[Rprotobuf-commits] r560 - papers/rjournal

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Dec 17 05:49:11 CET 2013

Author: murray
Date: 2013-12-17 05:49:10 +0100 (Tue, 17 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 560

Move the TeX file over to Rnw and update the makefile to run Sweave so
we can more quickly insert example usage sections in the document.

Modified: papers/rjournal/Makefile
--- papers/rjournal/Makefile	2013-12-17 02:12:56 UTC (rev 559)
+++ papers/rjournal/Makefile	2013-12-17 04:49:10 UTC (rev 560)
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 	rm -fr RJwrapper.blg
 	rm -fr RJwrapper.brf
-RJwrapper.pdf: RJwrapper.tex eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.tex RJournal.sty
+RJwrapper.pdf: RJwrapper.tex eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw RJournal.sty
+	R CMD Sweave eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw
 	pdflatex RJwrapper.tex
 	bibtex RJwrapper
 	pdflatex RJwrapper.tex

Copied: papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw (from rev 559, papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.tex)
--- papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw	                        (rev 0)
+++ papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw	2013-12-17 04:49:10 UTC (rev 560)
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+% !TeX root = RJwrapper.tex
+\title{RProtoBuf: Efficient Cross-Language Data Serialization in R}
+\author{by Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Fran\c{c}ois, and Murray Stokely}
+\abstract{Modern data collection and analysis pipelines often involve
+ a sophisticated mix of applications written in general purpose and
+ specialized programming languages.  Protocol Buffers are a popular
+ method of serializing structured data between applications---while remaining
+ independent of programming languages or operating system.  The
+ \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf} package provides a complete interface to this
+ library.
+ %TODO(ms) keep it less than 150 words.
+%TODO(de) 'protocol buffers' or 'Protocol Buffers' ?
+Modern data collection and analysis pipelines are increasingly being
+built using collections of components to better manage software
+complexity through reusability, modularity, and fault
+isolation \citep{Wegiel:2010:CTT:1932682.1869479}.  Different
+programming languages are often used for the different phases of data
+analysis -- collection, cleaning, analysis, post-processing, and
+presentation in order to take advantage of the unique combination of 
+performance, speed of development, and library support offered by
+different environments.  Each stage of the data
+analysis pipeline may involve storing intermediate results in a
+file or sending them over the network.  Programming langauges such as
+Java, Ruby, Python, and R include built-in serialization support, but
+these formats are tied to the specific programming language in use.
+CSV files can be read and written by many applications and so are
+often used for exporting tabular data.  However, CSV files have a
+number of disadvantages, such as a limitation of exporting only
+tabular datasets, lack of type-safety, inefficient text representation
+and parsing, and abiguities in the format involving special
+characters.  JSON is another widely supported format used mostly on
+the web that removes many of these disadvantages, but it too suffers
+from being too slow to parse and also does not provide strong typing
+between integers and floating point.  Large numbers of JSON messages
+would also be required to duplicate the field names with each message.
+TODO(ms): Also work in reference to Split-Apply-Combine pattern for
+data analysis \citep{wickham2011split}, since that is a great pattern
+but it seems overly optimistic to expect all of those phases to always
+be done in the same language.
+This article describes the basics of Google's Protocol Buffers through
+an easy to use R package, \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf}.  After describing the
+basics of protocol buffers and \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf}, we illustrate
+several common use cases for protocol buffers in data analysis.
+\section{Protocol Buffers}
+Once the data serialization needs get complex enough, application
+developers typically benefit from the use of an \emph{interface
+description language}, or \emph{IDL}.  IDLs like Google's Protocol
+Buffers and Apache Thrift provide a compact well-documented schema for
+cross-langauge data structures as well efficient binary interchange
+formats.  The schema can be used to generate model classes for
+statically typed programming languages such as C++ and Java, or can be
+used with reflection for dynamically typed programming languages.
+Since the schema is provided separately from the encoded data, the
+data can be efficiently encoded to minimize storage costs of the
+stored data when compared with simple ``schema-less'' binary
+interchange formats like BSON.
+%BSON, msgpack, Thrift, and Protocol Buffers take this latter approach,
+%with the
+% There are references comparing these we should use here.
+TODO Also mention Thrift and msgpack and the references comparing some
+of these tradeoffs.
+Introductory section which may include references in parentheses
+\citep{R}, or cite a reference such as \citet{R} in the text.
+Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible
+way of serializing structured data for use in communications
+protocols, data storage, and more.
+Protocol Buffers offer key features such as an efficient data interchange
