[Rprotobuf-yada] package ready or unit tests

Romain François francoisromain at free.fr
Sat Dec 26 13:26:34 CET 2009


I've added bits and pieces (inspired from how the fUtilities package 
does it) to prepare the package for unit testing.

The RProtoBuf-unitTests vignette has been resurrected and now will run 
the unit tests and fetch the text results (not that exciting, but this 
will do just fine [1]) into the vignette.

tests are stored in runit.*.R files in the inst/unitTests directory

so all we have to do to run the unit tests is to run R CMD build pkg

Now we need to populate the tests.


[1] maybe later I'll propose some patch to Matthias so that we would 
have a printLatexProtocol in addition to printTextProtocol and 
printHTMLProtocol for specific inclusion into vignettes.

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- http://tr.im/IlMh : CPP package: exposing C++ objects
|- http://tr.im/HlX9 : new package : bibtex
`- http://tr.im/Gq7i : ohloh

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