[Roxygen-commits] r253 - in pkg: . R src
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Sun Mar 13 02:21:33 CET 2011
Author: pcd
Date: 2011-03-13 02:21:33 +0100 (Sun, 13 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 253
propagate filename-translation to Rd2; unix line-endings
Modified: pkg/R/Rd.R
--- pkg/R/Rd.R 2011-03-11 03:27:44 UTC (rev 252)
+++ pkg/R/Rd.R 2011-03-13 01:21:33 UTC (rev 253)
@@ -1,543 +1,543 @@
-#' @include list.R
-#' @include string.R
-#' @include roclet.R
-#' @include parse.R
- 'name',
- 'aliases',
- 'title',
- 'usage',
- 'references',
- 'concept',
- 'note',
- 'seealso',
- 'example',
- 'examples',
- 'keywords',
- 'return',
- 'author',
- 'TODO',
- 'format',
- 'source')
- 'param',
- 'method')
- 'docType')
- function(pivot, expression)
- list(S4class=car(expression)))
- function(pivot, expression)
- list(S4generic=car(expression)))
- function(pivot, expression)
- list(S4method=car(expression),
- signature=cadr(expression)))
-##' Substitutions of questionable characters with a hacker-joke to
-##' boot.
- `!`='bang',
- `"`='quote',
- `#`='hash',
- `$`='money',
- `%`='grapes',
- `&`='and',
- `'`='single-quote',
- `(`='open-paren',
- `)`='close-paren',
- `*`='star',
- `+`='plus',
- `,`='comma',
- `-`='dash',
- `.`='dot',
- `/`='slash',
- `:`='colon',
- `;`='semi-colon',
- `<`='less-than',
- `=`='equals',
- `>`='greater-than',
- `?`='p',
- `@`='asperand',
- `[`='open-brace',
- `\\`='backslash',
- `]`='close-brace',
- `^`='hat',
- `_`='sub',
- '`'='backtick', # let's add another ` to
- # rectify syntax highlighting
- # in emacs; thanks.
- `{`='open-curly',
- `|`='pipe',
- `}`='close',
- `~`='not'
- )
-##' \code{NULL} if empty-string.
-##' @param string string to check
-##' @return \code{NULL} or identity
-nil.if.lambda <- function(string)
- if (nchar(string)) string else NULL
-##' Translate file-system-questionable characters (i.e. punctuation
-##' within ASCII).
-##' @param filename the filename to translate
-##' @return the translated filename
-translate.questionable.characters <- function(filename)
- do.call(Curry(paste, collapse="-"),
- strapply(filename,
- pattern='([[:punct:]]|)([^[:punct:]]*|)',
- function(punctuation, letters)
- c(substitutions[nil.if.lambda(punctuation)],
- nil.if.lambda(letters))))
-#' Make an Rd roclet which parses the given files and, if specified, populates
-#' the given subdirectory with Rd files; or writes to standard out. See
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}
-#' (\url{http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.pdf}) for details.
-#' The first paragraph of a roxygen block constitutes its description, the
-#' subsequent paragraphs its details; moreover, the Rd roclet supports these
-#' tags:
-#' \tabular{ll}{
-#' Roxygen tag \tab Rd analogue\cr
-#' \code{@@author} \tab \code{\\author}\cr
-#' \code{@@aliases} \tab \code{\\alias, ...}\cr
-#' \code{@@concept} \tab \code{\\concept}\cr
-#' \code{@@example} \tab \emph{n/a}\cr
-#' \code{@@examples} \tab \code{\\examples}\cr
-#' \code{@@format} \tab \code{\\format}\cr
-#' \code{@@keywords} \tab \code{\\keyword, ...}\cr
-#' \code{@@method} \tab \code{\\method}\cr
-#' \code{@@name} \tab \code{\\name}\cr
-#' \code{@@note} \tab \code{\\note}\cr
-#' \code{@@param} \tab \code{\\arguments{\\item, ...}}\cr
-#' \code{@@references} \tab \code{\\references}\cr
-#' \code{@@return} \tab \code{\\value}\cr
-#' \code{@@seealso} \tab \code{\\seealso}\cr
-#' \code{@@source} \tab \code{\\source}\cr
-#' \code{@@title} \tab \code{\\title}\cr
-#' \code{@@TODO} \tab \emph{n/a}\cr
-#' \code{@@usage} \tab \code{\\usage}\cr
-#' }
-#' \enumerate{
-#' \item{\code{@@author}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@aliases}}{A default alias is plucked from the \code{@@name} or
-#' assignee; otherwise, \code{@@alias a b ...} translates
-#' to \code{\\alias{a}}, \code{\\alias{b}}, &c.
