[Robkalman-commits] r26 - branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/man branches/robkalman_pr/pkg/robKalman branches/robkalman_pr/pkg/robKalman/man pkg/robKalman pkg/robKalman/R pkg/robKalman/chm pkg/robKalman/man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Mar 18 18:40:44 CET 2009

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-03-18 18:40:44 +0100 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 26

reorganized trunc and branches; package pkg/robKalman now checks without error.
branch branches/robKalman_itwm starts with this package (and an updated DESCRIPTION file)
branches branches/robKalman_pr,  branches/robKalman_bs receive updated DESCRIPTION files
but else only receive the package files of the former revisions sorted under 

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/DESCRIPTION	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/DESCRIPTION	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
 Package: robKalman
-Version: 0.2
-Date: 2008-07-28
+Version: 0.3
+Date: 2009-03-18
 Title: Robust Kalman Filtering
 Description: Routines for Robust Kalman Filtering --- the ACM- and rLS-filter
-Author: Peter Ruckdeschel, Bernhard Spangl
+Author: Peter Ruckdeschel, Bernhard Spangl, Irina Ursachi, Cezar Chirila
 Maintainer: Peter Ruckdeschel <Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de>
 Depends: R(>= 2.3.0), methods, graphics, startupmsg, dse1, dse2, MASS, limma, robustbase, numDeriv 
 Imports: stats, MASS
-SaveImage: no
 LazyLoad: yes
-License: GPL (version 2 or later)
-URL: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/robkalman
+License: LGPL-3
+URL: http://robkalman.r-forge.r-project.org/

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/0AllClass.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/0AllClass.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/0AllClass.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-################ general package preparation code, nothing to do with classes:
 .onLoad <- function(lib, pkg){
     require("methods", character = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
@@ -14,322 +12,3 @@
-#.onUnload <- function(libpath)
-#    library.dynam.unload("distrEx", libpath)
-################ Matrix class
-#### Code borrowed from package distrMod
-if (!(isClass("PosSemDefSymmMatrix")))
-setClass("PosSemDefSymmMatrix", contains = "matrix",
-            prototype = prototype(matrix(1)),
-            validity = function(object){
-                if(nrow(object) != ncol(object))
-                    stop("no square matrix")
-                if(any(!is.finite(object)))
-                    stop("inifinite or missing values in matrix")
-                if(!isTRUE(all.equal(object, t(object), .Machine$double.eps^0.5)))
-                    stop("matrix is not symmetric")
-                if(!all(eigen(object)$values > -100*.Machine$double.eps))
-                   stop("matrix is (numerically) not positive semi - definite")
-               return(TRUE)
-            })
-## positive definite, symmetric matrices with finite entries
-if (!(isClass("PosDefSymmMatrix")))
-setClass("PosDefSymmMatrix", contains = "PosSemDefSymmMatrix",
-            validity = function(object){
-               if(!all(eigen(object)$values > 100*.Machine$double.eps))
-                   stop("matrix is (numerically) not positive definite")
-               valid <- getValidity(getClass("PosSemDefSymmMatrix"))
-               valid(as(object, "PosSemDefSymmMatrix"))
-               return(TRUE)
-            })
-## register zoo as "S4"-class
-### infra-structure classes / class unions
-setClassUnion("IntegerOrNULL", c("integer", "NULL"))
-setClassUnion("ArrayOrNULL", c("array", "NULL"))
-setClassUnion("ArrayOrMatrix", c("array", "matrix"))
-               c("NULL","ArrayOrMatrix", "OptionalFunction"))
-               c("Hyperparamtype", "numeric"))
-setClassUnion("MatrixOrLogical", c("logical", "matrix"))
-# State Space Model classes (SSMs)
-# class SSM --- State space model
-          representation = representation(
-                                name = "character",   ## name of the ssm
-                                F = "Hyperparamtype", ## transition matrix/ces or NULL
-                                Z = "Hyperparamtype", ## observation matrix/ces or NULL
-                                Q = "Hyperparamtype", ## innovation covariance or NULL
-                                V = "Hyperparamtype", ## observation error covariance or NULL
-                                p = "numeric",  ## state dimension
-                                q = "numeric",  ## observation dimension
-                                a = "numeric", ##  mean value of starting state
-                                S = "Hyperparamtype", ##  variance of starting state
-                                time = "zoo"), ## time index
-          prototype = prototype(name = gettext("a state space"), 
-                                F = NULL,
-                                Z = NULL,
-                                Q = NULL,
