[Rodbcext-commits] r42 - in pkg/geoclimate: . R

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Mon Aug 26 07:08:59 CEST 2013

Author: jaunario
Date: 2013-08-26 07:08:58 +0200 (Mon, 26 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 42

Used RCurl to download nasa-power files. Standardized name for FSE functions (lowercase write.fse, read.fse)

Modified: pkg/geoclimate/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/geoclimate/DESCRIPTION	2013-05-29 09:10:16 UTC (rev 41)
+++ pkg/geoclimate/DESCRIPTION	2013-08-26 05:08:58 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: geoclimate
 Type: Package
 Title: Climate and Weather Data Processing at the IRRI GIS Laboratory
-Version: 0.0.18
-Date: 2009-2-24
+Version: 0.0.21
+Date: 2013-6-4
 Depends: methods, genutils, oldweather, RODBC
 Suggests: RCurl, ncdf
 Author: Jorrel Khalil S. Aunario

Modified: pkg/geoclimate/R/fse.r
--- pkg/geoclimate/R/fse.r	2013-05-29 09:10:16 UTC (rev 41)
+++ pkg/geoclimate/R/fse.r	2013-08-26 05:08:58 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # Licence GPL v3
 # Read and Write FSE weather files
-read.FSE <- function(fsefile, datacols=c("station_id", "year", "doy", "srad", "tmin", "tmax", "vapr","wind","prec")){
+read.fse <- function(fsefile, datacols=c("station_id", "year", "doy", "srad", "tmin", "tmax", "vapr","wind","prec"), delim=" ", skip.hdr=FALSE){
 	fsewth <-  new("weather")
 	is.sunshine <- FALSE
@@ -13,37 +13,43 @@
 	if(file.exists(fsefile) & file.info(fsefile)$size!=0){
 		dlines <- readLines(fsefile)
-		dlines <- gsub("\t", " ", dlines)
+		dlines <- gsub("\t", delim, dlines)
 		# get headers
 		ihdr <- grep("\\*", dlines)
-		hdr <- gsub("\\*", " ", dlines[min(ihdr):max(ihdr)])
-		hdr <- trim(gsub("\\?", " ", hdr))
-		hdr <- hdr[hdr!=""]
-		icol <- grep("1[[:space:]]+Station", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
-		if (length(grep("--", hdr))>0){
-			colinfo <- hdr[icol:(length(hdr)-1)]
-		} else{
-			colinfo <- hdr[icol:length(hdr)]
+		if(!skip.hdr){
+			hdr <- gsub("\\*", " ", dlines[min(ihdr):max(ihdr)])
+			hdr <- trim(gsub("\\?", " ", hdr))
+			hdr <- hdr[hdr!=""]
+			icol <- grep("1[[:space:]]+Station", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
+			if (length(icol)>1 & length(grep("--", hdr))>0){
+				colinfo <- hdr[icol:(length(hdr)-1)]
+			} else {
+				colinfo <- hdr[icol:length(hdr)]
+			}
+			hdr <- hdr[1:(icol-1)]
+			# get station name
+			i <- grep("station", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
+			if (length(i)==0) {
+				i <- grep("location", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
+			} 
+			fsewth at stn <- ifelse(!is.na(i[1]), trim(gsub("\\*", "", unlist(strsplit(hdr[i],":"))[2])),"Unknown")
+			# get source
+			i <- grep("source", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
+			fsewth at rmk <- ifelse(length(i)==1, trim(unlist(strsplit(hdr[i],":"))[2]),"")
+			# get station name
+			#i <- grep("source", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
+			#fsewth at rmk <- ifelse(length(i)==1, trim(unlist(strsplit(dlines[i],":"))[2]),"")			
-		hdr <- hdr[1:(icol-1)]
-		# get station name
-		i <- grep("station", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
-		if (length(i)==0) {
-			i <- grep("location", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
-		} 
-		fsewth at stn <- ifelse(!is.na(i[1]), trim(gsub("\\*", "", unlist(strsplit(hdr[i],":"))[2])),"Unknown")
-		# get source
-		i <- grep("source", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
-		fsewth at rmk <- ifelse(length(i)==1, trim(unlist(strsplit(hdr[i],":"))[2]),"")
-		# get station name
-		#i <- grep("source", hdr, ignore.case=TRUE)
