[Rprotobuf-commits] r523 - patches

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Aug 31 03:23:02 CEST 2013

Author: edd
Date: 2013-08-31 03:23:02 +0200 (Sat, 31 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 523

oops--supposed to have been committed a while back

Added: patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-1.diff
--- patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-1.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-1.diff	2013-08-31 01:23:02 UTC (rev 523)
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Index: src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.h
+--- src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.h	(revision 475)
++++ src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.h	(working copy)
+@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
+ 			RconnectionCopyingInputStream( int id );
+ 			int Read(void * buffer, int size) ;
++			bool Failure() { return(failure); }
+ 		private: 
+ 			int connection_id ;
++			bool failure;
+ } ;
+ } // namespace rprotobuf
+Index: src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.cpp
+--- src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.cpp	(revision 475)
++++ src/RconnectionCopyingInputStream.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
+ #include "RconnectionCopyingInputStream.h"
+ namespace rprotobuf{
++	/* N.B. connection must be opened in binary mode due to call
++	 * to readBin below. */
+ 	RconnectionCopyingInputStream::RconnectionCopyingInputStream(int id) : 
+-		connection_id(id){}
++                connection_id(id),
++                failure(false) {}
+ 	/** 
+ 	 * call readBin to read size bytes from R
+@@ -15,18 +17,19 @@
+ 	 * @return the number of bytes actually read
+ 	 */
+ 	int	RconnectionCopyingInputStream::Read(void * buffer, int size){
+ 		Rcpp::Language call( "readBin", connection_id, Rcpp::RawVector(0), size ) ;
+ 		Rcpp::RawVector res ;
+ 		try{
+-			res = call.eval(); 
++			res = call.eval();
+ 		}  catch( ... ){
+-			return 0 ;
++			/* Failed to read anything from the connection,
++			 * could have been permissions, or connection opened
++			 * in the wrong type, etc. */
++                        failure = true;
++			return -1 ;
+ 		}
+ 		int len = res.size() ;
+ 		memcpy( buffer, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(res.begin()), len) ;
+ 		return len ;
+ 	}
+ }
+Index: src/wrapper_Descriptor.cpp
+--- src/wrapper_Descriptor.cpp	(revision 475)
++++ src/wrapper_Descriptor.cpp	(working copy)
+@@ -179,8 +179,14 @@
+ 	if( !message ){
+ 		throw std::range_error( "could not call factory->GetPrototype(desc)->New()" ) ; 
+ 	}
+-	GPB::TextFormat::Parse( &stream, message ) ;
+-	return( S4_Message( message ) ) ;
++        if (!GPB::TextFormat::Parse( &stream, message ) ) {
++		throw std::range_error("Could not parse ASCII protocol buffer.");
++        } else {
++                if (wrapper.Failure()) {
++			throw std::range_error("Could not read ASCII protocol buffer.");
++                }
++                return( S4_Message( message ) );
++        }
+ }
+ #undef METHOD
+Index: R/read.R
+--- R/read.R	(revision 475)
++++ R/read.R	(working copy)
+@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
+ 	if( !inherits( input, "connection" ) ){ 
+ 		stop( "can only read from connections" )
+ 	}
+-	sc <- summary( input )
+-	wasopen <- identical( sc[["opened"]], "opened" )
+-	if( !wasopen ) open( input )
++	wasopen <- identical( summary(input)[["opened"]], "opened" )
++	if( !wasopen ) open( input, "rb")
++        stopifnot(summary(input)[["text"]] == "binary")
+ 	message <- .Call( "Descriptor__readMessageFromConnection", descriptor at pointer, input, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
+ 	if( !wasopen ) close( input )
+ 	message
+@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
+ 	if( !inherits( input, "connection" ) ){ 
+ 		stop( "can only read from connections" )
+ 	}
+-	sc <- summary( input )
+-	wasopen <- identical( sc[["opened"]], "opened" )
+-	if( !wasopen ) open( input )
++	wasopen <- identical( summary(input)[["opened"]], "opened" )
++	if( !wasopen ) open( input, "rb" )
++        stopifnot(summary(input)[["text"]] == "binary")
+ 	message <- .Call( "Descriptor__readASCIIFromConnection", descriptor at pointer, input, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
+ 	if( !wasopen ) close( input )
+ 	message
+Index: man/readASCII.Rd
+--- man/readASCII.Rd	(revision 475)
++++ man/readASCII.Rd	(working copy)
+@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
+ out.file <- tempfile()
+ writeLines( as.character(message), file(out.file))
+-# Verify we can read back in the message from a text file.
++# Verify that we can read back in the message from a text file.
+ message2 <- readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file, "rb"))
++# Verify that we can read back in the message from an unopened file.
++message3 <- readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file))
+ \dontshow{
+ stopifnot( identical( message, message2) )
+ }
+Index: inst/unitTests/runit.addressbook.R
+--- inst/unitTests/runit.addressbook.R	(revision 475)
++++ inst/unitTests/runit.addressbook.R	(working copy)
+@@ -35,7 +35,27 @@
+     out.file <- tempfile()
+     writeLines( as.character(book), file(out.file))
+-    # Verify we can read back in the message from a text file.
++    # Verify that we can read back in the message from a text file.
+     book2 <- readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file, "rb"))
+     checkEquals(as.character(book), as.character(book2) )
++    # Verify that we can read in messages from unopened connections.
++    book3 <- readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file))
++    checkEquals(as.character(book), as.character(book3) )
++    # Verify that we get an exception if we try to read from a text connection.
++    # (better than silently getting an empty proto.)
++    book4 <- checkException( readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file, "rt"))
++    # Verify that we get an exception if the file is not readable.
++    old.mode <- file.info(out.file)[["mode"]])
++    Sys.chmod(out.file, "0000")
++    book5 <- checkException( readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file, "rb")))
++    # Set the permissions back to ensure the file is cleaned up properly.
++    Sys.chmod(out.file, old.mode)
++    # Verify that we get an exception if the file is not parseable.
++    out.file2 <- tempfile()
++    writeLines("jibberish", file(out.file2))
++    book6 <- checkException( readASCII( tutorial.AddressBook, file(out.file2)))
+ }
+Index: inst/unitTests/runit.import.R
+--- inst/unitTests/runit.import.R	(revision 475)
++++ inst/unitTests/runit.import.R	(working copy)
+@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@
+ # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ test.import <- function() {
+-  # Verify we get a graceful errorr ather than segfault.
++  # Verify that we get a graceful error rather than a segfault.
+   checkException(readProtoFiles("/etc/hosts"))
+ }