-                                V = NULL,
-                                p = 1, 
-                                q = 1,
-                                a = 0,
-                                S = NULL,
-                                time = zoo(1)), 
-          )
-# class TimeInvariantSSM 
-          prototype = prototype(name = gettext("a time-invariant state space"), 
-                                F = matrix(1),
-                                Z = matrix(1),
-                                Q = matrix(1),
-                                V = matrix(1),
-                                p = 1, 
-                                q = 1,
-                                a = 0,
-                                S = matrix(1)), 
-          validity = function(object){
-            if(!is.matrix(object at F)|!is.matrix(object at Z)|
-               !is.matrix(object at Q)|!is.matrix(object at V)|
-               !is.matrix(object at S))
-               stop("Hyperparameters have to be matrices")
-            return(TRUE)   
-          },
-          contains = "SSM")          
-# Filter classes 
-setClass("recFilter", representation(name = "character",
-                      SSM = "SSM", 
-                      Y = "array",
-                      X.filtered = "array",
-                      X.predicted = "array",
-                      Cov.filtered = "array",
-                      Cov.predicted = "array",
-                      Kalman.Gain = "array",
-                      time = "zoo"),
-         prototype = prototype(name="classical Kalman Filter",
-                              SSM = new("TimeInvariantSSM"),
-                              Y = array(1,dim=c(1,1,1)),
-                              X.filtered = array(1,dim=c(1,1,1)),
-                              X.predicted = array(1,dim=c(1,1,1)),
-                              Cov.filtered = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                              Cov.predicted = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                              Kalman.Gain = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                              time = zoo(1))
-         )
-setClass("robrecFilter", representation(
-                      name.rob = "character",
-                      X.rob.filtered = "array",
-                      X.rob.predicted = "array",
-                      Cov.rob.filtered = "array",
-                      Cov.rob.predicted = "array",
-                      Kalman.rob.Gain = "array",
-                      IndIO = "MatrixOrLogical", 
-                      IndAO = "MatrixOrLogical",
-                      rob.correction.ctrl = "list",
-                      rob.prediction.ctrl = "list",
-                      nsim = "numeric",
-                      RNGstate = "IntegerOrNULL",
-                      Cov.rob.filtered.sim = "ArrayOrNULL",
-                      Cov.rob.predicted.sim = "ArrayOrNULL"
-                      ),
-         prototype = prototype(
-                      name="rLS Filter",
-                      X.rob.filtered = array(1,dim=c(1,1,1)),
-                      X.rob.predicted = array(1,dim=c(1,1,1)),
-                      Cov.rob.filtered = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                      Cov.rob.predicted = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                      Kalman.rob.Gain = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                      IndIO = FALSE, 
-                      IndAO = FALSE,
-                      nsim = 0,
-                      RNGstate = as.integer(0),
-                      rob.correction.ctrl = list(NULL),
-                      rob.prediction.ctrl = list(NULL),
-                      Cov.rob.filtered.sim = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1)),
-                      Cov.rob.predicted.sim = array(1,dim = c(1,1,1))),
-         contains = "recFilter")
-# Control classes 
-setClass("RecFiltControl", representation(
-                      name = "character",
-                      init = "function",
-                      predict = "function",
-                      correct = "function"),                                 
-          contains = "VIRTUAL")
-          prototype = prototype(
-                      name = "classical Kalman Filter",
-                      init = .cKinitstep, 
-                      predict = .cKpredstep, 
-                      correct = .cKcorrstep),
-          contains="RecFiltControl"            
-          )
-setClass("robrecControl", representation(
-                       controls = "list",
-                       name.rob = "character",
-                       init.rob = "function",
-                       predict.rob = "function",
-                       correct.rob = "function"),                                 
-          prototype = prototype(
-                      name.rob = "rLS Filter",
-                      init.rob = .cKinitstep, 
-                      predict.rob = .cKpredstep, 
-                      correct.rob = .rLScorrstep,
