[Rprotobuf-commits] r947 - in papers/jss: . JSSemails

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Mon Apr 13 21:54:15 CEST 2015

Author: edd
Date: 2015-04-13 21:54:15 +0200 (Mon, 13 Apr 2015)
New Revision: 947

some file cleanups, part three

Deleted: papers/jss/JSS_1313_comments.txt
--- papers/jss/JSS_1313_comments.txt	2015-04-13 19:53:43 UTC (rev 946)
+++ papers/jss/JSS_1313_comments.txt	2015-04-13 19:54:15 UTC (rev 947)
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-This submission is important, but needs some work on both the paper and
-the software before it can be accepted.  The authors should address the
-concerns of the two reviewers (below).
-Overall, I think this is a strong paper. Cross-language communication
-is a challenging problem, and good solutions for R are important to
-establish R as a well-behaved member of a data analysis pipeline. The
-paper is well written, and I recommend that it be accepted subject to
-the suggestions below.
-# More big picture, less details
-Overall, I think the paper provides too much detail on relatively
-unimportant topics and not enough on the reasoning behind important
-design decisions. I think you could comfortably reduce the paper by
-5-10 pages, referring the interested reader to the documentation for
-more detail.
-I'd recommend shrinking section 3 to ~2 pages, and removing the
-subheadings. This section should quickly orient the reader to the
-RProtobuf API so they understand the big picture before learning more
-details in the subsequent sections. I'd recommend picking one OO style
-and sticking to it in this section - two is confusing.
-Section 4 dives into the details without giving a good overview and
-motivation. Why use S4 and not RC? How are the objects made mutable?
-Why do you provide both generic function and message passing OO
-styles? What does `$` do in this context? What the heck is a
-pseudo-method? Spend more time on those big issues rather than
-describing each class in detail. Reduce class descriptions to a
-bulleted list giving a high-level overview, then encourage the reader
-to refer to the documentation for further details. Similarly, Tables
-3-5 belong in the documentation, not in a vignette/paper.
-Section 7 is weak. I think the important message is that RProtobuf is
-being used in practice at large scale for for large data, and is
-useful for communicating between R and Python. How can you make that
-message stronger while avoiding (for the purposes of this paper) the
-relatively unimportant details of the map-reduce setup?
-# R <-> Protobuf translation
-The discussion of R <-> Protobuf could be improved. Table 9 would be
-much simpler if instead of Message, you provided a "vectorised"
-Messages class (this would also make the interface more consistent and
-hence the package easier to use).
-Along these lines, I think it would make sense to combine sections 5
-and 6 and discuss translation challenges in both direction
-simultaneously. At the minimum, add the equivalent for Table 9 that
-shows how important R classes are converted to their protobuf
-You should discuss how missing values are handled for strings and
-integers, and why enums are not equivalent to factors. I think you
-could make explicit how coercion of factors, dates, times and matrices
-occurs, and the implications of this on sharing data structures
-between programming languages. For example, how do you share date/time
-data between R and python using RProtoBuf?
-Table 10 is dying to be a plot, and a natural companion would be to
-show how long it takes to serialise data frames using both RProtoBuf
-and R's native serialisation. Is there a performance penalty to using
-# RObjectTables magic
-The use of RObjectTables magic makes me uneasy. It doesn't seem like a
-good fit for an infrastructure package and it's not clear what
-advantages it has over explicitly loading a protobuf definition into
-an object.
-Using global state makes understanding code much harder. In Table 1,
-it's not obvious where `tutorial.Person` comes from. Is it loaded by
-default by RProtobuf? This need some explanation. In Section 7, what
-does `readProtoFiles()` do? Why does `RProtobuf` need to be attached
-as well as `HistogramTools`? This needs more explanation, and a
-comment on the implications of this approach on CRAN packages and
-I'd prefer you eliminate this magic from the magic, but failing that,
-you need a good explanation of why.
-# Code comments
-* Using `file.create()` to determine the absolute path seems like a bad
-# Minor niggles
-* Don't refer to the message passing style of OO as traditional.
-* In Section 3.4, if messages isn't a vectorised class, the default
-   print method should use `cat()` to eliminate the confusing `[1]`.
-* The REXP definition would have been better defined using an enum that
-   matches R's SEXPTYPE "enum". But I guess that ship has sailed.
-* Why does `serialize_pb(CO2, NULL)` fail silently? Shouldn't it at least
-   warn that the serialization is partial?