-#' If you specify one alias, however, specify them all.}
-#' \item{\code{@@concept}}{See \dQuote{2.8 Indices} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@example}}{Each \code{@@example} tag specifies an example file
-#' relative to the package head; if the file resides in
-#' \file{tests}, for instance, it will be checked with
-#' \command{R CMD check}.
-#' The contents of the file will
-#' be concatenated under \code{\\examples{...}}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@examples}}{Verbatim examples; see \dQuote{2.1.1
-#' Documenting functions} from \cite{Writing R
-#' Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@format}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@keywords}}{\code{@@keywords a b ...} translates to
-#' \code{\\keyword{a}}, \code{\\keyword{b}}, &c.}
-#' \item{\code{@@method}}{Use \code{@@method <generic> <class>} to document
-#' S3 functions.}
-#' \item{\code{@@name}}{In the absense of an explicit \code{@@name} tag, the
-#' name of an assignment is plucked from the assignee.}
-#' \item{\code{@@note}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@param}}{Each function variable should have a
-#' \code{@@param <variable> <description>} specified.}
-#' \item{\code{@@references}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@return}}{The return value of the function, or \code{NULL}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@seealso}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@source}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
-#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@title}}{A default title is plucked from the first sentence
-#' of the description; that is, the first phrase ending
-#' with a period, question mark or newline.
-#' In the absence of a description, the title becomes
-#' the \code{@@name} or assignee; lastly, it can be
-#' overridden with \code{@@title}.}
-#' \item{\code{@@TODO}}{Note to developers to get off their asses.}
-#' \item{\code{@@usage}}{A default usage is construed from a function's formals,
-#' but can be overridden with \code{@@usage} (e.g. in the case
-#' of multiple functions in one Rd unit).}
-#' }
-#' @param subdir directory into which to place the Rd files; if
-#' \code{NULL}, standard out.
-#' @param verbose whether to declare what we're doing in the
-#' \var{subdir}
-#' @return Rd roclet
-#' @examples
-#' #' This sentence describes the function.
-#' #'
-#' #' Here are the details (notice the preceding blank
-#' #' line); the name, title, usage and alias will be
-#' #' automatically generated.
-#' #'
-#' #' @@param a a parameter
-#' #' @@return NULL
-#' f <- function(a=1) NULL
-#' #' S3 functions require a @@method tag for
-#' #' the time being.
-#' #'
-#' #' @@method specialize foo
-#' #' @@param f a generic foo
-#' #' @@param ... ignored
-#' #' @@return The specialized foo
-#' specialize.foo <- function(f, ...)
-#' actually.specialize(f)
-#' roclet <- make.Rd.roclet('man')
-#' \dontrun{roclet$parse('example.R')}
-#' @export
-#' @aliases name aliases title usage references concept
-#' note seealso example examples keywords return author
-#' make.Rd.roclet
-#' @TODO param method setClass setGeneric setMethod
-#' make.Rd.roclet
-make.Rd.roclet <- function(subdir=NULL,
- verbose=TRUE) {
- #' Translate a key and expressions into an Rd expression;
- #' multiple expressions take their own braces.
- #' @param key the expression's key
- #' @param \dots the arguments
- #' @return A string containing the key and arguments
- #' in LaTeX-like gestalt.
- Rd.expression <- function(key, ...)
- sprintf('\\%s%s\n',
- key,
- Reduce.paste(function(expression)
- sprintf('{%s}', trim(expression)),
- c(...),
- ''))
- #' Push the Rd-expression to standard out (or current
- #' sink).
- #' @param key the expression's key
- #' @param \dots the arguments
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.expression <- function(key, ...)