-                      controls = list(b = 2, norm = EuclideanNorm)
-                      ),
-          contains="RecFiltControl"            
-              )
-#                                = paste(gettext(
-#                            "Control set and init, prediction and"
-#                                 ),gettext(
-#                            "correction step for the classical Kalman Filter\n"
-#                                 ),gettext(
-#                            "and the rLS Filter"
-#                                 )), 
-# multivariate Distribution classes 
-setClass("SSMDistribution.f", representation(
-                              r.init = "function",
-                              r.innov = "function",
-                              r.obs = "function"),
-          prototype = prototype(r.init = mvrnorm, 
-                                r.innov = mvrnorm, 
-                                r.obs = mvrnorm))                         
-setClass("SSMellDistribution.f", representation(
-                              m.init = "sHyperparamtype",
-                              S.init = "Hyperparamtype",
-                              m.innov = "sHyperparamtype",
-                              S.innov = "Hyperparamtype",
-                              m.obs = "sHyperparamtype",
-                              S.obs = "Hyperparamtype"),
-          prototype = prototype(m.init = 0, S.init = matrix(1),
-                                m.innov = 0, S.innov = matrix(1),
-                                m.obs = 0, S.obs = matrix(1)),
-          contains = "SSMDistribution.f")
-setClass("SSMConvDistribution.f", representation(
-                              ideal = "SSMDistribution.f",
-                              cont = "SSMellDistribution.f",
-                              r.IO = "numeric",
-                              r.AO = "numeric"),
-          prototype = prototype(ideal = new("SSMellDistribution.f"),
-                                cont = new("SSMellDistribution.f"),
-                                r.IO = 0, r.AO = 0),
-          validity = function(object){
-                     if (object at r.IO<0||object at r.AO<0||object at r.IO>1||object at r.AO>1)                      
-                         stop("Radii must be between 0 and 1")
-                     return(TRUE)})
-# SSM + Distribution classes 
-setClass("SSMwithDistribution", representation(
-                              SSM = "SSM",
-                              Distribution = "SSMDistribution.f"),
-          prototype = prototype(SSM = new("SSM"), 
-                      Distribution = SSMDistribution.f(new("SSM"))))
-setClass("SSMwithConvDistribution", representation(
-                              SSM = "SSM",
-                              Distribution = "SSMConvDistribution.f"),
-          prototype = prototype(SSM = new("SSM"), 
-                      Distribution = SSMContDistribution.f(new("SSM"))))
-setClassUnion("SSMDistr", c("SSMDistribution.f", 
-              "SSMConvDistribution.f"))
-# SSM - Simulation classes 
-setClass("SSMsimulation", representation(
-                              SSM = "SSM",
-                              Distr = "SSMDistr",
-                              RNGstate = "numeric",
-                              states = "ArrayOrMatrix",
-                              obs = "ArrayOrMatrix"),
-          prototype = prototype(SSM = new("SSM"), 
-                      Distr = new("SSMDistribution.f"),
-                      RNGstate = structure(1, kind = as.list(RNGkind())), 
-                      states = matrix(1), obs = matrix(1)))
-setClass("SSMcontSimulation", representation(
-                              states.id = "ArrayOrMatrix",
-                              obs.id = "ArrayOrMatrix",                              
-                              Ind.IO = "MatrixOrLogical",
-                              Ind.AO = "MatrixOrLogical"
-                              ),
-          prototype = prototype(
-                      Distr = new("SSMConvDistribution.f"),
-                      states.id = matrix(1), obs.id = matrix(1),
-                      Ind.IO = FALSE, Ind.AO = FALSE
-                      ),
-          validity = function(object){
-                fct <- function(m){ 
-                   mt <- paste(deparse(substitute(m)),sep="",collapse="")
-                   if(is.matrix(m)){
-                      if(!all(is.logical(m)))
-                          stop(gettextf("Matrix %s has to have logical entries.", mt))
-                      return(TRUE)
-                   }
-                   else return(TRUE)
-                 }                      
-               return(fct(object at Ind.IO)&&fct(object at Ind.AO))
-            },
-          contains = "SSMsimulation")
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/ACMfilter.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/ACMfilter.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/ACMfilter.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
 ##steps for classical Kalman filter (cK)
-.ACMinitstep <- function(a, S,  i, ...) 
