[Rpad-commits] r2 - in pkg: . Rpad Rpad/R Rpad/inst Rpad/inst/basehtml Rpad/inst/tcl Rpad/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Dec 31 06:19:16 CET 2013

Author: jedick
Date: 2013-12-31 06:19:15 +0100 (Tue, 31 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 2

initial import

Added: pkg/Rpad/.Rbuildignore
--- pkg/Rpad/.Rbuildignore	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/.Rbuildignore	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

Added: pkg/Rpad/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/Rpad/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/DESCRIPTION	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Package: Rpad
+Title: Workbook-style, web-based interface to R
+Author: Tom Short (EPRI), Philippe Grosjean (UMH EcoNum), Jeffrey Dick
+Description: A workbook-style user interface to R through a web
+        browser. Provides convenient interaction with an R process
+        through HTML input elements, and plotting and other HTML output
+        routines. Uses the Dojo toolkit (http://dojotoolkit.org) to
+        help build responsive web pages with Javascript. Can be used
+        with R in standalone mode or with a webserver to serve Rpad
+        pages to other users.
+Depends: graphics, utils, grDevices
+Suggests: tcltk, R2HTML
+LazyLoad: no
+Maintainer: Jeffrey Dick <j3ffdick at gmail.com>
+License: GPL (>= 2)
+URL: http://rpad.r-forge.r-project.org

Added: pkg/Rpad/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/Rpad/NAMESPACE	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/NAMESPACE	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+       Rpad,
+       startRpadServer,
+       stopRpadServer,
+       ROutputFormat,
+       Html,
+       H,
+       HtmlTree,
+       HfromHTML,
+       BR,
+       HTMLon,
+       HTMLoff,
+       HTMLh1,
+       HTMLh2,
+       HTMLh3,
+       HTMLh4,
+       HTMLh5,
+       HTMLargs,
+       HTMLtag,
+       HTMLetag,
+       HTMLradio,
+       HTMLcheckbox,
+       HTMLselect,
+       HTMLinput,
+       HTMLlink,
+       HTMLimg,
+       HTMLembed,
+       graphoptions,
+       newgraph,
+       showgraph,
+       RpadPlotName,
+       RpadURL,
+       RpadBaseURL,
+       RpadBaseFile,
+       RpadIsLocal,
+       json
+S3method(json, default)
+S3method(json, data.frame)
+S3method(json, list)
+S3method(json, NULL)
+S3method(json, character)
+S3method(json, logical)
+S3method(json, numeric)
+S3method(Html, data.frame)
+S3method(Html, matrix)
+S3method(Html, numeric)
+S3method(Html, integer)
+S3method(Html, default)
+S3method(HtmlTree, HtmlTree)
+S3method(HtmlTree, default)
+S3method(print, HtmlTree)
+S3method(print, json)

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/Graphing.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/Graphing.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/Graphing.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+# Rpad graphing functions 
+"graphoptions" <- function (..., reset = FALSE, override.check = TRUE) {
+  # set various Rpad graph options
+  # modified based on code from ps.options
+    l... <- length(new <- list(...))
+    old <- check.options(new = new, envir = .RpadEnv, name.opt = ".RpadGraphOptions", 
+        reset = as.logical(reset), assign.opt = l... > 0, override.check = override.check)
+    if (reset || l... > 0) 
+        invisible(old)
+    else old
+"newRpadPlotName" <- function(name = "") {
+  # Create a new Rpad plot name
+  # Updates the plot counter and name
+  if (name == "") {
+	Counter <- get("Rpad.plot.counter", envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("Rpad.plot.counter", Counter + 1, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    name <- paste("Rpad_plot", Counter, sep="")
+  } 
+  assign("Rpad.plot.name", name, envir = .RpadEnv)
+  name
+"RpadPlotName" <- function()
+  get("Rpad.plot.name", envir = .RpadEnv)
+"closeCurrentDevice" <- function() {
+  # Closes the current device and if the current device is postscript,
+  # process the output with ghostscript to generate the desired output.