Added: patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-2.diff
--- patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-2.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ patches/patch_by_Murray_rprotobuf_r475-2.diff	2013-08-31 01:23:02 UTC (rev 523)
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+--- NAMESPACE	(revision 475)
++++ NAMESPACE	(working copy)
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ 	"is_extension", "number", "label",
+ 	"is_required", "is_repeated", "is_optional",
+ 	"has_default_value", "default_value",
+-	"message_type", "enum_type",
++	"message_type", "enum_type", "type", "cpp_type",
+ 	# EnumDescriptor
+ 	"value_count", "value",
+@@ -103,4 +103,3 @@
+ exportPattern( "^LABEL_" )
+ # export( run_unit_tests )
+Index: R/wrapper_FieldDescriptor.R
+--- R/wrapper_FieldDescriptor.R	(revision 475)
++++ R/wrapper_FieldDescriptor.R	(working copy)
+@@ -32,14 +32,17 @@
+ TYPE_SINT32   <- 17L
+ TYPE_SINT64   <- 18L
+-.TYPES <- ls( pattern = "^TYPE_" )
+ setGeneric( "type", function(object, as.string = FALSE){
+ 	standardGeneric( "type" )
+ } )
+ setMethod( "type", "FieldDescriptor", function(object, as.string = FALSE){
+ 	type <- .Call( "FieldDescriptor__type", object at pointer, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
+-	if( as.string ) .TYPES[type] else type
++	if( as.string ) {
++                .TYPES <- sapply(ls( "package:RProtoBuf", pattern="^TYPE_" ), get)
++                names(which(.TYPES == type))
++        } else {
++                type
++        }
+ } )
+@@ -53,27 +56,35 @@
+-.CPPTYPES <- ls( pattern = "^CPPTYPE_" )
+ setGeneric( "cpp_type", function(object, as.string = FALSE ){
+ 	standardGeneric( "cpp_type" )
+ } )
+ setMethod( "cpp_type", "FieldDescriptor", function(object, as.string = FALSE){
+ 	cpptype <- .Call( "FieldDescriptor__cpp_type", object at pointer, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
+-	if( as.string ) .CPPTYPES[cpptype] else cpptype
++	if( as.string ) {
++                .CPPTYPES <- sapply(ls( "package:RProtoBuf", pattern="^CPPTYPE_" ), get)
++                names(which(.CPPTYPES == cpptype))
++        } else {
++                cpptype
++        }
+ } )
+-.LABELS <-  ls( pattern = "^LABEL_" )
+ setGeneric( "label", function(object, as.string = FALSE ){
+ 	standardGeneric( "label" )
+ } )
+ setMethod( "label", "FieldDescriptor", function(object, as.string = FALSE){
+ 	lab <- .Call( "FieldDescriptor__label", object at pointer, PACKAGE = "RProtoBuf" )
+-	if( as.string ) .LABELS[lab] else lab
++	if( as.string ) {
++                .LABELS <- sapply(ls( "package:RProtoBuf", pattern="^LABEL_" ), get)
++                names(which(.LABELS == lab))
++        } else {
++                lab
++        }
+ } )
+ setGeneric( "is_repeated", function(object ){
+Index: man/is_extension.Rd
+--- man/is_extension.Rd	(revision 475)
++++ man/is_extension.Rd	(working copy)
+@@ -9,4 +9,8 @@
+ The method is implemented for the \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} class
+ }
+ \keyword{methods}
++proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
++Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
+Index: man/label.Rd
+--- man/label.Rd	(revision 475)
++++ man/label.Rd	(working copy)
+@@ -9,10 +9,26 @@
+ \title{Gets the label of a field}
+ \description{
+-Gets the label of a field
++Gets the label of a field (optional, required, or repeated).