+.ACMinitstep <- function(a, S, ...) 
               {dots <- list(...)
-                    s0 <- dots$"s0"
+                    s0<-dots$"s0"
-                    s0 <- NULL       
+                    s0<-NULL       
                list( x0 = a,  S0 = S, s0 = s0)}
-.ACMpredstep <- function (x0, S0, F, Q,  i, rob0, s0, ...)  ### S=P F= Phi
+.ACMpredstep <- function (x0, S0, F, Q, rob0, s0, ...)  ### S=P F= Phi
@@ -45,11 +45,10 @@
 ##  Q ... covariance matrix of state innovation process
 ##  rob0 ... general robust parameter --- here: scale s0 of nominal Gaussain component of additive noise
     S1 <- .getpredCov(S0, F, Q)
-    return(list(x1 = F %*% x0, S1 = S1, rob1 = sqrt(S1[1, 1] + s0), Ind = FALSE))
+    return(list(x1 = F %*% x0, S1 = S1, rob1 = sqrt(S1[1, 1] + s0), Ind=1))
-.ACMcorrstep <- function (y, x1, S1, Z, V,  i, rob1, dum = NULL, 
-                          psi, apsi, bpsi, cpsi, flag, ...)
+.ACMcorrstep <- function (y, x1, S1, Z, V, rob1, dum=NULL, psi, apsi, bpsi, cpsi, flag, ...)
@@ -68,15 +67,11 @@
 ##  dum ... dummy variable for compatibility with ... argument of calling function
 ##  V ... covariance matrix of observation noise
 ##  psi ... influence function to be used 
-##  apsi, bpsi, cpsi ... tuning constants for Hampel's psi-function
-##              (default: apsi=bpsi=2.5, cpsi=5.0)
+##  a, b, c ... tuning constants for Hampel's psi-function
+##              (defaul: a=b=2.5, c=5.0)
 ##  flag ... character, if "weights" (default), use psi(t)/t to calculate 
 ##           the weights; if "deriv", use psi'(t)
-    # to be compatible with parallel computing of a bunch of time series
-    y <- y[,1]
-    x1 <- x1[,1]
     st <- rob1
     K <- .getKG(S1, Z, V)
@@ -93,5 +88,5 @@
     S0 <- .getcorrCovACM(S1, K,  Z, W = w*diag(rep(1, nrow(Z))))
-    return(list(x0 = x0, K = K,  S0 = S0, Ind = ind, rob0 = rob1))
+    return(list(x0 = x0, K = K,  S0 = S0, Ind=ind, rob0=rob1))

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Psi.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Psi.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Psi.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 ##  Paramters:
 ##  x ... vector 
 ##  a, b, c ... tuning constants
-    x.norm <- EuclidianNorm(x)
+    x.norm <- Euclideannorm(x)
     small <- (x.norm <= a)
     dummy <- pmin(a, a/(c-b)*(c-x.norm))
     dummy <- pmax(dummy, 0)/(x.norm+small)*(!small) + small

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Util.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Util.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/Util.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
 ### the Euclidean norm
-EuclideanNorm <- function(x) {sqrt(colSums(x^2))}
+Euclideannorm <- function(x) {sqrt(sum(x^2))}
 ### huberizing a vector to length b
-Huberize <- function(x, b, norm = EuclideanNorm, ...)
-{  nx <- norm(x, ...)