+  if (exists("RpadPlotParams", envir = .RpadEnv))
+    p <- get("RpadPlotParams", envir = .RpadEnv)
+  else
+    return()
+  dev.set(p$dev)
+  if (.Device == "postscript") {
+    dev.off()
+    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
+      gsexe <- Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD")
+      if (is.null(gsexe) || nchar(gsexe) == 0) 
+        gsexe <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "gswin32c.exe", "gs")
+      gshelp <- system(paste(gsexe, "-help"), intern = TRUE, invisible = TRUE)
+      st <- grep("^Available", gshelp)
+      en <- grep("^Search", gshelp)
+      gsdevs <- gshelp[(st + 1):(en - 1)]
+      devs <- c(strsplit(gsdevs, " "), recursive = TRUE)
+      if (match(p$type, devs, 0) == 0) 
+        stop(paste(paste("Device ", p$type, "is not available"), 
+                   "Available devices are", paste(gsdevs, collapse = "\n"), 
+                   sep = "\n"))
+      cmd <- paste(gsexe, " -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=", p$type, 
+                   " -r", p$res, " -g", ceiling(p$res * p$width), "x",
+                   ceiling(p$res * p$height), " -sOutputFile=", p$name,
+                   "-%03d.", p$extension, " ", p$name, ".eps", sep = "")
+      system(cmd, intern = TRUE, invisible = TRUE)
+    }
+    for (fun in getHook("closeRpadDevice")) try(fun())
+  } else if (.Device != "null device") {
+    dev.off()
+    for (fun in getHook("closeRpadDevice")) try(fun())
+  }
+  assign("RpadPlotParams", NULL, envir = .RpadEnv)
+"newDevice" <- function(name, extension, type, res, width, height, deviceUsesPixels, pointsize, ...) {
+  # Open a new device. If it's a ghostscript-based device, set up the
+  # ghostscript handling.
+  # If it's an R graphics device, initiate it.
+  name <- newRpadPlotName(name)
+  assign("Rpad.plot.type", type, envir = .RpadEnv)
+  if (is.character(type) && type == "Rpng") { # for builtin png support
+    unlink(grep(paste(name,".*\\.png",sep=""), dir(), value=T))
+    png(filename = paste(name,"-%03d.png",sep=""), width = width*res, height = height*res)
+    assign("RpadPlotParams", list(dev=dev.cur(), extension="png"), envir = .RpadEnv)
+  } else if (is.function(type)) {
+    # for an arbitrary R graphics device
+    unlink(grep(paste(name,".*\\.", extension, sep=""), dir(), value=T))
+    funargs <- formals(type)
+    callargs <- list(file = paste(name, "-%03d.", extension, sep=""))
+    if (deviceUsesPixels) { 
+      height <- height * res
+      width <- width * res
+    }
+    extraargs <- c(list(res = res, width = width, height = height, pointsize = pointsize),
+                   list(...))
+    if ("..." %in% names(funargs)) {
+      # the device function has a ..., so we (probably) can pass everything
+      callargs <- c(callargs, extraargs)
+    } else {
+      # remove arguments not used by this device function
+      callargs <- c(callargs, extraargs[intersect(names(extraargs), names(funargs))])
+    }
+    do.call("type", callargs)
+    assign("RpadPlotParams", list(dev=dev.cur(), extension=extension), envir = .RpadEnv)
+  } else {
+    # for a ghostscript device using bitmap
+    unlink(grep(paste(name,".*\\.", extension,sep=""), dir(), value=T))
+    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
+      cmd <- NULL
+    } else {
+      gsexe <- Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD")
+      if (is.null(gsexe) || nchar(gsexe) == 0) 
+        gsexe <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "gswin32c.exe", "gs")
+      gshelp <- system(paste(gsexe, "-help"), intern = TRUE)
+      st <- grep("^Available", gshelp)
+      en <- grep("^Search", gshelp)
+      gsdevs <- gshelp[(st + 1):(en - 1)]
+      devs <- c(strsplit(gsdevs, " "), recursive = TRUE)
+      if (match(type, devs, 0) == 0) 
+          stop(paste(paste("Device ", type, "is not available"), 
+               "Available devices are", paste(gsdevs, collapse = "\n"), 
+               sep = "\n"))
+      cmd <- paste(gsexe, " -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=", type, 
+                   " -r", res, " -g", ceiling(res * width), "x", ceiling(res * 
+                   height), " -sOutputFile=", name, "-%03d.", extension, " ", sep = "")
+    }
+    postscript(file = paste(name,".eps",sep=""), width = width, height = height,
+               pointsize = pointsize, 
+               paper = "special", horizontal = FALSE, print.it = !is.null(cmd), 
+               command = cmd, ...)
+    assign("RpadPlotParams",
+           list(dev=dev.cur(), name=name, type=type, width=width,
+                height=height, res=res, extension=extension), envir = .RpadEnv)
+  }
+"newgraph" <- function(name = "", extension = graphoptions()$extension,
+                       type = graphoptions()$type, res = graphoptions()$res,
+                       width = graphoptions()$width, height = graphoptions()$height,
+                       deviceUsesPixels = graphoptions()$deviceUsesPixels,
+                       pointsize = graphoptions()$pointsize, sublines = graphoptions()$sublines,
+                       toplines = graphoptions()$toplines, ratio = graphoptions()$ratio,
+                       leftlines = graphoptions()$leftlines, lwd = graphoptions()$lwd, ...) {
+# Start a new Rpad graph.
