[Roxygen-commits] r236 - in pkg: R inst/doc inst/doc/pseudoprime man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Jul 27 13:35:02 CEST 2009

Author: manuel
Date: 2009-07-27 13:35:02 +0200 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 236

clean up R CMD check warnings.

Modified: pkg/R/Rd.R
--- pkg/R/Rd.R	2009-07-11 21:19:42 UTC (rev 235)
+++ pkg/R/Rd.R	2009-07-27 11:35:02 UTC (rev 236)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 #'                        \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
 #' \item{\code{@@aliases}}{A default alias is plucked from the \code{@@name} or
 #'                         assignee; otherwise, \code{@@alias a b ...} translates
-#'                         to \code{\alias{a}}, \code{\alias{b}}, &c.
+#'                         to \code{\\alias{a}}, \code{\\alias{b}}, &c.
 #'                         If you specify one alias, however, specify them all.}
 #' \item{\code{@@concept}}{See \dQuote{2.8 Indices} from
 #'                         \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
 #'                         \file{tests}, for instance, it will be checked with
 #'                         \command{R CMD check}.
 #'                         The contents of the file will
-#'                         be concatenated under \code{\examples{...}}.}
+#'                         be concatenated under \code{\\examples{...}}.}
 #' \item{\code{@@examples}}{Verbatim examples; see \dQuote{2.1.1
 #'                          Documenting functions} from \cite{Writing R
 #'                          Extensions}.}
 #' \item{\code{@@format}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
 #'                        \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
 #' \item{\code{@@keywords}}{\code{@@keywords a b ...} translates to
-#'                          \code{\keyword{a}}, \code{\keyword{b}}, &c.}
+#'                          \code{\\keyword{a}}, \code{\\keyword{b}}, &c.}
 #' \item{\code{@@method}}{Use \code{@@method <generic> <class>} to document
 #'                        S3 functions.}
 #' \item{\code{@@name}}{In the absense of an explicit \code{@@name} tag, the
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@
 #' @export
 #' @aliases name aliases title usage references concept
 #' note seealso example examples keywords return author
+#' make.Rd.roclet
 #' @TODO param method setClass setGeneric setMethod
 #' make.Rd.roclet
 make.Rd.roclet <- function(subdir=NULL,

Modified: pkg/inst/doc/pseudoprime/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/inst/doc/pseudoprime/DESCRIPTION	2009-07-11 21:19:42 UTC (rev 235)
+++ pkg/inst/doc/pseudoprime/DESCRIPTION	2009-07-27 11:35:02 UTC (rev 236)
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-Package: pseudoprime
-Type: Package
-Title: Pseudoprimality with Fermat's little theorem
-Version: 0.1
-Date: 2008-08-24
-Author: Peter Danenberg <pcd at roxygen.org>
-Maintainer: Peter Danenberg <pcd at roxygen.org>
-Description: A probabilistic primality test using Fermat's little
-    theorem that is fooled every time by Carmichael numbers.
-License: GPL (>= 2)
-LazyLoad: yes
-Depends: roxygen
-Collate: 'fermat.R' 'pseudoprime-package.R' 'pseudoprime.R'
+Package: pseudoprime
+Type: Package
+Title: Pseudoprimality with Fermat's little theorem
+Version: 0.1
+Date: 2008-08-24
+Author: Peter Danenberg <pcd at roxygen.org>
+Maintainer: Peter Danenberg <pcd at roxygen.org>
+Description: A probabilistic primality test using Fermat's little
+    theorem that is fooled every time by Carmichael numbers.
+License: GPL (>= 2)
+LazyLoad: yes
+Depends: roxygen
+Collate: 'fermat.R' 'pseudoprime-package.R' 'pseudoprime.R'