- cat(Rd.expression(key, c(...)), file=filename, append=TRUE)
- filename <- ''
- reset.filename <- function()
- assign.parent('filename', '', environment())
- first.source.line <- function(partitum) {
- srcfile <- srcfile(partitum$srcref$filename)
- first.line <- car(partitum$srcref$lloc)
- getSrcLines(srcfile, first.line, first.line)
- }
- #' What does the noop look like?
- NULL.STATEMENT <- 'roxygen[[:space:]]*()'
- #' Does the statement contain a noop-like?
- #' @param source.line the line of source code
- #' @return Whether the statement contains a noop
- is.null.statement <- function(source.line)
- length(grep(NULL.STATEMENT, source.line) > 0)
- #' @note Doesn't work recursively!
- de.tex <- function(string)
- gsub('\\\\[^{]*\\{([^}]*)(}|)',
- '\\1',
- string,
- perl=TRUE)
- #' First sentence of a string, defined as first
- #' period, question mark or newline.
- #' @param description the string to be first-sentenced
- #' @return The first sentence
- first.sentence <- function(description) {
- description <- de.tex(description)
- r <- regexpr('[^.?\n]*(\\.(?!\\w)|\\?|\n|)',
- description,
- perl=TRUE)
- sentence <- substr(description, r, attr(r, 'match.length'))
- if (length(sentence) == 0 || is.null.string(sentence))
- else {
- chars <- nchar(sentence)
- last.char <- substr(sentence, chars, chars)
- if (last.char == '.' || last.char == '?')
- sentence
- else
- paste(trim(sentence), '...', sep='')
- }
- }
- #' If \code{@@title} is specified, use it; or
- #' take the first sentence of the description;
- #' or, lastly, take the name.
- #' @param partitum the parsed elements
- #' @param name the calculated name-fallback
- #' @return The parsed title
- parse.title <- function(partitum, name) {
- if (!is.null(partitum$title))
- partitum$title
- else if (!is.null(first.sentence <-
- first.sentence(partitum$description)))
- first.sentence
- else
- name
- }
- #' Reconstruct the \name directive from amongst
- #' \code{@@name}, \code{@@setMethod}, \code{@@setClass},
- #' \code{@@setGeneric}, \code{@@assignee}, etc.
- #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.name <- function(partitum) {
- name <- guess.name(partitum)
- if (is.null(name) && !is.null(subdir)) {
- filename <- partitum$srcref$filename
- first.line <- car(partitum$srcref$lloc)
- first.source.line <- first.source.line(partitum)
- if (!is.null.statement(first.source.line))
- warning(sprintf(paste('No name found for the',
- 'following expression in %s',
- 'line %s:\n `%s . . .\''),
- filename,
- first.line,
- first.source.line),
- immediate.=TRUE)
- } else if (!is.null(name)) {
- name <- trim(name)
- if (!is.null(subdir)) {
- assign.parent('filename',
- file.path(subdir,
- sprintf('%s.Rd',
- translate.questionable.characters(name))),
- environment())
- if (verbose)
- cat(sprintf('Writing %s to %s\n', name, filename))
- unlink(filename)
- }
- parse.expression('name', name)
- if (is.null(partitum$aliases))
- parse.expression('alias', name)
- }
- if ((!is.null(name) || !is.null(partitum$title)) &&
- !is.null(title <- parse.title(partitum, name)))
- parse.expression('title', title)
- }
- parse.function.name <- function(partitum) {
- if (!is.null(partitum$method))
- Rd.expression('method',
- car(partitum$method),
- cadr(partitum$method))
- else
- partitum$assignee
- }
- #' Turn a list of formal arguments into a human-readable
- #' function-like.
- #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.formals <- function(partitum) {
- formals <- partitum$formals
- if (!is.null(formals)) {
- ## name.defaults <- zip.c(names(formals), formals)
- name.defaults <-
- zip.c(names(formals),
- Map(function(formal) tryCatch(toString(formal),
- error=function(e) '<closure>'),
- formals))
- args <-
- do.call(paste, c(Map(function(name.default) {
- name <- car(name.default)
- default <- cadr(name.default)
- if (is.null.string(default))
- name
- else
- sprintf('%s=%s', name, default)
- },
- name.defaults),
- sep=', '))
- parse.expression('usage',
- do.call(paste,
- c(as.list(strwrap
- (sprintf('%s(%s)',
- parse.function.name(partitum),
- args),
- exdent=4)),
- sep='\n')))
- }
- }
- #' Prefer explicit \code{@@usage} to a \code{@@formals} list.
