[Robkalman-commits] r59 - branches/robKalman_2012/pkg/robKalman/R

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Wed Mar 6 10:21:09 CET 2013

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2013-03-06 10:21:08 +0100 (Wed, 06 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 59

recESmoother.R geloescht

Deleted: branches/robKalman_2012/pkg/robKalman/R/recESmoother.R
--- branches/robKalman_2012/pkg/robKalman/R/recESmoother.R	2013-03-06 09:20:08 UTC (rev 58)
+++ branches/robKalman_2012/pkg/robKalman/R/recESmoother.R	2013-03-06 09:21:08 UTC (rev 59)
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-recSmoother <- function (Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
-              Xf = Xf, Xp = Xp, Xrf = Xrf, Xrp = Xrp,
-              S0 = S0, S1 = S1, Sr0 = Sr0, Sr1 = Sr1,
-              u=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              v=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              R=NULL, T=NULL, 
-              # initSr=NULL, predSr=NULL, corrSr=NULL, 
-              controlF=NULL,
-              smooth = .smooth, smoothcov = .smoothcov, lagoneCov=.lagoneCov,...)
-##  a generalization of the extended Kalman smoother
-##  +  Y            : observations in a matrix with dimensions qd x tt
-##  +  F, Q, Z, V   : Hyper-parameters of the ssm
-##  +  Xf, Xp, Xrf, Xrp, S0, S1, Sr0, Sr1 :results from recEFilter
-##  +  R, T         : selection matrices of innovations and observation  noise
-##  +  initSr, predSr, corrSr: (robust) initialization-, prediction-, and 
-##                             correction-step function
-##  +  ...: additional arguments
-if (!(is.function(F))) F <- createF(F=F, R=R)
-if (!(is.function(Z))) Z <- createZ(Z=Z, T=T)
-if (!(is.function(Q))) Q <- createQ(Q=Q)
-if (!(is.function(V))) V <- createV(V=V)
-pd <- length(a)
-qd <- (dim(Y))[1]
-tt <- (dim(Y))[2]
-J <- array(0, dim=c(pd,pd,tt))
-for (i in (1:tt)) {
-    A <- F(t=i, x0=Xf[,i+1], v=v[,i], u=u[,i], control=controlF)$A
-    J[,,i] <- S0[,,i]%*%t(A)%*%ginv(S1[,,i])
-robust <- !(is.null(Xrf) && is.null(Xrp) && is.null(Sr0) && is.null(Sr1))
-Xs <- smooth (Xfilt = Xf, Xpred= Xp, J = J)
-S2 <- smoothcov (Sfilt = S0, Spred= S1, J = J)
-S3 <- lagoneCov (Ssmoo = S2, J = J)
-if (robust) {
-    Xrs <- smooth (Xfilt = Xrf, Xpred= Xrp, J=J)
-    Sr2 <- smoothcov (Sfilt = Sr0, Spred= Sr1, J = J)
-    Sr3 <- lagoneCov (Ssmoo = Sr2, J = J)
-} else {
-    Xrs <- NULL
-    Sr2 <- NULL
-    Sr3 <- NULL
-  }
-return(list(Xs=Xs, S2=S2, S3=S3, Xrs=Xrs, Sr2=Sr2, Sr3=Sr3))
-# Shumway&Stoffer smoother
-.smooth <- function(Xfilt, Xpred, J){
-pd <- (dim(Xfilt))[1]
-tt <- (dim(Xfilt))[2]-1
-Xsmooth <- array (0,dim=c(pd, tt+1))
-Xsmooth[,tt+1] <- Xfilt[,tt+1]
-new <- J[,,tt]%*%(Xfilt[,tt+1]-Xpred[,tt])
-Xsmooth[,tt] <- Xfilt[,tt]+new
-    for (i in (tt-1):1){
-        new <- J[,,i]%*%(new+Xfilt[,i+1]-Xpred[,i])
-        Xsmooth[,i] <- Xfilt[,i]+new
-    }
-.smoothcov <- function(Sfilt, Spred, J){
-pd <- (dim(Sfilt))[1]
-tt <- (dim(Sfilt))[3]-1
-Ssmooth <- array (0,dim=c(pd,pd,tt+1))
-Ssmooth[,,tt+1] <- Sfilt[,,tt+1]
-new <- J[,,tt]%*%(Sfilt[,,tt+1]-Spred[,,tt])%*%t(J[,,tt])
-Ssmooth[,,tt] <- Sfilt[,,tt]+new
-    for (i in (tt-1):1){
-        new <- J[,,i]%*%(new+Sfilt[,,i+1]-Spred[,,i])%*%t(J[,,i])
-        Ssmooth[,,i] <- Sfilt[,,i]+new
-    }
-# lag-one covariance smoother
-.lagoneCov <- function(Ssmoo, J){
-pd <- (dim(Ssmoo))[1]
-tt <- (dim(Ssmoo))[3]-1
-Smix <- array (0,dim=c(pd,pd,tt))
-for (i in 1:tt){
-    Smix[,,i] <- Ssmoo[,,i]%*%t(J[,,i])
-ExtendedKS <- function (Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
-              u=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              w=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              v=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              eps=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              R=NULL, T=NULL, exQ=NULL, exV=NULL,
-              controlF=NULL, controlQ=NULL, controlZ=NULL,