Modified: pkg/inst/doc/roxygen.Rnw
--- pkg/inst/doc/roxygen.Rnw	2009-07-11 21:19:42 UTC (rev 235)
+++ pkg/inst/doc/roxygen.Rnw	2009-07-27 11:35:02 UTC (rev 236)
@@ -1,173 +1,173 @@
-%% \VignetteIndexEntry{Roxygen Vignette}
-%% path, filename, caption, label
-\newcommand{\listing}[4]{        %
-  \begin{figure}[H]              %
-    \centering                   %
-    \VerbatimInput[numbers=left, %
-      frame=single,              %
-      label=#2]{#1}              %
-    \caption{#3}                 %
-    \label{#4}                   %
-  \end{figure}                   %
-\author{Peter Danenberg \url{<pcd at roxygen.org>}}
-\title{\Roxygen{} Vignette}
-  The purpose of the \Roxygen{} Vignette is to show how to get up and
-  running with \Roxygen{}; for details, including a complete list of
-  tags, consult the help pages or manual for:
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item \texttt{make.callgraph.roclet}
-  \item \texttt{make.collate.roclet}
-  \item \texttt{make.namespace.roclet}
-  \item \texttt{make.Rd.roclet}
-  \end{itemize}
-\section{Minimal Example: ``Hello, Roxygen!''}
-        {hello-roxygen.R}
-        {Roxygen sanity-check}
-        {hello-roxygen}
-\texttt{hello-roxygen.R} (fig. \ref{hello-roxygen}) is a minimal
-example to check the sanity of your \Roxygen{} installation. It merely
-replaces the package description so that `\texttt{R CMD check}' will
-run after \Roxygen{} has processed the package skeleton:
-                 code_files='hello-roxygen.R',
-                 force=TRUE)
-# `R CMD roxygen -d helloRoxygen' works, too.
-           roxygen.dir='helloRoxygen',
-           copy.package=FALSE,
-           unlink.target=FALSE)
-A new \texttt{helloRoxygen/man/helloRoxygen-package.Rd} should have
-been created with the contents of figure \ref{hello-roxygen}; and
-`\texttt{R CMD check helloRoxygen}' should terminate successfully.
-\section{Example: Pseudoprimality}
-\subsection{Package Description}
-        {pseudoprime-package.R}
-        {Package description for \texttt{pseudoprime}}
-        {pseudoprime-package}
-One could imagine, for instance, a less trivial package that actually
-does something; enter \texttt{pseudoprime}, a toy that tests for
-primes using Fermat's little
-A package description has been provided in figure
-\ref{pseudoprime-package}; notice the \texttt{roxygen()} statement in
-line 30: each \Roxygen{} description block must be followed by a
-statement, even header material that describes a file or package in
-lieu of a specific function. \texttt{roxygen()} is provided as a
-\texttt{NOOP} (null statement) to stand in for such cases.
-The first sentence of any \Roxygen{} block briefly describes its
-object; and may be followed directly by a \Roxygen{} tag
-(fig. \ref{hello-roxygen}, line 2) or a more detailed description
-(fig.  \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line 3). The detailed description
-begins after the intervening blank line, and continues until the first
-\Roxygen{} tag (fig. \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line 19).
-Each \Roxygen{} tag begins with an asperand, like \texttt{@name},
-\texttt{@author}, etc.; which means, incidentally, that all real
-asperands have to be escaped with a double-asperand, as in
-\verb=\email{pcd@@roxygen.org}= (fig. \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line
-Furthermore, although \Roxygen{} tags replace many of the structural
-Rd elements such as \verb=\title=, \verb=\keyword=, etc.; stylistic Rd
-elements such as \verb=\emph= and \verb=\email= can be used freely
-within \Roxygen{} tags. See ``Writing R Extensions'' for
-details. \citep[\S2.3 ``Marking text'']{r-core}
-\subsection{Fermat Test}
-        {fermat.R}
-        {Roxygen example \texttt{fermat.R}}
-        {fermat}
-<<echo=false, results=hide>>=
-           roxygen.dir='pseudoprime',
-           copy.package=FALSE,
-           unlink.target=FALSE)
-When documenting functions (fig. \ref{fermat}), every parameter must
-be documented with a \texttt{@param} tag (line 8); which consists of
-\texttt{@param <variable> <description>}. Similarly, the return value
-must be documented with \texttt{@return <description>} (lines 9-10).
-Notice \texttt{@callGraphPrimitives} (line 11): it creates a call
-graph at the default depth similar to figure \ref{fermat-test},
-including primitive functions; \texttt{@callGraph}, on the other hand,
-would exclude primitive functions.
-  \centering
-  \includegraphics{pseudoprime/inst/doc/fermat.test-callgraph}
-  \caption{\texttt{fermat.test} call graph with primitives}
-  \label{fermat-test}
-        {pseudoprime.R}
-        {Roxygen example \texttt{pseudoprime.R}}
-        {pseudoprime}
-Notice the header in \texttt{pseudoprime.R} (fig. \ref{pseudoprime})
-terminated by \texttt{roxygen()}; \texttt{@include fermat.R} (line 1)
-signals that \texttt{fermat.R} should be loaded before
-\texttt{pseudoprime.R}.  The collate roclet will update
-\texttt{DESCRIPTION} accordingly.
-\texttt{@export} (line 15) signifies that \texttt{is.pseudoprime} will
-be added to an export directive in \texttt{NAMESPACE}.
-\subsection{Running \Roxygen{}}
-Running \texttt{`R CMD roxygen -d pseudoprime'} populates \texttt{man}
-with Rd files, edits \texttt{DESCRIPTION} and \texttt{NAMESPACE}, and
-puts call graphs in \texttt{inst/doc}:
-           roxygen.dir='pseudoprime',
-           copy.package=FALSE,
-           unlink.target=FALSE)