-The paper gives an overview of the RProtoBuf package which implements an 
-R interface to the Protocol Buffers library for an efficient 
-serialization of objects. The paper is well written and easy to read. 
-Introductory code is clear and the package provides objects to play with 
-immediately without the need to jump through hoops, making it appealing. 
-The software implementation is executed well.
-There are, however, a few inconsistencies in the implementation and some 
-issues with specific sections in the paper. In the following both issues 
-will be addressed sequentially by their occurrence in the paper.
-p.4 illustrates the use of messages. The class implements list-like 
-access via [[ and $, but strangely names() return NULL and length() 
-doesn't correspond to the number of fields leading to startling results like
- > p
-[1] "message of type 'tutorial.Person' with 2 fields set"
- > length(p)
-[1] 2
- > p[[3]]
-[1] ""
-The inconsistencies get even more bizarre with descriptors (p.9):
- > tutorial.Person$email
-[1] "descriptor for field 'email' of type 'tutorial.Person' "
- > tutorial.Person[["email"]]
-Error in tutorial.Person[["email"]] : this S4 class is not subsettable
- > names(tutorial.Person)
- > length(tutorial.Person)
-[1] 1
-It appears that there is no way to find out the fields of a descriptor 
-directly (although the low-level object methods seem to be exposed as 
-$field_count() and $fields() - but that seems extremely cumbersome). 
-Again, implementing names() and subsetting may help here.
-Another inconsistency concerns the as.list() method which by design 
-coerces objects to lists (see ?as.list), but the implementation for 
-EnumDescriptor breaks that contract and returns a vector instead:
- > is.list(as.list(tutorial.Person$PhoneType))
-[1] FALSE
- > str(as.list(tutorial.Person$PhoneType))
-  Named int [1:3] 0 1 2
-  - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "MOBILE" "HOME" "WORK"
-As with the other interfaces, names() returns NULL so it is again quite
-difficult to perform even simple operations such as finding out the 
-values. It may be natural use some of the standard methods like names(), 
-levels() or similar. As with the previous cases, the lack of [[ support
-makes it impossible to map named enum values to codes and vice-versa.
-In general, the package would benefit from one pass of checks to assess
-the consistency of the API. Since the authors intend direct interaction
-with the objects via basic standard R methods, the classes should behave 
-Finally, most classes implement coercion to characters, which is not 
-mentioned and is not quite intuitive for some objects. For example, one
-may think that as.character() on a file descriptor returns let's say the 
-filename, but we get:
- > cat(as.character(tutorial.Person$fileDescriptor()))
-syntax = "proto2";
-package tutorial;
-option java_package = "com.example.tutorial";
-option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";
-It is not necessary clear what java_package has to do with a file 
-descriptor in R. Depending on the intention here, it may be useful to 
-explain this feature.
-Other comments:
-p.17: "does not support ... function, language or environment. Such 
-objects have no native equivalent type in Protocol Buffers, and have 
-little meaning outside the context or R"
-That is certainly false. Native mirror of environments are hash tables - 
-a very useful type indeed. Language objects are just lists, so there is
-no reason to not include them - they can be useful to store expressions
-that may not be necessary specific to R. Further on p. 18 your run into
-the same problem that could be fixed so easily.
-The examples in sections 7 and 8 are somewhat weak. It does not seem 
-clear why one would wish to unleash the power of PB just to transfer 
-breaks and counts for plotting - even a simple ASCII file would do that
-just fine. The main point in the example is presumably that there are 
-code generation methods for Hadoop based on PB IDL such that Hadoop can
-be made aware of the data types, thus making a histogram a proper record 
-that won't be split, can be combined etc. -- yet that is not mentioned 
-nor a way presented how that can be leveraged in practice. The Python 
-example code simply uses a static example with constants to simulate the 
-output of a reducer so it doesn't illustrate the point - the reader is 
-left confused why something as trivial would require PB while a savvy 
-reader is not able to replicate the illustrated process. Possibly 
-explaining the benefits and providing more details on how one would 
-write such a job would make it much more relevant.
-Section 8 is not very well motivated. It is much easier to use other 
-formats for HTTP exchange - JSON is probably the most popular, but even
-CSV works in simple settings. PB is a much less common standard. The 
-main advantage of PB is the performance over the alternatives, but HTTP
-services are not necessarily known for their high-throughput so why one
-would sacrifice interoperability by using PB (they are still more hassle 
-and require special installations)? It would be useful if the reason 
-could be made explicit here or a better example chosen.