+ }
++  \item{object}{A \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} object.}
++  \item{as.string}{If true, print a string representation of the type.}
+ \seealso{
+ The method is implemented for the \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} class
+ }
+ \keyword{methods}
++proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
++Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
++label(Person$id, TRUE)
++label(Person$email, TRUE)
++label(Person$phone, TRUE)
+Index: man/number.Rd
+--- man/number.Rd	(revision 475)
++++ man/number.Rd	(working copy)
+@@ -9,4 +9,10 @@
+ The method is implemented for the \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} class
+ }
+ \keyword{methods}
++proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
++Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
+Index: man/type.Rd
+--- man/type.Rd	(revision 475)
++++ man/type.Rd	(working copy)
+@@ -40,7 +40,19 @@
+ \description{
+ Gets the type or the C++ type of a field
+ }
++  \item{object}{A \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} object.}
++  \item{as.string}{If true, print a string representation of the type.}
+ \seealso{
+ The method is implemented for the \linkS4class{FieldDescriptor} class
+ }
+ \keyword{methods}
++proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
++Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
++type(Person$id, as.string=TRUE)
++cpp_type(Person$email, TRUE)
+Index: inst/unitTests/runit.FieldDescriptor.R
+--- inst/unitTests/runit.FieldDescriptor.R	(revision 0)
++++ inst/unitTests/runit.FieldDescriptor.R	(revision 0)
+@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
++# Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
++# Author: Murray Stokely
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
++# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
++test.FieldDescriptor.class <- function() {
++  proto.file <- system.file( "proto", "addressbook.proto", package = "RProtoBuf" )
++  Person <- P( "tutorial.Person", file = proto.file )
++  # field descriptor object
++  checkTrue(!is.null(Person$email))
++  # debug string
++  checkTrue(nchar(as.character( Person$email )) > 1)
++  # default values
++  checkTrue(!has_default_value(Person$id))
++  checkTrue(has_default_value(Person$PhoneNumber$type))
++  checkEquals(default_value(Person$PhoneNumber$type), 1)
++  checkEquals(default_value(Person$id), 0)
++  # Get the types of field descriptors
++  checkEquals(type(Person$id), TYPE_INT32)
++  checkEquals(type(Person$id, TRUE), "TYPE_INT32")
++  checkEquals(cpp_type(Person$email), CPPTYPE_STRING)
++  checkEquals(cpp_type(Person$email, TRUE), "CPPTYPE_STRING")
++  # Get the label of a field descriptor
++  checkEquals(label(Person$id), LABEL_REQUIRED)
++  checkEquals(label(Person$id, TRUE), "LABEL_REQUIRED")
++  checkEquals(label(Person$email), LABEL_OPTIONAL)
++  checkEquals(label(Person$email, TRUE), "LABEL_OPTIONAL")
++  # Test if a field is optional
++  checkTrue(is_required(Person$id))
++  checkTrue(!is_optional(Person$id))
++  checkTrue(!is_repeated(Person$id))
++  checkTrue(!is_required(Person$email))
++  checkTrue(is_optional(Person$email))
++  checkTrue(!is_repeated(Person$email))
++  # Return the class of a message field
++  checkTrue(inherits(message_type(Person$phone), "Descriptor"))

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