+# uses code from bitmap and from Frank Harrell's Hmisc routine setps
+  if (width == 0 & height == 0) 
+    width <- 3.5
+  if (width > 0 & height == 0) 
+    height <- width/ratio
+  if (width == 0 & height > 0) 
+    width <- height * ratio
+  closeCurrentDevice()
+  newDevice(name, extension, type, res, width, height, deviceUsesPixels, pointsize, ...)
+  par(lwd = lwd, mgp = c(2.5, 0.6, 0),
+      mar = c(3 + sublines + 0.25 * (sublines > 0) + 
+        0.5, 3 + leftlines + 0.5, toplines+.4,  1) + 0.1,
+      cex.main=1,font.main=1,las=1)
+  #require(lattice)
+#  lattice::lset(lattice::canonical.theme("postscript", color = TRUE))
+#  if (exists('xyplot')) {
+#    trellis.device(col=T)
+#    lset(list(axis.line=list(col="gray50"),axis.text=list(col="black"),
+#              strip.background=list(col="white"),strip.shingle=list(col="gray70")))
+#  }
+  for (fun in getHook("newgraph")) try(fun())
+  invisible()
+# Start a new Rpad graph, and show the existing graph(s).
+"showgraph" <- function(name = RpadPlotName(), link = FALSE, ...) {
+  name
+  newgraph()
+  for (n in dir(pattern = paste(name, ".*", get("RpadPlotParams", envir = .RpadEnv)$extension, sep=""))) 
+    print(HTMLimg(n))
+  if (link && # show a link to an EPS file if specified and if using the ghostscript graphics
+      get("Rpad.plot.type", envir = .RpadEnv) != "Rpng" &&
+      !is.function(get("Rpad.plot.type", envir = .RpadEnv)))
+    cat("<span contentEditable='false'>",
+        "<sub><a href='", RpadURL(name), ".eps'>[EPS]</a></sub>",
+        "</span>\n",
+        sep="")
+  invisible()
+# Here's an example hook that you could use to add an EPS preview to eps files (requires epstool)
+#eps.add.preview <- function(fname) system(paste("epstool -n1 -b -t6p -zbmp256 -r200 -g\"gswin32c\" -o",fname,".eps ",fname,".eps",sep=""),show.output.on.console = TRUE)
+#setHook("closeRpadDevice", function() { # add a tiff preview to an eps file
+#  name = RpadPlotName()
+#  if (length(dir(pattern=paste(name,".eps",sep=""))) == 1)
+#    eps.add.preview(name)
+### This will set the default graphics option to the GDD device:
+# library(GDD)
+# graphoptions(type = GDD)
+### This is how you could change the pointsize on a GDD device:
+# newgraph(ps = 10) # the default is 12

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/HtmlTree.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/HtmlTree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/HtmlTree.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+"Html" <- function(x,...) { 
+  UseMethod("Html") 
+"Html.default" <- function(x, ...) as.character(x)
+"Html.integer" <- "Html.numeric" <- function(x, ...) paste(format(x), collapse = ", ")
+"HtmlTree" <- function(tagName, ...) {  
+  UseMethod("HtmlTree") 
+"H" <- HtmlTree
+"HtmlTree.HtmlTree" <- function(tagName, ..., standaloneTag = FALSE, collapseContents = TRUE) tagName
+"jsQuote" <- function(string) {
+  # uses code from shQuote
+  # wraps strings in quotes, with priority to single quotes
+  # cat(jsQuote("asdf")) -> 'asdf'
+  # cat(jsQuote('asdf')) -> 'asdf'
+  # cat(jsQuote('alert("hello")')) #-> 'alert("hello")'
+  # cat(jsQuote("alert('hello')")) #-> "alert('hello')"
+  # cat(jsQuote("alert(\"he\'l'lo\")")) #-> 'alert("he\'l\'lo")'
+  has_single_quote <- grep("'", string)
+  if (!length(has_single_quote)) 
+    return(paste("'", string, "'", sep = ""))
+  has_double_quote <- grep('"', string)
+  if (!length(has_double_quote)) 
+    return(paste('"', string, '"', sep = ""))
+  # default - single-quote emphasis
+  paste("'", gsub("'", "\\\\\'", string), "'", sep = "")
+"HTMLargs" <- function(x) {
+  # returns a string with the arguments as a="arg1", b="arg2", and so on
+  names <- names(x)
+  if (length(x) > 0) str <- " " else str <- ""
+  for (i in seq(along = x))
+    str <- paste(str, names[i], "=", jsQuote(x[[i]]), " ", sep = "")
+  return(str)
+"print.HtmlTree" <- function(x, file = "", ...)
