[Rphree-general] Rphree:AddProp function. Are "PURE" and "EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES" the same?

Oleg Ishkov Oleg.Ishkov at pet.hw.ac.uk
Mon Jun 2 16:45:04 CEST 2014

I am very sorry. My mistake, found that PURE=EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES.

As an suggestion, shall we add may be in
AddProp l21:
markpure <- grep("PURE", input)

something like

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards,

From: Oleg Ishkov
Sent: 02 June 2014 15:21
To: 'rphree-general at lists.r-forge.r-project.org'
Subject: Rphree:AddProp function. Are "PURE" and "EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES" the same?

Dear Marco,

I noticed that function AddProp looks for "PURE" string sequence [line 21: markpure <- grep("PURE", input) ] to mark a place where to insert a new property.

Could you please let me know am I understand it right that "Pure" and "EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES" are the same keywords?
I checked manual for PHREEQC and there is no PURE keyword (PHREEQC v3).

Thank you!

Best regards,

Dr Oleg Ishkov                        Office:  +44(0) 131 451 4336
Inst. of Petroleum Engineering        Fax:     +44(0) 131 451 3127
Heriot-Watt University                Mobile:  +44(0) 79089  50674
Edinburgh EH14 4AS                    Oleg.Ishkov at pet.hw.ac.uk<mailto:Oleg.Ishkov at pet.hw.ac.uk>
United Kingdom                        www.pet.hw.ac.uk/research/fast<http://www.pet.hw.ac.uk/research/fast>

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