- #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.usage <- function(partitum) {
- if (is.null(partitum$usage))
- parse.formals(partitum)
- else
- parse.expression('usage', partitum$usage)
- }
- #' Reset params; parse name and usage.
- #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- pre.parse <- function(partitum) {
- assign.parent('params', NULL, environment())
- assign.parent('examples', NULL, environment())
- parse.name(partitum)
- parse.usage(partitum)
- }
- #' Parse params.
- #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- post.parse <- function(partitum) {
- parse.arguments()
- parse.examples(partitum)
- ## Assuming the previous sink was successful;
- ## if not, it will destroy the sink stack.
- ## (Should fail if unwritable, anyway.)
- reset.filename()
- }
- roclet <- make.roclet(parse.expression,
- pre.parse,
- post.parse)
- roclet$register.default.parsers('references',
- 'note',
- 'author',
- 'seealso',
- 'concept',
- 'docType')
- roclet$register.parser('return',
- function(key, expressions)
- parse.expression('value', expressions))
- #' Split a plural into its constituent singulars.
- #' @param key the singular key
- #' @param expressions the plurality of expressions
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.split <- function(key, expressions) {
- expression <- strcar(expressions)
- rest <- strcdr(expressions)
- parse.expression(key, expression)
- if (!is.null.string(rest))
- parse.split(key, rest)
- }
- roclet$register.parser('aliases',
- function(key, expressions)
- parse.split('alias', expressions))
- roclet$register.parser('keywords',
- function(key, expressions)
- parse.split('keyword', expressions))
- #' Split the introductory matter into its description followed
- #' by details (separated by a blank line).
- #' @param key ignored
- #' @param expressions the to-be-parsed description and details
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.description <- function(key, expressions) {
- paragraphs <- car(strsplit(car(expressions), '\n\n', fixed=TRUE))
- description <- car(paragraphs)
- details <- do.call(paste, append(cdr(paragraphs), list(sep='\n\n')))
- parse.expression('description', description)
- if (length(details) > 0 && !is.null.string(details))
- parse.expression('details', details)
- }
- roclet$register.parser('description', parse.description)
- params <- NULL
- #' Add a parameter to the global param list.
- #' @param key ignored
- #' @param expression the parameter
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.param <- function(key, expression)
- assign.parent('params',
- append(params, list(expression)),
- environment())
- #' Reduce and paste together the various parameters
- #' in an Rd-readable list (with \code{\\item}s, etc.).
- #' @param name.param name-param pair
- #' @return A list of Rd-readable expressions
- parse.params <- function()
- Reduce.paste(function(name.param)
- Rd.expression('item',
- car(name.param),
- cadr(name.param)),
- params,
- '')
- #' Paste and label the Rd-readable expressions
- #' returned by \code{parse.params}.
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.arguments <- function()
- if (length(params) > 0)
- parse.expression('arguments', parse.params())
- roclet$register.parser('param', parse.param)
- examples <- NULL
- #' Parse individual \code{@@example} clauses by adding the
- #' pointed-to file to a global store.
- #' @param key ignored
- #' @param expression the file containing the example(s)
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.example <- function(key, expression)
- assign.parent('examples',
- append(examples, expression),
- environment())
- #' If \code{@@examples} is provided, use that; otherwise, concatenate
- #' the files pointed to by each \code{@@example}.