-		#fsewth at rmk <- ifelse(length(i)==1, trim(unlist(strsplit(dlines[i],":"))[2]),"")
 		# get coordinates
-		coords <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim(dlines[max(ihdr)+1]),"[[:space:]]+")))
+		coords <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(trim(dlines[max(ihdr)+1]),delim)))
@@ -55,23 +61,25 @@
 		#dmatrix[dmatrix==-9999] <- NA
 		#dmatrix <- as.data.frame(dmatrix)
-		dmatrix <- read.table(fsefile, skip=max(ihdr)+1, na.strings="-9999", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+		dmatrix <- read.table(fsefile, skip=max(ihdr)+1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, sep=delim)
 		colnames(dmatrix) <- datacols
-		# Check if sunshine hours/duration
-		rad_var <- grep("sunshine[[:print:]]*", tolower(colinfo), ignore.case=TRUE)		
-		if (length(rad_var)!=0){
-			dmatrix[,rad_var] <- round(sunhoursToSRad(dmatrix[,rad_var],dmatrix[,3],fsewth at lat, coords[4], coords[5]),2)
-			show.message("Sunshine duration", appendLF=TRUE)
+		if(!skip.hdr){
-		} else {
-			rad_var <- grep("[[:print:]]*rad[[:print:]]*", tolower(colinfo), ignore.case=TRUE)
-			if(length(rad_var)!=0 & grepl("kj", colinfo[rad_var],ignore.case=TRUE)) {
-				dmatrix[,rad_var] <- round(dmatrix[,rad_var]/1000,2)
-			} 
+			# Check if sunshine hours/duration
+			rad_var <- grep("sunshine[[:print:]]*", tolower(colinfo), ignore.case=TRUE)		
+			if (length(rad_var)!=0){
+				dmatrix[,rad_var] <- round(sunhoursToSRad(dmatrix[,rad_var],dmatrix[,3],fsewth at lat, coords[4], coords[5]),2)
+				show.message("Sunshine duration", appendLF=TRUE)
+			} else {
+				rad_var <- grep("[[:print:]]*rad[[:print:]]*", tolower(colinfo), ignore.case=TRUE)
+				if(length(rad_var)!=0 & grepl("kj", colinfo[rad_var],ignore.case=TRUE)) {
+					dmatrix[,rad_var] <- round(dmatrix[,rad_var]/1000,2)
+				} 
+			}			
 		wdate <- dateFromDoy(dmatrix[,"doy"],dmatrix[,"year"])
@@ -85,7 +93,7 @@
-.toFSEFile <- function(wthdat, country="WORLD", station="", author="Geoclimate (IRRI-GIS Climatic Data Warehouse)", format="csv", comments="", savepath=getwd()){
+.toFSEFile <- function(wthdat, country="WORLD", station="", author="Geoclimate (IRRI-GIS Climate Data Package)", format="csv", comments="", savepath=getwd()){
 	# standard checks
 	if (class(wthdat)!="weather"){
 		stop("Unsupported data format. Should of class \"weather\"")
@@ -119,16 +127,16 @@
 	hdrbar <- paste("*", paste(rep("-",max(nchar(c(hdrspec,hdrvars, hdrstn)))), collapse=""),sep="")
-	locstr <- paste(sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lon), sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lat),format(sprintf("%.1f", wthdat at alt), width=5), "0.00", "0.00")
 	wthdat at w$year <- as.numeric(format(wthdat at w$wdate, "%Y"))
 	wthdat at w$doy <- as.numeric(format(wthdat at w$wdate, "%j"))
 	if (format=="csv"){
+		locstr <- paste(sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lon), sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lat),format(sprintf("%.1f", wthdat at alt), width=5), "0.00", "0.00", sep=", ")
 		dat <- paste(wthdat at stn, wthdat at w$year, wthdat at w$doy, wthdat at w$srad, wthdat at w$tmin, wthdat at w$tmax, wthdat at w$vapr, wthdat at w$wind, wthdat at w$prec, sep=", ")		
 	} else if (format=="fixed"){
+		locstr <- paste(sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lon), sprintf("%.2f", wthdat at lat),format(sprintf("%.1f", wthdat at alt), width=5), "0.00", "0.00")
 		dat <- paste(wthdat at stn, sprintf("%6.0d", wthdat at w$year), format(wthdat at w$wdate, " %j", width=6), sprintf("%10.0f", wthdat$srad[d]), sprintf("%8.1f", wthdat$tmin[d]), sprintf("%8.1f", wthdat$tmax[d]), sprintf("%8.1f", wthdat$vapr[d]), sprintf("%8.1f", wind), sprintf("%8.1f", wthdat$prec[d]))		

