{RQuantLib}: Bridging QuantLib and R}
+\date{Submitted to \textsl{useR! 2010}}
+ \addtolength{\parskip}{\baselineskip} % add a little vertical space
+ \noindent % no ident for first paragraph
+ %
+ \pkg{RQuantLib} is a package for the \proglang{R} language and environment
+ which connects \proglang{R} with QuantLib (\url{http://www.quantlib.org}),
+ the premier open source library for quantitative finance. Written in
+ portable \proglang{C++}, QuantLib aims at providing a comprehensive library
+ spanning most aspects of quantitative finance such as pricing engines for
+ various instruments, yield curve modeling, Monte Carlo and Finite
+ Difference engines, PDE solvers, Risk management and more. At the same
+ time, \proglang{R} has become the preeminent language and environment for
+ statistical computing and data analysis---which are key building blocks for
+ financial modeling, risk management and trading. So it seems natural to
+ combine the features and power of \proglang{R} and QuantLib.
+ \pkg{RQuantLib} is aimed at this goal, and provides a collection of
+ functions for option and bond pricing, yield curve interpolation, financial
+ markets calendaring and more.
+ \pkg{RQuantLib} was started in 2002 with coverage of equity options
+ containing pricing functionality for vanilla European and American exercise
+ as well as for several exotics such as Asian, Barrier and Binary options.
+ Implied volatility calculations and option analytics were also included.
+ Coverage of Fixed Income markets was first added to \pkg{RQuantLib} in
+ 2005. Yield curve building functionality was provided via the DiscountCurve
+ function which constructs spot rates from market data including the
+ settlement date, deposit rates, futures prices, FRA rates, or swap rates,
+ in various combinations. The function returns the corresponding discount
+ factors, zero rates, and forward rates for a vector of times that is
+ specified as input. In 2009, this functionality was significantly extend
+ via the FittedBondCurve function which fits a term structure to a set of
+ bonds using one of three different popular fitting methods
+ ExponentialSplines, SimplePolynomial, or NelsonSiegel. It returns a
+ data.frame with three columns date, zero.rate and discount.rate which can
+ be converted directly into a \pkg{zoo} object and used in time series
+ analysis or as further input for bond pricing functions. Bond pricing for
+ zero coupon, fixed coupon, floating rate, callable, convertible zeros,
+ convertible fixed coupon, and convertible floating coupon bonds are
+ supported. These functions return, when applicable, the NPV, the clean
+ price, the dirty price, accrued amount based on the input dates, yield and
+ the cash flows of the bond.
+ \pkg{RQuantLib} is the only \proglang{R} package that brings the
+ quantitative analytics of QuantLib to \proglang{R} while connecting the
+ rich interactive \proglang{R} environment for data analysis, statistics and
+ visualization to QuantLib. Besides providing convenient and easy access to
+ QuantLib for \proglang{R} users who do not have the necessary experience in
+ C++ to employ QuantLib directly, it also sets up a framework for users who
+ wants to interface their own QuantLib-based functions with \proglang{R}.
+ \noindent \textbf{Keywords:} QuantLib, fixed income, yield curve, bond
+ pricing, option pricing, quantitative finance, \proglang{R}, \proglang{C++}
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
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