-The \texttt{roxygenize} function is an alternative to \texttt{`R CMD
-  roxygen'}; see the help page for details.
+%% \VignetteIndexEntry{Roxygen Vignette}
+%% path, filename, caption, label
+\newcommand{\listing}[4]{        %
+  \begin{figure}[H]              %
+    \centering                   %
+    \VerbatimInput[numbers=left, %
+      frame=single,              %
+      label=#2]{#1}              %
+    \caption{#3}                 %
+    \label{#4}                   %
+  \end{figure}                   %
+\author{Peter Danenberg \url{<pcd at roxygen.org>}}
+\title{\Roxygen{} Vignette}
+  The purpose of the \Roxygen{} Vignette is to show how to get up and
+  running with \Roxygen{}; for details, including a complete list of
+  tags, consult the help pages or manual for:
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item \texttt{make.callgraph.roclet}
+  \item \texttt{make.collate.roclet}
+  \item \texttt{make.namespace.roclet}
+  \item \texttt{make.Rd.roclet}
+  \end{itemize}
+\section{Minimal Example: ``Hello, Roxygen!''}
+        {hello-roxygen.R}
+        {Roxygen sanity-check}
+        {hello-roxygen}
+\texttt{hello-roxygen.R} (fig. \ref{hello-roxygen}) is a minimal
+example to check the sanity of your \Roxygen{} installation. It merely
+replaces the package description so that `\texttt{R CMD check}' will
+run after \Roxygen{} has processed the package skeleton:
+                 code_files='hello-roxygen.R',
+                 force=TRUE)
+# `R CMD roxygen -d helloRoxygen' works, too.
+           roxygen.dir='helloRoxygen',
+           copy.package=FALSE,
+           unlink.target=FALSE)
+A new \texttt{helloRoxygen/man/helloRoxygen-package.Rd} should have
+been created with the contents of figure \ref{hello-roxygen}; and
+`\texttt{R CMD check helloRoxygen}' should terminate successfully.
+\section{Example: Pseudoprimality}
+\subsection{Package Description}
+        {pseudoprime-package.R}
+        {Package description for \texttt{pseudoprime}}
+        {pseudoprime-package}
+One could imagine, for instance, a less trivial package that actually
+does something; enter \texttt{pseudoprime}, a toy that tests for
+primes using Fermat's little
+A package description has been provided in figure
+\ref{pseudoprime-package}; notice the \texttt{roxygen()} statement in
+line 30: each \Roxygen{} description block must be followed by a
+statement, even header material that describes a file or package in
+lieu of a specific function. \texttt{roxygen()} is provided as a
+\texttt{NOOP} (null statement) to stand in for such cases.
+The first sentence of any \Roxygen{} block briefly describes its
+object; and may be followed directly by a \Roxygen{} tag
+(fig. \ref{hello-roxygen}, line 2) or a more detailed description
+(fig.  \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line 3). The detailed description
+begins after the intervening blank line, and continues until the first
+\Roxygen{} tag (fig. \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line 19).
+Each \Roxygen{} tag begins with an asperand, like \texttt{@name},
+\texttt{@author}, etc.; which means, incidentally, that all real
+asperands have to be escaped with a double-asperand, as in
+\verb=\email{pcd@@roxygen.org}= (fig. \ref{pseudoprime-package}, line
+Furthermore, although \Roxygen{} tags replace many of the structural
+Rd elements such as \verb=\title=, \verb=\keyword=, etc.; stylistic Rd
+elements such as \verb=\emph= and \verb=\email= can be used freely
+within \Roxygen{} tags. See ``Writing R Extensions'' for
+details. \citep[\S2.3 ``Marking text'']{r-core}
+\subsection{Fermat Test}
+        {fermat.R}
+        {Roxygen example \texttt{fermat.R}}
+        {fermat}
+<<echo=false, results=hide>>=
+           roxygen.dir='pseudoprime',
+           copy.package=FALSE,
+           unlink.target=FALSE)
+When documenting functions (fig. \ref{fermat}), every parameter must
+be documented with a \texttt{@param} tag (line 8); which consists of
+\texttt{@param <variable> <description>}. Similarly, the return value
+must be documented with \texttt{@return <description>} (lines 9-10).
+Notice \texttt{@callGraphPrimitives} (line 11): it creates a call
+graph at the default depth similar to figure \ref{fermat-test},
+including primitive functions; \texttt{@callGraph}, on the other hand,
+would exclude primitive functions.
+  \centering
+  \includegraphics{pseudoprime/inst/doc/fermat.test-callgraph.pdf}
+  \caption{\texttt{fermat.test} call graph with primitives}
+  \label{fermat-test}
+        {pseudoprime.R}
+        {Roxygen example \texttt{pseudoprime.R}}
+        {pseudoprime}
+Notice the header in \texttt{pseudoprime.R} (fig. \ref{pseudoprime})
+terminated by \texttt{roxygen()}; \texttt{@include fermat.R} (line 1)
+signals that \texttt{fermat.R} should be loaded before
+\texttt{pseudoprime.R}.  The collate roclet will update
+\texttt{DESCRIPTION} accordingly.
+\texttt{@export} (line 15) signifies that \texttt{is.pseudoprime} will
+be added to an export directive in \texttt{NAMESPACE}.
+\subsection{Running \Roxygen{}}
+Running \texttt{`R CMD roxygen -d pseudoprime'} populates \texttt{man}
+with Rd files, edits \texttt{DESCRIPTION} and \texttt{NAMESPACE}, and
+puts call graphs in \texttt{inst/doc}:
+           roxygen.dir='pseudoprime',
+           copy.package=FALSE,
+           unlink.target=FALSE)
+The \texttt{roxygenize} function is an alternative to \texttt{`R CMD
+  roxygen'}; see the help page for details.