+  cat(file=file, x, "\n")
+"HtmlTree.default" <- function(tagName, ..., standaloneTag = FALSE, collapseContents = TRUE) {
+  # named arguments are attributes; unnamed are content
+  args <- list(...)
+  methodsOfHtml <- setdiff(c(gsub("^Html.","",(methods("Html"))), "HtmlTree"), "character")
+  # if we can apply "html" to tagName, and it's by itself, do it (for non-character classes)
+  if (length(args) == 0 && !is.character(tagName) && class(tagName) %in% methodsOfHtml)
+    return(Html(tagName))
+  if (length(names(args)) > 0) {
+    tagContents <- args[names(args) == ""]    # unnamed arguments
+    tagAttributes <- args[names(args) != ""]  # named arguments
+  } else {
+    tagContents <- args
+    tagAttributes <- NULL
+  }
+  pasteList <- function(x) {
+    str <- ""
+    for (i in seq(along=x)) {
+        str <- paste(str, Html(x[[i]]), sep = " ")
+    }
+    str
+  }
+  if (is.null(tagName)) {
+    startTag <- ""
+    contents <- pasteList(tagContents)
+    endTag <- ""
+  } else if (standaloneTag) {
+    startTag <- paste("<", tagName, HTMLargs(tagAttributes), "/>", sep = "")
+    contents <- ""
+    endTag <- ""
+  } else { # default case:
+    startTag <- paste("<", tagName, HTMLargs(tagAttributes), ">", sep = "")
+    contents <- paste(" ",pasteList(tagContents), "")
+    endTag <- paste("</", tagName, ">", sep = "")
+  }
+  str <- paste(startTag, contents, endTag,
+               sep = "", collapse = if (collapseContents) "" else NULL)
+  class(str) <- "HtmlTree"
+  str
+"Html.data.frame" <- "Html.matrix" <- function(x, ...) {
+## Make an HtmlTree out of a data frame.
+## First "format" then convert to a matrix.
+## "..." arguments are passed directly to format.
+  x.formatted <- as.matrix(format(x, ...))
+  x.formatted[is.na(x)] <- " "
+  x.formatted[grep("^ *(NA|NaN) *$", x.formatted)] <- " "
+  H("div", class = "RpadTableHolder",
+    H("table",
+      H("tbody",
+        H("tr",                           # HEADER ROW
+          H("th", 
+            H("div", class = "tableheaderrow", 
+              colnames(x), collapseContents = FALSE))), # collapseContents keeps the <th><div></div></th><th><div></div></th> nested pair
+        H(NULL, # NULL groups consecutive tags together
+          apply(x.formatted, MARGIN = 1,    # MAIN BODY - sweep the rows
+            FUN = function (x)
+              H("tr", 
+                H("td", x)))))))
+# broken:
+#"HtmlTree.list" <- "Html.list" <- function (x, first = TRUE, ...) {
+#  res = rep(H("dum"), length = 2*length(x))
+#  res[seq(1, 2*length(x), by = 2)] = H(NULL, names(x), collapseContents = FALSE)
+#  res[seq(2, 2*length(x), by = 2)] = sapply(x, FUN = function(x)
+#       H("ul",
+#         Html(x, first = FALSE)))
+#  if (first)  # IE needs contenteditable off
+#    H("div", contentEditable='false',
+#      H("ul",
+#        H("li",
+#          H(NULL, res))))
+#  else
+#    H("li",
+#      H(NULL, res))
+"HTMLbutton" <- function(label = "Calculate", js = "rpad.calculatePage()", ...) 
+  # Other useful js parameters:
+  #   js = "rpad.calculateNext(this)"  # calculate the next Rpad block
+  #   js = "rpad.send('put commands here')"
+  H("input", onclick = paste("javascript:", js, sep=""),
+          value = label, type = "button", ...)
+"HTMLradio" <- function(variableName, commonName = "radio", text = "", ...) 
+  # outputs an HTML radio button wrapped in a contentEditable=false 
+  H("span", contentEditable="false",
+    H("input", type = 'radio', name = commonName, value = variableName, id = variableName, ...),
+    H("label", "for" = variableName,
+      text))
+"HTMLcheckbox" <- function(name, text = "", ...)