+format that is both language- and operating system-agnostic yet uses a
+lightweight and highly performant encoding, object serialization and
+de-serialization as well data and configuration management. Protocol
+buffers are also forward compatible: updates to the \texttt{proto}
+files do not break programs built against the previous specification.
+While benchmarks are not available, Google states on the project page that in
+comparison to XML, protocol buffers are at the same time \textsl{simpler},
+between three to ten times \textsl{smaller}, between twenty and one hundred
+times \textsl{faster}, as well as less ambiguous and easier to program.
+The protocol buffers code is released under an open-source (BSD) license. The
+protocol buffer project (\url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/})
+contains a C++ library and a set of runtime libraries and compilers for
+C++, Java and Python.
+With these languages, the workflow follows standard practice of so-called
+Interface Description Languages (IDL)
+(c.f. \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_description_language}{Wikipedia
+  on IDL}).  This consists of compiling a protocol buffer description file
+(ending in \texttt{.proto}) into language specific classes that can be used
+to create, read, write and manipulate protocol buffer messages. In other
+words, given the 'proto' description file, code is automatically generated
+for the chosen target language(s). The project page contains a tutorial for
+each of these officially supported languages:
+Besides the officially supported C++, Java and Python implementations, several projects have been
+created to support protocol buffers for many languages. The list of known
+languages to support protocol buffers is compiled as part of the
+project page: \url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/wiki/ThirdPartyAddOns}
+The protocol buffer project page contains a comprehensive
+description of the language: \url{http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/proto.html}
+%This section may contain a figure such as Figure~\ref{figure:rlogo}.
+%  \centering
+%  \includegraphics{Rlogo}
+%  \caption{The logo of R.}
+%  \label{figure:rlogo}
+\section{Dynamic use: Protocol Buffers and R}
+TODO(ms): random citations to work in:
+We make use of Object Tables \citep{RObjectTables} for lookup.
+Many sources compare data serialization formats and show protocol
+buffers very favorably to the alternatives, such
+as \citep{Sumaray:2012:CDS:2184751.2184810}
+This section describes how to use the R API to create and manipulate
+protocol buffer messages in R, and how to read and write the
+binary \emph{payload} of the messages to files and arbitrary binary
+R connections.
+\subsection{Importing proto files}
+In contrast to the other languages (Java, C++, Python) that are officially
+supported by Google, the implementation used by the \texttt{RProtoBuf}
+package does not rely on the \texttt{protoc} compiler (with the exception of
+the two functions discussed in the previous section). This means that no
+initial step of statically compiling the proto file into C++ code that is
+then accessed by R code is necessary. Instead, \texttt{proto} files are
+parsed and processed \textsl{at runtime} by the protobuf C++ library---which
+is much more appropriate for a dynamic language.
+The \texttt{readProtoFiles} function allows importing \texttt{proto}
+files in several ways.
+% Example code snippet.
+% TODO(mstokely): Remove this.
+  x <- 1:10
+  result <- myFunction(x)
+\section{Related work on IDLs (greatly expanded from what you have)}
+\section{Design tradeoffs: reflection vs proto compiler (not addressed
+  at all in current vignettes)}
+\subsection{Performance considerations}
+TODO RProtoBuf is quite flexible and easy to use for interactive
+analysis, but it is not designed for certain classes of operations one
+might like to do with protocol buffers.  For example, taking a list of
+10,000 protocol buffers, extracting a named field from each one, and
+computing a aggregate statistics on those values would be extremely
+slow with RProtoBuf, and while this is a useful class of operations,
+it is outside of the scope of RProtoBuf.  We should be very clear
+about this to clarify the goals and strengths of RProtoBuf and its
+reflection and object mapping.
+\subsection{Serialization comparison}
+TODO comparison of protobuf serialization sizes/times for various vectors.  Compared to R's native serialization.  Discussion of the RHIPE approach of serializing any/all R objects, vs more specific protocol buffers for specific R objects.
+\section{Basic usage example - tutorial.Person}
+\section{Application: distributed Data Collection with MapReduce}
+We could describe a common MapReduce pattern of having the MR written
+in another language output protocol buffers that are later pulled into
+R.  There is some text about this in section 2 of
+\section{Application: Sending/receiving Interaction With Servers}
+This file is only a basic article template. For full details of \emph{The R Journal} style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the \href{http://journal.r-project.org/latex/RJauthorguide.pdf}{Instructions for Authors}.
+\address{Dirk Eddelbuettel\\
+  Debian and R Projects\\
+  711 Monroe Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305\\
+  USA}
+\email{edd at debian.org}
+\address{Author Two\\
+  Affiliation\\
+  Address\\
+  Country}
+\email{author2 at work}
+\address{Murray Stokely\\
+  Google, Inc.\\
+  1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\\
+  Mountain View, CA 94043\\
+  USA}
+\email{mstokely at google.com}

