[Rprotobuf-yada] Writing R data.frames out to serialized lists of protocol buffers

Murray Stokely murray at stokely.org
Wed Jun 1 22:32:22 CEST 2011

I have an application where I need to save R data.frames in serialized
protocol buffers.  I think there might be some existing code that does
this, but I couldn't find it so I wrote a few functions to :

1) create an ephemeral protocol buffer that defines a schema for the
provided data.frame


2) converts the column-oriented R data.frame into a row-oriented list
of protocol buffers using this ephemeral schema.

Step (2) is done in R code right now but should really be done in C++
to get much better performance.  Is there any existing code that does
this?  The approach I am using is basically :

# Map from R types to protocol buffer types
kTypeConversions <- list(numeric="double",

kTypeConversionFunctions <- list(numeric=as.numeric,

.RToProtoBufIdentifier <- function(identifier) {
  # Convert an R identifier name to a name suitable for use in a Protocol Buffer
  # Args:
  #   identifier:   A character vector of names used in R.
  # Returns:
  #   A character vector of identifiers suitable for using in a protocol buffer.

  # First make sure the column names are at least valid R identifiers.
  ret.val <- make.names(identifier, unique=TRUE)
  # R names may start with '.', but protobuf identifiers can't start with '_'.
  ret.val <- gsub("^\\.", "hidden_", ret.val, fixed=FALSE)
  # Now convert any remaining '.'s to '_' since '.' is not valid in protobufs.
  return(gsub(".", "_", ret.val, fixed=TRUE))

.WriteProtobufDescriptionFile <- function(x, file,
                                          msg.name="Rdataframe_proto") {
  # Write out a Protocol Buffer Description for a Dataframe
  # Args:
  #   x:         An R data.frame
  #   msg.name:  The name to use for this protocol message.
  #   file:      A connection or a character filename for writing proto def.
  field.names <- .RToProtoBufIdentifier(names(x))
  stopifnot(anyDuplicated(field.names) == 0)

  if (is.character(file)) {
    file <- file(file, "wt")
  if (!isOpen(file)) {
    open(file, "wt")
  cat('syntax = "proto2";\n', file=file)
  cat("message", msg.name, "{\n", file=file)

  num <- 1
  # TODO(mstokely): Vectorize this if performance becomes an issue.
  for (column in x) {
    field.type <- kTypeConversions[[class(column)]]
    cat("  optional", field.type, field.names[num], "=", num, ";\n",
    num <- num + 1
  cat("}\n", file=file)

.DataFrameToProtoBufs <- function(x, proto.file, proto.class) {
  # Returns a list of RProtoBuf protocol messages corresponding to rows of x.
  # Then names of the columns in the provided data frames must match the
  # fields of the provided protocol buffer exactly.
  # Args:
  #   x:            An R data.frame
  #   proto.file:   The .proto filename containing the proto buffer definition.
  #   proto.class:  An RProtoBuf protocol descriptor describing each row of x.
  # Returns:
  #   A list of RProtoBuf protocol messages.
  names(x) <- .RToProtoBufIdentifier(names(x))

  proto.descriptor <- P(proto.class, proto.file)

  # Convert column types as needed.
  for (col in 1:ncol(x)) {
    type.converter <- kTypeConversionFunctions[[class(x[[col]])]]
    x[[col]] <- type.converter(x[[col]])

  # TODO(mstokely): Consider rewriting in C++ for performance.
  # TODO(mstokely): Or, combine these two functions to avoid overhead of
  # building up long intermediate list of rows.
  ExtractRow <- function(row.num, x) {
    # Extracts a row from a data frame (a column-oriented structure).
    # For each column of x, return row.num element.
    return(lapply(x, '[', row.num))
    # We use this to provide a named list structure as opposed to a data.frame
    # subset with return(x[row.num,]) which would require changes below.

  CreateProtoBufFromRow <- function(row, proto.descriptor) {
    # Calls new(proto.descriptor, column1=value1, ...) with
    # non-NA named arguments from the row used to set the fields of the
    # protocol buffer (NA arguments omitted, as all are optional.)
    return (do.call(new, c(list(quote(proto.descriptor)),

  # Convert data frame (column-oriented) to a list of rows, where each
  # row is a named list of columns.
   data.by.rows <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(x)), ExtractRow, x)

  # For each row, create a protocol buffer.
  return(lapply(data.by.rows, CreateProtoBufFromRow, proto.descriptor))

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