Added: pkg/man/expression.from.partitum.Rd
--- pkg/man/expression.from.partitum.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/expression.from.partitum.Rd	2009-07-27 11:35:02 UTC (rev 236)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\title{Extract the expression from the parse tree.}
+\description{Extract the expression from the parse tree.}
+\arguments{\item{partitum}{partitum the parsed elements}}
+\value{the extracted expression}

Modified: pkg/man/make.Rd.roclet.Rd
--- pkg/man/make.Rd.roclet.Rd	2009-07-11 21:19:42 UTC (rev 235)
+++ pkg/man/make.Rd.roclet.Rd	2009-07-27 11:35:02 UTC (rev 236)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
 \item{\code{@aliases}}{A default alias is plucked from the \code{@name} or
 assignee; otherwise, \code{@alias a b ...} translates
-to \code{\alias{a}}, \code{\alias{b}}, &c.
+to \code{\\alias{a}}, \code{\\alias{b}}, &c.
 If you specify one alias, however, specify them all.}
 \item{\code{@concept}}{See \dQuote{2.8 Indices} from
 \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
 \file{tests}, for instance, it will be checked with
 \command{R CMD check}.
 The contents of the file will
-be concatenated under \code{\examples{...}}.}
+be concatenated under \code{\\examples{...}}.}
 \item{\code{@examples}}{Verbatim examples; see \dQuote{2.1.1
 Documenting functions} from \cite{Writing R
 \item{\code{@format}}{See \dQuote{2.1.2 Documenting data sets} from
 \cite{Writing R Extensions}.}
 \item{\code{@keywords}}{\code{@keywords a b ...} translates to
-\code{\keyword{a}}, \code{\keyword{b}}, &c.}
+\code{\\keyword{a}}, \code{\\keyword{b}}, &c.}
 \item{\code{@method}}{Use \code{@method <generic> <class>} to document
 S3 functions.}
 \item{\code{@name}}{In the absense of an explicit \code{@name} tag, the
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
 \section{TODO}{param method setClass setGeneric setMethod
 \arguments{\item{subdir}{directory into which to place the Rd files; if

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