Property changes on: papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.Rnw
Added: svn:mergeinfo

Deleted: papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.tex
--- papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.tex	2013-12-17 02:12:56 UTC (rev 559)
+++ papers/rjournal/eddelbuettel-francois-stokely.tex	2013-12-17 04:49:10 UTC (rev 560)
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-% !TeX root = RJwrapper.tex
-\title{RProtoBuf: Efficient Cross-Language Data Serialization in R}
-\author{by Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Fran\c{c}ois, and Murray Stokely}
-\abstract{Modern data collection and analysis pipelines often involve
- a sophisticated mix of applications written in general purpose and
- specialized programming languages.  Protocol Buffers are a popular
- method of serializing structured data between applications---while remaining
- independent of programming languages or operating system.  The
- \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf} package provides a complete interface to this
- library.
- %TODO(ms) keep it less than 150 words.
-%TODO(de) 'protocol buffers' or 'Protocol Buffers' ?
-Modern data collection and analysis pipelines are increasingly being
-built using collections of components to better manage software
-complexity through reusability, modularity, and fault
-isolation \citep{Wegiel:2010:CTT:1932682.1869479}.  Different
-programming languages are often used for the different phases of data
-analysis -- collection, cleaning, analysis, post-processing, and
-presentation in order to take advantage of the unique combination of 
-performance, speed of development, and library support offered by
-different environments.  Each stage of the data
-analysis pipeline may involve storing intermediate results in a
-file or sending them over the network.  Programming langauges such as
-Java, Ruby, Python, and R include built-in serialization support, but
-these formats are tied to the specific programming language in use.
-CSV files can be read and written by many applications and so are
-often used for exporting tabular data.  However, CSV files have a
-number of disadvantages, such as a limitation of exporting only
-tabular datasets, lack of type-safety, inefficient text representation
-and parsing, and abiguities in the format involving special
-characters.  JSON is another widely supported format used mostly on
-the web that removes many of these disadvantages, but it too suffers
-from being too slow to parse and also does not provide strong typing
-between integers and floating point.  Large numbers of JSON messages
-would also be required to duplicate the field names with each message.
-TODO(ms): Also work in reference to Split-Apply-Combine pattern for
-data analysis \citep{wickham2011split}, since that is a great pattern
-but it seems overly optimistic to expect all of those phases to always
-be done in the same language.
-This article describes the basics of Google's Protocol Buffers through
-an easy to use R package, \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf}.  After describing the
-basics of protocol buffers and \CRANpkg{RProtoBuf}, we illustrate
-several common use cases for protocol buffers in data analysis.
-\section{Protocol Buffers}
-Once the data serialization needs get complex enough, application
-developers typically benefit from the use of an \emph{interface
-description language}, or \emph{IDL}.  IDLs like Google's Protocol
-Buffers and Apache Thrift provide a compact well-documented schema for
-cross-langauge data structures as well efficient binary interchange
-formats.  The schema can be used to generate model classes for
-statically typed programming languages such as C++ and Java, or can be
-used with reflection for dynamically typed programming languages.
-Since the schema is provided separately from the encoded data, the
-data can be efficiently encoded to minimize storage costs of the
-stored data when compared with simple ``schema-less'' binary
-interchange formats like BSON.
-%BSON, msgpack, Thrift, and Protocol Buffers take this latter approach,
-%with the
-% There are references comparing these we should use here.
-TODO Also mention Thrift and msgpack and the references comparing some
-of these tradeoffs.
-Introductory section which may include references in parentheses
-\citep{R}, or cite a reference such as \citet{R} in the text.
-Protocol buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible
-way of serializing structured data for use in communications
-protocols, data storage, and more.
-Protocol Buffers offer key features such as an efficient data interchange
-format that is both language- and operating system-agnostic yet uses a
-lightweight and highly performant encoding, object serialization and
-de-serialization as well data and configuration management. Protocol
-buffers are also forward compatible: updates to the \texttt{proto}
-files do not break programs built against the previous specification.
-While benchmarks are not available, Google states on the project page that in
-comparison to XML, protocol buffers are at the same time \textsl{simpler},