-              controlV=NULL, ...)
-##  arguments:
-##  +  Y               : observations in a matrix with dimensions qd x tt
-##  +  a, F, Q, Z, V: Hyper-parameters of the ssm
-    erg <- ExtendedKF(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F =F , Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              u=u, w=w, v=v, eps=eps,
-              R=R, T=NULL, exQ=exQ, exV=exV,
-              controlF=controlF, controlQ=controlQ,
-              controlZ=controlZ, controlV=controlV,
-              ...)
-    erg2 <- recSmoother(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F =F , Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              Xf = erg[["Xf"]], Xp = erg[["Xp"]],
-                Xrf = erg[["Xrf"]], Xrp = erg[["Xrp"]],
-              S0 = erg[["S0"]], S1 = erg[["S1"]],
-              Sr0 = erg[["Sr0"]], Sr1 = erg[["Sr1"]],
-              u=u, v=v,
-              R=R, T=T, controlF=controlF,...)
-    return(c(erg,erg2))
-rLS.AO.EKSmoother <- function (Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
-              u=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              w=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              v=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              eps=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              R=NULL, T=NULL, exQ=NULL, exV=NULL,
-              controlF=NULL, controlQ=NULL, controlZ=NULL,
-              controlV=NULL, b = NULL, norm=Euclideannorm, ...)
-##  arguments:
-##  +  Y               : observations in a matrix with dimensions qd x tt
-##  +  a, F, Q, Z, V: Hyper-parameters of the ssm
-    erg <- rLS.AO.EKFilter(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F =F , Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              u=u, w=w, v=v, eps=eps,
-              R=R, T=NULL, exQ=exQ, exV=exV,
-              controlF=controlF, controlQ=controlQ,
-              controlZ=controlZ, controlV=controlV,
-               b = b, norm=norm, ...)
-    erg2 <- recSmoother(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F =F , Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              Xf = erg[["Xf"]], Xp = erg[["Xp"]],
-              Xrf = erg[["Xrf"]], Xrp = erg[["Xrp"]],
-              S0 = erg[["S0"]], S1 = erg[["S1"]],
-              Sr0 = erg[["Sr0"]], Sr1 = erg[["Sr1"]],
-              u=u, v=v, R=R, T=T, controlF=controlF,...)
-    return(c(erg,erg2))
-rLS.IO.EKSmoother <- function (Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V,
-              u=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              w=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              v=matrix(0, nrow=length(a), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              eps=matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=ncol(Y)),
-              R=NULL, T=NULL, exQ=NULL, exV=NULL,
-              controlF=NULL, controlQ=NULL, controlZ=NULL,
-              controlV=NULL, b = NULL, norm=Euclideannorm, ...)
-##  arguments:
-##  +  Y               : observations in a matrix with dimensions qd x tt
-##  +  a, F, Q, Z, V: Hyper-parameters of the ssm
-    erg <- rLS.IO.EKFilter(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F =F , Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              u=u, w=w, v=v, eps=eps,
-              R=R, T=NULL, exQ=exQ, exV=exV,
-              controlF=controlF, controlQ=controlQ,
-              controlZ=controlZ, controlV=controlV,
-               b = b, norm=norm, ...)
-    erg2 <- recSmoother(Y = Y, a = a, S=S, F = F, Q = Q, Z = Z, V = V,
-              Xf = erg[["Xf"]], Xp = erg[["Xp"]],
-              Xrf = erg[["Xrf"]], Xrp = erg[["Xrp"]],
-              S0 = erg[["S0"]], S1 = erg[["S1"]],
-              Sr0 = erg[["Sr0"]], Sr1 = erg[["Sr1"]],
-              u=u, v=v, R=R, T=T, controlF=controlF,...)
-    return(c(erg,erg2))

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