-   Ind0 <- (nx < b  )
-   Ind1 <- (nx < b/2)
-   x*(Ind0 + (1-Ind0)* b / (nx + Ind1) )
+Huberize <- function(x, b, norm=Euclideannorm, ...)
+   x*ifelse(norm(x) < b, 1, b/norm(x, ...))
 limitS <- function(S, F, Z, Q, V, tol = 10^-4, itmax = 1000)#
 ## determines lim_{t->infty} S_{t|t-1}

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/calibrateRLS.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/calibrateRLS.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/calibrateRLS.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -27,20 +27,27 @@
  no  <- sqrt(t(ep) %*% dx0^2)
  if (missing(r))  ## calibrated to given efficiency
-    {f  <- function(b, dX = dx, dX0 = dx0, no0 = no, 
+    {f  <- function(b, dX = dx, dX0 = dx0, no0 = no, r0 = r,
                     eff0 = eff, trS0 = trS, repl0 = repl)
         {w <- ifelse(no0 < b, 1, b/no0)
          dxw <- as.vector(w) * t(dX0)
          trSb <- sum( (t(dX) - dxw)^2 )/repl0
          trS0 / trSb - eff0
-        }
+        }    
+    r1 <- NULL
+    eff1 <- eff
  else  ## calibrated to given radius
-   {f  <- function(b, no0 = no, r0=r, repl0 = repl)
+   {f  <- function(b, dX = dx, dX0 = dx0, no0 = no, r0=r, 
+                   eff0 = eff,  trS0 = trS, repl0 = repl)
           {(1 - r0)/r0 * sum(pmax(no0 / b - 1, 0))/repl0 - 1}
+    r1 <- r
+    eff1 <- NULL
- erg <- uniroot(f, interval = c(10^-6, upto*sqrt(trS)), tol = 10^-7)
+ erg <- uniroot(f, interval = c(10^-6, upto*sqrt(trS)), tol = 10^-7,
+                dX = dx, dX0 = dx0, no0 = no, 
+                eff0 = eff1, trS0 = trS, repl0 = repl, r0 = r1)
  b   <- erg$root
  if (missing(r)) ### corresponding radius is calculated

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/classKalman.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/classKalman.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/classKalman.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
               {list( x0 = a,  S0 = S )}
 .cKpredstep <- function(x0, S0, F, Q, ...) 
-              {list( x1  = F %*% x0, S1 = .getpredCov(S0, F, Q), Ind =  FALSE)}
+              {list( x1  = F %*% x0, S1 = .getpredCov(S0, F, Q), Ind=1)}
 .cKcorrstep <- function(y, x1, S1, Z, V, ...) 
   {K  <- .getKG(S1, Z, V) 
    x0 <- x1 + K %*% (y - Z %*% x1)
    S0 <- .getcorrCov(S1, K, Z)
-   list(x0  = x0, K = K, S0 = S0, Ind = FALSE)}
+   list(x0  = x0, K = K, S0 = S0, Ind=1)}

Modified: branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/recFilter.R
--- branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/recFilter.R	2009-03-18 15:41:02 UTC (rev 25)
+++ branches/robKalman_itwm/pkg/robKalman/R/recFilter.R	2009-03-18 17:40:44 UTC (rev 26)
@@ -1,143 +1,61 @@
-setMethod("kalmanRob", signature(method = "robrecControl", smooth = "missing"),
-           function(method = rLSControl(), Y, SSM, nsim = 0, seed = NULL){
-   SSMa <- makeArrayRepresentation(SSM)
-   erg <- do.call(recursiveFilter, 
-                  args = c(list(Y = Y, a = SSM at a, S = SSMa at S, 
-                         F = SSMa at F, Q = SSMa at Q, Z = SSMa at Z, V = SSMa at V,
-                         nsim = nsim, seed = seed,
-                         initSc = init(method),