-between three to ten times \textsl{smaller}, between twenty and one hundred
-times \textsl{faster}, as well as less ambiguous and easier to program.
-The protocol buffers code is released under an open-source (BSD) license. The
-protocol buffer project (\url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/})
-contains a C++ library and a set of runtime libraries and compilers for
-C++, Java and Python.
-With these languages, the workflow follows standard practice of so-called
-Interface Description Languages (IDL)
-(c.f. \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interface_description_language}{Wikipedia
-  on IDL}).  This consists of compiling a protocol buffer description file
-(ending in \texttt{.proto}) into language specific classes that can be used
-to create, read, write and manipulate protocol buffer messages. In other
-words, given the 'proto' description file, code is automatically generated
-for the chosen target language(s). The project page contains a tutorial for
-each of these officially supported languages:
-Besides the officially supported C++, Java and Python implementations, several projects have been
-created to support protocol buffers for many languages. The list of known
-languages to support protocol buffers is compiled as part of the
-project page: \url{http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/wiki/ThirdPartyAddOns}
-The protocol buffer project page contains a comprehensive
-description of the language: \url{http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/proto.html}
-%This section may contain a figure such as Figure~\ref{figure:rlogo}.
-%  \centering
-%  \includegraphics{Rlogo}
-%  \caption{The logo of R.}
-%  \label{figure:rlogo}
-\section{Dynamic use: Protocol Buffers and R}
-TODO(ms): random citations to work in:
-We make use of Object Tables \citep{RObjectTables} for lookup.
-Many sources compare data serialization formats and show protocol
-buffers very favorably to the alternatives, such
-as \citep{Sumaray:2012:CDS:2184751.2184810}
-This section describes how to use the R API to create and manipulate
-protocol buffer messages in R, and how to read and write the
-binary \emph{payload} of the messages to files and arbitrary binary
-R connections.
-\subsection{Importing proto files}
-In contrast to the other languages (Java, C++, Python) that are officially
-supported by Google, the implementation used by the \texttt{RProtoBuf}
-package does not rely on the \texttt{protoc} compiler (with the exception of
-the two functions discussed in the previous section). This means that no
-initial step of statically compiling the proto file into C++ code that is
-then accessed by R code is necessary. Instead, \texttt{proto} files are
-parsed and processed \textsl{at runtime} by the protobuf C++ library---which
-is much more appropriate for a dynamic language.
-The \texttt{readProtoFiles} function allows importing \texttt{proto}
-files in several ways.
-% Example code snippet.
-% TODO(mstokely): Remove this.
-  x <- 1:10
-  result <- myFunction(x)
-\section{Related work on IDLs (greatly expanded from what you have)}
-\section{Design tradeoffs: reflection vs proto compiler (not addressed
-  at all in current vignettes)}
-\subsection{Performance considerations}
-TODO RProtoBuf is quite flexible and easy to use for interactive
-analysis, but it is not designed for certain classes of operations one
-might like to do with protocol buffers.  For example, taking a list of
-10,000 protocol buffers, extracting a named field from each one, and
-computing a aggregate statistics on those values would be extremely
-slow with RProtoBuf, and while this is a useful class of operations,
-it is outside of the scope of RProtoBuf.  We should be very clear
-about this to clarify the goals and strengths of RProtoBuf and its
-reflection and object mapping.
-\subsection{Serialization comparison}
-TODO comparison of protobuf serialization sizes/times for various vectors.  Compared to R's native serialization.  Discussion of the RHIPE approach of serializing any/all R objects, vs more specific protocol buffers for specific R objects.
-\section{Basic usage example - tutorial.Person}
-\section{Application: distributed Data Collection with MapReduce}
-We could describe a common MapReduce pattern of having the MR written
-in another language output protocol buffers that are later pulled into
-R.  There is some text about this in section 2 of
-\section{Application: Sending/receiving Interaction With Servers}
-This file is only a basic article template. For full details of \emph{The R Journal} style and information on how to prepare your article for submission, see the \href{http://journal.r-project.org/latex/RJauthorguide.pdf}{Instructions for Authors}.
-\address{Dirk Eddelbuettel\\
-  Debian and R Projects\\
-  711 Monroe Avenue, River Forest, IL 60305\\
-  USA}
-\email{edd at debian.org}
-\address{Author Two\\
-  Affiliation\\
-  Address\\
-  Country}
-\email{author2 at work}
-\address{Murray Stokely\\
-  Google, Inc.\\
-  1600 Amphitheatre Parkway\\
-  Mountain View, CA 94043\\
-  USA}
-\email{mstokely at google.com}

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