[Rprotobuf-yada] 3rd party add on approaches

Saptarshi Guha saptarshi.guha at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 17:44:50 CET 2009

Top posting here, since something slightly different.
I persued 3rd party add ons. Two different approaches exist

a) haskell, erlang - they parse the protoc file to write the methods
b) c and objc -c : it is a superset of the google protoc source.   
Build process is altered and the objective c version has extra hooks.

The advantage to a) over b) the user would not like so many protoc  
compilers , the disadvantage to a) is implicility one has to catch up  
with googles proto
language spec( i doubt it will change).
However writing a parse for this is not difficult.

One approach is generate cpp version of the protoc and then an R  
function to scan the proto file and generate the R wrappers.


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