-                         predSc = predict(method),
-                         corrSc = correct(method),
-                         initSr = init.rob(method),
-                         predSr = predict.rob(method),
-                         corrSr = correct.rob(method)), 
-                         controls(method), dropRuns = FALSE)
-                  )                              
-   return(generateRobRecFilter(
-            name = name(method), name.rob = name.rob(method), 
-            SSM = SSM, Y = Y, time = SSM at time, 
-            Xf = erg$Xf, Xp = erg$Xp, S0 = erg$S0, S1 = erg$S1, KG = erg$KG,
-            Xrf = erg$Xrf, Xrp = erg$Xrp, Sr0 = erg$Sr0, Sr1 = erg$Sr1,
-            KGr = erg$KGr, IndIO = erg$IndIO, IndAO = erg$IndAO,
-            rob0L = erg$rob0L, rob1L = erg$rob1L, St0s = erg$St0s,
-            St1s = erg$St1s, nsim = erg$nsim, RNGstate = erg$RNGstate
-            ))           
-   })
+#kalmanRob <- function(Y, SSM, method=c(myRLS,myACM) functionDIEAngabegeneriert, control())
+#             {methodRes <- method() # liste ()
-setMethod("kalman", signature(smooth = "missing"), 
-          function(Y, SSM){
-   method <- KalmanControl()
-   SSMa <- makeArrayRepresentation(SSM)
-   erg <- recursiveFilter(Y = Y, a = SSM at a, S = SSMa at S, 
-                          F = SSMa at F, Q = SSMa at Q, Z = SSMa at Z, V = SSMa at V,
-                          initSc = init(method),
-                          predSc = predict(method),
-                          corrSc = correct(method), dropRuns = FALSE)
-   return(generateRecFilter(
-          name = name(method), SSM = SSM, Y = Y, time = SSM at time, 
-          Xf = erg$Xf, Xp = erg$Xp, S0 = erg$S0, S1 = erg$S1, KG = erg$KG
-          ))})
 recursiveFilter <- function(Y, a, S, F, Q, Z, V, 
-                   initSc = .cKinitstep, predSc = .cKpredstep, 
-                   corrSc = .cKcorrstep, 
-                   initSr = NULL, predSr = NULL, corrSr = NULL,                    
-                   nsim = 0, seed = NULL, ..., dropRuns = TRUE)
-                   # a generalization of the Kalmanfilter
+                   initSc=.cKinitstep, predSc=.cKpredstep, corrSc=.cKcorrstep, 
+                   initSr=NULL, predSr=NULL, corrSr=NULL, ...)# a generalization of the Kalmanfilter
-# +  Y               :observations in an array with dimensions qd x runs x tt
-#                    :for backward compatibility: or a vector /a matrix in 
-#                     dimensions qd x tt 
+# +  Y               :observations
 # +  a, S, F, Q, Z, V: Hyper-parameters of the ssm
 # +  initSc, predSc, corrSc:  (classical) initialization-, prediction-, and correction-step function
 # +  initSr, predSr, corrSr:  (robust) initialization-, prediction-, and correction-step function
 # +  robustIO: if TRUE indicators are recorded whether prediction step does clipping
 # +  robustAO: if TRUE indicators are recorded whether correction step does clipping
-# +  nsim: if >0 we simulate a bunch of nsim paths (acc. to ideal model) to get emp. covariances
-# +  seed: seed for the simulations
+#    if (robustIO|)
 # +  ... additional arguments for initS, predS, corrS
-# +  dropRuns: shall run-dimension be collapsed if it is one?