+  H("span", contentEditable="false",
+    H("input", type = 'checkbox', name = name, id = name, ...),
+    H("label", "for" = name,
+      text))
+"HTMLinput" <- function(name, value = "", rpadType = "Rvariable", contenteditablewrapper = TRUE, ...) {
+  res <- H("input", name = name, value = value, rpadType = rpadType, standaloneTag = TRUE, ...)
+  if (contenteditablewrapper)
+    H("span", contentEditable = "false", 
+      res)
+  else
+    res
+"HTMLselect" <- function(name, text, default=1, size=1, id=name, contenteditablewrapper=TRUE,
+                         optionvalue=text, ...) {
+# generate a select box
+  options =
+    H("option", value = optionvalue,
+      text, collapseContents = FALSE)
+  if (default > 1 & default <= length(text)) 
+    options[default] =
+      H("option", value = optionvalue[default], selected = "selected",
+        text[default])
+  res =
+    H("select", name = name, size = size, id = id, ...,
+      H(NULL, options))
+  if (contenteditablewrapper)
+    H("span", contentEditable = "false",
+      res)
+  else
+    res
+"HTMLlink" <- function(url, text, ...) 
+  H("span", contentEditable="false",
+    H("a", href = url, ...,
+      text))
+"HTMLimg" <- function(filename = RpadPlotName(), ...) 
+  H("img", src = RpadURL(filename), ...)
+"HTMLembed" <- function(filename, width = 600, height = 600, ...) 
+  H("embed", src = filename, width = width, height = height, ...)
+"HTMLjs" <- function(js)
+  # Runs a javascript snippet. HTML must be enabled.
+  # doesn't work because scripts won't get executed when inserted via innerHTML
+  H("script", type="text/javascript",
+    js)
+"HTMLjs" <- function(js)
+  # Runs a javascript snippet by attaching it to an error handler for an image.
+  # HTML must be enabled.
+  # see also: # http://24ways.org/advent/have-your-dom-and-script-it-too
+  #   <img src="g.gif?randomnum" alt="" 
+  #        onload="alert('Now that I have your attention...');this.parentNode.removeChild(this);" />
+  H("img", src = "", alt = "", style = "display:none",
+    onerror = paste(js, ";this.parentNode.removeChild(this);"))
+"HTMLSetInnerHtml" <- function(id, html) 
+  # Sets the innerHTML of the element "id" to "html".
+  # Runs a bit of javascript to do it. HTML must be enabled.
+  # It's probably better to do this sort of thing on the javascript side.
+  HTMLjs(paste("dojo.byId('", id, "').innerHTML = '", html, "'", sep=""))
+"BR" = function()
+  H("br", standaloneTag = TRUE) # <br/>
+"HTMLh1" <- function(text) {
+  H("h1", text)
+"HTMLh2" <- function(text) {
+  H("h2", text)
+"HTMLh3" <- function(text) {
+  H("h3", text)
+"HTMLh4" <- function(text) {
+  H("h4", text)
+"HTMLh5" <- function(text) {
+  H("h5", text)
+"HTMLon" <- function()
+  H("htmlon", standaloneTag = TRUE)
+"HTMLoff" <- function()
+  H("htmloff", standaloneTag = TRUE)
+"ROutputFormat" <- function(Format)
+  options(R.output.format = Format)
+"HTMLtag" <- function(tagName, ...) {
+  # outputs the given HTML tagName with arguments supplied in ...