- #' @param partitum the parsed elements
- #' @return \code{NULL}
- parse.examples <- function(partitum) {
- if (!is.null(partitum$examples))
- parse.expression('examples', partitum$examples)
- else {
- examples <- Reduce(c, Map(function(file)
- tryCatch(readLines(trim(file)),
- error=function(e) NULL),
- examples),
- if (!is.null(examples))
- parse.expression('examples',
- do.call(paste, c(as.list(examples), sep='\n')))
- }
- }
- roclet$register.parser('example', parse.example)
- parse.todo <- function(key, value)
- parse.expression('section', 'TODO', value)
- roclet$register.parser('TODO', parse.todo)
- roclet
+#' @include list.R
+#' @include string.R
+#' @include roclet.R
+#' @include parse.R
+ 'name',
+ 'aliases',
+ 'title',
+ 'usage',
+ 'references',
+ 'concept',
+ 'note',
+ 'seealso',
+ 'example',
+ 'examples',
+ 'keywords',
+ 'return',
+ 'author',
+ 'TODO',
+ 'format',
+ 'source')
+ 'param',
+ 'method')
+ 'docType')
+ function(pivot, expression)
+ list(S4class=car(expression)))
+ function(pivot, expression)
+ list(S4generic=car(expression)))
+ function(pivot, expression)
+ list(S4method=car(expression),
+ signature=cadr(expression)))
+##' Substitutions of questionable characters with a hacker-joke to
+##' boot.
+ `!`='bang',
+ `"`='quote',
+ `#`='hash',
+ `$`='cash', # sigil
+ `%`='grapes',
+ `&`='and',
+ `'`='single-quote',
+ `(`='open-paren',
+ `)`='close-paren',
+ `*`='star',
+ `+`='plus',
+ `,`='comma',
+ `-`='dash',
+ `.`='dot',
+ `/`='slash',
+ `:`='colon',
+ `;`='semi-colon',
+ `<`='less-than',
+ `=`='equals',
+ `>`='greater-than',
+ `?`='p',
+ `@`='asperand',
+ `[`='open-brace',
+ `\\`='backslash',
+ `]`='close-brace',
+ `^`='hat',
+ `_`='sub',
+ '`'='backtick', # let's add another ` to
+ # rectify syntax highlighting
+ # in emacs; thanks.
+ `{`='open-curly',
+ `|`='pipe',
+ `}`='close',
+ `~`='not'
+ )
+##' \code{NULL} if empty-string.
+##' @param string string to check
+##' @return \code{NULL} or identity
+nil.if.lambda <- function(string)
+ if (nchar(string)) string else NULL
+##' Translate file-system-questionable characters (i.e. punctuation
+##' within ASCII).
+##' @param filename the filename to translate
+##' @return the translated filename
+translate.questionable.characters <- function(filename)
+ do.call(Curry(paste, collapse="-"),
+ strapply(filename,
+ pattern='([[:punct:]]|)([^[:punct:]]*|)',
+ function(punctuation, letters)
+ c(substitutions[nil.if.lambda(punctuation)],
+ nil.if.lambda(letters))))
+#' Make an Rd roclet which parses the given files and, if specified, populates
+#' the given subdirectory with Rd files; or writes to standard out. See
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}
+#' (\url{http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.pdf}) for details.
+#' The first paragraph of a roxygen block constitutes its description, the
+#' subsequent paragraphs its details; moreover, the Rd roclet supports these
+#' tags:
+#' \tabular{ll}{
+#' Roxygen tag \tab Rd analogue\cr
+#' \code{@@author} \tab \code{\\author}\cr
+#' \code{@@aliases} \tab \code{\\alias, ...}\cr
+#' \code{@@concept} \tab \code{\\concept}\cr
+#' \code{@@example} \tab \emph{n/a}\cr
+#' \code{@@examples} \tab \code{\\examples}\cr
+#' \code{@@format} \tab \code{\\format}\cr
+#' \code{@@keywords} \tab \code{\\keyword, ...}\cr
+#' \code{@@method} \tab \code{\\method}\cr
+#' \code{@@name} \tab \code{\\name}\cr
+#' \code{@@note} \tab \code{\\note}\cr
+#' \code{@@param} \tab \code{\\arguments{\\item, ...}}\cr
+#' \code{@@references} \tab \code{\\references}\cr
+#' \code{@@return} \tab \code{\\value}\cr
+#' \code{@@seealso} \tab \code{\\seealso}\cr
+#' \code{@@source} \tab \code{\\source}\cr
+#' \code{@@title} \tab \code{\\title}\cr
+#' \code{@@TODO} \tab \emph{n/a}\cr
+#' \code{@@usage} \tab \code{\\usage}\cr
+#' }
+#' \enumerate{
+#' \item{\code{@@author}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@aliases}}{A default alias is plucked from the \code{@@name} or
+#' assignee; otherwise, \code{@@alias a b ...} translates
+#' to \code{\\alias{a}}, \code{\\alias{b}}, &c.