Copied: papers/jss/JSSemails/JSS_1313_comments.txt (from rev 943, papers/jss/JSS_1313_comments.txt)
--- papers/jss/JSSemails/JSS_1313_comments.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ papers/jss/JSSemails/JSS_1313_comments.txt	2015-04-13 19:54:15 UTC (rev 947)
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+This submission is important, but needs some work on both the paper and
+the software before it can be accepted.  The authors should address the
+concerns of the two reviewers (below).
+Overall, I think this is a strong paper. Cross-language communication
+is a challenging problem, and good solutions for R are important to
+establish R as a well-behaved member of a data analysis pipeline. The
+paper is well written, and I recommend that it be accepted subject to
+the suggestions below.
+# More big picture, less details
+Overall, I think the paper provides too much detail on relatively
+unimportant topics and not enough on the reasoning behind important
+design decisions. I think you could comfortably reduce the paper by
+5-10 pages, referring the interested reader to the documentation for
+more detail.
+I'd recommend shrinking section 3 to ~2 pages, and removing the
+subheadings. This section should quickly orient the reader to the
+RProtobuf API so they understand the big picture before learning more
+details in the subsequent sections. I'd recommend picking one OO style
+and sticking to it in this section - two is confusing.
+Section 4 dives into the details without giving a good overview and
+motivation. Why use S4 and not RC? How are the objects made mutable?
+Why do you provide both generic function and message passing OO
+styles? What does `$` do in this context? What the heck is a
+pseudo-method? Spend more time on those big issues rather than
+describing each class in detail. Reduce class descriptions to a
+bulleted list giving a high-level overview, then encourage the reader
+to refer to the documentation for further details. Similarly, Tables
+3-5 belong in the documentation, not in a vignette/paper.
+Section 7 is weak. I think the important message is that RProtobuf is
+being used in practice at large scale for for large data, and is
+useful for communicating between R and Python. How can you make that
+message stronger while avoiding (for the purposes of this paper) the
+relatively unimportant details of the map-reduce setup?
+# R <-> Protobuf translation
+The discussion of R <-> Protobuf could be improved. Table 9 would be
+much simpler if instead of Message, you provided a "vectorised"
+Messages class (this would also make the interface more consistent and
+hence the package easier to use).
+Along these lines, I think it would make sense to combine sections 5
+and 6 and discuss translation challenges in both direction
+simultaneously. At the minimum, add the equivalent for Table 9 that
+shows how important R classes are converted to their protobuf
+You should discuss how missing values are handled for strings and
+integers, and why enums are not equivalent to factors. I think you
+could make explicit how coercion of factors, dates, times and matrices
+occurs, and the implications of this on sharing data structures
+between programming languages. For example, how do you share date/time
+data between R and python using RProtoBuf?
+Table 10 is dying to be a plot, and a natural companion would be to
+show how long it takes to serialise data frames using both RProtoBuf
+and R's native serialisation. Is there a performance penalty to using
+# RObjectTables magic
+The use of RObjectTables magic makes me uneasy. It doesn't seem like a
+good fit for an infrastructure package and it's not clear what
+advantages it has over explicitly loading a protobuf definition into
+an object.
+Using global state makes understanding code much harder. In Table 1,
+it's not obvious where `tutorial.Person` comes from. Is it loaded by
+default by RProtobuf? This need some explanation. In Section 7, what
+does `readProtoFiles()` do? Why does `RProtobuf` need to be attached
+as well as `HistogramTools`? This needs more explanation, and a
+comment on the implications of this approach on CRAN packages and
+I'd prefer you eliminate this magic from the magic, but failing that,
+you need a good explanation of why.
+# Code comments
+* Using `file.create()` to determine the absolute path seems like a bad
+# Minor niggles
+* Don't refer to the message passing style of OO as traditional.
+* In Section 3.4, if messages isn't a vectorised class, the default
+   print method should use `cat()` to eliminate the confusing `[1]`.
+* The REXP definition would have been better defined using an enum that
+   matches R's SEXPTYPE "enum". But I guess that ship has sailed.
+* Why does `serialize_pb(CO2, NULL)` fail silently? Shouldn't it at least
+   warn that the serialization is partial?
+The paper gives an overview of the RProtoBuf package which implements an 
+R interface to the Protocol Buffers library for an efficient 
+serialization of objects. The paper is well written and easy to read. 