+  str <- paste("<", tagName, HTMLargs(list(...)), ">", sep = "", collapse = "")
+  class(str) <- "HtmlTree"
+  str
+"HTMLetag" <- function(tagName) {
+  str <- paste("</", tagName, ">\n", sep = "")
+  class(str) <- "HtmlTree"
+  str
+"print.condition" <- function (x, ...) {
+	# redefine this to get rid of the <> brackets around error messages
+	msg <- conditionMessage(x)
+    call <- conditionCall(x)
+    cl <- class(x)[1]
+    if (!is.null(call)) {
+        cat("** ", cl, " in ", deparse(call), ": ", msg, " **\n", sep = "")
+    } else {
+		cat("** ", cl, ": ", msg, " **\n", sep = "")
+	}
+"HfromHTML" <- function(x) {
+  if(require("R2HTML")) {
+    res <- capture.output({HTML(x);cat("\n")}) # the \n makes sure to get a complete line
+    class(res) <- "HtmlTree"
+    res
+  } else {
+    Html(x)
+  }
+"dojoTree" <- function(x, first = TRUE, ...) {
+  x <- as.list(x)
+  res <- sapply(seq(len = length(x)), 
+    function(i)
+      H("div", dojoType="TreeNodeV3", ..., 
+        title = names(x)[i],
+        if (is.list(x[[i]]) && !(any(class(x[[i]]) %in% gsub("^Html.","",methods(Html)))))
+          dojoTree(x[[i]], first = FALSE)
+        else
+          H("div", dojoType="TreeNodeV3", title = Html(x[[i]]))))
+  res <- paste(res, collapse="") # combine the list elements
+  if (first) {
+    H(NULL,
+      H("div", dojoType = "TreeBasicControllerV3", widgetId="controller"),
+      H("div", dojoType="TreeV3", listeners="controller",
+        res))
+   } else {
+     res
+   }
+## ##tests for dojoTree
+## x = list(a = 1:2, 44, b = list(a = 3:4, b = 6:5), c = data.frame(a=1:5, b = 11:15))
+## HTMLon()
+## H("p", "A simple tree:")
+## dojoTree(x)
+## H("p", "An expanded version:")
+## dojoTree(x, expandLevel = 2)
+## H("p", "A bigger tree:")
+## dojoTree(as.list(lm(1:10 ~ rnorm(10))))

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/LocalVersion.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/LocalVersion.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/LocalVersion.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Rpad utility functions for running Rpad locally.
+# Here we use a local Tcl httpd server to receive Rpad commands.
+"processRpadCommands" <-
+function() {
+  require("tcltk")
+  commands <- tclvalue(.Tcl("set user(R_commands)"))
+  textcommands <- textConnection(commands)
+  .dev.active <- dev.cur()
+  if (exists("RpadPlotParams", envir = .RpadEnv))
+    dev.set( get("RpadPlotParams", envir = .RpadEnv)$dev )
+  results <- tryCatch({
+    tc <- textConnection("textfromconnection",open="w")
+    sink(file=tc)
+    guiSource(textcommands)
+    sink()
+    close(tc)
+    # the result is R result text
+    get("textfromconnection")
+  }, error=function(e) {
+    sink()
+    close(tc)
+    cat('ERROR1:')
+    print(e)
+    # the result is an error message
+    etext <- paste(paste(get("textfromconnection"), "\n", collapse=""), '\n', e)
+    etext
+  }, finally=close(textcommands))
+  dev.set(.dev.active)
+  formattedresults <- paste(results,"\n",sep="",collapse="")
+#  cat(formattedresults)
+  escapeBrackets <- function(x) gsub("(\\{|\\})", "\\\\\\1", x)
+  .Tcl(paste("set RpadTclResults {", escapeBrackets(formattedresults), "}", sep=""))
+"Rpad" <-
+function(file = "", defaultfile = "LocalDefault.Rpad", port = 8079) {
+    startRpadServer(defaultfile, port)
+    browseURL(paste("", port, "/", file, sep = ""))
+"startRpadServer" <-
+function(defaultfile = "LocalDefault.Rpad", port = 8079) {
+    require("tcltk")
+    # This is the main function that starts the server
+	# This function implements a basic http server on 'port'
+ 	# The server is written in Tcl.
+    # This way it is not blocking the R command-line!
+    if (!require("tcltk")) stop("package tcltk required for the local Rpad http server")
+    assign("RpadLocal", TRUE, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("RpadDir",   ".",  envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("RpadPort",  port, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    graphoptions(type = "Rpng")
+    tclfile <- file.path(find.package(package = "Rpad"), "tcl", "mini1.1.tcl")
+    htmlroot <- file.path(find.package(package = "Rpad"), "basehtml")
+    tcl("source", tclfile)
+    tcl("Httpd_Server", htmlroot, port, defaultfile)
+    # delete the Rpad graphics files in the dir
+    unlink(dir(pattern="Rpad_plot.*\\.png"))
+    unlink(dir(pattern="Rpad_plot.*\\.eps"))
+    # turn on the interactive plotting device so as not to confuse the command-line user if they later plot
+    # ... but it's kind of distracting when Rpad starts so leave it off for now
+    #if(interactive() && .Device == "null device") x11()
+    #dev <- dev.cur() 
+    # this initializes the png device for Rpad
+    newgraph()
+    # switch back to the existing device to not confuse the user
+    #dev.set(dev)
+    return(TRUE)
+"stopRpadServer" <-
+function() {
+    require("tcltk")
+    assign("RpadLocal",    FALSE, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    # delete the Rpad graphics files in the dir
+    unlink(dir(pattern="Rpad_plot.*\\.png"))
+    unlink(dir(pattern="Rpad_plot.*\\.eps"))
+    .Tcl("close $Httpd(listen)")
+    .Tcl("unset Httpd")

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/Rpad-internal.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/Rpad-internal.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/Rpad-internal.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+.RpadEnv <- new.env()
+".onLoad" <-
+function(lib, pkg) {
+    isR2HMTLAvailable <- length(find.package("R2HTML", quiet = TRUE)) != 0
+    if (isR2HMTLAvailable) { 
+      options(R2HTML.sortableDF = TRUE)
+      options(R2HTML.format.digits = 3)
+      options(R2HTML.format.nsmall = 0)
+      options(R2HTML.format.big.mark = "")
+      options(R2HTML.format.big.interval = 3)
+      options(R2HTML.format.decimal.mark = Sys.localeconv()[["decimal_point"]])
+      .HTML.file <<- ""
+    }
+    # The following uses the environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT with apache to find
+	# the directory of the R process. Change may be required for another server.