- qd <- ifelse(length(Z)==1, 1, (dim(Y))[1])
- ########################
- # for backward compatibility
- if (!is.array(Y)){
-      Y0 <- Y
-      tt <- ifelse(length(Z)==1, length(Y), (dim(Y))[2])
-      Y <- aperm(array(Y, dim = c(qd,tt,1)),c(1,3,2))
- }
- ########################
- tt <- (dim(Y))[3]
- runs <- (dim(Y))[2] 
+{qd <- ifelse(length(Z)==1, 1, (dim(Y))[1])
  pd <- length(a)
+ tt <- ifelse(length(Z)==1, length(Y), (dim(Y))[2])
+# browser()
  IndIO <- NULL
  IndAO <- NULL
- St0s <- St1s <- NULL 
- if(is.matrix(F)) F <- array(F, dim = c(pd,pd,tt))
- if(is.matrix(Z)) Z <- array(Z, dim = c(pd,qd,tt))
- if(is.matrix(Q)) Q <- array(Q, dim = c(pd,pd,tt))
- if(is.matrix(V)) V <- array(V, dim = c(qd,qd,tt))
  robust <- !(is.null(initSr)&&is.null(predSr)&&is.null(corrSr))
- Xf  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt + 1))
- Xp  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt))
- St0 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
- St1 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
- KG  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, qd, tt))
+ Xf  <- matrix(0, length(a), tt + 1)
+ Xp  <- matrix(0, length(a), tt)
+ St0 <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
+ St1 <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))
+ KG  <- array(0, c(pd, qd, tt))
- if (nsim)
-   {if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) 
-        runif(1)
-    if (is.null(seed)) 
-        RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
-    else {
-        R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
-        set.seed(seed)
-        RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
-        on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
-        }
-   }else{
-    RNGstate <- NULL
-   }
-    {Xrf <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt + 1))
-     Xrp <- array(0, dim = c(pd, runs, tt))
-     Str0 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
-     Str1 <- array(0, dim = c(pd, pd, tt))
-     KGr  <- array(0, dim = c(pd, qd, tt))
+    {Xrf <- matrix(0, length(a), tt + 1)
+     Xrp <- matrix(0, length(a), tt)
+     Str0 <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt + 1))
+     Str1 <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))
+     KGr  <- array(0, c(pd, qd, tt))
-     IndIO <- matrix(FALSE,runs,tt)
+     IndIO <- numeric(tt)
-     IndAO <- matrix(FALSE,runs,tt)
+     IndAO <- numeric(tt)
- ini <- initSc(a, S, i = 0, ...)
+ ini <- initSc(a, S, ...)
  x0  <- ini$x0
  S0  <- ini$S0
- Xf[, , 1] <- ini$x0
+ Xf[, 1] <- ini$x0
  St0[, , 1] <- ini$S0
-      {
-       if(nsim){
-           Xs <- t(rmvnorm(nsim, a, S))
-           St0s <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))
-           St1s <- array(0, c(pd, pd, tt))  
-       }
-       if(!is.null(initSr))
-           {inir <- initSr(a, S, i = 0, ...)
+      {if(!is.null(initSr))
+           {inir <- initSr(a, S, ...)
             xr0  <- inir$x0
             Sr0  <- inir$S0
             rob0  <- inir$rob
@@ -148,7 +66,7 @@
             Sr0  <- S0
             rob0  <- NULL
-       Xrf[,, 1] <- xr0
+       Xrf[, 1] <- xr0
        Str0[,, 1] <- xr0
        rob0L <- list(rob0)  
@@ -163,43 +81,27 @@
  for (i in (1:tt))
-      F0 <- matrix(F[,,i], nrow = pd, ncol = pd)
-      Q0 <- matrix(Q[,,i], nrow = pd, ncol = pd)
-      ps  <- predSc(x0 = x0, S0 = S0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i, ...)
+      ps  <- predSc(x0=x0, S0=S0, F=F, Q=Q, ...)
       x1  <- ps$x1
       S1  <- ps$S1
-      Xp[,, i]   <- x1
+      Xp[, i]   <- x1
       St1[,, i] <- S1
-               {psr <- predSr(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i, 
-                              ..., rob0 = rob0)
-                IndIO[,i]  <- as.logical(psr$Ind)
-                if(nsim){
-                     vs <- t(rmvnorm(nsim, a*0, Q0))
-                     Xs <- F0 %*% Xs + vs
-                     xr1s <- predSr(x0 = xr0s, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i,
-                                    ..., rob0 = rob0)$x1
-                     St1s[,,i] <- cov(t(xr1s))          
-                    }
-           }else{ 
-                psr <- predSc(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i, ...)