+#' If you specify one alias, however, specify them all.}
+#' \item{\code{@@concept}}{See \dQuote{2.8 Indices} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@example}}{Each \code{@@example} tag specifies an example file
+#' relative to the package head; if the file resides in
+#' \file{tests}, for instance, it will be checked with
+#' \command{R CMD check}.
+#' The contents of the file will
+#' be concatenated under \code{\\examples{...}}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@examples}}{Verbatim examples; see \dQuote{2.1.1
+#' Documenting functions} from \cite{Writing R
+#' Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@format}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@keywords}}{\code{@@keywords a b ...} translates to
+#' \code{\\keyword{a}}, \code{\\keyword{b}}, &c.}
+#' \item{\code{@@method}}{Use \code{@@method <generic> <class>} to document
+#' S3 functions.}
+#' \item{\code{@@name}}{In the absense of an explicit \code{@@name} tag, the
+#' name of an assignment is plucked from the assignee.}
+#' \item{\code{@@note}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@param}}{Each function variable should have a
+#' \code{@@param <variable> <description>} specified.}
+#' \item{\code{@@references}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@return}}{The return value of the function, or \code{NULL}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@seealso}}{See \dQuote{2.1.1 Documenting functions} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@source}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
+#' \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@title}}{A default title is plucked from the first sentence
+#' of the description; that is, the first phrase ending
+#' with a period, question mark or newline.
+#' In the absence of a description, the title becomes
+#' the \code{@@name} or assignee; lastly, it can be
+#' overridden with \code{@@title}.}
+#' \item{\code{@@TODO}}{Note to developers to get off their asses.}
+#' \item{\code{@@usage}}{A default usage is construed from a function's formals,
+#' but can be overridden with \code{@@usage} (e.g. in the case
+#' of multiple functions in one Rd unit).}
+#' }
+#' @param subdir directory into which to place the Rd files; if
+#' \code{NULL}, standard out.
+#' @param verbose whether to declare what we're doing in the
+#' \var{subdir}
+#' @return Rd roclet
+#' @examples
+#' #' This sentence describes the function.
+#' #'
+#' #' Here are the details (notice the preceding blank
+#' #' line); the name, title, usage and alias will be
+#' #' automatically generated.
+#' #'
+#' #' @@param a a parameter
+#' #' @@return NULL
+#' f <- function(a=1) NULL
+#' #' S3 functions require a @@method tag for
+#' #' the time being.
+#' #'
+#' #' @@method specialize foo
+#' #' @@param f a generic foo
+#' #' @@param ... ignored
+#' #' @@return The specialized foo
+#' specialize.foo <- function(f, ...)
+#' actually.specialize(f)
+#' roclet <- make.Rd.roclet('man')
+#' \dontrun{roclet$parse('example.R')}
+#' @export
+#' @aliases name aliases title usage references concept
+#' note seealso example examples keywords return author
+#' make.Rd.roclet
+#' @TODO param method setClass setGeneric setMethod
+#' make.Rd.roclet
+make.Rd.roclet <- function(subdir=NULL,
+ verbose=TRUE) {
+ #' Translate a key and expressions into an Rd expression;
+ #' multiple expressions take their own braces.
+ #' @param key the expression's key
+ #' @param \dots the arguments
+ #' @return A string containing the key and arguments
+ #' in LaTeX-like gestalt.
+ Rd.expression <- function(key, ...)
+ sprintf('\\%s%s\n',
+ key,
+ Reduce.paste(function(expression)
+ sprintf('{%s}', trim(expression)),
+ c(...),
+ ''))
+ #' Push the Rd-expression to standard out (or current
+ #' sink).
+ #' @param key the expression's key
+ #' @param \dots the arguments
+ #' @return \code{NULL}
+ parse.expression <- function(key, ...)