Modified: pkg/geoclimate/R/nasa.r
--- pkg/geoclimate/R/nasa.r	2013-05-29 09:10:16 UTC (rev 41)
+++ pkg/geoclimate/R/nasa.r	2013-08-26 05:08:58 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 # Licence GPL v3
 get.nasa <- function(x, y, vars=c("toa_dwn","swv_dwn","lwv_dwn","T2M", "T2MN","T2MX", "RH2M", "DFP2M","RAIN", "WS10M"),stdate="1983-1-1", endate=Sys.Date(), savepath=getwd(), rm.existing=FALSE){
+	if(!require(RCurl)){
+		stop("Package RCurl not found.")
+	}
 	result <- new("weather")
 	src <- ""
@@ -27,17 +30,19 @@
 	fname <- paste(paste("nasa",cell,x,y,format(stdate,"%Y.%m.%d"),format(endate,"%Y.%m.%d"), sep="_"), ".txt",sep="")
 	#dlurl <- paste("http://earth-www.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/solar/agro.cgi?email=agroclim%40larc.nasa.gov&step=1&lat=",y,"&lon=",x,"&ms=",format(stdate,"%m"),"&ds=",format(stdate,"%d"),"&ys=",format(stdate,"%Y"),"&me=",format(endate,"%m"),"&de=",format(endate,"%d"),"&ye=",format(endate,"%Y"),"&p=swv_dwn&p=T2M&p=T2MN&p=T2MX&p=RH2M&p=DFP2M&p=RAIN&p=WS10M&submit=Submit", sep="")
-	dlurl <- paste("http://power.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/solar/agro.cgi?email=agroclim%40larc.nasa.gov&step=1&lat=",y,"&lon=",x,"&ms=",format(stdate,"%m"),"&ds=",format(stdate,"%d"),"&ys=",format(stdate,"%Y"),"&me=",format(endate,"%m"),"&de=",format(endate,"%d"),"&ye=",format(endate,"%Y"),"&p=", paste(vars,collapse="&p=",sep=""),"&submit=Submit", sep="")
+	dlurl <- paste("http://power.larc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/solar/agro.cgi?email=agroclim%40larc.nasa.gov&step=1&lat=",y,"&lon=",x,"&ms=",monthFromDate(stdate),"&ds=",dayFromDate(stdate),"&ys=",yearFromDate(stdate),"&me=",monthFromDate(endate),"&de=",dayFromDate(endate),"&ye=",yearFromDate(endate),"&p=", paste(vars,collapse="&p=",sep=""),"&submit=Submit", sep="")
 	show.message("Reading ", appendLF=FALSE)
 	if (!file.exists(paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"))){
 		show.message(dlurl, appendLF=TRUE)
-		dlines <- withRetry(readLines(dlurl))		
+		dlines <- unlist(strsplit(getURL(url=dlurl), "\n"))
+		if(!is.null(savepath)) writeLines(dlines, paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"))
 		src <- dlurl		
 	} else if (rm.existing | file.info(paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"))$size==0){
+		show.message(dlurl, appendLF=TRUE)
 		file.remove(paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"))
-		show.message(dlurl, appendLF=TRUE)
-		dlines <- withRetry(readLines(dlurl))
+		dlines <- unlist(strsplit(getURL(url=dlurl), "\n"))
+		writeLines(dlines, paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"))
 		src <- dlurl
 	} else {
 		show.message(paste(savepath, fname, sep="/"), appendLF=TRUE)
@@ -79,4 +84,6 @@
 	result at rmk <- msg
\ No newline at end of file
+#get.nasa(-179.5, 89.5)

Modified: pkg/geoclimate/R/upload.r
--- pkg/geoclimate/R/upload.r	2013-05-29 09:10:16 UTC (rev 41)
+++ pkg/geoclimate/R/upload.r	2013-08-26 05:08:58 UTC (rev 42)
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
 upload.weather <- function(con, wth, setname,...){
-	# TODO: support transaction
-    success <- FALSE
+	success <- FALSE
 	if (class(wth)!="weather"){
 		stop("Invalid wth input. Should be class 'weather'")
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
 upload.nasa <- function(dbasecon, nasa, cols=c("wdate","toa_dwn", "srad", "lwv_dwn", "tavg", "tmin", "tmax", "rh2m", "tdew", "prec", "wind"), setname='nasa_1d'){
-	# TODO: support transaction
-    success <- FALSE
+	success <- FALSE
 	if (class(nasa)!="weather"){
 		stop("Invalid nasa input. Should be class 'weather'")
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
 upload.gsod <- function(dbasecon, gsod, setname="gsod_xd"){    
-	# TODO: support transaction
-    success <- FALSE
+	success <- FALSE
 	if (class(gsod)!="weather"){
 		stop("Invalid gsod input. Should be class 'weather'")
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 upload.trmm <- function(dbasecon, trmm, setname="trmm_15m"){
-	# TODO: support transaction
-    success <- FALSE
+	success <- FALSE
 	if (class(trmm)!="weather"){
 		stop("Invalid gsod input. Should be class 'weather'")
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
-upload.FSE <- function(dbasecon, clim, setname, stations=NA, has.AIid=FALSE){
+upload.fse <- function(dbasecon, clim, setname, stations=NA, has.AIid=FALSE){
 	add <- success <- FALSE

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