+	if (Sys.getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") != "") { # works for Apache 1.3 linux & win
+		RpadDir <- gsub(Sys.getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT"), "",
+                        getwd(),  ignore.case = TRUE) # strip off the document root
+	} else if (Sys.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") != "") { # for Apache 2.0
+        RpadDir <- paste(gsub("R_process.pl", "", Sys.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"), ignore.case = TRUE),
+                         gsub(".*/", "", getwd()),
+                         sep="")
+	} else if (Sys.getenv("PATH_INFO") != "") { # for microsoft IIS
+        RpadDir <- paste(gsub("R_process.pl", "", Sys.getenv("PATH_INFO"), ignore.case = TRUE),
+                         gsub(".*/", "", getwd()),
+                         sep="")
+	} else {
+		.rootdir = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", "C:/www", "/var/www")
+		RpadDir <- gsub(.rootdir, "", getwd(),  ignore.case = TRUE)
+	}
+	options(R.output.format = "text") # do we need or want this anymore? If we do, why don't we put it in .RpadEnv?
+	assign(".RpadGraphOptions",
+           list(type = "pngalpha", extension = "png",
+                res = 120, width = 0, height = 0, deviceUsesPixels = TRUE, pointsize = 10,
+                sublines = 0, toplines = .6, ratio = 4/3, leftlines = 0, lwd = 0.6),
+           envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("RpadLocal", FALSE, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("RpadDir", RpadDir, envir = .RpadEnv)
+    assign("Rpad.plot.counter",  0, envir = .RpadEnv)
+".onUnload" <-
+function(libpath) {
+ 	if (interactive()) stopRpadServer()
+".packageName" <- "Rpad"

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/Util.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/Util.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/Util.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# Rpad utility functions.
+# this function is used to parse and evaluate the commands from an Rpad input block
+"guiSource" <-
+function (file, out.form = getOption("R.output.format"), local = FALSE,
+          echo = verbose, print.eval = TRUE,
+          verbose = getOption("verbose"), prompt.echo = getOption("prompt"),
+          max.deparse.length = 150, chdir = FALSE)
+    eval.with.vis <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), enclos = if (is.list(envir) ||
+        is.pairlist(envir))
+        parent.frame()) withVisible(eval(expr, envir,
+        enclos))
+    envir <- if (local)
+        parent.frame()
+    else .GlobalEnv
+    if (!missing(echo)) {
+        if (!is.logical(echo))
+            stop("echo must be logical")
+        if (!echo && verbose) {
+            warning(paste("verbose is TRUE, echo not; ... coercing",
+                sQuote("echo <- TRUE")))
+            echo <- TRUE
+        }
+    }
+    if (verbose) {
+        cat(sQuote("envir"), "chosen:")
+        print(envir)
+    }
+    Ne <- length(exprs <- parse(n = -1, file = file))
+    if (verbose)
+        cat("--> parsed", Ne, "expressions; now eval(.)ing them:\n")
+    if (Ne == 0)
+        return(invisible())
+    if (chdir && (path <- dirname(file)) != ".") {
+        owd <- getwd()
+        on.exit(setwd(owd))
+        setwd(path)
+    }
+    if (echo) {
+        sd <- "\""
+        nos <- "[^\"]*"
+        oddsd <- paste("^", nos, sd, "(", nos, sd, nos, sd, ")*",
+            nos, "$", sep = "")
+    }
+    for (i in 1:Ne) {
+        if (verbose)
+            cat("\n>>>> eval(expression_nr.", i, ")\n\t\t =================\n")
+        ei <- exprs[i]
+        if (echo) {
+            dep <- substr(paste(deparse(ei), collapse = "\n"),
+                12, 1e+06)
+            nd <- nchar(dep) - 1
+            do.trunc <- nd > max.deparse.length
+            dep <- substr(dep, 1, if (do.trunc)
+                max.deparse.length
+            else nd)
+            cat("\n", prompt.echo, dep, if (do.trunc)
+                paste(if (length(grep(sd, dep)) && length(grep(oddsd,
+                  dep)))
+                  " ...\" ..."