+ cat(Rd.expression(key, c(...)), file=filename, append=TRUE)
+ filename <- ''
+ reset.filename <- function()
+ assign.parent('filename', '', environment())
+ first.source.line <- function(partitum) {
+ srcfile <- srcfile(partitum$srcref$filename)
+ first.line <- car(partitum$srcref$lloc)
+ getSrcLines(srcfile, first.line, first.line)
+ }
+ #' What does the noop look like?
+ NULL.STATEMENT <- 'roxygen[[:space:]]*()'
+ #' Does the statement contain a noop-like?
+ #' @param source.line the line of source code
+ #' @return Whether the statement contains a noop
+ is.null.statement <- function(source.line)
+ length(grep(NULL.STATEMENT, source.line) > 0)
+ #' @note Doesn't work recursively!
+ de.tex <- function(string)
+ gsub('\\\\[^{]*\\{([^}]*)(}|)',
+ '\\1',
+ string,
+ perl=TRUE)
+ #' First sentence of a string, defined as first
+ #' period, question mark or newline.
+ #' @param description the string to be first-sentenced
+ #' @return The first sentence
+ first.sentence <- function(description) {
+ description <- de.tex(description)
+ r <- regexpr('[^.?\n]*(\\.(?!\\w)|\\?|\n|)',
+ description,
+ perl=TRUE)
+ sentence <- substr(description, r, attr(r, 'match.length'))
+ if (length(sentence) == 0 || is.null.string(sentence))
+ else {
+ chars <- nchar(sentence)
+ last.char <- substr(sentence, chars, chars)
+ if (last.char == '.' || last.char == '?')
+ sentence
+ else
+ paste(trim(sentence), '...', sep='')
+ }
+ }
+ #' If \code{@@title} is specified, use it; or
+ #' take the first sentence of the description;
+ #' or, lastly, take the name.
+ #' @param partitum the parsed elements
+ #' @param name the calculated name-fallback
+ #' @return The parsed title
+ parse.title <- function(partitum, name) {
+ if (!is.null(partitum$title))
+ partitum$title
+ else if (!is.null(first.sentence <-
+ first.sentence(partitum$description)))
+ first.sentence
+ else
+ name
+ }
+ #' Reconstruct the \name directive from amongst
+ #' \code{@@name}, \code{@@setMethod}, \code{@@setClass},
+ #' \code{@@setGeneric}, \code{@@assignee}, etc.
+ #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
+ #' @return \code{NULL}
+ parse.name <- function(partitum) {
+ name <- guess.name(partitum)
+ if (is.null(name) && !is.null(subdir)) {
+ filename <- partitum$srcref$filename
+ first.line <- car(partitum$srcref$lloc)
+ first.source.line <- first.source.line(partitum)
+ if (!is.null.statement(first.source.line))
+ warning(sprintf(paste('No name found for the',
+ 'following expression in %s',
+ 'line %s:\n `%s . . .\''),
+ filename,
+ first.line,
+ first.source.line),
+ immediate.=TRUE)
+ } else if (!is.null(name)) {
+ name <- trim(name)
+ if (!is.null(subdir)) {
+ assign.parent('filename',
+ file.path(subdir,
+ sprintf('%s.Rd',
+ translate.questionable.characters(name))),
+ environment())
+ if (verbose)
+ cat(sprintf('Writing %s to %s\n', name, filename))
+ unlink(filename)
+ }
+ parse.expression('name', name)
+ if (is.null(partitum$aliases))
+ parse.expression('alias', name)
+ }
+ if ((!is.null(name) || !is.null(partitum$title)) &&
+ !is.null(title <- parse.title(partitum, name)))
+ parse.expression('title', title)
+ }
+ parse.function.name <- function(partitum) {
+ if (!is.null(partitum$method))
+ Rd.expression('method',
+ car(partitum$method),
+ cadr(partitum$method))
+ else
+ partitum$assignee
+ }
+ #' Turn a list of formal arguments into a human-readable
+ #' function-like.
+ #' @param partitum the pre-parsed elements
+ #' @return \code{NULL}
+ parse.formals <- function(partitum) {
+ formals <- partitum$formals
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