-                if(nsim){
-                     vs <- t(rmvnorm(nsim, a*0, Q0))
-                     Xs <- F %*% Xs + vs
-                     xr1s <- predSc(x0 = xr0s, S0 = Sr0, F = F0, Q = Q0, i = i,
-                                    ...)$x1
-                     St1s[,,i] <- cov(t(xr1s))          
-                    }
-           }
+               {psr <- predSr(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F, Q = Q, ..., rob0 = rob0)
+                IndIO[i]  <- psr$Ind} 
+           else
+                psr <- predSc(x0 = xr0, S0 = Sr0, F = F, Q = Q, ...)
            xr1       <- psr$x1
            Sr1       <- psr$S1
            rob1      <- psr$rob1     
-           Xrp[,, i]  <- xr1
+           Xrp[, i]  <- xr1
            Str1[,, i]<- S1
            if(i==1)  rob1L <- list(rob1)
            else      rob1L[[i]] <- rob1
@@ -207,68 +109,39 @@
-      Z0 <- matrix(Z[,,i], nrow = qd, ncol = pd)
-      V0 <- matrix(V[,,i], nrow = qd, ncol = qd)
-      Y0 <- matrix(Y[,,i], nrow = qd, ncol = runs)
-      cs <- corrSc(y = Y0, x1 = x1, S1 = S1, Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i,...)
+      cs <- corrSc(y = Y[, i], x1 = x1, S1 = S1, Z = Z, V = V, ...)
       x0 <- cs$x0
       S0 <- cs$S0
-      Xf[,,  i + 1]  <- x0
+      Xf[,  i + 1]  <- x0
       St0[,, i + 1] <- S0
       KG[,,  i]     <- cs$K
           {if (!is.null(corrSr))
-               {csr <- corrSr(y = Y0, x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1, 
-                              Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ..., rob1 = rob1)
-               IndAO[,i]  <- as.logical(csr$Ind) 
-               if(nsim){
-                    es <- t(rmvnorm(nsim, Y[,1]*0, V0))
-                    Ys <- Z0 %*% Xs + es
-                    xr0s <- corrSr(y = Ys, x1 = xr1s, S1 = Sr1, 
-                                   Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ..., rob1 = rob1)$x0
-                    St0s[,,i] <- cov(t(xr0s))          
-                   }
-          }else{
-                csr <- corrSc(y = Y0, x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1, Z = Z0, V = V0, 
-                              i = i, ...)
-               if(nsim){
-                    es <- t(rmvnorm(nsim, Y[,1]*0, V0))
-                    Ys <- Z0 %*% Xs + es
-                    xr0s <- corrSc(y = Ys, x1 = xr1s, S1 = Sr1, 
-                                   Z = Z0, V = V0, i = i, ...)$x0
-                    St0s[,,i] <- cov(t(xr0s))          
-                   }
-          }      
+                {csr <- corrSr(y = Y[, i], x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1, Z = Z, V = V, ..., rob1 = rob1)
+                 IndAO[i]  <- csr$Ind }
+           else
+                csr <- corrSc(y = Y[, i], x1 = xr1, S1 = Sr1, Z = Z, V = V, ...)
            xr0       <- csr$x0
            Sr0       <- csr$S0
            rob0      <- csr$rob0     
-           Xrf[,, i + 1]   <- xr0
+           Xrf[, i + 1]   <- xr0
            Str0[,, i + 1] <- S0
            rob0L[[i + 1]] <- rob0     
            KGr[,, i]      <- csr$K
-   {Xf <- matrix(Xf,pd,tt+1)
-    Xp <- matrix(Xp,pd,tt)
-    if(!is.null(Xrp)) {
-       Xrf <- matrix(Xrf,pd,tt+1)
-       Xrp <- matrix(Xrp,pd,tt)    
-       IndIO <- as.logical(IndIO)
-       IndAO <- as.logical(IndAO)    
-    }}
 list(Xf = Xf, Xp = Xp, Xrf = Xrf, Xrp = Xrp, 

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/robkalman -r 26

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