+                else " ....", "[TRUNCATED] "), "\n", sep = "")
+        }
+        yy <- eval.with.vis(ei, envir)
+        i.symbol <- mode(ei[[1]]) == "name"
+        if (!i.symbol) {
+            curr.fun <- ei[[1]][[1]]
+            if (verbose) {
+                cat("curr.fun:")
+                str(curr.fun)
+            }
+        }
+        if (verbose >= 2) {
+            cat(".... mode(ei[[1]])=", mode(ei[[1]]), "; paste(curr.fun)=")
+            str(paste(curr.fun))
+        }
+        if ( yy$visible ) {
+          # always print, even if not shown for side effects
+          printoutput = capture.output(print(yy$value))
+          if (out.form == "html" && exists("HTML"))
+              HTML(yy$value)
+          else if (out.form != "none")
+              cat(paste(printoutput,collapse="\n"),"\n")
+        }
+        if (verbose)
+          cat(" .. after ", sQuote(deparse(ei)), "\n", sep = "")
+    }
+    invisible(yy)
+"RpadURL" <- function(filename = "") {
+  # returns the URL for the given filename
+  #   "./filename" for the local version
+  #   "/Rpad/server/dd????????/filename" for the server version
+  # use this to output HTML links for the user
+  paste(get("RpadDir", envir = .RpadEnv), "/", filename, sep="")
+"RpadBaseURL" <- function(filename = "") {
+  # returns the base URL
+  #   "filename" for the local version
+  #   "/Rpad/filename" for the server version
+  # use this to read in data files or save data files somewhere permanent
+  if ( RpadIsLocal() )
+    filename
+  else
+    paste("../../", filename, sep="")
+"RpadBaseFile" <- function(filename = "") {
+  # returns the file name relative to the base R directory
+  #   "filename" for the local version
+  #   "../../filename" for the server version
+  # use this to read in data files or save data files somewhere permanent
+  if ( RpadIsLocal() )
+    paste("./", filename, sep="")
+  else
+    paste("../../", filename, sep="")
+"RpadIsLocal" <- function() 
+  get("RpadLocal", envir = .RpadEnv)    

Added: pkg/Rpad/R/json.R
--- pkg/Rpad/R/json.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rpad/R/json.R	2013-12-31 05:19:15 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+json <- function (x, ...) 
+  UseMethod("json")
+json.list <- function(x, ...) {
+  res <- array("", length(x))
+  for (i in seq(len=length(x)))
+    res[i] <- json(x[[i]])
+  nms <- names(x)
+  if (is.null(nms)) nms = seq(from = 0, len = length(x))
+  idx <- which(nms == "")
+  nms[idx] <- seq(from = 0, along = idx)
+  result <- paste('{', paste('"', nms, '":', res, collapse = ',', sep = ''), '}', sep = '')
+  class(result) <- "json"
+  result
+json.numeric <- function(x, ...) {
+  if (!is.null(names(x)))
+    result <- paste('{',
+                    paste('"', names(x), '":', ifelse(is.na(x), 'NaN', x), sep = '', collapse = ','),
+                 '}', sep = '')
+  else if (length(x) > 1)
+    result <- paste('[', paste(ifelse(is.na(x), 'NaN', x), collapse = ',' ), ']', sep = '')
+  else
+    result <- paste(ifelse(is.na(x), 'NaN', x))
+  class(result) <- "json"
+  result
+json.logical <- function(x, ...) {
+  if (!is.null(names(x)))
+    result <- paste('{',
+                 paste('"', names(x), '" : ', ifelse(x, 'true', 'false'), sep = '', collapse = ','),
+                 '}', sep = '')
+  else if (length(x) > 1)
+    result <- paste('[', paste(ifelse(x, 'true', 'false'), collapse = ',' ), ']', sep = '')
+  else
+    result <- paste(ifelse(x, 'true', 'false'))
+  class(result) <- "json"
+  result
+escapeStrings <- function(s) {
+  s <- gsub('/', '\\\\/', s)
+  s <- gsub('"', '\\\\"', s)
+  s <- gsub('\\\\', '\\\\', s)
+  s <- gsub('\b', '\\\\b', s)
+  s <- gsub('\f', '\\\\f', s)
+  s <- gsub('\n', '\\\\n', s)

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rpad -r 2

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