+Introductory code is clear and the package provides objects to play with 
+immediately without the need to jump through hoops, making it appealing. 
+The software implementation is executed well.
+There are, however, a few inconsistencies in the implementation and some 
+issues with specific sections in the paper. In the following both issues 
+will be addressed sequentially by their occurrence in the paper.
+p.4 illustrates the use of messages. The class implements list-like 
+access via [[ and $, but strangely names() return NULL and length() 
+doesn't correspond to the number of fields leading to startling results like
+ > p
+[1] "message of type 'tutorial.Person' with 2 fields set"
+ > length(p)
+[1] 2
+ > p[[3]]
+[1] ""
+The inconsistencies get even more bizarre with descriptors (p.9):
+ > tutorial.Person$email
+[1] "descriptor for field 'email' of type 'tutorial.Person' "
+ > tutorial.Person[["email"]]
+Error in tutorial.Person[["email"]] : this S4 class is not subsettable
+ > names(tutorial.Person)
+ > length(tutorial.Person)
+[1] 1
+It appears that there is no way to find out the fields of a descriptor 
+directly (although the low-level object methods seem to be exposed as 
+$field_count() and $fields() - but that seems extremely cumbersome). 
+Again, implementing names() and subsetting may help here.
+Another inconsistency concerns the as.list() method which by design 
+coerces objects to lists (see ?as.list), but the implementation for 
+EnumDescriptor breaks that contract and returns a vector instead:
+ > is.list(as.list(tutorial.Person$PhoneType))
+[1] FALSE
+ > str(as.list(tutorial.Person$PhoneType))
+  Named int [1:3] 0 1 2
+  - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:3] "MOBILE" "HOME" "WORK"
+As with the other interfaces, names() returns NULL so it is again quite
+difficult to perform even simple operations such as finding out the 
+values. It may be natural use some of the standard methods like names(), 
+levels() or similar. As with the previous cases, the lack of [[ support
+makes it impossible to map named enum values to codes and vice-versa.
+In general, the package would benefit from one pass of checks to assess
+the consistency of the API. Since the authors intend direct interaction
+with the objects via basic standard R methods, the classes should behave 
+Finally, most classes implement coercion to characters, which is not 
+mentioned and is not quite intuitive for some objects. For example, one
+may think that as.character() on a file descriptor returns let's say the 
+filename, but we get:
+ > cat(as.character(tutorial.Person$fileDescriptor()))
+syntax = "proto2";
+package tutorial;
+option java_package = "com.example.tutorial";
+option java_outer_classname = "AddressBookProtos";
+It is not necessary clear what java_package has to do with a file 
+descriptor in R. Depending on the intention here, it may be useful to 
+explain this feature.
+Other comments:
+p.17: "does not support ... function, language or environment. Such 
+objects have no native equivalent type in Protocol Buffers, and have 
+little meaning outside the context or R"
+That is certainly false. Native mirror of environments are hash tables - 
+a very useful type indeed. Language objects are just lists, so there is
+no reason to not include them - they can be useful to store expressions
+that may not be necessary specific to R. Further on p. 18 your run into
+the same problem that could be fixed so easily.
+The examples in sections 7 and 8 are somewhat weak. It does not seem 
+clear why one would wish to unleash the power of PB just to transfer 
+breaks and counts for plotting - even a simple ASCII file would do that
+just fine. The main point in the example is presumably that there are 
+code generation methods for Hadoop based on PB IDL such that Hadoop can
+be made aware of the data types, thus making a histogram a proper record 
+that won't be split, can be combined etc. -- yet that is not mentioned 
+nor a way presented how that can be leveraged in practice. The Python 
+example code simply uses a static example with constants to simulate the 
+output of a reducer so it doesn't illustrate the point - the reader is 
+left confused why something as trivial would require PB while a savvy 
+reader is not able to replicate the illustrated process. Possibly 
+explaining the benefits and providing more details on how one would 
+write such a job would make it much more relevant.
+Section 8 is not very well motivated. It is much easier to use other 
+formats for HTTP exchange - JSON is probably the most popular, but even
+CSV works in simple settings. PB is a much less common standard. The 
+main advantage of PB is the performance over the alternatives, but HTTP
+services are not necessarily known for their high-throughput so why one
+would sacrifice interoperability by using PB (they are still more hassle 
+and require special installations)? It would be useful if the reason 
+could be made explicit here or a better example chosen.

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